[DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!

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Should Scotland be an independent country?

YES (I am eligible to vote in the referendum)
NO (I am eligible to vote in the referendum)
YES (I will not be eligible)
NO (I will not be eligible)
Total votes: 190
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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by Prototype » Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:38 am

At a predicted 55/45, I don't think this counts as 'hot air'.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by Lagamorph » Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:39 am

Definitely the right decision been made. I'm glad to see that the (small) majority of people in Scotland didn't fall for Salmond's empty PR campaign.

On the downside, there's now the possibility of another Labour government for the UK in the near future :dread:

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by KB » Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:41 am

Bitterly disappointed only 4 of the local authorities actually voted in favour of yes.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by Eighthours » Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:45 am

[iup=3568447]KB[/iup] wrote:Bitterly disappointed only 4 of the local authorities actually voted in favour of yes.

You can point to Glasgow, though (albeit, bizarrely on one of the lowest turnouts).

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by Lotus » Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:46 am

Not surprised, bit disappointed though.

Hopefully the government actually realises now that lots of people - not just Scots - are disillusioned with how things are run, and want a fairer system for all. Very much wishful thinking though.

Just seems like more power and spending is going Scotland's way as oppose to being shared amongst the UK.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by KB » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:03 am

[iup=3568449]Eighthours[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3568447]KB[/iup] wrote:Bitterly disappointed only 4 of the local authorities actually voted in favour of yes.

You can point to Glasgow, though (albeit, bizarrely on one of the lowest turnouts).

I think being from North Lanarkshire and spending a fair amount of time in Glasgow I was exposed more to the 'Yes' campaign and had hope more areas would vote in favour.

Current difference in overall votes is about 400,000. Which is still surprisingly close in a way.

I just don't have any faith in any devo max powers being granted, which I agree with you is what Salmond was looking for from the start. I'm pretty sure he asked for it at the very start.

Democracy is democracy though and we need to move on a respect the choices made.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by degoose » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:03 am

[iup=3568440]Lucien[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3568435]Stugene[/iup] wrote:God, I wish I could afford to leave this shite country.

90% of the countries out there are retarded. Stupids be everywhere.

Judging from your posts in this thread Lucien your quite right ;)

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by KB » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:04 am

[iup=3568457]degoose[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3568440]Lucien[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3568435]Stugene[/iup] wrote:God, I wish I could afford to leave this shite country.

90% of the countries out there are retarded. Stupids be everywhere.

Judging from your posts in this thread Lucien your quite right ;)

You're* ;)

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Post[DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by Parksey » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:06 am

Eighthours wrote:Got to have respect for Salmond - in his concession speech, he still managed to sound like the smuggest man in the world when talking about the late promises made about Devo Max! It's almost like that's what he wanted all along... ;)

Well done to the people of Scotland. For now, I think they've made the right decision.

Isn't Devo Max sort of what he wanted though? He definitely wanted it to be the third vote on the ballot paper, which Cameron fought against and backed down. I agree with Cameron that the referendum should have been fought on Yes/No grounds, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Scottish people would have voted for Devo Max in the first place. Salmond was running on a platform of independence, and that was his pre-election promise, so a third option and a half-way house was a bit unfair to stick in.

Saying that, It is probably what I would have voted for, though it does split the Yes/No decision if it appears on the ballot.

Secretly, if Devo Max comes about because of this, I would imagine a fair few SNP supporters would be quite happy, and it would be odd for Cameron to do this u-turn after what he fought for in the Edinburgh Agreement. I largely suspect they were promises made in haste to shore up the No Campaign, and we wouldn't have seen that pledge if it had been in an unassailable position over the last month. People definitely panicked.

I don't think 45% of the vote can be dismissed as Salmond's vanity project either, even if I am not a fan of his (I am not particularly a fan of nationalism in general).

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by elite knight danbo » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:06 am

[iup=3568439]Preezy[/iup] wrote:Well that was all a load of hot air then wasn't it? :lol:

To the casual observer (me) this whole thing appeared to be a massive vanity project for that Alex Salmond. It seems he wanted to go down in history as the man who broke up the Union, regardless of whether it was the right move for Scotland or not.

Will probably be another 300 years before we have to go through all that shite again :lol:

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:lol: :lol: :lol: Go strawberry float yourself :lol: :lol: :lol:

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by Eighthours » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:06 am

Amazing how it seems that one rogue poll has effectively given Scotland devo max, an option that wasn't on the ballot paper and has now been offered by default.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by Lotus » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:13 am

Strong words and bold promises from Cameron.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by Skarjo » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:14 am

Ok, I'll and I've not been following this debate very close, but Devo Max is a like a chav super detective, yes?

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by elite knight danbo » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:15 am

You're kidding yourself if you think anything is coming Scotland's way as a result of this. No means no, and there is no "no, but" that everyone seems to think Westminster will interpret. If they can ignore it, they will. And they can. What are we going to do, hold another referendum and get scared by John strawberry floating Lewis again?

I'd like to say something positive and encouraging. Something about the high turnout? The message here is clear from Scotland - "this is good, or at least not worth doing anything about", and a peaceful democratic vote brought about that result. I suppose it beats the vote-fiddling I was dreading. It's easy to say "oh well we were up against the brunt of the media/establishment/etc" or to blame them, but it was up to the people. There was no shortage of discussion in this country, and people were free to make their own decision.

The No vote has killed the possibility of positive change in this country (region now, I suppose) for a generation. The fact that it was killed in a fair fight is a small consolation. The bitter irony is that no matter how hard I look for a way to achieve positive change now, all I can see is uncertainty. For the sake of a political argument that was fought and won on the grounds of certainty.

Daft wee Scotland is the laughing stock of the world today.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by 1cmanny1 » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:15 am

I don't see why anyone would think the result would be something else. It isn't like this hasn't happened before, the supporters were just more vocal due to the interwebs.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by Return_of_the_STAR » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:27 am

[iup=3568446]Lagamorph[/iup] wrote:Definitely the right decision been made. I'm glad to see that the (small) majority of people in Scotland didn't fall for Salmond's empty PR campaign.

On the downside, there's now the possibility of another Labour government for the UK in the near future :dread:

This is a bit of a myth, although it makes it more likely as there is a stronger labour base there, labour still would have gained power in 1997, 2001 and 2005 without the Scottish votes.

Also was devo max ever actually promised? I thought the government just said that they would devolve more powers, but no specifics?

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by SEP » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:41 am

Oh god, Nigel Farage thinks he is the voice of England. :fp:

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by captain red dog » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:44 am

To those say no change is coming, you are dead wrong. Scotland and the yes campaign have changed things for the better. Scotland will get change and Devo Max is now around the corner. Westminster knows they can't ignore the kind of opposition they have in Scotland, it's suicide for the Union to continue with the status quo. To be perfectly fair, Westminster has already given significant powers to Holyrood, I see no reason to distrust why they won't be getting more.

The people who are most likely to be let down is the English. We won't be getting anything like an English assembly, the best we can hope for is something part time tacked onto Westminster.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by Moggy » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:45 am

[iup=3568478]Somebody Else's Problem[/iup] wrote:Oh god, Nigel Farage thinks he is the voice of England. :fp:

He is the voice of England in his house.

I thought the referendum result was going to be closer than it was and have mixed feelings. I am glad that Scotland are staying with us, but at the same time I was looking forward to popping over the border for some cheap duty free (at least until Scotland got around to joining the EU). Never mind, who wants cheap booze when we risked losing Gordon Brown.


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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence
by Hypes » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:47 am

It annoys me from some Yes supporters saying that No voters weren't confident enough or were to scared to vote Yes.
How big headed and presumptuous of them.

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