Star Wars Battlefront II

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by BID0 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 5:15 pm

Brerlappin wrote:
Preezy wrote:
Trelliz wrote:
Preezy wrote:I think I'll be sticking with my £3 copy of Battlefront 1. Why do these publishers/developers keep trying to ruin their own games by filling it with stuff that they know people don't want or like? Self-inflicted PR wounds, who approves this gooseberry fool?

Because it makes the most money in the vital first quarter sales, because they can give packs to youtubers and streamers to promote unregulated gambling to children and because enough people have accepted other lootboxes as "they're just cosmetic" or "they don't affect me/are in games i don't like so its fine". With that acceptance publishers are now pushing as hard as they can to find where they can establish the new norm.

Such a shame, I used to enjoy online games. Some of my fondest gaming memories are from the online shooters I played back in the day (Day of Defeat, Delta Force 2, Team Fortress, Counter-Strike, Battlefield 1942 etc), back when things were simpler and less twatish and cynical. I absolutely despise the direction AAA gaming is heading, it's all such bullshit.

Im the same, i used to play BF1942, CS, etc back in the day. Ive watched online shooters grow and change over the years and its been a slow, steady decline to what we have nowadays. Back in the early days you just played for skill. Competitive MP was such a novel thing that you didnt need any more motivation other than "git gud" to want to play a competitive game like Quake or CS or BF 1942. The only game i ever played back then that had any kind of unlocks or ranks was Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, and the unlocks & ranks weren't permanent, as soon as you quit the game you were back to starting level gear for your next game. It all changed with Battlefield 2. That was the first game, to my knowledge, that had progression that tied better weapons to your account and what level you were. Honestly that was the beginning of the end. After that more and more games had Ranks and tiered unlocks, then came DLC that split playerbases, pay to win DLC (if i remember right, you could get way better gear from BF2 special forces exp pack and use it against non exp pack owners, i think, could be wrong on that) and then TF2 eventually changed the game with loot crates. Its sad, i really dont recognize multiplayer gaming anymore, where it used to be a case of load it up, jump on a server, and kill mummy strawberry floaters, now i have to spend about 15 minutes reading about unlocks and loot crates before i can play the damn thing and every game is a cacophony of people with stupid looking hats and golden guns jumping around everywhere.

That Special Forces add-on really killed that game :(

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by Alvin Flummux » Tue Oct 10, 2017 5:39 pm

BID0 wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:
BID0 wrote:They really need to reward you after a match based on how well you play also. I can see the idea behind awarding everyone the same so it doesn't matter if you're a pro or a part timer, it all falls down though when you give a person who's AFK the same credits/score/weapons/currency as a person who worked their ass off and won the game for the team.

In my experience, when I do gooseberry fool in a match, my reward is only 50-70 credits, but when I do well, it can be 250+. They do seem to be rewarding good players, up to a point; just need to radically increase the rewards and make sure the top players get more credits than the middling-but-still-good ones.

In this beta? Have you seen the Angry Joe video? You get a fixed reward at the end of every game whether you participate or not. I was getting the same credits after every game also.

Yeah, I've seen it, and I'm telling you that in this very same Beta I've been getting different rewards depending on if I get 2 kills versus if I get 15 or more. The Angry Joe guys are very good, and it's clear that it doesn't matter if you get 40 kills or just 20, but I have noticed a big difference in reward credits when having a great game and one where I only get a couple of kills.

Credits need to be raised big time for everyone though, if crates are the sole means of progression now. This wouldn't be necessary if Scrap were renamed Spoils (as in the spoils of war) and were allocated in greater quantities alongside credits as a match reward.

I know that there isn't likely to be a big difference between the Beta and the final game, beyond weapon and vehicle damage, but hopefully the backlash will be sufficient enough to make the devs rethink the loot crate/scrap system and change it for the better within a month or two, or at least by the time 2018's first significant DLC hits.

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by Kanbei » Tue Oct 10, 2017 7:16 pm

Although there are problems I'm really enjoying this, hopefully they'll be ironed out for the full release!

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by captain red dog » Wed Oct 11, 2017 8:48 am

Finally got a go on the beta last night and whilst visually it looks quite nice I found the gameplay to be a bit dull. It all feels a bit flat, and I found it all a bit quiet (in terms of it not sounding like a war zone). Definitely something I'll take a pass on.

It just didn't feel anything like classic Battlefront, which was much my issue with the first game.

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by Alvin Flummux » Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:17 am

The more I play Starfighter Assault, the more I'm convinced that that mode will be what saves Battlefront II for me. It just plays so damn well. The only way it could be any better is if they added on-foot gameplay to compliment starfighter actions - sabotaging the shield generators by hacking control panels on nearby gantries, etc. Would be awesome if you could take over turbolaser batteries in a similar way, too.

Somehow though, even with Criterion nailing Starfighter Assault, I don't see them attempting the kind of combined arms gameplay that made the old BF2's Battle of Coruscant so memorable. But that's okay, because it's a hell of a lot of fun as it is.

Galactic Assault will need some big post-launch changes to win me back. It's pretty fun sometimes, I want to love it, but it's supposed to be the Battlefront II experience, and so far it's just been Strike writ large because they strawberry floated the costs of vehicles (and the AAT is unable to hover over simple obstacles like bollards, low walls etc).

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by darksideby182 » Wed Oct 11, 2017 4:49 pm

After playing for a couple of hours this afternoon , this game feels like an unbalanced mess massively in favour to the higher ranked players.

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by BID0 » Wed Oct 11, 2017 5:33 pm

darksideby182 wrote:After playing for a couple of hours this afternoon , this game feels like an unbalanced mess massively in favour to the higher ranked players.

There was someone last night who was level 14 I think it was and they had a crazy powered up tie fighter and was just decimating everyone. At one point they even wiped me and my entire squad out as soon as we spawned :lol: to be fair that was the only game of the space combat I played so maybe I was playing it wrong.

Also it has the weirdest flight controls. I had to stick on invert Y axis for a start and what's with the left stick being the boost/brake?!

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by Alvin Flummux » Thu Oct 12, 2017 12:49 am

BID0 wrote:There was someone last night who was level 14 I think it was and they had a crazy powered up tie fighter and was just decimating everyone. At one point they even wiped me and my entire squad out as soon as we spawned :lol: to be fair that was the only game of the space combat I played so maybe I was playing it wrong.!

Imagine being a newcomer to BF2 in about, I dunno, 2 years' time - the game price and DLC quantity has passed the tipping point where you say, "Yeah, alright, let's see if it's any better." So, you dive in, total newbie that you are, and you get slaughtered. Not once, not twice, but every time you encounter an enemy - whether it be it one you see or not. Half of the time, they get you before you can even see them. Because by this time, everyone still playing the game has either grinded for insane amounts of time to earn their gear (assuming DICE doesn't change anything), or given up and bought their way to the top, and they're all just about invulnerable to newcomers like yourself. You, as a level 0 nobody, basically have no chance of getting anywhere, of having any fun at all, unless you do the same. Playing the game feels like an exercise in futility - no way you'll have the patience to beat all these pro nerds. So, you buy some crates, get a "good" deal in a crate sale or whatever. But still you're getting wiped out. So you buy more. And more. You get some great weapons and star cards after a bit, and you start doing alright.

That's pretty much how the game is going to go unless DICE radically alters the currency and loot system.

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by andythevillan » Thu Oct 12, 2017 6:19 am

Boring, boring, boring. Hated the first game and this is more of the same.

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by Trelliz » Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:42 am

Alvin Flummux wrote:
Imagine being a newcomer to BF2 in about, I dunno, 2 years' time

Thats assuming battlefront 3 isn't out/this hasn't been turned off after a few years.

jawa2 wrote:Tl;dr Trelliz isn't a miserable git; he's right.
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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by Alvin Flummux » Thu Oct 12, 2017 11:19 pm

EA/DICE have responded to the Beta:

As game makers, watching millions of passionate players get their hands on our game has been incredibly exciting and – in many ways – inspiring. Believe us when we say that your participation is making the game better, and we’re humbled that so many of you took time to not only try the Star Wars Battlefront II Beta, but to share your thoughts with us too.

The Beta was just a small piece of what we're making. Yes, there’s more content (new locations, heroes, modes, and the all-new single-player campaign), but we heard your feedback loud and clear after the first game. There is more player choice in multiplayer through a deeper progression system and an evolving, event-driven live service that keeps the community together by moving away from Season Pass and having all new gameplay content free for all Star Wars Battlefront II players.

Rest assured, we’re continuing to listen to you coming out of Beta. We’re taking a look at some of the most discussed topics, from Crates and progression to Strike mode (which we're considering changing to a best of three), the Specialist’s Infiltration ability (which might be a little too overpowered) and more. Oh, and the First Order Flametrooper needs some work – we agree he could use a little more... firepower. We are also looking into more ways to allow players to stay and play together as a team – for launch, we’ll have a new feature for you that rewards all players in a spawn wave. These are just a few examples of how your feedback is helping to shape the game.

We know you have a lot of questions about Crates and progression, so we want to clarify a few things, as the complete system was not in the Beta and will continue to be tuned over time:

  • There are many things you can earn in the game, including weapons, attachments, credits, Star Cards, Emotes, Outfits and Victory Poses.
  • As a balance goal, we’re working towards having the most powerful items in the game only earnable via in-game achievements.
  • Crates will include a mix of of Star Cards, Outfits, Emotes or Victory Poses.
  • Players earn crates by completing challenges and other gameplay milestones, or by purchasing them with in-game credits or Crystals, our premium currency.
  • If you get a duplicate Star Card in a crate, you will get crafting parts which you can then use to help upgrade the Star Card of your choice.
  • And lastly, you have to earn the right to be able to upgrade Star Cards and unlock most Weapons. You can only upgrade or unlock them if you have reached a high enough rank, which is determined by playing the game.

We also have heard some players are looking for a way to play where all players will have the same set of Star Cards with flattened values. Like everything else, we will be continually making necessary changes to ensure the game is fun for everyone. We will work to make sure the system is balanced both for players who want to earn everything, as well as for players who are short on time and would like to move faster in their progress towards various rewards.

And you, our community, will play a big role in the evolution of the game. Whether it’s comments on our forums or posts over social media, we’re listening. Your feedback makes a difference, and your passion is what keeps us creating.

Again, we want to thank you for taking part in the Beta and helping us make sure that the launch will be, to quote a certain masked Sith Lord, a day long remembered. We’ll have much more to share with you before we see you on the battlefront in November.****=38387&ts=1507835560227

Rewarding all players in a spawn wave sounds like some kind of squad play hint to me, though it could be far from that in reality. Also, the whales have been nerfed! :mrgreen:

:toot: :toot:

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by Hexx » Fri Oct 13, 2017 9:58 am

Alvin Flummux wrote:EA/DICE have responded to the Beta:

As game makers, watching millions of passionate players get their hands on our game has been incredibly exciting and – in many ways – inspiring. Believe us when we say that your participation is making the game better, and we’re humbled that so many of you took time to not only try the Star Wars Battlefront II Beta, but to share your thoughts with us too.

The Beta was just a small piece of what we're making. Yes, there’s more content (new locations, heroes, modes, and the all-new single-player campaign), but we heard your feedback loud and clear after the first game. There is more player choice in multiplayer through a deeper progression system and an evolving, event-driven live service that keeps the community together by moving away from Season Pass and having all new gameplay content free for all Star Wars Battlefront II players.

Rest assured, we’re continuing to listen to you coming out of Beta. We’re taking a look at some of the most discussed topics, from Crates and progression to Strike mode (which we're considering changing to a best of three), the Specialist’s Infiltration ability (which might be a little too overpowered) and more. Oh, and the First Order Flametrooper needs some work – we agree he could use a little more... firepower. We are also looking into more ways to allow players to stay and play together as a team – for launch, we’ll have a new feature for you that rewards all players in a spawn wave. These are just a few examples of how your feedback is helping to shape the game.

We know you have a lot of questions about Crates and progression, so we want to clarify a few things, as the complete system was not in the Beta and will continue to be tuned over time:

  • There are many things you can earn in the game, including weapons, attachments, credits, Star Cards, Emotes, Outfits and Victory Poses.
  • As a balance goal, we’re working towards having the most powerful items in the game only earnable via in-game achievements.
  • Crates will include a mix of of Star Cards, Outfits, Emotes or Victory Poses.
  • Players earn crates by completing challenges and other gameplay milestones, or by purchasing them with in-game credits or Crystals, our premium currency.
  • If you get a duplicate Star Card in a crate, you will get crafting parts which you can then use to help upgrade the Star Card of your choice.
  • And lastly, you have to earn the right to be able to upgrade Star Cards and unlock most Weapons. You can only upgrade or unlock them if you have reached a high enough rank, which is determined by playing the game.

We also have heard some players are looking for a way to play where all players will have the same set of Star Cards with flattened values. Like everything else, we will be continually making necessary changes to ensure the game is fun for everyone. We will work to make sure the system is balanced both for players who want to earn everything, as well as for players who are short on time and would like to move faster in their progress towards various rewards.

And you, our community, will play a big role in the evolution of the game. Whether it’s comments on our forums or posts over social media, we’re listening. Your feedback makes a difference, and your passion is what keeps us creating.

Again, we want to thank you for taking part in the Beta and helping us make sure that the launch will be, to quote a certain masked Sith Lord, a day long remembered. We’ll have much more to share with you before we see you on the battlefront in November.****=38387&ts=1507835560227

Rewarding all players in a spawn wave sounds like some kind of squad play hint to me, though it could be far from that in reality. Also, the whales have been nerfed! :mrgreen:

:toot: :toot:

"As a goal", "looking" - they've not been nerfed.

And OK. So you can only Unlock (say) Boba's 100% immunity by getting 100 kills while Rocket Boosting....the "purchaseable" 50/60/80% immunity would really help with that ;)

Crates don't drop weapons though? They've moved that from the beta then

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by Winckle » Fri Oct 13, 2017 10:15 am

Progression systems have ruined online games for me. I don't have the time to spend grinding against people who have more free time than me, and have unlocked all the good stuff already.

I want to go back the days of multiplayer where everyone was on an even footing.

We should migrate GRcade to Flarum. :toot:
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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by LewisD » Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:15 am

Brerlappin wrote:
Winckle wrote:Progression systems have ruined online games for me. I don't have the time to spend grinding against people who have more free time than me, and have unlocked all the good stuff already.

I want to go back the days of multiplayer where everyone was on an even footing.

But kids these days need that carrot on a stick motivation to play games, playing them for fun isnt enough, didnt you get the memo??

Online Multiplayer peaked with Counterstrike and Team Fortress Classic.
It was all downhill from then on.

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by Trelliz » Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:57 am

I think Battlefield 2 was perhaps one of the last good ones; each class had one weapon unlock which took ages to get, and that was it. Such days are long gone, like tears in the rain...

jawa2 wrote:Tl;dr Trelliz isn't a miserable git; he's right.
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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by Alvin Flummux » Fri Oct 13, 2017 12:04 pm

Hexx wrote:"As a goal", "looking" - they've not been nerfed.

Nerfing is on their To Do list though. :simper:

Hexx wrote:And OK. So you can only Unlock (say) Boba's 100% immunity by getting 100 kills while Rocket Boosting....the "purchaseable" 50/60/80% immunity would really help with that ;)

That card shouldn't even be in the game. I'm guessing it only exists because people flying about in the open as Fett in BF2015 were a massive target and would get killed most of the time, and would then bitch about it on EA's forums.

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by Hexx » Fri Oct 13, 2017 12:07 pm

My point is that even if they suceed in their goal - people with the medium cards, most likley to be whales - will still have an advantage to obtain (and therefore most likely to obtain) the most powerful cards

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by Alvin Flummux » Fri Oct 13, 2017 12:16 pm

Perhaps, but everything in the crates is randomized, and higher tier stuff is rarer, so even the high tier stuff you can get via crates should take forever to obtain, even using Crystals. It won't even be usable unless you've reached a certain rank, which you can't just buy.

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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by Winckle » Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:01 pm

Alvin Flummux wrote:Perhaps, but everything in the crates is randomized, and higher tier stuff is rarer, so even the high tier stuff you can get via crates should take forever to obtain, even using Crystals. It won't even be usable unless you've reached a certain rank, which you can't just buy.

Why are you being an absolute bootlicker for EA? It doesn't have to be like this, online games can exist without progression treadmills and microtransactions.

We should migrate GRcade to Flarum. :toot:
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PostRe: Star Wars Battlefront II | Launches 17th November on Origin, PS4 and XO - First Trailer Inside
by Cheeky Devlin » Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:16 pm

Winckle wrote:It doesn't have to be like this, online games can exist without progression treadmills and microtransactions.

I think some of it comes down to the death of the Mid-Tier, mid-budget game. For the publishers it's either "Go AAA or go home" at this point and since they can't churn out games as quickly or cheaply as they used to, everything has to bring in as much money as they can squeeze out of consumers. It's something that's been going on since the last gen and it's finally reaching a point where a large number of vocal players have had enough with the route they're taking. The problem is that it's probably too late to change the mind-set of these publishers and the wider public at large don't even see it as an issue. Too many of them are quite happy with what they're being given, especially younger players who've grown up playing free-to-play mobile shite and just see it as the way things work.

In other words we're getting old and the newer generations are idiots.

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