The Comments Thread

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:20 pm

Some more gems from the sex education story.

Sex belongs within a biological, legally registered marriage open to new life. Stick to that and you'll never have problems.


I assume Transgender, gender-fluid, non-binary and pansexual issues will be at the top of the curriculum ?

Very sad.

The teaching "profession" seem to want to abolish the joy of childhood.

It's all about control and marginalising parents.

This is wrong on so many levels. I can only assume that people that want sex education taught to underage boys and girls are in favour of the sexualisation of young children!

GET LOST. Theres no way any 4 year olds in my family are having sex lessons. Time enough for that when theyre old enough to understand. This government would do well doing something about the paedophiles in thier midst instead of taking away the innocence of childhood. SMUT. Go prosecute the westminster paedos the government are shileding or arrest the many muslim grooming gangs still at it.

Bonkers! Excuse the pun, but this is just crazy. We had a liberal lucy visit my son's school who tried to justify this education on the grounds that a small minority of scandinavian and south american girls get periods very early - who in this country must number in their 10s. Far better to identify at risk children and educate them appropriately than destroy the innocence of a whole generation

Who gave anyone except their parents, the right to teach 4 year olds this kind of stuff? Just stop inflicting your liberal values on vulnerable children.

How Bloody Stupid in teaching 4 years and older about sex relations. The more innocent the child the better Adult he or she becomes. Children should be taught childish things not things which relate to when you become an adult. This is going to increase child pornography not decrease it. Glad I am 69 years old.

Children have no interest in sex unless told they should,BBC.Teens have the urge-but teaching esoteric concepts of respect/safety is like teaching political diversity to BBC reporters-theoretically sensible,practicably doesnt happen.Kids learn about sex in their own fashion.Awkward teacher diagrams/BBC-style 'respect' lgbt awareness courses never trump hormones.Sorry BBC,term 'trump' must grate...

Gen X needs to seriously sod off now. Rates of first time sex, and pregnancy have been falling for years. Millenials and Gen Y's are having less sex, taking less drugs, smoking less and it's not because of all this force fed crap.

We're sick of the heavy liberal push and are returning to Conservative values such as waiting to find the right one. It's only you guys screwed up, stop projecting.

Someone save us from this BBC/leftist/lgbt garbage. Our infants are now to be socially engineered to be sexually aware at four? Who contaminated our society that this is happening? A few decades back it was the NSDAP. Now its the BBC. Transgender, leftist, pro-monolithic state propaganda funded by state extortion of taxes from us all. A petition is long overdue about the BBC.

Teaching 4 year olds about sex, seems like something a peadophile would want to do

I'm sorry, but I can sum up CORRECT sex education in one sentence: the only acceptable form of sex is between a man and a woman, married to each other, for the purposes of procreation.

All else is sinful and utterly destructive of both the individual and society.

The problem is some faiths not most of them, however some do treat their women like second class citizens, you have to look to what happened in Rotherham or cologne to see this, what concerns me it is those faiths that are more likely not to have this education as mentioned or to withdraw their children from the lessons which defeats the whole purpose and means abuses could happen in the future.

Anything that teaches our children what female genitals *should* look like can only be a good thing in the fight against FGM, which is becoming ever more prevalent as the "Religion of Peace" sweeps across our land unabated.

Will the lessons include hings such as "being made to cover up because of your gender is not healthy for a modern relationship". Actually I doubt some faith schools will teach anything to do with sex education.

When my grandson sits on Santa's knee, I want him to be wondering about what he will get for Christmas, not about whether Santa's hand touched his arm inappropriately.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Mini E » Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:39 pm

strawberry floating hell :fp:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Qikz » Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:46 pm

"I am glad i am 69 years old" :lol:

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Mar 08, 2017 12:39 pm

Wikileaks and the CIA.

Oooh look! Here's a Guardian story. That means it must be really important. Let's put it on the site and have a comment piece too! Are we going to the Italian for lunch?

Disgusting, only the regime like usa, uk, nk, kgb russia...allows this to happen every min in our daily life

Just how many terrorist attacks have been stopped through these tools? We seem to have a stark choice, let the terrorists have free reign or try to stop them. Personally I don't like the choice but I don't think we should blind ourselves to the facts.

The treacherous behaviour of both manufacturers and commentators in this community board can mean only one thing: YOU SUPPORT CRIME.

Don't bother replying.

Those who are openly supporting terrorism and peadophilia by discrediting the surveillance, I find you (at best) lamentable, implausible, and down right unpalatable.

Makes you think Trump is RIGHT

Awesome, CIA doing their job! Spying on people! :) Catch those terrorists and send a drown their way :)

We will all be subject to retrospective charges when the law changes.

Eating Duck eggs may become punishable by imprisonment.

I own up, I ate 2 this morning!!!!!

And want 132 other cases of egg eating to be taken into consideration.

15 hs6
...........if you are not up to anything - is it a really a problem compared to being gunned down in the street or venue or being killed or maimed by a suicide bomber.

CIA's remit is to protect citizens

Citizens have a right to privacy.

(as alluded to in the 4th amendment)

The CIA are meant to be "people protectors"

not "sheeple farmers"

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Rocsteady » Wed Mar 08, 2017 2:39 pm

Sheeple farmer's a hell of a job title.

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Corazon de Leon » Wed Mar 08, 2017 2:47 pm

When I grow up I want to be a Sheeple Farmer :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Victor Mildew » Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:02 pm

"Send a drown their way" :lol:

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Snowcannon » Wed Mar 08, 2017 8:34 pm

Sussex uni rated world's best for development studies

4. Colski

Dare I even ask.... What is development studies?

Development Studies is when you put a load of Brexiteers in a room and observe them over time to see if they evolve.

:lol: :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 09, 2017 12:41 pm

Landlords prefer pets to people on benefits.

Well would you rather have pet-loving wholesome family in your home

or a couple likely to be sat smoking and drinking in it who do not believe in house work, or working and paying their in society?

Let's not pretend landlords do not judge books by their covers.

Just saying.

Shock horror. Person with asset to their name exercises their freedom as to how to use it.

We must get in there with our little lefty paws and control, dictate, tax, force everyone to do what we want. When it doesn't work we'll launch dubious ad hominems and publish innuendo in the national media with all of our silly champagne socialist Islington mates.

Having had my house repeatedly trashed after the tennants spent their "Rent Money" on big TVs and Sky and not paying rent for months I will NEVER have another Person without a full time Job again.

It has cost me thousands in the past to put things right again, so I WILL descriminate to protect myself against paying some People have NO RESPECT FOR OTHERS.

Try reporting facts for a change BBC.

Insurance goes up if your tenants are not employed. The reason is simple, there is no claim against them if they trash the property so insurers and landlords don't want the risk and, the cost when a house is trashed.

Just as insurers and employers don't want drivers with a string of driving convictions. It is common sense not discrimination.

Of course they do. Claimants don't pay with their own money. They don't respect the property they have been given.

If you give a kid their first car, they'll wrap it around a tree. If they work a part time job and save for ages, they'll treat that car like a baby. Same with houses. You look after the things you work for. Otherwise easy come, easy go. Its just human nature.

Spot on, and why not? People on benefits generally have poor financial management and prioritise things like scratch cards and getting their nails done over paying the rent. If I was a landlord, I certainly wouldn't take them as tenants. Landlords are running a business, not a charity.

No one ever paid my rent or helped pay it. I worked damn hard to buy my first home. Wasn't easy, but I done it.

Get a grip, Landlords have mortgages too. Get off your backside and go buy a home.

The only issue with renting is that those on benefits wreck good houses, I know, because they wrecked mine on several occasions. So don't tell me who I should and should not rent my property to.

Council tenants do not have the greatest reputation. Simples.

They are used to moaning to the council "there is paint flaking on my front door, it's against my yooman rights"

Private landlords, for whom the property may be their lifetime of hard work, little put aside for a pension, would rather stay well clear.

And have tenants who have a job.

Is that so wierd???

Call me old fashioned but if you are fit and healthy there is always some work out there to do and if you get up early you'll catch the worms.

Mixing council housing (sorry, 'social' housing) with private housing on new estates is a crime against humanity; council houses on council estates, private housing on private estates. It's really very simple.

Perhaps a tabby cat is more likely to pay their rent than a workshy benefit scrounger.

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Corazon de Leon » Thu Mar 09, 2017 4:26 pm

Having seen what council tenants have done to my family's property in the late 90s, I'd be very wary of renting to a family who were not in regular employment/going to be occupying the property during the day. (this was not a luxury property btw - we had to move from England to Scotland urgently and the market had bottomed out.)

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Mini E » Sat Mar 11, 2017 2:10 pm ... f=NEWSFEED

Actually a pretty good grime selfie video with some pretty funny lyrics. Some extremely triggered feminists in the comments section. Well worth a watch and read.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Knoyleo » Sat Mar 11, 2017 2:35 pm

Imagine being the kind of person who unironically posts a link to UNILAD stuff then laughs about "triggered feminists".

pjbetman wrote:That's the stupidest thing ive ever read on here i think.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Mini E » Sat Mar 11, 2017 2:36 pm

8-) Damn straight.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Sat Mar 11, 2017 2:37 pm

I can't take anything seriously if words like "triggered" are used. :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Rocsteady » Sat Mar 11, 2017 3:29 pm

That was absolutely dire.

Boy can't match my GR flows amirite

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:27 pm

The Dutch election.

"Liberals'" bizarre race replacement cults need to be ripped apart. Go Wilders

Put Wilders 5th(!) in the polls and maybe his voters will be deflated and not bother to vote.
Maybe that's why the pollsters are now always wrong?
Maybe people are fed up being labelled racist & say "don't know" or just lie about their loyalty for fear of being screeched down by the liberati?
Dutch people - please turn up and vote - or you'll have the losing side(s) whinging about the result.

Well leftists, I keep seeing the signs Islam will dominate, Sharia4theUK and all the rest! What you doing about it eh? Vile thugs spitting and abusing our armed forces on the streets? What do you lot do? Well you get a Corbyn to hug a Hamas! Well Geerts going to change that!

When a relgion promotes paedophilia, misogyny, bestiality, homophobia, racism, murdering and raping non-believers, it absolutely should be banned. How can you be in favour of these actions?

Hopefully the Dutch will look onto their streets, see them invaded by a violent minority who refuse to integrate or abide by Dutch law, protesting about elections in a foreign land, at the whim of a dictator. When they see this I hope they remember who allowed the invasion, even welcomed it - Rutte and the rest of the so-called liberal "elite" - and vote accordingly, bring down the EU!

Geert Wilders is a moderate! Unlike the far left, dose he support child brides, FGM, Sharia law, Death to gays Death to Apostates, Equal rights in Law for men and women?

It is shameful that they brought us to this.

We never wanted a far right government, but equally we never wanted what we got.

Example, my local school in Hampshire is underfunded, whilst inner London schools where hardly anyone speaks English are massively HIGHER funded. Compassion, charity, that's all fine, until you discard your own kids future in favour of millions of refugees!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Rocsteady » Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:37 pm

I love how the second last comment equates equal rights for men and women with Death to gays.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:30 pm

A girl makes a suicide video/children's mental health

Emasculation of men over recent decades has left us with this awful problem. Thank you Social Marxists, thank you feminists and leftist Liberals.

Life and death..really?! Kids have always been bullied, I was, but my "unhappiness" wasn't a mental health issue.

Sadly, bullying is part of life and no one likes it but treating it as genuine mental illness is nonsense. Sure, support the kids but don't give them a medical label which just reinforces their belief in being special and/or gives them an excuse to under-perform

Unbelievable...Kids not happy at school...what a revelation ! These days you're not normal unless you've got a "condition", it's pathetic.

We've a generation of "look-at-me" kids brainwashed by social media into thinking everyone else is fascinated by their lives. Here's the revelation...they're not and no one else is either.

Stop thinking you're special and just get on with life.

And where are the likes of the screaming liberals-
Bob Smelled Off, Silly Allen , Crisp munching Lineker ?

You don't hear a peep out of them when it comes to helping children in the UK

Question: why are these kids being bullied? What sets them apart from the rest? We hear of kids being bullied because they are too clever/the wrong religion/too good looking/too fat/too thin - some of the latter meaning too attractive to the opposite sex. Maybe single sex selective education was right in some ways.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:43 pm

I was bullied at school for being too attractive :(

Even today I can walk down the street and get heckled by ugly people who shout such hurtful things as "wow that guy is gorgeous" or "hey are you single?" - it's sickening.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Mini E » Fri Mar 17, 2017 10:04 am

Patricia Tennant Ilges One of the greatest things would be putting sanctions on China. I hate their country, their culture and their people. I sound horrible saying that but oh well. That's nowhere near as horrible as how China and other Asian countries treat animals. Unfortunately animals are treated horrible everywhere in the world as well. Factory farming is pure evil just like Asia. I hate when people go to China and other Asian countries for tourism. I will NEVER go anywhere in Asian.


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