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Re: US Politics - $10 million reward for info on Trump

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:41 pm
by Hexx
The White House has said they don't have tapea

Re: US Politics - $10 million reward for info on Trump

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 12:17 am
by Alvin Flummux

Re: US Politics - $10 million reward for info on Trump

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 12:22 am
by Garth
That's genius :lol:

Re: US Politics - $10 million reward for info on Trump

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:10 am
by captain red dog
Hexx wrote:The White House has said they don't have tapea

I don't believe them for a minute. Don't they at least have to have every call annotated?

Re: US Politics - $10 million reward for info on Trump

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:13 am
by Moggy
captain red dog wrote:
Hexx wrote:The White House has said they don't have tapea

I don't believe them for a minute. Don't they at least have to have every call annotated?

That's a typo. The White House actually said they don't have tapas because it would end up encouraging Spanish speakers to visit.

Re: US Politics - $10 million reward for info on Trump

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:43 am
by captain red dog
Moggy wrote:
captain red dog wrote:
Hexx wrote:The White House has said they don't have tapea

I don't believe them for a minute. Don't they at least have to have every call annotated?

That's a typo. The White House actually said they don't have tapas because it would end up encouraging Spanish speakers to visit.

:lol: Tapas bars on every street corner!

Re: US Politics - $10 million reward for info on Trump

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:44 am
by Moggy
captain red dog wrote:
Moggy wrote:
captain red dog wrote:
Hexx wrote:The White House has said they don't have tapea

I don't believe them for a minute. Don't they at least have to have every call annotated?

That's a typo. The White House actually said they don't have tapas because it would end up encouraging Spanish speakers to visit.

:lol: Tapas bars on every street corner!

And some (I assume) are good eateries.

Re: US Politics - $10 million reward for info on Trump

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:58 am
by Preezy
But the tapas is beautiful, have you tried it? Delicious. They can serve me tapas in the White House, did you know that? Any time of day I want I can have it brought to me. The guy that delivers it is a Mexican, isn't that great, speaks Mexican to me all day. Tremendous room service. Almost as good as at my many successful and world famous Trump resorts. Not that you can afford to go, of course, it's very exclusive, very tremendously exclusive but not in a bad way. Anyway let me sign this bill banning the gays from loitering outside my resorts, terrific thank you, so important.

Re: US Politics - $10 million reward for info on Trump

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:05 pm
by Irene Demova

Puerto Rico has agreed to pay a reported $300 million for the restoration of its power grid to a tiny utility company that is primarily financed by a private-equity firm founded and run by a man who contributed large sums of money to President Trump, an investigation conducted by The Daily Beast has found.
Whitefish Energy Holdings, which had a reported staff of only two full-time employees when Hurricane Maria touched down, appears ill-equipped to handle the daunting task of restoring electricity to Puerto Rico’s more than 3 million residents.
Much larger utilities are more commonly used following natural disasters on the scale of Hurricane Maria, which devastated the island last month.
The private-equity firm that finances Whitefish, HBC Investments, was founded by Joe Colonnetta, who serves as its general partner.
Federal Elections Commission data compiled by The Daily Beast shows Colonnetta contributed $20,000 to the Trump Victory PAC during the general election, $27,000 to Trump’s primary election campaign (then the maximum amount permitted), $27,000 to Trump’s general election campaign (also the maximum), and a total of $30,700 to the Republican National Committee in 2016 alone.
Colonnetta’s wife, Kimberly, is no stranger to Republican politics either; shortly after Trump’s victory, she gave $33,400 to the Republican National Committee, the maximum contribution permitted for party committees in 2016.

I would be disgusted but it was so obvious this was gonna happen.

Re: US Politics - $10 million reward for info on Trump

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 3:09 pm
by KK
Trump has found himself in another verbal spat:

Tennessee Senator Bob Corker has unleashed a blistering attack on US President Donald Trump, after the two Republicans traded insults on Twitter.

Mr Corker accused the president of lying in a series of television interviews, adding that he debased the US and weakened its global standing.

Mr Trump fired back on Twitter, calling the top Senator a "lightweight" who "couldn't get re-elected".

The two men are due to meet at a Senate luncheon later on Tuesday.

Mr Trump's visit to Capitol Hill comes as the White House attempts to forge a consensus on the Republican tax reform plan.

"He is purposely breaking down relationships we have around the world that had been useful to our nation," Mr Corker said on CNN after Mr Trump published three critical tweets.

"Bob Corker, who helped President O give us the bad Iran Deal & couldn't get elected dog catcher in Tennessee, is now fighting Tax Cuts..." Mr Trump tweeted.

"I think the debasement of our nation is what he'll be remembered most for," the influential senator added.

Re: US Politics - Trump in Twitter fight with Senator Bob Corker

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 4:08 pm
by Tineash
Bob Corker isn't running for re-election, which is the only reason he's speaking up. Like all Republicans, he's terrified of his own rabidly bigoted base, and can only break with cowardice when his career isn't at stake anymore.

Re: US Politics - $10 million reward for info on Trump

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:07 pm
by Saint of Killers
Irene Demova wrote:

Puerto Rico has agreed to pay a reported $300 million for the restoration of its power grid to a tiny utility company that is primarily financed by a private-equity firm founded and run by a man who contributed large sums of money to President Trump, an investigation conducted by The Daily Beast has found.
Whitefish Energy Holdings, which had a reported staff of only two full-time employees when Hurricane Maria touched down, appears ill-equipped to handle the daunting task of restoring electricity to Puerto Rico’s more than 3 million residents.
Much larger utilities are more commonly used following natural disasters on the scale of Hurricane Maria, which devastated the island last month.
The private-equity firm that finances Whitefish, HBC Investments, was founded by Joe Colonnetta, who serves as its general partner.
Federal Elections Commission data compiled by The Daily Beast shows Colonnetta contributed $20,000 to the Trump Victory PAC during the general election, $27,000 to Trump’s primary election campaign (then the maximum amount permitted), $27,000 to Trump’s general election campaign (also the maximum), and a total of $30,700 to the Republican National Committee in 2016 alone.
Colonnetta’s wife, Kimberly, is no stranger to Republican politics either; shortly after Trump’s victory, she gave $33,400 to the Republican National Committee, the maximum contribution permitted for party committees in 2016.

I would be disgusted but it was so obvious this was gonna happen.

Drain the swamp became ring fence the swamp.

Re: US Politics - Trump in Twitter fight with Senator Bob Corker

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:59 pm
by Tineash
Tineash wrote:Bob Corker isn't running for re-election, which is the only reason he's speaking up. Like all Republicans, he's terrified of his own rabidly bigoted base, and can only break with cowardice when his career isn't at stake anymore.

Senate Republicans Increasingly See Trump as a Threat, Then Give Him a Standing O at Lunch
Jeff Flake sees a country coming apart. Bob Corker warns of WWIII. But tax reform was the topic du jour over cherry pie on Tuesday.

Oh sure, he's unstable and can't be trusted with the nukes but we really gotta cut these rich peoples' taxes you guys!

Re: US Politics - Trump in Twitter fight with Senator Bob Corker

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:08 pm
by Lex-Man
Oh, well he might destroy the world but at least we got a mildly amusing erotic novel out of it.

Re: US Politics - Trump in Twitter fight with Senator Bob Corker

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:45 am
by Moggy


Re: US Politics - Trump in Twitter fight with Senator Bob Corker

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:53 am
by captain red dog
Corker has done Trump a favour there by switching the discussion away from the widow story. :fp:

As usual the ADHD nature of the news media means they will lap it up and lose focus again.

Re: US Politics - Trump in Twitter fight with Senator Bob Corker

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 12:29 pm
by Alvin Flummux
WaPo reporting that the Clinton campaign provided funding for Steele's Trump dossier. Trumptards going crazy on Twitter.

Re: US Politics - Trump in Twitter fight with Senator Bob Corker

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 12:51 pm
by BID0
What happened with the Hilary signing off on Uranium supplies to the Russians and then a large amount of money from a Russian investment bank ending up at the Clinton's foundation? Was that proved to be bollocks or? I don't know what is real these days or fabricated :lol:

Re: US Politics - Trump in Twitter fight with Senator Bob Corker

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 12:53 pm
by Alvin Flummux
IIRC, Clinton still denies signing off on anything, as she says it didn't travel that far up the chain. Something like two dozen other agencies looked at the deal and signed off on it, though.

The House has launched a probe into it. Probably won't find any wrongdoing.

Re: US Politics - Trump in Twitter fight with Senator Bob Corker

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:30 pm
by BID0
yeh I guess the money is just a coincidence