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Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:38 am
by Squinty
Stardew Valley - 9/10

I played it up to year 3, and completed the community centre. I had a great experience with this overall. I didn't do any of the relationship stuff, but wouldn't rule out returning to the game later on.

I kinda screwed myself and I had to play longer than I wanted to. The last community item I needed was three apples. Which grow from a tree. In fall. When I was in the winter. Luckily realised you can grow trees in the greenhouse, so I basically did a speed run for 28 days in game time.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 3:41 pm
by fry87
Halo 5

An improvement on 4 but still nothing brilliant, although admittedly I'm not exactly the worlds biggest Halo fan. The shooting was decent but not as fun as Wolfenstein Youngblood which I'd completed beforehand - in comparison it felt a bit slow and pedestrian. Still, the campaign length was decent and for the most part I enjoyed it. 7/10

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 3:57 pm
by Squinty
Bulletstorm - 7/10

Giving it 7 as the port was a bit gooseberry fool in places. Played it on the Xbox One, the framerate would randomly drop, there were a few glitches.

Game is a wild time though. Great guns, trick shots are fun. I hope they get to do a sequel at some point.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:35 pm
by Peter Crisp
Last week I finished The Outer Worlds.

A bloody amazing FPS in the Fallout 4 (but much better) style.
The characters are great with some genuinely heart warming moments like having to do multiple missions to get stuff for a companion so she can get the courage to go on a date with a lady she's got the hots for. Another companion is having a crisis of belief in his religion and there's a walking tank robot who's actually a cleaning droid who cleans the ship with a lovely feather duster and gets into dirty situations (all done in a funny way) with your space ships AI.

The game's story is well told, the character build system is pretty good (I went with high intelligence and charisma rather than a combat build) and the combat is good as well. It's not overly long and there's a quite a few different endings.
If you have Gamepass it's on that so give it a try and I'd say it's well worth a purchase if you liked Fallout 4.

I loved it and give it a 9.5/10 :wub: .

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:38 pm
by Jenuall
Outer Worlds is an excellent game, more people should definitely play it! :toot:

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:45 pm
by Buffalo
I’d warn people starting that game to be mindful of stats - there’s stuff that can boost base stats (apologies for ‘stuff’ but I can’t remember off the top of my head)...they often don’t work. So for example if you’ve got a boost that pushes your lock picking by 8 let’s say, it may not actually work. I didn’t find this out until I assumed I could pick a lock rated 100, but I was blocked because of the boost not registering.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:56 pm
by Peter Crisp
Buffalo wrote:I’d warn people starting that game to be mindful of stats - there’s stuff that can boost base stats (apologies for ‘stuff’ but I can’t remember off the top of my head)...they often don’t work. So for example if you’ve got a boost that pushes your lock picking by 8 let’s say, it may not actually work. I didn’t find this out until I assumed I could pick a lock rated 100, but I was blocked because of the boost not registering.

I think that may be my only criticism in that boost not being applied sometimes is not explained.
You can respec your character but as you say it could be telegraphed better when boost is and isn't applied and why.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:07 pm
by Buffalo
It’s a glitch in the game, you have to start a new save to get rid of it.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 1:26 pm
by Fruits Punch Samurai
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition 8/10 Had a great time fumbling my way through this. Most of my persuasions ended in bloodshed, most of my fights ended with everyone, including my own party, on fire. Good sense of humour too.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:50 pm
by Saint of Killers
Control - Brilliant (even on a launch day PS4) despite the chugging fps / 10

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:52 pm
by Saint of Killers
Fruits Punch Samurai wrote:Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition 8/10 Had a great time fumbling my way through this. Most of my persuasions ended in bloodshed, most of my fights ended with everyone, including my own party, on fire. Good sense of humour too.

Does it have a easy/story mode? I'm tempted to try it given the acclaim it's received, but cRPGs have never been my thing – no matter how often I give them a try.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:01 pm
by Fruits Punch Samurai
Saint of Killers wrote:
Fruits Punch Samurai wrote:Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition 8/10 Had a great time fumbling my way through this. Most of my persuasions ended in bloodshed, most of my fights ended with everyone, including my own party, on fire. Good sense of humour too.

Does it have a easy/story mode? I'm tempted to try it given the acclaim it's received, but cRPGs have never been my thing – no matter how often I give them a try.

Yeah, I played it on Story Mode and still had a great time. I'm terrible at stuff like this and made it to the credits without feeling like I was missing out on anything. Just wanted to enjoy the world and feel like a boss. You still need an awareness of your surroundings in fights, so it isn't just playing on auto pilot, I think they balanced the easy difficulty mode well.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:03 pm
by Saint of Killers
Fruits Punch Samurai wrote:
Saint of Killers wrote:
Fruits Punch Samurai wrote:Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition 8/10 Had a great time fumbling my way through this. Most of my persuasions ended in bloodshed, most of my fights ended with everyone, including my own party, on fire. Good sense of humour too.

Does it have a easy/story mode? I'm tempted to try it given the acclaim it's received, but cRPGs have never been my thing – no matter how often I give them a try.

Yeah, I played it on Story Mode and still had a great time. I'm terrible at stuff like this and made it to the credits without feeling like I was missing out on anything. Just wanted to enjoy the world and feel like a boss. You still need an awareness of your surroundings in fights, so it isn't just playing on auto pilot, I think they balanced the easy difficulty mode well.

So it was still challenging. Cool. Cheers for that :D

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:25 pm
by Jordan UK
Spider-Man: The City that Never Sleeps [8]

After a long hiatus, it took me a bit of time to get back into this. It does suffer some of the flaws of the main game (some forced Screwball and base missions, fairly uninspired collections) but has limited use of MJ and mini games (thank goodness). It was also probably pitched at players who had levelled up all gadgets etc. as some fights were very tricky. Still, what the game foes well, it does SO well and I was reminded as to why Spider-Man is one of my favourite games of all time (alongside Insomniac's other current gen release, Sunset Overdrive). The movement in this game is just so awesome and, although the fights weren't as stand out as the base game, even when this game is bad, it's still way better than most games out there.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:09 pm
by Fruits Punch Samurai
Doom 64 - 8/10 Didn't play this back in the day as N64 Magazine didn't give it the Star Game award. I can kind of see why when you look at the likes of Goldeneye, Quake 2, and Turok doing the rounds at the same time, but in 2020 this was some great old school fun. I felt nostalgic for a game I never played.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:14 pm
by Squinty
Telltale Game of Thrones - 7/10

Good lord the game engine they used for these is a creaking pile of shite. Decent enough side story which wraps around the main story of the TV show.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 8:14 am
by kazanova_Frankenstein
Deliver Us The Moon (1X, Game Pass)

Atmospheric part walking sim part puzzler. Excellent sparse use of music and some rather beautiful vistas that really conveyed a sense of scale, occasionally let down by some dreadful frame rates (single frames near the end), and a weird design choice where the cursor moves at half speed in first person sections when using 30fps /4K mode. Basically no matter which graphics mode you choose it will feel wrong for parts of the game.
I thought the puzzles were about the right difficulty, although there were a few stealth type bits that i hated (but i always hate stealth). Lots of timed section (which do nothing for my anxiety), but they were always very fair, and one of them lead to a very cinematic moment where i literally closed an airlock on my last breath.
Good story running all the way through. Nothing we have not seen before, but decently told. I guess it was about 8 hours long and that felt about right.


Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 8:21 am
by Zilnad
Outlast 2

6/10 tops, might be a 5

Technically competent and fun enough moment to moment but not very scary.

It took itself very seriously from the off but it absolutely enveloped itself up its own arsehole by the last half hour. It's was laughably bad and I feel sorry for whoever wrote the story and thought they'd created a deep art piece.

Oooh maybe religion isn't inherently good and what if God is real and just unhappy with us. It was a moody teenager's wet dream.

I still enjoyed the gameplay and being hunted by crazies but the story can do one.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 8:53 am
by Squinty
Gato Roboto - 8/10

Loved this game. It's a very simple metroid style game where you play as a cat who has a robot suit.

Devolver really does find and publish some awesome games.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 9:57 am
by OrangeRKN
Squinty wrote:Gato Roboto

How did you find the bosses? I thought some of them were pretty tough! Definitely a good short game though