The Binding of Isaac: Repentance |OT| Yay, Cancer!

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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming...August?
by Saint of Killers » Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:21 pm

Dangerblade wrote:Image

See you in a few months, Isaac.

Bravo. Well done!

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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming...August?
by Psychic » Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:17 pm

Nice one DB. :mrgreen:

Ahhh Push it! (afterbirth update #11)

i was planning on doing a detailed post today on daily runs and our score system, but stuff is still in testing and changing so i thought this week might be a better time to talk about a new game mechanic..

BUTTONS!, or switches/pressure plates.. whatever you wanna call em.

there are a few types of buttons in afterbirth that do different things, ill cover a few of their uses here…

(the buttons currently don’t have different visuals yet so please excuse that)
“mystery buttons” when pressed will either generate something good or something bad… there are a lot of possible variables here so the risk and reward both have equal chances of “oh gooseberry fool” in all the best and worst ways.
”door buttons” will act as locks to doors you enter, in order to reopen the doors youll need to find and press said button.. don’t worry i wont get all meat boy on you guys, traps like these are a fun change of pace but they will be rare and unexpected.

there are a few other buttons we are playing with as well as a button that is a primary function to the new game mode...

afterbirth will feature 10 new challenges that were mostly designed by the community (with a liberal amount of tuning on my end) each of these new challenges will come with a new special unlock… but this time around we will be unlocking some very welcome additions to pickups in the form of new pills, cards, runes.. and other things.

one of my favorite challenges in afterbirth is one im calling TURBO! essentially its playing a normal run of the game… at a MUCH faster speed.. (something we def couldnt have done in the flash version…).
i really love this mode’s extra challenge, so much so im debating on adding turbo to hard mode.. maybe a bit slower than the challenge but its a very fun and difficult change of pace i think people might really enjoy.

so much is done, yet so much is still in testing. ill be spending the rest of dev designing butt loads of new rooms and testing the hell out of the new modes… its starting to get really interesting :) pretty proud of how this expansion is coming together.

till next time!

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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming...August?
by PaperMacheMario » Fri Jun 19, 2015 11:15 pm

Dangerblade wrote:Image

See you in a few months, Isaac.

Very nice! I've been Isaac clean for about a month now. Started playing a bit of Spelunky but it's just not filling the void. Getting serious withdrawal symptoms but I'm hoping to stay strong until Afterbirth is released. I knew it would be tough, guys, but nobody told me just how hard it would be.

Is there any way of seeing how much time you've put into this? I kinda want to fire it up to see if I can find out but I know I won't be able to resist one... little... run.

HSH28 wrote:Sounds what you really need is a sense of humour.
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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming...August?
by Dangerblade » Fri Jun 19, 2015 11:53 pm

Not on PS4/Vita, sadly. Of course with Steam you can just see the number of hours spent on it. I'd be interested in seeing how many hours I've put in, probably around 150 I reckon.

What do you have left to do? I was going to give up on The Lost's completions and Meat Boy/Bandage Girl, but I wasn't able to resist hundreds more... little... runs.

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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming...August?
by PaperMacheMario » Sat Jun 20, 2015 9:13 am

I'm not sure I've put in as much as 150. Maybe 70 or 80?

I've got all of The Lost stuff to do, beating the Chest or Dark Room without taking damage, and then collecting all items & secrets and platinuming the game. I've only got about 5 or 6 more items to get but the last ones are going to be a bitch, and obviously The Lost stuff ain't gonna be a walk in the park either. Not sure whether to try to get it all finished before Afterbirth comes out or just wait until it's released and do it then. Think I heard that they're making The Lost more powerful when it comes out in August which would help :shifty: but also not feel like as much of an achievement.

I'll see how much longer I can hold out for. :lol:

HSH28 wrote:Sounds what you really need is a sense of humour.
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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming...August?
by Psychic » Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:19 pm

Score! (afterbirth update #12)


this post goes into detail about the later game bosses/areas/unlockables found in rebirth.. if you havent seen/unlocked the later portions of the game it may be best to not read this post if you want to stay unspoiled!

——– ——– ——– ——– ——– ——– ——– ——– ——– ——– ——–

one of the most interesting additions to the console version of spelunky was its daily runs. it kepts you coming back for more, made you really nervous while playing it and it could turn the most average speunky player into a god among his friends.. for that day anyway.

i always wanted to do this in isaac but the biggest issue was of course that isaac doesnt have a scoring system… and wasnt ever designed to have one! so is it possible to shoe horn in a scoring system in a game that has no score at all for a new feature in a dlc?

well.. yes, let me tell you how…


for those of you who have used “seeds” in rebirth, the short answer is daily runs are daily seeds that are universal to everyone playing that day… but ill assume you dont know what seeds are and give you the deets.

every new day, afterbirth will generate a new “run” for everyone who owns the game on steam to play. but what makes daily run different than seeds is that daily runs will be identical for everyone in every way (though we all know your actions might change later outcomes in the future… back to the future logic is real!).

so it doesnt matter what you have or havent unlocked, daily runs dont play by the rules! everyone is on an equal playing field here! (aside from 1000s of hours of experience and knowledge of the game) doesnt matter what you have or havent unlocked. if you wanna go for mega satan from the get go.. then by all means go for it!

beyond all runs being universal, daily runs will choose a specific character for you to play as.. and EVERYONE is forced to play as him/her/them universally. yes this includes the lost… but dont worry those will be rare days…

that said… nothing can be acquired or unlocked in daily runs. much like seeds daily runs do not yield any progress rewards… so its best to play the main game more if you want game progress.


first id like to point out that the points im detailing here are most likely place holders to be edited as we continue testing… but here is the foundation of what we have currently running.

Positive points:

+ 200 points per floor cleared

+400 points for sheol / cathedral / chest / dark room

+666 points for boss rush / mega satan

+1 point swag bonus for each held pickup on completion/death (bombs, keys, pennies)

+??? for secret bonus points


Negative points:

-1 point per second spent playing (rewards for fast play)

-10 per hit taken from an enemy / obstacles (damage from items/donations/etc don’t count as damage) (rewards for how well you play)

-?? per item taken (still testing this but i want people to be a bit more choosy on what they take and push risk reward a bit more here)

as you can see for the most part high score will be based around “how well you play” and other minor decisions you make while in the daily run. aside from boss rush + mega satan bonus the scores of most skilled players will be close, i think this should make things really interesting.

again, all of this may be tweaked a lot before/after release depending on what happens.

what do you think? anything you love / hate? any reasons why? id love to hear what you think on reddit, maybe there are some glaring issues we overlooked or rewards we should be paying out.. or maybe its totally perfect and everyone online agrees with everything i said and thinks im pretty much the bees knees.

either way tell me here:


next week gooseberry fool gets small! BOO YA!

And Edmund's got a little habit of hiding links in these updates. Often they're stuff like this from the post above where it's a picture that kinda fits thematically but doesn't really mean much. Sometimes it's more, like the time he put a link in to a clip of what appeared to be the Wii U version. In the above update he put a link that revealed a new item, which is in the spoiler below.


And it appears to be the D8. I wonder what it'll reroll?

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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming...August?
by Psychic » Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:50 pm

A Room with a view (afterbirth update #13)
one of the biggest totally new additions to rebirth was larger rooms. not only did they look really unique they also totally changed how you played isaac, large rooms filled with enemies felt a lot more robotron, run/gun. speed mattered more, movement mattered more and range was also taken into consideration a lot more in most of the giant areas.

in afterbirth i decided to do a few size counterparts to large rooms…


there will be 5 new room types in afterbirth, small wide, small tall, extra thin halls, stout open rooms and the L shaped larger rooms ive shown in previous posts.

having even less space to work with again changes how you might approach a room. a basic enemy like a hopper becomes a lot more dangerous in rooms like these, and the risk involved in hitting a switch in these areas is much bigger. but don’t worry, small rooms will be about as rare as large ones.

these new room additions will appear along side the 1000+ new rooms designed specifically for afterbirth.


in rebirth there were a few additions to the editor that i didn’t use much due to time restraints, these were room/item/enemy weight (% chance it will spawn) as well as random tile/enemy generation (meaning i can make a block have a 50/50 chance of being a fire to allow for entry to a pickup item without a bomb, or even giving a specific basic fly in a room a 10% chance of spawning in as a bomb fly)

ill be using these features a lot more in afterbirth.. and i have a feeling some of the more rare rooms will like winning the lottery in isaac.. or being killed by a frozen turd from an airplane.

in other news.. in celebration of recent events, we have decided to power up the 3 dollar bill! it now switches to a new tear effect ever 2-3 seconds instead of every room, and also will include all the new tear types from afterbirth.

we also went ahead and added this little trinket as well

and here is what both look like in effect..
next week… we announce something?

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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming...August?
by Psychic » Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:55 pm

Xboned! (afterbirth update #14
its official! the binding of isaac rebirth will release on Xbox 1 on July 23rd!

it will obviously not release with the upcoming afterbirth dlc, because it isnt finished yet, but it will eventually make its way to the ol bone.

here are some videos of it running on said system…

2 consoles down, one to go! this will be my first ever universal release (even more universal now that it’s also going to be on all current gen handhelds) makes me really happy to see something so freaking weird releasing on EVERYTHING. the Nicalis team have done such an amazing job with these and have dealt with my design nazi diva ass quite well :).

but all you steam kids are screaming who cares!? we want afterbirth info! we want more! give us blood and politically correct violence!

well here, an item for your troubles

More options is a play on one of the more interesting passive items in rebirth that allows the player to choose from one of 2 boss items. to me these slight options are probably the things that make an isaac run the most interesting, giving the player some slight amount of control over what “build” they want to play as is something that makes the d6 so appealing and something id love to explore more in a sequel for sure. sadly i couldnt explore it much more in rebirth due to things getting too broken too fast due to some items being way too OP.. but if i was able to balance items better, more options all the time could be quite fun.. but that’s a whole other post, many years away.

anyway, More Options give you more options in treasure rooms! (and can be found in stores)

and this leads me to the new very rare room type in isaac… double treasure rooms!

there is always a tiny chance that the treasure room may become a double treasure room, luck will also play a role in this.

but not all treasure rooms will be like the one in the gif.. some you may need to work for, but ill let you see for yourself when you actually find one in game.

tune in next week!

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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming...August?
by SpaceJebus » Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:42 am

PsychicSykes wrote:Xboned! (afterbirth update #14
its official! the binding of isaac rebirth will release on Xbox 1 on July 23rd!

it will obviously not release with the upcoming afterbirth dlc, because it isnt finished yet, but it will eventually make its way to the ol bone.

here are some videos of it running on said system…

2 consoles down, one to go! this will be my first ever universal release (even more universal now that it’s also going to be on all current gen handhelds) makes me really happy to see something so freaking weird releasing on EVERYTHING. the Nicalis team have done such an amazing job with these and have dealt with my design nazi diva ass quite well :).

but all you steam kids are screaming who cares!? we want afterbirth info! we want more! give us blood and politically correct violence!

well here, an item for your troubles

More options is a play on one of the more interesting passive items in rebirth that allows the player to choose from one of 2 boss items. to me these slight options are probably the things that make an isaac run the most interesting, giving the player some slight amount of control over what “build” they want to play as is something that makes the d6 so appealing and something id love to explore more in a sequel for sure. sadly i couldnt explore it much more in rebirth due to things getting too broken too fast due to some items being way too OP.. but if i was able to balance items better, more options all the time could be quite fun.. but that’s a whole other post, many years away.

anyway, More Options give you more options in treasure rooms! (and can be found in stores)

and this leads me to the new very rare room type in isaac… double treasure rooms!

there is always a tiny chance that the treasure room may become a double treasure room, luck will also play a role in this.

but not all treasure rooms will be like the one in the gif.. some you may need to work for, but ill let you see for yourself when you actually find one in game.

tune in next week!

Day 1 for me on the Xbox, can't wait.

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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming...August?
by Saint of Killers » Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:43 am

People getting to play this for the first time... much jelly.

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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming...August?
by Psychic » Thu Jul 16, 2015 12:40 pm

More like 3D..YES! (afterbirth update #15)

As some of you may have heard last week, it was announced that Rebirth will be releasing on the new 3ds, WiiU and Xbox1 all on the same day, July 23rd! ONLY 10 DAYS AWAY!
currently my new favorite platform for rebirth is easily the new 3ds version, i’ve been playing a lot of it this week (went and got a new 3ds just to play it early…) and i wanna list of a few of my favorite new but subtle features to the 3ds + WiiU versions.

-having the map on the 2nd screen is way more helpful and pleasing to the eye than expected!

-you can draw and take notes on the 2nd screen around the map so you can remember to go back to specific rooms, or just draw wieners.

-all trinkets, cards and items have new large higher rez art for use on the bottom screen.. this sounds minor but it’s easily one of my fave features, i just like seeing the new more detailed art down there, its quite purdy.

i wanna also take the time to respond to the most common questions about the new launch.

- Rebirth will release on new 3ds, WiiU and Xbox1 on july 23rd (i dont know what time)

- Rebirth will only work on the NEW 3ds system. the game really needed the extra horse power the new 3ds brings with it to get it working in a way we were happy with.

- Rebirth will be 15$ on all platforms universally.

- you can NOT get a discount on platform X if you own the game on platform Y.

- you can NOT transfer saves from platform X to platform Y

Hope that clears things up! now on to the afterbirth update.

Afterbirth will feature A LOT of new basic pickups.

there will be new cards, pills, runes, bombs, hearts, chests and even a few new item types you will run into and/or unlock via one of the 10 new challenges.

we are getting to the point where i don’t want to spoil all the fun here… so i need to be careful with what i post and how much. so today im going to simply post a few screen shots of new pickups and trinkets and let you try and figure out what they do :)


afterbirth is currently looking to be around 2 months from completion. we recently added another 40+ items so you never know what feature creeps we may run into along the way… but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and hope we can announce a release date and start taking preorders sooner than later ;)

see ya!

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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming...August?
by Zartan » Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:29 pm

Is it wrong I want to buy a 3DS for this....

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Victor Mildew
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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming...August?
by Victor Mildew » Thu Jul 16, 2015 11:07 pm

Yes, buy a vita and play it on dat screen.

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming Sep/Oct 2015
by Dangerblade » Fri Jul 17, 2015 10:43 am

Updated the opening post with the original Afterbirth spiel...

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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming...August?
by Zartan » Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:48 pm

Ad7 wrote:Yes, buy a vita and play it on dat screen.

But with a 3DS I then have an excuse to buy pokemon :shifty:

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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming Sep/Oct 2015
by Psychic » Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:19 pm

Cerebrum Dispersio (afterbirth update #16)
to celebrate the release of the binding of isaac: rebirth soundtrack going up on itunes this week, today’s blog post will reveal another new music track from afterbirth, Cerebrum Dispersio.

Cerebrum Dispersio will become an alt boss track, to switch things up a bit in the main game but will also be featured in the new game mode (i have yet to talk about).

the afterbirth soundtrack will feature 8 new tracks and maybe a bonus? who knows. the soundtrack is up now on bandcamp for preorder and its only 1$, but if you pay 3.33 you will get a secret bonus track! i highly recommenced picking up the ost when you can, i almost like the new tracks more than the rebirth ones and that saying something.

buy the rebirth soundtrack here: ... ebirth-ost

preorder the afterbirth soundtrack here: ... rbirth-ost

weekly reminder:
REBIRTH COMES OUT FOR NEW 3DS + WIIU + XBOX1 on the 23rd! only 3 days away!

a few new answers to common questions we have been getting.

- we dont have a set release date for the game in places outside the us

-the game will be the same price on all systems $14.99

-we would love to release afterbirth on all systems but dont currently have any info on when it will happen, its still in development.

and finally ill end this by teasing a bit more of Lilith.
as most assumed one of the 3 items she starts with would be a familiar.. and you were right, she starts with easily one of the best new demon familiars the incubus. but she also holds a mysterious box… and has another passive item inside her that im sure all the pro’s will abuse the hell out of…

see you on the 23rd!

Bad news for people wanting to buy it on the MS and Nintendo systems: "we dont have a set release date for the game in places outside the us"

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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming Sep/Oct 2015
by Dangerblade » Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:17 pm

The new tracks are so strawberry floating awesome.

...I've read every update since I said I'd stop :lol: :fp:

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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| AFTERBIRTH Coming Sep/Oct 2015
by Dangerblade » Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:59 pm

This is available on PSN for just £6 or £3.60 on PS+

This is available on PSN for just £6 or £3.60 on PS+

This is available on PSN for just £6 or £3.60 on PS+


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Victor Mildew
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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| £3.60 ON PLAYSTATION PLUS!!!
by Victor Mildew » Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:52 pm

Bargain at either price.

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |OT| £3.60 ON PLAYSTATION PLUS!!!
by Psychic » Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:06 pm

Let's get greedy (afterbirth update)

Lets get Greedy! in Greed mode! a totally new game mode in afterbirth that is a hell of a lot more fun than even i expected it to be…

when i was designing rebirth i was very aware that one of the most requested features people wanted was a “boss rush” or “mob rush” mode. i couldnt quite nail down a full mode without it feeling really tacked on, so my compromise was “Boss rush” and i called it a day.

during afterbirth dev i started playing around with the idea of a true boss/mob rush mode that could have more depth than just being a mega man style “fight all the bosses again” mode, or just some kinda endless mob survival mode you see added to a lot of smaller games these days.

i decided to look at what i believe to be all the games existing short comings that simply coudnt be fixed due to story/structure/balancing issues and attempt to design a new game around those that included a “survival” theme, much like zombies in COD.

i personally believe the biggest short comings in isaac are:

the mom and moms heart fights - knowing who you are fighting and always fighting those boss every single run flys in the face of random gen. and even though those bosses have alts it still feels less fun always having to fight them in every run.

the items system feels “too random” - the most fun runs ive had in isaac were ones that allowed me to have a few options when constructing my “build” when it came to how i wanted my run to go. focusing on collecting contact damage items + HP items, going ultra protective with tons of orbitals or simply becoming guppy were all things i wish the player had a bit more control over making happen.. but aside from adding “more options” items, there wasnt a good way to fix this without the game getting busted fast.

risk reward feels a bit too luck based - now i know this aspect of isaac is probably the reason why its so popular, the fact that if you get lucky on your first run and get tons of OP items that just destroy everything you touch is a very appealing aspect of the game for sure.. but i miss the more strategic risk reward systems that ive used in my past games and always saw isaacs luck based ultra rewards as a minor flaw in the game.

so when designing Greed Mode, i focused directly on these issues and essentially made a totally new game that uses isaacs structure but addressed all the flaws i mentioned while at the same time attempting to wrangle a fun and more fully realized mob/boss rush game mode that people seemed to really wanna play.

so here is how greed mode works.

the basic layout of each floor looks like this:
a double wide store, 2 treasure rooms, cursed room, exit room, possible devil/angel room and the games main focus a double height room with a button in the center.

the game starts with the store, one treasure room and cursed room unlocked. once the button is pressed all doors become barred, the first mob spawns into the room and a timer appears under the button and the button turns red, grows small spikes around it and becomes the “stop button”
once the time runs out, or the mob is killed, the next mob spawns in and this continues till you have cleared x waves, you press the stop button, or you die.
this may seem simple but its a lot more crazy than youd think, dealing with randomly generated mobs in isaac isnt something you see at all in game and there is a really interesting dance around killing mobs while keeping an eye on the timer and making sure you have the ability to hit stop when things start getting out of control.

but the real thing that makes greed mode totally new is that, there are no “lucky drops”, in fact there are basically no drops at all. see each wave that spawns also spawns pennies, depending on how many waves have spawned without having hit the stop button.

this new risk reward or resource system makes for some fun strategic planning when it comes to how you tackle each run, money is vital in this mode.. but so is life seeing as you will lose a half of a heart each time you stop the waves from spawning.. but how do you gain more life if there are no drops aside from coins?
the store system for greed mode is the games foundation. this is where you will buy pickups to survive, keys for treasure rooms and a lot more options when it comes to how you build your character.
we are still actively balancing, tuning and adding visuals to greed mode so expect some changes when you finally get your hands on it.

but how do waves work? what about bosses? how do we open devil rooms? where does this mode end? will there be new bosses? how will item pools change? what about rooms!? tell me something!!!!

i guess youll find out next week (maybe)

Sounds great.

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