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Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 6:34 pm
by Alvin Flummux
Yubel wrote:If ever you get into the throne room on Naboo in Galactic Assault, it essentially becomes a match of Heroes vs Villains.

Even as a fully upgraded player, if I'm on the Republic team on Naboo, it's all but impossible to get out of the side corridors once the match hits the throne room. It's mayhem and there are some strawberry floating ridiculous players out there.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 7:07 pm
by Godzilla
Bought on pS4 digitally for £20. Seems a huge bargain considering how much they have added post launch.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:59 pm
by BID0
No triple XP for the new movie? :( I was hoping to grind out a few more characters

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 2:14 pm
by imbusydoctorwho
Installed the game just got to wait for the massive patch to download (yay slow internet speeds)
Hopefully I can play the new multiplayer stuff with bots offline as I don't have PS Plus.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 2:36 pm
by DarkRula
imbusydoctorwho wrote:Installed the game just got to wait for the massive patch to download (yay slow internet speeds)
Hopefully I can play the new multiplayer stuff with bots offline as I don't have PS Plus.

The new map isn't coming to Instant Action until next month. You can still mess around with the new units in Arcade, though.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 2:56 pm
by Godzilla
The file size of this is ridiculous. At least it's downloaded now. Will jump into it tomorrow after I've seen Star Wars tonight.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 4:10 pm
by Alvin Flummux
BID0 wrote:No triple XP for the new movie? :( I was hoping to grind out a few more characters

I think they did that when Celebration launched a fortnight back, sadly. There are Double XP days all the time though, and Triple XP regularly comes around. There'll probably be another for Christmas and New Year's.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 4:32 am
by Parksey
Yeah Heroes ruin this to a certain degre, especially on Galatic Assault at the end. As the maps tighten and narrow towards the final objective (like Naboo's throne room) it just becomes ridiculous. They were about four heroes just darting about on the capture point constantly. And normal units can't really do much or survive long enough.

It's not quite as bad at the start, or on the capture part of Capital Supremacy, as it's more spread out. I still think there should only be one hero though.

I'd rather they were powerful but weak, so they had to not over-extended themselves. Or on a timer like the original Battlefront 2. Once you have been a hero that should be it too, or it cycles around and you randomly spawn as one once one person dies.

At the moment, the best players get the BP faster than everyone. Then they pick the hero, and then they don't die. Even if they do die, they have enough BP from their massacres to immediately select the hero again.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 10:27 pm
by Alvin Flummux

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 2:27 pm
by Tafdolphin
Grabbed this for £6 off cdkeys. Apparently it's good now?

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 6:11 pm
by DarkRula
It's always been an enjoyable game, but there's been plenty of improvements and additions throughout the last two years with more to come in this next that have certainly made it into a much better experience than it was at release. Captial Supremacy was added and improved upon (though skilled players will see matches constantly going back and forth in an endless loop until a mistake is made), which brought about Instant Action - which is pretty much offline conquest (the best of the offline modes). There's also co-op, which pits four players against a full team of bots capturing or defending command posts depending on the map and faction.

They've stopped supporting the old modes to bring over all the old maps to the new modes, but they are still playable. Don't expect to be finding many matches in anything but Galactic Assault with those old modes, however. Many people have migrated to the new modes, but Galactic Assault is still massively popular with the fanbase, which is why you might have seen some outrage at the fact it is no longer seeing support.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 6:35 pm
by Alvin Flummux
I never have trouble finding players for any mode - Ewok Hunt is always active, which I'm thankful for, because it's easily the best (and most fun) way to farm credits.

I could buy the Celebration Edition to unlock everything, but strawberry float it, sunk cost fallacy got me in its grip. Only a couple more hero skins (one each for Han & Lando, plus the new Kylo, Finn & Rey skins) and all the new reinforcement skins to go...

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 8:26 pm
by Yubel
This may seem a bit scummy to you guys, but:


Capital Supremacy, Kamino - simply by sniping from within the hangar, nailing headshots as the enemy team ran past on the opposite side. If it we'rent for the next phase, I honestly think I could've gone on forever.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 4:14 am
by Alvin Flummux
Triple XP is ongoing, probably until New Years.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 4:43 pm
by Zilnad
Redownloaded this and I've been zipping through the campaign before going back online. It's good fun, made sweeter that I only paid a few quid for it.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 6:35 pm
by Alvin Flummux
I enjoy the bug where all the enemies float away after you kill them. :slol:

Some good set pieces and lovely worlds, even if the campaign is only 1/4 the length it should be.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 5:15 pm
by Yubel
Thought I might as well post this here seeing as I just uploaded it:

If you were playing on PS4 and saw some random gooseberry fool acting strange on the battlefront and not helping in any way, this is why.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 10:24 pm
by Alvin Flummux
Ewok Hunt can get pretty fraught...

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 10:38 pm
by Yubel
Haven't played Ewok Hunt for a hot minute. That does look more frantic than any I've experienced, especially with the Ewoks bunched up like that.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront II

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 4:21 am
by Alvin Flummux
Not all games are like that, but it's way more fun when they are. Got a few drop kills as an Ewok tonight, always a very satisfying move to pull if you can get in the right position.

Love your video by the way, Yubel, very cinematic, really cool. Got a few rounds of Starfighter Assault in tonight myself, top of the leaderboard in a couple. Absolutely dominated as Yoda in one.