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Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 8:30 pm
by Cumberdanes
samoza wrote:Shadow Warrior (One)

6 out of 10

Solid enough budget game that was a nice hark back to the old school feeling FPS of the late 90s, but it had the problems along with the charms. Getting lost in a level looking for a key is not longer a fun way of extending the life of a game.

My biggest complaint in that game was the bullet sponge enemies. They were a pain in the arse in the 90's and there's no excuse for them in this day and age.

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 11:18 am
by Cumberdanes
Brerlappin wrote:
IAmTheSaladMan wrote:
samoza wrote:Shadow Warrior (One)

6 out of 10

Solid enough budget game that was a nice hark back to the old school feeling FPS of the late 90s, but it had the problems along with the charms. Getting lost in a level looking for a key is not longer a fun way of extending the life of a game.

My biggest complaint in that game was the bullet sponge enemies. They were a pain in the arse in the 90's and there's no excuse for them in this day and age.

Shouldnt you have been using a sword?? I barely used guns at all in SW.

Maybe I was playing it wrong then but there was one enemy type in particular that resurrected dead enemies that just wouldn't effing die.

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:34 pm
by Harman
Shovel Knight (PC) - 8/10

Really loved the old-school aesthetic and soundtrack and the gameplay was for the most part pretty satisfying. Some parts felt a little too difficult, like, to the point where it stops being a fun challenge and just becomes frustrating, but generally speaking an incredibly enjoyable game. Would recommend.

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 4:51 am
by Cumberdanes
Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition (or whatever it's called) on PS4. A very good action platformer. Only complaint is that it was somewhat brief but it was "free" so meh. 8/10.

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 7:42 pm
by Fruits Punch Samurai
Spider-Man 3 5/10 Has nothing on Spider-Man 2. Needed pizza delivery missions.

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 4:01 am
by jiggles
Game 28: Bloodborne
This is actually the first "Souls" game I've ever beaten, so I guess it's the one I enjoyed the most. The story was a little incomprehensible. I got some of the broad strokes and finished with the true ending, but there wasn't much resolution, and I didn't actually understand what had actually happened until I read the trophy description. I reckon that, throughout the game, I probably called for help for about half of the bosses. Mostly the earlier ones, after the Lecture Building's farm spot got seriously exploited and I got a little overlevelled. It took me 40 hours and it was all memorable, so there's not a lot I can do in a mini-review to pick highlights. A wonderful, Lovecraftian fever-dream that I'm unlikely to ever forget. Loved it.
(Special mention goes to the online community, who are mostly great. I was invaded a few times in Mensis, and most of them wouldn't engage until I bowed to greet them and begin the duel. I only got to the final shortcut because they were good enough to sit back while I worked my way to it. I almost let him win as thanks. Almost :twisted: )
If you like Dark Souls, you'll like this

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 9:07 am
by chalkitdown
Alien Isolation 9/10 Legit one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. I never plough through a game like this in such a short space of time but I just couldn't put this down. Might be biased as strawberry float since Alien is like my second favourite movie but I just loved (almost) every minute of it. The look, sound, and feel of the game cannot be faulted, everything is top notch. Perfectly captures the essense of the movie and even surpasses it in some areas. However, the game is needlessly extended in a few places which drag it down a little and worse still is that it doesn't need these sections as it's already a fairly lengthy experience without them. It just serves to frustrate you when you think you've completed an objective only for something to go wrong at the last second requiring you to go on a fetch quest or traverse to the other side of the map (and back again). Moreso the third and fourth times it happens. But it's a small thing really. I'm still coming to terms with there being a top drawer game from the Alien franchise even in existence. It's been so long coming.

Never Alone 7/10 Charming "edutainment" platformer with the cutest side character ever seen in videogames which unfortunately is plagued by a host of technical issues. DO NOT play this on your own. Just don't. The AI really is that bad. And this is supposedly the patched version so I can't imagine how it was on release. Completed it in one session last night (30 minutes on my own and the other 2 hours with the missus) and encountered lots of glitches and once had to restart the game because the fox got stuck in the scenery. Died about 2 dozen times because of clipping issues and dodgy collision detection as well but thankfully you restart immediately right where you died so it removes the frustration somewhat. Overall, I had a decent time with it, just make sure to play it with a friend!

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 9:13 am
by Chris
chalkitdown wrote:Never Alone 7/10 Charming "edutainment" platformer with the cutest side character ever seen in videogames which unfortunately is plagued by a host of technical issues. DO NOT play this on your own. Just don't. The AI really is that bad. And this is supposedly the patched version so I can't imagine how it was on release. Completed it in one session last night (30 minutes on my own and the other 2 hours with the missus) and encountered lots of glitches and once had to restart the game because the fox got stuck in the scenery. Overall, I had a decent time with it, just make sure to play it with a friend!

Yeah, I finished that the game on Friday evening and enjoyed it. I know what you mean about the glitches - I encountered a fair few of them but fortunately nothing so bad that I had to restart the game. Still, it was free from PS Plus so can't really complain when the game as a whole is quite good fun. I got a little bit of an Ico vibe from it - probably something to do with the sombre atmosphere and spirit enemies.

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 2:40 pm
by Cumberdanes
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance of Wii U. Not a lot to say about this, it's a good Castlevania game. I thought it was better than Aria of Sorrow but not as good as Symphony of the Night. I'm hoping the DS Castlevania games get ported to Wii U also as I've only played Dawn of Sorrow. 7/10

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 9:11 pm
by JediDragon05
Tekken Revolution

I would like to point out that in the title there is a word called "Revolution", I don't know what for because I can tell you now, there is nothing revolutionary about this game.

They should of simply called it:
Tekken: give us yo money. WESTSIIIIIIIIIDE mummy strawberry floaters.

It's not really free though is it, in short it's free to play garbage with micro transactions. Free to play garbage that should be on the iOS. Keep gooseberry fool like that off my playstation.

I aren't going to score this as this game & the content is as bare as a hookers knickers draw, I kid you not.

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 9:15 pm
by Trelliz
JediDragon05 wrote:Tekken Revolution

I'm amazed that's still going, surely they must be about to pull the plug soon, same with the shitty soul calibur F2P game as well.

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:16 am
by Death's Head
The Evil Within

Overall, pretty enjoyable but a fair few issues that if removed could have made a good game a great one:

* Borders
* Everything so damn dark
* Long loading times when you die
* Fair amount of places where you are going to die on your first attempt (especially the places that are "instant death")
* Fair few bosses that will kill you several times as you work out how to defeat them

On the plus side, an enjoyable experience if you want more Alan Wake/Resident Evil/Silent Hill.


Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 10:40 am
by Johnny Jalfrezi
Saints Row 4 - 9/10

A wee bit ragged round the edges but just such an effortless game to play and full of genuinely funny moments. I can't remember the last time I played a game where I felt compelled to track down all the collectibles either - it's like I caught temporary autism from the game. Took a punt on it for eight quid and I'm bloody glad I did.

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:23 pm
by Fruits Punch Samurai
Art of Balance (Wii U) 7/10 Same puzzles as the 3DS version which was disappointing, but it was fun to play again. And it looks great in HD.

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 11:15 am
by Harman
Gunpoint (PC) - 9/10.

I don't care if it's only three hours long, it absolutely deserves a score that high. Unique gameplay, great soundtrack, and hilarious writing.

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 11:18 am
by Errkal
Monument Valley (Android) 9/10 - A good puzzle type game, needs some sideways thinking and was great fun.

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 3:57 pm
by Lex-Man
Just beat Mortal Kombat 9 - I really didn't like the combat in the story mode. Also the end boss sucked. Instead of working on a good fighting AI they boasted the strength and made it impossible to actually fight him. It forced this distance teleport tactic that just felt cheap to me.

Not sure about the rating as I still quite like the VS mode. Maybe a 7.

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 4:56 pm
by samoza
IAmTheSaladMan wrote:
Brerlappin wrote:
IAmTheSaladMan wrote:
samoza wrote:Shadow Warrior (One)

6 out of 10

Solid enough budget game that was a nice hark back to the old school feeling FPS of the late 90s, but it had the problems along with the charms. Getting lost in a level looking for a key is not longer a fun way of extending the life of a game.

My biggest complaint in that game was the bullet sponge enemies. They were a pain in the arse in the 90's and there's no excuse for them in this day and age.

Shouldnt you have been using a sword?? I barely used guns at all in SW.

Maybe I was playing it wrong then but there was one enemy type in particular that resurrected dead enemies that just wouldn't effing die.

I'm playing Sunset Overdrive now and the enemies in that seem to soak up the bullets too.

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:54 pm
by jiggles
Game 29: Wolfenstein: The New Order
Started this from the start at the weekend because I got real tempted to pick up the Old Blood, but I couldn't do it without beating this first. I bumped it down to the second-lowest difficulty so I could breeze through it without hitting any hurdles and that's pretty much exactly what I did. I don't know if it would work for every game, but the act of Nazi-killing with some crazy weapons is something that doesn't need to even be challenging to be a blast. I took the Wyatt timeline because I felt I owed him more than I owed Fergus (he saved BJ from that dog when he tossed the grenade, Fergus just asked him to do gooseberry fool over and over). I must confess, though, I spent a lot of the game anticipating a twist that never came, because of the dead-eyed characters. Everything looked just a little off, so I was expecting it all to have been a dream or some gooseberry fool. Anyway, great game. Stupid, fun story. Dual. Wielding. Auto. Shotguns.
If you like Bioshock, you'll like this

Re: Rate the last game you beat

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 9:02 pm
by Psychic

I wish I was half as stylish as this game is.
