The Comments Thread

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Cuttooth » Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:08 pm

Male Animals Rights Activists? Holy strawberry floating gooseberry fool that has to be a parody. :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Trelliz » Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:11 pm

OrangeRakoon wrote:I didn't think there existed people who disliked David Attenborough

Well he's part of the BBC talks about climate change from a position of personal experience, making him a left-wing luvvie AND one of those "experts" we are allegedly fed up of.
I used to really enjoy nature programmes but since the great global warming mantra had to become a crucial part of them, the politics have turned me off

"I used to like watching animals on TV until faced with ideas or thoughts that made me uncomfortable. Why should we raise concerns about the natural world when all I want to do is watch antelopes strawberry floating or insects eating each other?"

jawa2 wrote:Tl;dr Trelliz isn't a miserable git; he's right.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Mon Feb 20, 2017 2:41 pm

Cuttooth wrote:Male Animals Rights Activists? Holy strawberry floating gooseberry fool that has to be a parody. :lol:

He's taking the piss out of feminism by posting what he thinks is a hilarious, over-the-top-yet-accurate, satirical imitation from a male perspective.

Council tax to rise while services cut

39. Posted by farkyss on 5 hours ago

Personally i'd rather be poor and free-ish in a deeply flawed Tory system than equally poor, overcrowded, and in fear of my life under a fatally flawed authoritarian collectivist Labour, Lib Dem, or Green system.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:12 pm

Oblomov Boblomov wrote: Council tax to rise while services cut

39. Posted by farkyss on 5 hours ago

Personally i'd rather be poor and free-ish in a deeply flawed Tory system than equally poor, overcrowded, and in fear of my life under a fatally flawed authoritarian collectivist Labour, Lib Dem, or Green system.

The fact is that councils waste an awful lot of money and could do a lot more with the money they have. Try axing a few "diversity coordinators" and not paying to translate council documents into every language on earth. That ought to save a few libraries and fill in a few pot holes.

Can Lilly Allen collect garbage?


2 years running my local labour council will have administered the highest council tax ,(North Tyneside),we will not be fooled again for the reasons they say,when they gave themselves a 24% pay rise in expenses(so they can get the calibre of people they need),when we see mass immigration into the area,to the cost to the locals who have to pay for these people.Why do people vote Labour?????

Amazing isn't it? Whenever supposedly 'cash-strapped councils' pass the begging bowl round or have to consider cutting services it never seems to be pointless climate change consultants, 'diversity' advisors or gold-plated council pensions which are targeted. Instead the Marxist TUC council-mafia always single out the most emotive services they occasionally provide. No prizes for guessing why!

and the very people who moan about council tax rises are the very people who want every immigrant in the middle east over here.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by OrangeRKN » Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:18 pm

Such optimism

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Squinty » Mon Feb 20, 2017 7:05 pm

I have to be honest, the last comment, while poorly put is accurate. We are killing our planet, I don't know what type of world we are giving future generations.

I hope that science has some answers.

Edit - oops, I'm talking about the Blue Planet 2 comments.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Lotus » Mon Feb 20, 2017 7:22 pm

OrangeRakoon wrote:I didn't think there existed people who disliked David Attenborough

I like him, but not his voice. It just grates on me, and I find what he says (or rather the way he says it) needlessly melodramatic.
TBH it's the main reason I've not watched any of the Planet Earth/Blue Planet series. Just can't bear the thought of sitting through an hour of his voice.

I'm aware this is heresy in most people's eyes.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Mon Feb 20, 2017 7:47 pm

I have no idea why he is considered such a monumental national treasure. Having said that, I don't know much about him other than that he hosts/narrates wildlife and nature documentaries.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:07 am

Political correctness kick-started populism

It's behind a pay wall (although you can just register and log in):
For decades, left-wing ideologies silence dissenters - but now there is a welcome backlash

For several years now, Trevor Phillips has been on a political journey. Originally a fully paid-up member of the metropolitan liberal set, the former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission has been regularly denouncing some of the shibboleths to which he previously subscribed.

On Thursday he will take this further. In a documentary on Channel 4, he will blame political correctness for the rise of populism throughout the West.

The reason nobody saw the people’s revolt coming is that political correctness is too easily dismissed. At best it is viewed as a kind of idiocy that takes the avoidance of giving offence to absurd lengths; at worst, as the unpleasantly assertive politics of identity and group rights.

Phillips appears to understand that, far more damagingly, it has corroded the very basis of moral accountability. “It was a clear statement,” he observes, “that some groups can play by their own rules.”

Those PC rules derive from secular ideologies such as anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism, feminism, multiculturalism, moral relativism and environmentalism. All these and more are based on the idea that the white, male-dominated, Judeo-Christian West is the embodiment of oppressive global power — the political source of original sin.

So white western men or Christians can never be offended or hurt because they are themselves innately offensive and hurtful, while “powerless” women or minorities can only ever be their victims. In other words, such victim groups are given a free pass for their own questionable behaviour.

The reason these secular and utilitarian ideologies are unchallengeable is that, in a pattern going back to the French Revolution, they are held to represent not a point of view but virtue itself.

Therefore, anyone who opposes them must be bad. This creates a moral imperative to drive dissenters out of civilised society altogether. For daring to question multiculturalism, Phillips found himself accused of being a fellow-traveller of the BNP.

Reason has thus been supplanted by a secular inquisition, complete with an index of prohibited ideas. It is in effect a dictatorship of virtue, drawing upon the doctrine first promoted by Jean-Jacques Rousseau of forcing people to be free.

Of course it’s not freedom at all but a form of moral extortion: extracting permission to behave badly or questionably under threat of character assassination and social opprobrium.

Phillips may not appreciate the comparison but my own experience echoes his journey. For nearly two decades I wrote for The Guardian and The Observer, from which Eden I was eventually driven out by the disgrace of my political heresies.

From the late Eighties, I followed where the evidence led me to challenge one politically correct doctrine after another. Lifestyle choice, I argued, was by and large a disaster for the children involved in such fractured families.

Multiculturalism would dissolve the glue that held society together. National identity, far from being xenophobic, was essential for democracy and the defence of liberal values.

I was appalled that women, ethnic minorities and the poor were being infantilised and even dehumanised by being treated not as grown-ups with responsibility for their own behaviour but as helpless victims of circumstance.

Racism was supposedly endemic in every institution. Social-work staff were reduced to tears when told that their refusal to confess to racism was itself proof they were racist. Any curb on immigration was racist. To me this was absurd, oppressive and culturally suicidal.

The understanding that education involved a transmission of the culture was regarded as an attack on a child’s autonomy. When I supported a retired head teacher who protested that teachers were no longer guiding children but abandoning them to ignorance and under-achievement, I was denounced as “ignorant, silly, intellectually vulgar, vicious, irresponsible, elitist, middle-class, fatuous, dangerous, intemperate, shallow, strident, reactionary, propagandist, simplistic, unbalanced, prejudiced, rabid, venomous and pathetic”. All that over just one article.

Nor did it stop at name-calling. I found myself in a kind of internal exile. There was no more cosy camaraderie round the tea trolley or invitations to supper. I lost work and was blacklisted by every major publishing house.

As Phillips says, the social infrastructure of advancement, rewards and status depends entirely on having politically correct views. If not, social and professional ostracism follows.

People have finally had enough of this institutionalised attack on accountability, natural justice and freedom. It turns out that what I’ve been arguing for decades is supported by millions throughout Britain, the US and Europe.

Now those millions are being vilified in turn as neo-fascist, racist and too stupid even to know what they’ve voted for. Their uprising is being called populism.

I call it a return to decency and reason.

This is the first time I've read an article in the Times with such a right wing slant on it. It turns out the (vocal portion of its) readership is not so dissimilar to that of the BBC, just the spelling is much better and they use longer words :lol:.

I travel a lot and talk to many people. They feel suffocated by the avalanche of Snowflakes. My concern is that the Right On-istas have enfuriated too many people and the disilusionment makes people give up; they feel that the Snowflakes have snatched Democracy for themselves.
Excellent article.

To snub a friend or colleague because they no longer share your world view is the height of illiberal behaviour. How did they come to appropriate this word when their actions are so at odds with it?

Thank goodness the tide seems to be turning and intolerance masquerading as tolerance is being called out. There is so much wisdom and decency in ordinary people and they are fed up with being told they are bad/ stupid /wrong and don't deserve a voice.

Two legs good. Four legs bad. I love the thought of Trevor Philips in the stocks and being called a racist by students,lesbians and Muslims, the same idiots who get the vapours when Donald Trump says he putting America first and trying to prevent another 9/11.
I can just imagine Trevor Philips in the dock being interogated by someone like Diane Abbot about why he allowed himself to deviate from doctine and whether he is really a closet UKIPer.

The Left used to rely on the working classes for the vote because they were regarded as thick and maleable. If Dad voted Labour so did the son because if he didn't, he was a class traitor and an upstart.
Now the working classes have turned to UKIP for authentic representation, it is left to a core of rabid, middle class, Nottinghill Marxists to evangelise for global socialism and political correctness which is its language.

This is not a battle won it is a battle joined. The forces of liberal fascism are building a head of steam because their pc world view is being threatened. They are supported by much of the apparatus of state from education, health and justice to the BBC. They tell us what we should be thinking and try and make us feel bad for supporting common sense and good reason. We need to drain this swamp while we can. So fellow 'populists' hold your nerve and keep supporting the cause. The Tories are too wet to do it so at this point we can only hope UKIP sort themselves out by 2020!

Is GRcade the only safe space (get it? I'm a snowflake) left in the world?

What is going on? :dread:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:17 am

Oblomov Boblomov wrote:
What is going on? :dread:

People are annoyed that other people call them out when they are racist and/or sexist. Not wanting to speak to a racist means you are a snowflake and that you are intolerant because you don't listen to their intolerance.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Hexx » Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:49 am

Oblomov Boblomov wrote:What is going on? :dread:


Basically the twats that want to return to the good old days when they had special rights/privilege - they don't see anything wrong with that and see any attempts to level the playing field as further other people above them.

You can see it in there "The real racists are the people that offer SPECIAL TREATMENT to minorities (protect them from 'racists').

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Qikz » Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:18 am

People claiming UKIP want to represent the working class. They really are strawberry floating stupid.

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Rex Kramer » Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:24 am

At what point did old people get the monopoly on common sense?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:32 am

Rex Kramer wrote:At what point did old people get the monopoly on common sense?

When granny and grandpa managed to get the thimble and the hat on the right square.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:46 pm

The teacher shortage is getting worse.

You lefty feminist luvvies ruined teaching, and the medical profession is next.Familiarity breeds contempt NOT respect. And u lot want to be the kids' friends. Wake up! You are producing a generation of snowflakes. I've employed a few and wish i didn't. With their useless degrees they think they are too good to do the work. Babied through school and then cry when told to do something at work.

Who cares? Teachers moaning (again!) just fire them.

Sick to death of these public sector leeches.

Anyone who really cares about their child's education would have them educated privately anyway. We made sacrifices to ensure ours got the best available. Too many people after something for nothing.

Teachers have brought much upon themselves with their adherence to left wing and PC ideas. These ideas have led to poor discipline.The shortage is due largely to the fact that many good people do not wish to involve themselves in such an organisation. Mr Gove called it the "blob" and he was onto something. Fix attitudes first and parents need to be proactive demanding education not mind control.

Given that Generation Snowflake thinks it is so highly-educated, why aren't more of them going into teaching? Or maybe they just can't take the pressure.

Being in the EU has caused this situation. Our schools are overcrowded from massive population growth every year. Teachers take 4 years at uni to qualify.

Our infrastructure simply can't keep up with demand and putting too much stress on current teachers/doctors/hospitals/roads. Close the borders NOW!

I must admit i'd like to teach boys the truth about the family court system, divorce courts, male homelessness & suicide, false allegations, male rape, domestic abuse towards men, and how the education system and our national broadcaster promotes the belief in the "patriarchy" and "male privilege". But i fear i wouldn't be allowed.

Of course; Education planning (like the NHS) didn't (couldn't!) take account of unrestricted free movement of 500 Million people!

Bring back corporal punishment and male-centric teaching practices then (and only then) will you see more teachers (predominantly men) returning to teach STEM and maths

It's no accident that there's a young woman and a black man front-and-centre of the image the BBC have used to illustrate this article.

Part of the teacher shortage is due to targeted recruitment in minority groups (i.e., racist/sexist hiring policies).

The police are doing the same thing, and as a result uptake is lower because Asian women simply aren't interested in being police officers.

Teachers are quitting in record numbers because they quickly find the left-wing rose-tinted view of the world they were brainwashed with in teacher training college actually couldn't be further from the truth.

Multiculturalism is destroying our education system (as are those who refuse to believe this fact).

Another example of Supply vs Demand (just like the NHS). Cut the Demand side and you will re-address the balance.

Too many alien children (over) filling schools, hospitals, transport, social services.

It's not personal, just business.

What the Government need to realise is that if they are going to transform the inner city schools so that they resemble UN refugee camps and adopt subtle social engineering programs that transform the nation's ethnicity, then many people that once would have considered teaching will be completely put off the profession.

Who wants to stand and teach a culturally enriched classroom that speaks multiple languages? Ew.

Bring some discipline back into schools, and stop teaching useless PC rubbish.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Victor Mildew » Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:31 pm

All those Alien children coming over here, stealing our school places.

Waiting for the school bus yesterday

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:40 pm


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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Feb 21, 2017 3:22 pm

Ad7 wrote:All those Alien children coming over here, stealing our school places.

Waiting for the school bus yesterday

It wudnt b so bad but dey ensist on speshal treetmunt! Y shud I pay 4 Jovian food?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Tue Feb 21, 2017 3:35 pm

I do agree with one point in that - there are young adults coming out of uni with pretty worthless degrees (myself included) that aren't setting them up with the skills needed to succeed in life.

"Generation Snowflake" though, christ :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:19 pm

The House of Lords gets described as the best day-care centre for the elderly.

Very disappointed by them after Same Sex Marriage was not thrown out. So they must go...

Be careful for what u wish for as these fine upstanding ladies and gentleman have kept this country great and respected around the world and when we do have a vote you vote for self sieving narcissists and vote to get out of Europe . It's no wonder the average person on the street is know around the world as the dumbest shallowest in the western worlds.

A long time ago, when the house of Lords had hereditary peers and noble folk, decisions were made in the best interests of preserving the nation's traditions and customs.

Now that we have equality madness and too much empathy for ethnic minorities, the house of Lords is becoming irrelevant as it seems the British may as well leave the doors wide open and allow any old riff-raff in.

I didn't really care much about the Lords one way or the other before the referendum. Now, as we're told the place is infected with remoaners, i'd defo get rid of them. Especially since they're thieving expenses.

I don't really care for more elected politicians though. So best just replace them with random folk or an algorithm.

Where's Harold Shipman when you need him!

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