Super Smash Bros Ultimate | NSW | Sakurai ends posting daily Smash screenshot

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by Jazzem » Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:21 pm

Yeah I don't think it can be understated just how amazing the attention to detail and polish on these new fighters has been, not to mention the creativity in implementing them.

Can undestand if they're not personally appealing but that alone has made the fighter's pass really worth it for me. The character choices have mostly really appealed to me too, Banjo-K and Terry are in my rotation now. It sucks if they're not doing it for you but then it's difficult to please everyone with something as broad a topic as characters across the whole medium

The first party/third party split is also going to be a bit divisive too, frankly I'm fine with them piling in the third parties as the amount of care and affection they get in their Smash representation is astonishing. Terry's inclusion being an excuse to go all out on Neo Geo love was so darn swell

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by Balladeer » Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:48 pm

See, I loved it most when it was a celebration of Nintendo, rather than gaming - which it will never be unless they licence people like Crash and Master Chief, so it feels like a half-and-half botch job. Nowadays you have people like Joker, whose main game has never been on a Nintendo platform and therefore feels wildly out of place; and Terry, who (however he plays) looks dull as ditchwater to me, given that I don’t care for his history or the Neo Geo’s. I’ll say this for Byleth: at least they come from a Nintendo game. (I won’t say much else.) (Also the argument of ‘just don’t play as them’ falls down the moment you go online and can’t avoid them.)

Anyway, this is my personal view, and I don’t deny my Nintendo fanboyism. I would prefer it if it were ‘Nintendo and friends of Nintendo’, but it’s never going to be that way again. I shall continue to ignore the third-party gits (who aren’t friends of Nintendo) as best I can, until we get Layton and Wright.

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by Met » Fri Jan 17, 2020 2:07 pm

Balladeer wrote:Anyway, this is my personal view, and I don’t deny my Nintendo fanboyism. I would prefer it if it were ‘Nintendo and friends of Nintendo’, but it’s never going to be that way again. I shall continue to ignore the third-party gits (who aren’t friends of Nintendo) as best I can, until we get Layton and Wright.

Sonic- Fair to say he's a friend of Nintendo based on the Olympic games and the like, good rivalry
Snake- I'll accept this, but Metal Gear had a solid showing on the NES, and Twin Snakes was fine
Banjo- One of the biggest platformers on the N64, made by Rare, who are very good friends with Ninty
Bayonetta- Ninty bailed Platinum out on Bayo 2, she's basically a Ninty character wholesale now
Cloud- Let's not pretend Final Fantasy didn't shift Nintendo consoles, Ninty owe a lot to FF
Hero- Let's not pretend Dragon Quest didn't shift Nintendo consoles, Ninty owe a lot to DQ
Joker- SMT has its roots deep in Nintendo history, they worked with them for TMS, Joker absolutely deserves a place
Ryu- Street Fighter 2 was the biggest fighting game ever, on the SNES, it definitely moved units, he absolutely deserves a place
Ken- second verse same as the first, wish it was Chunners or Bison, though
Simon- Castlevania has had a friendly rapport with Metroid for a while now, and it was one of the biggest games on the NES on
Richter- Same as Simon, wish he was different, though
Terry- One of the most iconic fighting game characters and a personal favourite of Sakurai's
Pac-Man- Bamco literally made the game, this is fair
Megaman- Capcom have already established a friendly relationship with Monster Hunter and Street Fighter, etc for this. But MM had his time to shine on the NES as a very big name.

I think that's everyone, and of them I'd say only Snake doesn't have much of a leg to stand on.

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by Balladeer » Fri Jan 17, 2020 2:34 pm

I’d say that some of those legs have holes in. :P While what you say about FF and SMT may be correct, Cloud was the hero of the first FF to ignore Nintendo; and now he’s getting a remake on Nontendo machines. Much the same applies to Joker. Ryu and Banjo’s games have also moved away from Nintendo of late, although my issue with Ryu is the fighting game and controls thing really. Terry I don’t associate with Nintendo at all, and neither do you by the sound of it!

So yep, that’s actually not that many non-friends of Nintendo - maybe 4, perhaps 6 given that SFV has skipped the Switch (and wasn’t poorly received like Banjo’s last Nontendo offering) and I really really don’t like Ryu’s control thingy. However some of those are pretty prominent, and in general that’s a pretty high proportion of the cast that’s third-party at this stage.

All of the above, as with most of my posts, comes with a big fat ‘IMO’ attached.

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by OrangeRKN » Fri Jan 17, 2020 2:51 pm

There are too many humans, that's the problem.

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by Balladeer » Fri Jan 17, 2020 2:54 pm

Also agreed with that. Indeed, too many humanoids as well. Let’s have more proper animals and robots and things.

but also Rex/Pyra

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by shy guy 64 » Fri Jan 17, 2020 4:10 pm

byleth trailer was kinda dreadful what with recreating a scene from the game and just randomly replacing words with smash and giving sothos the personality of viridi

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by Captain Kinopio » Fri Jan 17, 2020 6:12 pm

If you want it to be Nintendo only who would you have replace these characters that would be anywhere near as interesting?

I could get more on board with it being just a Nintendo love in if we had history stuff or a story like in Brawl but that's clearly not the case for Ultimate so wanting to exclude third party characters only seems to lessen what the game is while adding nothing in itself.

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by shy guy 64 » Fri Jan 17, 2020 7:32 pm

Captain Kinopio wrote:If you want it to be Nintendo only who would you have replace these characters that would be anywhere near as interesting?

I could get more on board with it being just a Nintendo love in if we had history stuff or a story like in Brawl but that's clearly not the case for Ultimate so wanting to exclude third party characters only seems to lessen what the game is while adding nothing in itself.

just because you dont find them interesting doesnt mean theyre unworthy of smash, nintendo has a vast library of characters

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by Met » Fri Jan 17, 2020 7:35 pm

Yeah, there are still a bunch of FE characters they can pull from.

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by ITSMILNER » Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:18 pm

Watch the next season pass just be 6 more Fire Emblem characters.

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by HaruKazuhira » Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:32 pm

Byleth def put my expectations for next 6 in check. Gotta remember that Nintendo are still calling the shots. I think we'll get a mix of Nintendo and 3rd party dlc.

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by OrangeRKN » Fri Jan 17, 2020 9:00 pm

Met wrote:Yeah, there are still a bunch of FE characters they can pull from.


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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by HaruKazuhira » Wed Jan 29, 2020 6:27 pm

I'm honestly in love with Byleth's kit. Yeah she's a bit slow, but I think that's the point of her fighter. She feels very read and react more so than others. The Lance feels so damn satisfying too and Sakurai wasn't wrong about the recovery. You can be nasty as heck off stage lol.

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by shy guy 64 » Wed Jan 29, 2020 7:32 pm

eh byleth's not for me, stage is alright

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by Choclet-Milk » Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:02 pm

Conversely, I think the stage is a bit gooseberry fool, but I'm quite enjoying Byleth. She feels really weighty, it's quite jarring at first.

we have to lose that sax solo
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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by Captain Kinopio » Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:03 pm

Ran through Classic mode and a few smash fights. She's not the most forgettable FE character but she's pretty close. The stage is a big nothing too. Where's that 'It's strawberry floating nothing' gif as that's really how it feels.

I don't mind having spent the money for the fighter pass and have got decent enough value from it, so I'm not mad at the edition of her at all but I am completely baffled by it. Playing through a bit with her now and realizing there are 7 FE fighters now I just can't understand what they were thinking with her. It only makes sense to me as a troll.

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by shy guy 64 » Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:14 pm

Captain Kinopio wrote:Ran through Classic mode and a few smash fights. She's not the most forgettable FE character but she's pretty close. The stage is a big nothing too. Where's that 'It's strawberry floating nothing' gif as that's really how it feels.

I don't mind having spent the money for the fighter pass and have got decent enough value from it, so I'm not mad at the edition of her at all but I am completely baffled by it. Playing through a bit with her now and realizing there are 7 FE fighters now I just can't understand what they were thinking with her. It only makes sense to me as a troll.

theres 8

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by HaruKazuhira » Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:23 pm

I get the frustration with too much representation from a series, but Byleth as a fighter is nothing like the other FE characters in the game to their credit. I feel like people exaggerate with the marth clone joke but completely ignore that there's Ike, Robin, Corrin and now Byleth who play differently enough.

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PostRe: Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Nintendo Switch
by imbusydoctorwho » Thu Jan 30, 2020 2:59 pm

Picked up Byleth for nothing thanks to a load of gold coins I had going spare and honestly I think she's a great addition to the roster. Not too hot on the stage, but the music is top notch though.


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