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Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 8:09 am
by Mafro
Ad7 wrote:All of the Jawa action in the first game is making me want to go back to this

I did this the other day as well as starting a new DS1 game :slol:

Yeah DS2 was 60fps since that was a remaster of a PS3/360 game. It's a shame From don't prioritise framerate more because the difference between 30 and 60 for this sort of game is night and day.

The combat in this definitely influenced a lot by Bloodborne. I hadn't played it in a while and after playing the DS1 remaster recently it took me off guard with how fast the combat is in comparison.

If you're comparing all the DS games feature-for-feature then I'd definitely rate this as the best in most cases.

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 3:18 pm
by Parksey
I'm actually struggling to play this at the moment. I'm hoping my eyes just need to get used to the frame rate and it could be because it's 11pm and I'm tired, but I'm finding it really hard to focus as it's so jittery.

The weird thing is, I was playing BOTW on the Switch earlier and that's also apparently 30fpa even when docked, but had no problem

Hope my eyes just need to re-adjust after DS2. I seem to remember Bloodborne feeling like this when I went back to it, and the original DS feeling quite janky.

Demon's was 60fps as well wasn't it?

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 3:29 pm
by Hexx
Parksey wrote:Hope my eyes just need to re-adjust after DS2. I seem to remember Bloodborne feeling like this when I went back to it, and the original DS feeling quite janky.

Yeah I think that'd be it - I had similar issues

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 4:51 pm
by Squinty
Parksey wrote:I'm actually struggling to play this at the moment. I'm hoping my eyes just need to get used to the frame rate and it could be because it's 11pm and I'm tired, but I'm finding it really hard to focus as it's so jittery.

The weird thing is, I was playing BOTW on the Switch earlier and that's also apparently 30fpa even when docked, but had no problem

Hope my eyes just need to re-adjust after DS2. I seem to remember Bloodborne feeling like this when I went back to it, and the original DS feeling quite janky.

Demon's was 60fps as well wasn't it?

Dark Souls 3 was not a constant 30fps on consoles, and it really shows. I noticed it a bit when I was in my mates house. It also has frame pacing issues. The frame rate is not stable at all.

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 8:51 am
by Victor Mildew
I decided to try and carry on with this yesterday after a long break.


Jeeeeesus Christ it's tough. I just got to (mid to later game spoiler) Anor Londo and god damn it's so tough. Too tough really as I don't like it when you pretty much just have to run through a whole section as death is all but guaranteed due to the enemies about (silver knights everywhere and those bloody archers.

I managed to get to the boss of the area and he absolutely wrecked me (to be fair your first few encounters are usually bad with a new boss). You have to really fight to even get to him so I need how figure out how to open a shortcut to make it even possible to get there with half a chance.

strawberry floating game 8-)

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 9:49 am
by Mafro
It sounds like you missed a bonfire.

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 10:12 am
by Parksey
Yeah I'm wondering if this is going to end up being frustratingly difficult. As I started the game a few days back, I went back and caught up with some of the release stuff in the media. Videogamer (remember that?) in particular made a point of mentioning that the difficulty suddenly spikes up, and it probably ends up the hardest of all the Souls games. Plus logically, it being the last one generally means develops up the ante.

I've solo'd basically all of the other games (except for one moment of weakness when I summoned an NPC for Blood Starved Beast and I haven't slept since) so I'm no stranger to difficulty. I've just come of DS2's DLC and as I'm dead good me like, I didn't even find Blue Smelter Demon and Fume Knight that tough. Lud and Zallen were a different story...

I have a feeling that DS2's slower, more patient gameplay is probably more suited to my aggressive BB-style play. I'm quite aggressive and have high DPS, so slower bosses mean it's easier to react, especially up close, and easier to find time to heal.

So far, I'm finding DS3's pace to be a little...erratic. I don't know if it's the jittering frame rate too but I don't feel completely in control with the pace of the attacks and the dodging. I find like visually, because the frame rate skips, I sort of find it hard too focus when I'm up close. I also find it a little unpredictable knowing when I'll dodge and escape and when I'll dodge and get hit. Again, DS2's pace and it's generous i-frames meant I was fairly confident dodging.

Half of this is probably just because I've come straight from that game so I'll probably get used to it. But I'm only in the first real area if the game and I find I'm a little inconsistent in how often I can attack and not damage, with the enemies being very quick at countering it swiping at me themselves.

Still, the first area, the wall of Lothric, is already visually more striking than almost all of DS2 and more structurally interesting and complex. Reeks of Yarnham too.

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 10:42 am
by Victor Mildew
Definitely stick with it, I love what I've played so far and ive found it to be almost as good as dark souls and definitely better than DS2. Its only this area that seems unreasonably difficult so far, everything else has been tough but manageable.

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 2:31 pm
by Victor Mildew
strawberry float this, this boss is so tough I'm lucky to get 2 hits in before I'm dead

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 3:29 pm
by Parksey
Yeah I'll stick with the game, but I'm definitely finding it more frustrating than DS2, despite that being gank central. I don't know whether I've been spoilt by 2's i-frames but I'm taking hits when dodging all the time now. And the current level, the High Wall, has loads of stuff on the floor my character keeps getting caught on.

Was fighting this giant with an axe in a courtuard and he's not that hard. But I keep getting hit whilst dodging and getting stuck on the little bits and bobs on the floor. I'm finding this guy's tracking to be a bit gooseberry fool too, seemingly pivoting and hitting me on a whim, but that happened in DS2 as well so I should be used to that.

Maybe it was a mistake coming straight from DS2 as my rhythm is all messed up.

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 5:13 pm
by Parksey
Got up to Vordt. I see From still like to make bosses that are faster than their camera. That's basically the entire difficulty of this fight - he's piss easy apart from in his second phase where he charges back and forth frantically for 20 seconds. That's been the cause of my four deaths so far. Feels like it's just luck whether I dodge it, as I can't see what the strawberry float is going on.

Problem is he seems so eminently beatable (I can get to the second phase/50% health down without even taking damage) and his ice breath attack leaves him open for bloody ages. I just need to dodge that flirty of charges and I'm fine. But it is currently 1:15am here. Just one more go...

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 5:31 pm
by Parksey
Killed big bear man. Happy. I sleep now.

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 3:31 pm
by That
Restarted this to have a little mess around. Actually had a character ages ago, but unlike DS1, I've pretty much forgotten the whole game now.

It's a lot faster than DS1. Enemy attacks seem to come out of nowhere and hit instantly sometimes. Feels like playing DS1 on 1.5x speed or something. Like with a Balder Knight you want to be patient and methodical, going for a riposte or a backstab, but with a Lothric Knight you want to just jump in and try to score counterhits off rolls.

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 5:27 pm
by Hexx
Karl_ wrote:Restarted this to have a little mess around. Actually had a character ages ago, but unlike DS1, I've pretty much forgotten the whole game now.

It's a lot faster than DS1. Enemy attacks seem to come out of nowhere and hit instantly sometimes. Feels like playing DS1 on 1.5x speed or something. Like with a Balder Knight you want to be patient and methodical, going for a riposte or a backstab, but with a Lothric Knight you want to just jump in and try to score counterhits off rolls.

You could say it's like playing Bloodborne? :P

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 5:28 pm
by That
Hexx wrote:
Karl_ wrote:Restarted this to have a little mess around. Actually had a character ages ago, but unlike DS1, I've pretty much forgotten the whole game now.

It's a lot faster than DS1. Enemy attacks seem to come out of nowhere and hit instantly sometimes. Feels like playing DS1 on 1.5x speed or something. Like with a Balder Knight you want to be patient and methodical, going for a riposte or a backstab, but with a Lothric Knight you want to just jump in and try to score counterhits off rolls.

You could say it's like playing Bloodborne? :P

I haven't played Bloodborne so I don't know.

I realise I'm just echoing the above discussion if that's what you're trying to say. :P

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 5:29 pm
by Hexx
Karl_ wrote:
Hexx wrote:
Karl_ wrote:Restarted this to have a little mess around. Actually had a character ages ago, but unlike DS1, I've pretty much forgotten the whole game now.

It's a lot faster than DS1. Enemy attacks seem to come out of nowhere and hit instantly sometimes. Feels like playing DS1 on 1.5x speed or something. Like with a Balder Knight you want to be patient and methodical, going for a riposte or a backstab, but with a Lothric Knight you want to just jump in and try to score counterhits off rolls.

You could say it's like playing Bloodborne? :P

I haven't played Bloodborne so I don't know.

I realise I'm just echoing the above discussion if that's what you're trying to say. :P

I only read you.

You should play Bloodborne - but assuming no PS4?

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 5:31 pm
by That
Mm, no PS4. I'll play it on an emulator in 15 years or so.

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 5:36 pm
by Mafro
Great game :P

Up to Irithyll dungeon and completely forgot about those screaming corpses :)

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:46 pm
by Jenuall
Started a new game of this tonight, going to be trying to stream my run so that should be a fun watch for anyone out there who wants to see me suffer! :lol:

Got past the opening boss and to Firelink, it's definitely a much quicker game at the start combat wise - DS1 felt much slower paced until later in the game when you'd levelled up a lot!

Re: Dark Souls 3 | PS4, Xbone & PC | Praise the Sun

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 1:33 pm
by Jenuall
Picked this back up again for some streaming last night. Returning to this after Bloodborne makes you remember that they really are quite different and it took a while to realign my approach from the more bloodthirsty attitude I had developed for Bloodborne!

Got through the opening areas, took down the Vordt in the second attempt and then mooched around the Undead Settlement for a while.

Not sure how to post twitch clips but this is me taking down Vordt: