The Board Game Thread

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Do you play board games?

Hells yeah! I'm a board game geek!
I don't but would like to get into them...
You mean, like Snakes & Ladders? :shifty:
No way! They're for nerds!
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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by FatDaz » Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:33 pm

Hyperion wrote:WE WON :toot:

Well done! We lost December both times. Even reset and tried again a few months later but still lost! Amazing how some bad epidemic draws can just screw you over

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Hypes » Wed Aug 30, 2017 11:49 pm

FatDaz wrote:
Hyperion wrote:WE WON :toot:

Well done! We lost December both times. Even reset and tried again a few months later but still lost! Amazing how some bad epidemic draws can just screw you over

Oh no! :(
Yeah we had two epidemics in quick succession but had managed to remove the one cube that was going to set of a chain of outbreaks in-between them. We really set one of the objectives up in the first game of the month as we thought there was no way we'd complete our objectives first time round

End board

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Hexx » Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:50 pm

Well done!

So who wants to play some Rebellion?

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Tragic Magic » Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:02 pm

I do. Told my wife we need to play it again soon.

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Hexx » Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:11 pm

Come visit?

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Hypes » Fri Sep 01, 2017 7:39 pm

I see Zman are releasing a new game Pandemic: Rising Tide. Set in the Netherlands where you're trying to stop it flooding.
If there's no diseases, what makes it a Pandemic game? Apparently it's part of the 'Survival Series' which includes Iberia but there's no mention of this being a limited edition like Iberia apparently was. ... sing-tide/

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Roonmastor » Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:02 pm

Forbidden Island was all about preventing flooding so I'm guessing the mechanic is similiar and just trading on the Pandemic brand.

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Tragic Magic » Sat Sep 02, 2017 12:29 am

We strawberry floated up the 2nd (6th) chase of Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective and Jack the Ripper tonight. We got every question wrong. We should have called it a night and resumed the case next weekend but we all really wanted to have a pop at the case questions. We were completely duped by a red herring that we only came across towards the end. We'll definitely be playing the next case across multiple evenings until we are sure we have every piece of evidence covered. It's a fantastic game so we don't want to finish a case early (and wrong) again.

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Cuttooth » Tue Sep 05, 2017 8:58 am

Argh, I can see how Arkham can really get its hooks in you. £120 for all of the first expansion though. :dread:

I might have to make some decisions. :shifty:

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Hexx » Tue Sep 05, 2017 2:28 pm

Do it! Do it!

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Hexx » Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:34 pm

I've been cheating in my Dunwich Campaign as I can't tell the difference between a 2xp and 3xp card


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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Tragic Magic » Tue Sep 05, 2017 10:35 pm

Mansions of Madness is so good. My wife and I just spent the evening playing the second scenario and we had gathered all the evidence we needed to complete the quest. But our only escape route was cut off by an angry mob and we failed to escape. We'd both gone insane too so we ended up being a little distrusting of each other's motives. Turned out we needn't have been worried as the insanity effects weren't too bad.

It really reminds me of Resident Evil. With the whole exploration and key finding to open new areas.

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Hexx » Fri Sep 08, 2017 12:46 pm

Building one of those Arkham LCG storage boxes.

Much screaming swearing and forcing layered and I think it's borked. Drying but not convinced particularly sturdy

Did not expect 'self assembly' to mean no instructions and then the video they made to pull out 4 corner clamps.

We'll see how it dries, but I'm fairly sure one side is going to fall off

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Hexx » Wed Sep 13, 2017 9:25 am

Path to Carcosa dispatched :D

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Yoshimi » Wed Sep 13, 2017 10:20 am

I've not played enough Arkham Horror LCG to warrant continuing to buy the packs. So I've stopped with the complete Dunwich Legacy set. I do really enjoy it though. Love the setting, just don't get to play enough. I have Mansions of Madness 2nd Ed barely played too.

I'm considering stopping Game of Thrones LCG too. I have been playing it since release of 2nd Ed, and have bought everything, but it's getting too much. I never do very well in Organised Play events, and I've more than enough cards to play casually.

However I have ordered a few starter sets for Star Wars Destiny. I'm adamant not to go all-in with it, and just play/buy casually. My daughter is a big Star Wars fan, so I'm hoping she'll enjoy playing this with me.

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Hexx » Wed Sep 13, 2017 10:29 am

Yoshimi wrote:However I have ordered a few starter sets for Star Wars Destiny. I'm adamant not to go all-in with it, and just play/buy casually. My daughter is a big Star Wars fan, so I'm hoping she'll enjoy playing this with me.

You'll need 2 starter sets to play with her...or they've just announced a 2 player pack you might want to wait for ... ayer-game/

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Yoshimi » Wed Sep 13, 2017 10:47 am

Hexx wrote:
Yoshimi wrote:However I have ordered a few starter sets for Star Wars Destiny. I'm adamant not to go all-in with it, and just play/buy casually. My daughter is a big Star Wars fan, so I'm hoping she'll enjoy playing this with me.

You'll need 2 starter sets to play with her...or they've just announced a 2 player pack you might want to wait for ... ayer-game/

Yeah I bought the Rey and Kylo starter sets. They looks better value than the 2 player pack (which is out now, btw). Got the 2 sets for £18.99. The 2 player pack's RRP is £30.

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Hexx » Wed Sep 13, 2017 10:49 am

Ahh didn't know it was out. I think the 2 player pack has some new card - but what you've got should be fine.

I bought Rey and played with someone who had' But neither of us where enthused enough to want to spend £££ on many many packs to build decks.

For a family fun time it should be ok though

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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Trelliz » Wed Sep 13, 2017 1:11 pm

I'm going to be having a boardgame clearout - a load of stuff that we don't like thematically or mechanically which is just taking up space and the money from which could go to other things, stuff like king of tokyo, Bsieged, Mage Knight (love the game and have the star trek version but the fantasy setting is so generic) and some others.

jawa2 wrote:Tl;dr Trelliz isn't a miserable git; he's right.
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PostRe: The Board Game Thread
by Hexx » Sun Sep 24, 2017 6:26 pm

Rebellion: Rise of the Empire

Really really enjoyed this. Very much a 'correction' based on 1000s of play thrus rather than entirely fundamental shift.

Liked it lots - fixes a lot of issues with main game. Couple of co fusing cards/interactions but they'll get FAQed fast.

The new missions (for the Rebels) were lore interesting - ended up feeling mission starved as played so many each turn

New combat is better - not sure it's the best thing ever, but improved. Change to defenders advantage is good.

New objectives/missions/dice will take sometime to get used to - there's a lot of shifty actions in there that surprised us. Familiarity will help.

I think RNG is still quite strong in terms of leader/probe/mission draw - hard to avoid though

But very much enjoyed that

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