Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!

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#420BlazeIt ♥
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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Qikz » Sun Jul 23, 2023 10:16 am

What an absolutely fantastic lower decks/strange new world episode. Boimler and Mariner were perfect and I'd definitely take a full series with them live action if Lower Decks was to ever end at any point.

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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Hexx » Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:18 pm

Was it perfect? No

Was it amazingly fun and enjoyable, staying true to both shows whilst also being kind to almost all ST shows? Yep.

Great fun and lovely sunday suprise.

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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Hexx » Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:36 pm

Oh looks like it's not just that we got the episode early, the "proper" slot on Thursday is now the next episode :D

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#420BlazeIt ♥
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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Qikz » Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:25 pm

Hexx wrote:Oh looks like it's not just that we got the episode early, the "proper" slot on Thursday is now the next episode :D

Yup :wub:

Also can't wait for a new Lower Decks season. One was announced right?

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Hexx » Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:29 pm

Qikz wrote:
Hexx wrote:Oh looks like it's not just that we got the episode early, the "proper" slot on Thursday is now the next episode :D

Yup :wub:

Also can't wait for a new Lower Decks season. One was announced right?


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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Moggy » Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:09 pm

I've decided that it's silly holding onto my new Trek reviews for the rewatch thread. I'm the only one that seems to still use that thread and why wait another 5 years, rather than joining in now. So forgive me, but I'm going to start dumping my SNW reviews in here over the next few days. It's only 17 episodes, so hopefully won't be too annoying. :lol:

Just remember, a lot of these were written straight after I marathoned ALL of Star Trek and I was a bit annoyed at Lower Decks at the time. :lol:

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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Moggy » Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:11 pm

Strange New Worlds

I'm looking forward to this series. I liked Pike in Discovery and so am hoping he can carry a whole series. I'm watching this right after the first 3 seasons of Lower Decks, so need this to be good to wipe the memory of that shite away.

I'm glad that they didn't ignore that Pike is still traumatised from the events in Discovery. Although if he knows the place and date of his death, it should be easy to avoid. ;)

Uhura got a downgrade, but Nurse Chapel got upgraded. :datass: ;)

I like a captain who doesn't care about the prime directive.

Cracking opening episode! I especially enjoyed the misdirection in setting up Kirk. "That's Kirk....wait...his name isn't James....

Interesting surname of the replacement Number 1 as well. I imagine that's going to come into play later!

Children of the Comet

This Kirk is as much of a prick as James T. :lol:

Nice that they are keeping the Chapel fancying Spock thing. It never went anywhere in TOS, but she definitely had the hots for him!

Inside the comet felt very much like Close Encounters, thanks to the music. I'm glad no little alien kids came walking out.

I'm not sold by the resolution. It makes sense that Pike would understand the comet having knowledge of its own future but it made little sense that they said about the comet bringing life and would allow a civilisation to grow. I guess by life they meant "increased vegetation". But the inhabitants of the planet were already intelligent beings who had a culture and could build homes. More water will help, but it's not like they were microbes. :lol:

Another great episode. I'm loving this crew and the show feels like old Trek. No "THE WHOLE GALAXY IS AT RISK!" stuff, just adventures in space. I hope it stays that way, saving the entire galaxy gets boring, let's just visit weird aliens.

Ghosts of Illyria

I noticed Chapel said "I couldn't care less" rather than "I could care less". This show is officially awesome.

La'an is interesting, her surname and family history was relevant here, but I can't imagine it's not going to lead to a big story later on.

People can be stored forever in the pattern buffer? Sounds like that is something this show has made up, things like that have happened before in Trek, but if that was possible then surely the Federation would have millions of people in pattern buffers until they could be treated?

The explanation for the living creatures in the lightning was bollocks, people running into lightning becoming part of the lightning. It didn't matter though, it's no stupider than a lot of Trek and the episode held my attention throughout.

I'm liking that this crew are decent people who love the Federation/Starfleet but who are also pragmatic and ignore/break the regulations when needed.

Decent episode, this is shaping up to be the best Trek since Voyager.

Memento Mori

No fair! Why does Mori get his own episode? ;)

This was fantastic. Tense and understated for the most part, with none of the modern Trek need for constant flashy action.

It was very clever to not even show the Gorn. They are ridiculous looking, even with modern CGI, so far better to not show anything.

This show :wub:

Spock Amok

A wacky hijinx episode but played very seriously. And that goes for the Spock and T'Pring story as well as the Number 1 and La'an story. I'd love to play Enterprise bingo. :lol:

A decent enough episode if not as good as the previous ones. I only half remembered Amok Time from TOS, but looking it up brought it back. I'm not sure how much of this fits with the original episode body swaps and shagging...logically shouldn't they have tried shagging while swapped? ;), but I don't think it destroyed any canon either.

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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Moggy » Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:13 pm

Season 1, Part 2:

Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach

The planet (Magellan?) was a weird mix of medieval and super hi-tech.

The episode felt very much like TOS. I guess the series as a whole does, but this really did. Every single bit of it could have been Kirk and co.

I did laugh at myself, I was thinking "there's no way the show will have killed a kid" and was very smug when I was right. And then the actual outcome was much worse than just being blown up on a shuttle.

Not the best of the series, but still very good.

The Serene Squall

This was going well until the "shock" twist that the pirate leader was actually the woman hanging around with Spock. Wow, I never saw that coming. ;)

What ruined it was she immediately switched to a moustache twirling cackling caricature of a bad guy.

One thing I've noticed in modern Trek is just how fast the ships now are. How the strawberry float did T'Pring get there so quickly? They were supposed to be out in the middle of nowhere. Voyager is set 100 years after this, if they had this Enterprise's engine, they would have been home in a week. ;)

I had to Google who Sybok was as I couldn't remember. I'm surprised they are referencing the worst of the Trek movies. But there's no reason they can't do something decent with that character I guess.

Good first half to this episode, disappointing second half. Great pirate impression from Pike though. :lol:

The Elysian Kingdom

Why the strawberry float does Trek love episodes like this? Maybe the actors like dressing up, but they are always utterly dreadful and this was no exception. The writers should be ashamed of themselves and the producers should be fired for approving it. ;)

I guess at least the shitty fantasy holodeck episodes could have an actual set, whereas this gooseberry fool had to just dress up the ship. :lol:

I guess the ending was supposed to be emotional, usually a story like that with a kid would upset me, but the final choice was bollocks. Death, the buffer or live in a nebula. What? That's how they end the story of the doctor's daughter? Maybe it could have worked, but the rest of the episode was such shite that the end just didn't sit right with me .

A shame, this series has been excellent so far. Hopefully this is just a one off blip.

All Those Who Wander

The opening made me think of The Thing, but the episode itself was actually an Alien/Aliens ripoff. With a bit of Predator's heat vision thrown in.

I don't understand why they killed the Andorian guy off. He was a decent character! Kill off the nameless redshirts by all means, but the first season is too soon for a shock death. Although we now know where Spock gets the heroic death idea from. ;)

I mentioned in the previous Gorn episode that it was a good idea that they didn't show them. I stand by that here, they didn't look at all convincing.

I'm not sure this hid its references very well, but it didn't matter. It was a solid bit of space horror. A welcome return to form after the appalling previous episode.

A Quality of Mercy

Wow. What can you say to this one? A very brave move to take one of the best TOS (maybe one of the best of all Trek) episodes and retool it with this crew. But it worked and it worked brilliantly.

The old timey Admiral outfit. :datass:

The new Kirk looks more like Jimmy Carr than Shatner. ;)

If SNW can keep this quality (with one big exception ;) ) of episodes, then this is going to end up being one of the best Trek shows. As it is, it's only one season and therefore there's plenty of time for them to strawberry float it up. ;)

And I've now finished all of live action Trek, just Prodigy to go. Hopefully there will be a break before all the new seasons of the various shows start in 2023!

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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Moggy » Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:08 am

The Broken Circle

And I'm back to SNW (and Trek!) after a nice little break. I'm hoping this new season is at least as good as the first season, hopefully better!

A decent enough opening episode but nothing too mind blowing. Weird that Pike was absent for most of it, part of the storyline or was the actor busy on other projects?

Spock was excellent here, nice to see that the crew were stealing the Enterprise long before Kirk became captain!

Ad Astra per Aspera

"The Federation's race laws are draconian". I strawberry floating knew the Federation was just a bunch of Nazis. ;)

I'm assuming this will be the obligatory Trek courtroom episode. Hopefully it's as good as they usually are.

20 years?!!! The Federation really are a bunch of Nazis :dread:

Cracking episode. They should make a whole series based on legal trials in the Federation. Even if the Federation is full of fascist bastards. ;)

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

After the obligatory Trek courtroom episode, it's time for the obligatory Trek time travel episode. ;)

Why is the name Khan Noonien Singh infamous at the time of SNW? I don't remember original Kirk knowing too much about Khan (he certainly wasn't infamous!) and that's at least a decade or two into the future for these characters.

Another noticeable lack of Pike. Weird.

A very very good episode. I'm a sucker for time travel stories and this was a very good one, even if (as always) there were plenty of the usual time travel plot holes.

Among the Lotus Eaters

Hmm. While this wasn't bad, it was certainly a drop in quality. And lots of Pike this time!

The memory loss (and recovery) explanation was bollocks. The radiation can cause memory loss to a crew in orbit of the planet, but a castle made of special material is fine. :lol:

But it was far from terrible, the SNW crew is so likeable that they can get away with the odd average episode every so often.


Much like the previous episode, this should have been pretty gooseberry fool, but the crew are so likeable and play it so well that you forgive the plot holes and the overall ridiculousness of the situation.

There's not much to add really, a daft episode that was very entertaining.

Lost in Translation

We seem to be in a run of "bloody ridiculous, but bloody enjoyable" episodes. The story here was daft when you think about it. But Kirk and Uhura were both so fantastic that it didn't even really need a plot.

I really like how they haven't bothered trying to make the actors look, sound or act like the famous characters from TOS. Kirk and Uhura are nothing like their 1960s versions. Which is good, it shows confidence in this show and stops anything looking like a terrible impression. Spock does feel like he's doing an impression of Nimoy's version, but I think that's just an inevitable consequence of being an emotionless Vulcan.

I think the next episode is the Lower Decks crossover. Urgh, I am not looking forward to this. :dread:

Those Old Scientists

I've just decided to start posting episode thoughts in the thread after watching them. So for the first time in ages, this my thoughts will be posted very soon after actually watching an episode of Trek.

My hatred of Lower Decks is probably well known and so I was not looking forward to this at all.

But I strawberry floating loved it. It was funny, it had a decent story, great performances and made me want more!

I'm shocked!

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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Cheeky Devlin » Mon Jul 24, 2023 8:22 pm

Those Old Scientists - Was away over the weekend so missed this when it dropped but I really enjoyed it. Thought it worked well enough.

I loved the way Pike just really wanted rid of them both and it's pretty much how I think Moggy feels when he watched Lower Decks. :lol:

But yeah, Boimlers weird hair aside I thought it was great. Spock's random emotional moments freaking him out were fantastic. :lol: :lol:

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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Jul 27, 2023 8:22 pm

M'Benga is easily my favourite character out of the crew so todays episode was a treat.
More of him please!

Can't believe they let a series main character get away with a pretty blatant murder though. :lol:
He wasn't even possessed by redjac!

Though I assume that'll come back around at some point.

It was nice to go back to a more serious episode. This season has had a lot of silly moments so far. :lol:

General speculation and not related to this episode specifically, but I'm beginning to wonder if La'an isn't going to get wiped from history or something. She is far too high-profile for Spock and Kirk to be surprised when Khan shows up in Space Seed.
I'm guessing she's going to be recruited by Temporal Investigations and they make everyone forget she existed or something.

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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Hexx » Fri Jul 28, 2023 4:24 pm

2x09 trailer

Spoilered in case you’d rather not know the set up.

Reminder this show just did any incredibly gritty take on horrors of war with a greyer ending than In the Pale Moonlight.

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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Moggy » Fri Jul 28, 2023 11:53 pm

Cheeky Devlin wrote:M'Benga is easily my favourite character out of the crew so todays episode was a treat.
More of him please!

Can't believe they let a series main character get away with a pretty blatant murder though. :lol:
He wasn't even possessed by redjac!

Though I assume that'll come back around at some point.

It was nice to go back to a more serious episode. This season has had a lot of silly moments so far. :lol:

Under The Cloak of War spoilers:

I think Pike pretty much knew that M'Benga murdered him. But he knew it'd be hard to prove, plus, deep down, he knew M'Benga had a bloody good reason for it.

It was a very good episode. Spock was weird (weird even for Spock ;) ) though. I get he doesn't fully understand humans, but it was odd how he stated that it was him making it worse, when it should have been clear that Chapel was suffering PTSD, not just annoyed at her boyfriend. :lol:

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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Cheeky Devlin » Fri Jul 28, 2023 11:59 pm

Hexx wrote:2x09 trailer

Spoilered in case you’d rather not know the set up.

Reminder this show just did any incredibly gritty take on horrors of war with a greyer ending than In the Pale Moonlight.

I saw that on IMDB the day this episode came out so I figured that's what it was going to be. I get wanting to do something lighter after a dark episode but there might be some tonal whiplash. :lol:

Moggy wrote:
Cheeky Devlin wrote:M'Benga is easily my favourite character out of the crew so todays episode was a treat.
More of him please!

Can't believe they let a series main character get away with a pretty blatant murder though. :lol:
He wasn't even possessed by redjac!

Though I assume that'll come back around at some point.

It was nice to go back to a more serious episode. This season has had a lot of silly moments so far. :lol:

Under The Cloak of War spoilers:

I think Pike pretty much knew that M'Benga murdered him. But he knew it'd be hard to prove, plus, deep down, he knew M'Benga had a bloody good reason for it.

It was a very good episode. Spock was weird (weird even for Spock ;) ) though. I get he doesn't fully understand humans, but it was odd how he stated that it was him making it worse, when it should have been clear that Chapel was suffering PTSD, not just annoyed at her boyfriend. :lol:

Yeah it was a fantastic episode. Love that Mbenga is getting some decent narratives. Just need them to flesh out Ortegas a bit more.

EDIT: This was also a really DS9-esque episode. Think it's definitely up there with some of their grimmer war episodes.

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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by SEP » Sat Jul 29, 2023 8:21 am

Hexx wrote:2x09 trailer

Spoilered in case you’d rather not know the set up.

Reminder this show just did any incredibly gritty take on horrors of war with a greyer ending than In the Pale Moonlight.

The episode after In The Pale Moonlight was a Vic Fontaine episode.

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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Moggy » Sat Jul 29, 2023 9:46 am

SEP wrote:
Hexx wrote:2x09 trailer

Spoilered in case you’d rather not know the set up.

Reminder this show just did any incredibly gritty take on horrors of war with a greyer ending than In the Pale Moonlight.

The episode after In The Pale Moonlight was a Vic Fontaine episode.


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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Cheeky Devlin » Sat Jul 29, 2023 12:29 pm

Vic Fontaine :lol:

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#420BlazeIt ♥
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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Qikz » Sat Jul 29, 2023 12:56 pm

Another great episode, god damn I loved that one. Might be one of my favourite episodes of the entire show.

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Hexx » Thu Aug 03, 2023 9:20 am

Didn't love the musical episode - everyone's giving it their all, but I the songs all felt rather low energy and quite "samey".

Not sure it helped that most of the songs served no purpose. They didn't make subtext text. Just text SUPER HEAVY HANDED text.

Not bad (or a disaster as I suppose is the worry with gimmick episodes), but after a run of strong episodes felt remarkable mediocre,

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PostRe: Star Trek - Strange New Worlds (P+) - Season 2 Streaming Now!
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Aug 03, 2023 9:31 pm

I enjoyed it but my wife loved it.

She's not a really a Trek fan but she is a music teacher. She was dissecting the episode from the very first song and having a great time talking about the influences. So by that metric it's the best episode of Trek ever. :slol:

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