Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by jawafour » Sat Jun 08, 2019 11:22 am

I just don't get why you'd attack someone (verbally or physically) because of how you perceive their sexuality. If that person is doing nothing to negatively impact your life, why would they cause concern to you?

As for four blokes rounding on one person - an "easy target" - and carrying out a sustained attack... ugh.

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by Oblomov Boblomov » Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:07 pm

It's sickening. Genuinely makes me feel ill.

Absolutely we need to normalise LGBT with children when they are forming their understanding of the world. The idea of someone being gay was so alien to me until I went to college as a 16 year old! It was a mythical idea that wasn't real and was only used to try to insult other people. Of course, no one is actually gay, are they, that would be ridiculous! Or so it seemed. You can imagine the various reactions of young adults with that sort of upbringing when they are suddenly exposed to very real homosexuality etc.

Anyone protesting teaching about the LGBT community should be fired into the sun — then again if they'd been provided with a rounded education when they were children perhaps they wouldn't be such banana splits about it, so it's a vicious cycle!

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by Tafdolphin » Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:22 pm


Please strawberry floating tell me no-one on here still follows this banana split?

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by captain red dog » Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:54 pm

Pedz wrote:It's just weird that we NEED to teach kids that people are different, if you get me? Like it's 2019, people should really just be used to it as the norm.

People bring gay etc, not attacking peopoe for their various sexualities.

I can see a need to teach kids this. In a society where gay people will always be a minority, it is difficult for children to see that it is perfectly normal. Think about story books, which 95% of the time will only show CIS relationships. I'm not saying we necessarily need to change all books etc, but certainly policies like the No Outsiders program need to be implemented in schools.

You will never eradicate bigots and what kids will learn at home, but normalisation of what is just normal life for many people through schools is a necessity. I've actually been quite pleased seeing how it has been handled through my sons school.

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by Moggy » Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:54 pm


Odious banana split.

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by Pedz » Sat Jun 08, 2019 2:08 pm

I'm not saying we shouldn't teach kids. I'm just saying you'd think with how the world has progressed and how things have changed over say the last 100 years that we should be getting to a point where it shouldn't be needed. Like, people should just understand that people are different and be ok with it, ya know?

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by That » Sat Jun 08, 2019 2:16 pm

I wish we were there Pedz, I really do! :(

Seeing that banana split Graham Linehan in the tweet Taf linked, jumping at the chance to somehow blame this on trans people (???), just goes to show we're miles away yet.

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by jawafour » Sat Jun 08, 2019 2:28 pm

Pedz wrote:I'm not saying we shouldn't teach kids. I'm just saying you'd think with how the world has progressed and how things have changed over say the last 100 years that we should be getting to a point where it shouldn't be needed. Like, people should just understand that people are different and be ok with it, ya know?

Pedz, yeah, I do agree; unfortunately, however, there appears to be a sizeable number of people who take offence - often violently - if someone leads their life in a different way to how they do. I feel that their attitudes could partly be due to upbringing, partly schooling but mainly moulded by those who they associate with. If youngsters get in with a "bad crowd" early in life, their mindset is built upon those bad perspectives.

In the case of those two ladies being attacked, I suspect that the boys/men involved had the idea that they wanted to act "tough" in front of their mates. Of course, in doing so, they just demonstrated how moronic they are. Unfortunately, they will probably be given little punishment due to their ages and the fact that the attack was not planned; and whatever punishment is assigned will probably be halved depending on subsequent behaviour.

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by Moggy » Sat Jun 08, 2019 2:32 pm

Pedz wrote:I'm not saying we shouldn't teach kids. I'm just saying you'd think with how the world has progressed and how things have changed over say the last 100 years that we should be getting to a point where it shouldn't be needed. Like, people should just understand that people are different and be ok with it, ya know?

The last few years shows we really need to concentrate on educating the next generation to not act like banana splits.

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by Tafdolphin » Sat Jun 08, 2019 3:03 pm

I'm really confused as to why they haven't been charged with a hate crime. What are the statutes for this in the UK? Is a clearly homophobic attack not immediately classed as such? I mean, given the testimonies of the victims.

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by captain red dog » Sat Jun 08, 2019 3:08 pm

Pedz wrote:I'm not saying we shouldn't teach kids. I'm just saying you'd think with how the world has progressed and how things have changed over say the last 100 years that we should be getting to a point where it shouldn't be needed. Like, people should just understand that people are different and be ok with it, ya know?

Wasn't it only in the year 2000 that section 28 was eliminated which prevented kids from being taught about homosexuality at school. Until then, the only way they were exposed to it was through what they heard at home. So anyone up to the year 2000 who went through school, could have been entirely exposed only to anti gay views at home, and these people are now parents themselves.

We are a long way from true acceptance. It's going to take a generation or more for things to really change. You only have to look at racism, we have had laws against it, education around it for decades, but still racists are prevalent in society.

So you still have a generation of parents who were raised in a homophobic system, and largely an older generation in government who are even more bigoted.

The school protests to me just seem so stupid. All the kids are being taught is that gay people exist and are just completely normal. You have parents there that think the schools are turning their kids gay like some kind of Alex Jones conspiracy. I find it impossible to understand that kind of logic.

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by <]:^D » Sat Jun 08, 2019 3:50 pm

not till 2003 in England! :dread:

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by pjbetman » Sat Jun 08, 2019 8:55 pm

KK wrote:One of the worst offenses yet:

BBC News wrote:A couple say they were subjected to a homophobic attack and left covered in blood after refusing to kiss on a bus.


Melania Geymonat, 28, said the attack on her and girlfriend Chris happened on the top deck of a London night bus as they were travelling to Camden Town in the early hours of 30 May.

A group of young men began harassing them when they discovered the women were a couple, asking them to kiss while making sexual gestures.

Scotland Yard is investigating.

Ms Geymonat posted on her Facebook page: "In an attempt to calm things down, I started making jokes. I thought this might make them go away. Chris even pretended she was sick, but they kept on harassing us, throwing us coins and becoming more enthusiastic about it.

"The next thing I know is that Chris is in the middle of the bus fighting with them. On an impulse, I went over there only to find her face bleeding and three of them beating her up.

"The next thing I know is I'm being punched. I got dizzy at the sight of my blood and fell back. I don't remember whether or not I lost consciousness. Suddenly the bus had stopped, the police were there and I was bleeding all over."

Ms Geymonat added that the gang of at least four men might have broken her nose during the ordeal, and stole a phone and bag from them before fleeing.

Both women were taken to hospital for treatment to facial injuries.

Ms Geymonat said one of the men spoke Spanish and the others had British accents.


Siwan Hayward, director of compliance, policing and on-street services at Transport for London, described the assault as "sickening" and "utterly unacceptable", adding that "homophobic behaviour and abuse is a hate crime and won't be tolerated on our network".

Police are appealing for witnesses for the attack which happened at about 02:30 BST on a N31 bus in West Hampstead.

There were 2,308 homophobic hate crimes across London in 2018, compared with 2014 when 1,488 were recorded, according to the Metropolitan Police's crime dashboard.

The Met's Det Sgt Anthony Forsythsaid there had been a "steady increase in the reporting of all hate crime", which was partly due to the "growing willingness of victims to report crime and the improved awareness by police".


Should also release the CCTV.

Would mobile location data be able to track who did it?

On its own, no, as i dont think it's accurate enough to pinpoint within a foot or so. But with other circumstantial evidence (ID parade eg) they could probably convict someone with the two pieces of evidence. However, I dont know if the Police have the power to request the data unless it falls into a serious category (eg murder, rape etc).

Last edited by pjbetman on Tue Nov 05, 2019 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by KK » Sun Sep 22, 2019 11:33 pm

More abusive behaviour recently filmed on London transport, this time a woman telling an Asian man he smells of curry and lives in a slum:

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by Moggy » Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:12 pm



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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by Blue Eyes » Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:19 pm

I'd be quite happy for any banana split requesting a white doctor to die before their next appointment. strawberry floating wankers.

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by Jenuall » Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:29 pm

As a white doctor myself I would happily have a go at this patients surgery.

I mean my PhD is in Bioinformatics so I'm massively unqualified to perform the job and they'd probably die but hey, at least my skin colour wouldn't offend them during their slow demise!

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by Tomous » Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:33 pm

Not so much now we live in the much more multicultural Birmingham but that kind of thing happened to my wife (who is a doctor and of Indian heritage) a few times when she worked in South Wales. Although what she got more of was "your tan is bloody lush luv, where did you get it done?" which probably says a lot about the valleys...

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by That » Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:38 pm

Jenuall wrote:As a white doctor myself I would happily have a go at this patients surgery.

I mean my PhD is in Bioinformatics so I'm massively unqualified to perform the job and they'd probably die but hey, at least my skin colour wouldn't offend them during their slow demise!

You're being modest but we both know that anything lab scientists - or worse, clinicians (gross!) - can do, we can do better!

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PostRe: Racist women on London public transport - official thread part XIV
by Preezy » Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:42 pm

Hopefully that patient died.

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