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Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:47 pm
by Osito
On to the second dungeon, it's good so far.

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:55 pm
by WKD
Dandy Kong wrote:
WKD wrote:I think the two you might have missed come from the seashell house itself.

When you have exactly 5 seashells and go to the seashell house, you get an extra seashell.

The same happens when you have exactly 10.

Does that mean you can't get those once you have more than 5 / 10? Drat and double drat!

It does indeed, I'm afraid.

In total, there are 26 seashells on Koholint, and you only need 20, so there are extras out there.


Catfish's Maw complete.

I had an absolute disastrous session here. That damn Master Stalfos took my death count up to 7, before I got my tactics down. :fp: It's an excellent dungeon, with a great mechanic chasing him down to get the Hookshoot, which is an awesome item. I remember first playing Awakening and thinking how cool it would be to see this type of item in 3D: lo and behold, Nintendo answered my prayers with Ocarina. :D

Anyway. I've now got 10 Hearts, (8 Heart Pieces) and 18 seashells. I've one more part of the trading quest (the Magnifying Glass), then I'm going for the Boomerang.

This is a strawberry floating great game, and it's really starting to pick up.

Kuds for setting this up guys.

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:25 pm
by Cardinal Chunder
Nearly at the end of the Face Shrine. I spent ages wandering around trying to remember where to go and then realised there was a door I hadn't been through. :fp:

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:26 pm
by Count Nood
I haven't played for a while now.

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:18 pm
by Cardinal Chunder
Play it. Now.

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:33 am
by Dandy Kong
The interest for this thread seems to be waning... :(

Anyways, finished the face shrine on Saturday.

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:26 pm
by WKD
Dandy Kong wrote:The interest for this thread seems to be waning... :(

It appears that way doesn't it. :(

Anyway, I'm a bit behind, and I've just finished the Face Shrine. No deaths, but I did pick up one more seashell, and two Heart Pieces. Only two more to go.

The dungeon was, as always, ace; no real probems, and the Nightmare was ridiculously easy. I don't think I even got hurt once from the minute I entered the room.

That should change with the next dungeon. I've always thought it is a toughie (but, again, a great mechanic), and the Nightmare is, I think, the hardest in the game. I shall tackle that tomorrow night and hopefully have all the seashells by then, and the reward. :D

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:10 am
by Parksey
I'm a little bit behind too, as I'm halfway through Angler's Tunnel. If I'm correct though, there's not much sidequesting between the next two dungeons, is there?

I wasted a lot of time as I completely forgot how to get to the Yarna Desert.

The Face Shrine boss is ridiculously easy, though it serves him right for not having any hands.

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:16 am
by Cardinal Chunder
The Angler's Tunnel boss is also ridiculously easy. It may as well not be there. :lol:

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:19 am
by Count Nood
I feel like I've lost a bit of motivation as of late. :(

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:25 am
by Cardinal Chunder
PLAY IT YOU banana split!

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:27 am
by Count Nood
I think you know what will help.

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:33 am
by Cardinal Chunder
Play it now.


Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:44 am
by Count Nood
Pervert. :|

Nah, you've won me over, I'll play some right now. :mrgreen:

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:00 am
by Count Nood
Okay, I'm up to Animal Village. I'll play more tomorrow...

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:16 pm
by WKD
No dungeons tonight, I just finished up a few side quests.

I completed the trading quest to get the Magnifying Glass, headed to the house with all the books to get the route through the Wind Fish Egg, then exchanged my shovel for the Boomerang, picked up my last seashell and upgraded my sword, and collected one more Heart Piece; just one to go.

I made my way through Eastern Tal Tal mountains, collected the Key, and saved inside the Eagle's Tower.

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:39 pm
by WKD
Eagle's Tower complete. Just one death to add to my previous 7; it was that damn eagle that caused it.

What a great dungeon that was; even after I lost the orb and spent ages looking for it. :fp:

I've saved in Turtle Rock, but I think I'll leave that for tomorrow.

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:20 am
by Cardinal Chunder
I'm workiung my way through Eagle Tower now. I rememeber getting stuck in this dungeon when I played it last time. :fp:

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:32 pm
by WKD
The Wind Fish wrote:I'm workiung my way through Eagle Tower now. I rememeber getting stuck in this dungeon when I played it last time. :fp:

Yeah, it is quite a tricky dungeon, mainly due to getting that damn orb thing into the right place. I love the way you have to break the pillars to bring the roof down. It's such a great mechanic.

Anyway, I've now completed Turtle Rock, with no deaths I might add. I think that's the first time I haven't been killed in here. It's a great dungeon, but there is a lot of coming and going in it. The Nightmare was actually quite easy; another that didn't get a single hit in.

I've saved just inside the Wind Fish Egg; I don't know if we're planning a similar ending to Papes, and all going in together, so I'll hold off for now. Either way, I'm fully stocked up. Got my special potion from Crazy Tracy, all Hearts, my Boomerang for the Nightmares and my Level 2 Sword.

This play through has really got me in the mood for more Zelda, so I'm thinking of restarting either Ages or Seasons. I prefer Ages, and I've completed that more than any other Zelda game (sans Ocarina), so I should really give Seasons another run through. We'll see.

Re: Retro Playde - Link's Awakening

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:14 am
by Parksey
If enough people are up for, we can have a big group run-in to the final battle if you want.

I've got some catching up to do, mind. I was up to the Catfish's Maw, but then my SP battery died. Now I've got to do that bit with the sodding ghost again. I always get lost - the first time I spent hours with him following me. That chime he does is massively annoying too.

I'd be up for doing Ages too. I played through Seasons again at Christmas (after finishing LA, incidently), but have not even played Ages yet. Perhaps something different for the next Playde though...