The Comments Thread

Fed up talking videogames? Why?
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:58 pm

OrangeRakoon wrote:
"diverse coins" they look like esso medallions.
we want the queens head on one side and union jack on the other.


I misquoted that one, it should have read:

"diverse coins" they look like esso medallions.
we want the queens head and neck wearing Bayern Munich scarf on one side and union jack on the other.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:16 am

Moggy wrote:
Still never been anyone who is not white on a banknote. They forced a woman on but Jane Austin is hardly up there with Caucer, Wordsworth or Thomas Hardy, Byron or Coleridge.

But not a single 'BAME' person ever. And yet we're supposed to believe they contribute so much. Name one who deserves to be on a banknote.

Mary Seacole, for a start.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:20 am

Preezy wrote:
Moggy wrote:
Still never been anyone who is not white on a banknote. They forced a woman on but Jane Austin is hardly up there with Caucer, Wordsworth or Thomas Hardy, Byron or Coleridge.

But not a single 'BAME' person ever. And yet we're supposed to believe they contribute so much. Name one who deserves to be on a banknote.

Mary Seacole, for a start.

They have already forced one woman onto the banknote, we don't need another!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:38 pm

Lego made too many bricks.

Come on then BBC, surely there will be no Lego available in the UK, once Brexit is enacted.

Why have you not mentioned this in your article?

Better buck your ideas up or you will be losing your EU funding sooner than you think.

I note that Lego are now making 'sustainable' bricks (in reality, it is just manufacturing bricks out of high-density polyethylene made from sugar cane. It's not much more sustainable than HDPE made from oil).

The most 'sustainable' thing to do would not be to make them in the first instance. Oddly, this appears to be the last thing on their mind, given this current overproduction.

Kids nowadays prefer to kill people and blast buildings on FPS online rather than do something constructive. They use stupid apps to put rabbit ears on selfies because it's fun rather than learn something on a computer or large tablet. No wonder we are short of designers and IT people, kids technical knowledge today is only screen deep.

Is there a lego kit for Corbyn and Abbot and that Marxist mate of theirs whose name I forget.

Would love to throw my boots at the completed models...

Unfortunately in this day and age kids would rather sit there using their index finger to swipe one imaginary block on to another on an iPad (other tablets are available), rather than develop actual construction and reasoning skills using solid objects.

Just giving a smart phone or tablet to your child to basically keep them quiet should be classed as abuse.

Lethal combination:

Parents who have ‘gone Japanese’ and insist visitors remove their shoes.

… but, unlike the Japanese, do not provide house slippers.

… and their kids have seeded the carpets with Lego.

Then there are 'too many bricks'.

I blame this on when they become star struck with the films and the celebrity status, Gone are the humble origins of lego as a stealthy foot torture device.

not much on your site about the anti-EU Italian vote is there BBC ?!

It's about time the BBC opened up this complex and critical story to comments, so well done, the BBC.

What kind of fluff piece is this, when the corrupt and repugnant Flowers story, or the LGBT advisor 'step-down' (i.e. outed as a twitter racist and homophobe her/his/they self) gets the usual BBC schtum?

Thank you, the BBC.

The security services should buy a load. Just scatter them about the floor & make detainees walk around in bare feet. They'll cough up all their Jihadist contacts in no time!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:45 pm

Trump to hold video games meeting.

‘.... the games industry has defended itself, saying there is no evidence to suggest a link between violent games and real-life violent actions‘

You would say anything to make a profit even if meant mass shootings/deaths by kids

To hell all of you

Absolute insanity by some sections of humanity

For once I agree with him. Young children are anesthetised to the horror and long lasting effects of violence by these games where people are battered and shot and yet no one gets hurt and no one else suffers. They end up emotionally deprived and immune to the horrors that violence brings

TV violence should also be addressed

No smoking on TV because of its influence
No violence on TV because of its influence

I wonder who poisoned that Russian chap?

Putins pals?
The people who killed Lady Diana?

The people who benefit the most are... The British Establishment !

May Trump serve as a lesson to all you meddling liberals out there...when you take things too far people will vote for your worst nightmare.

Not content with your brexit achievement you just have to keep pushing and pushing...always looking for a new "project".

if 'video games are plainly not the issue' then why are these violent games rated 18? they may not be the principle issue but when kids as young as 5 are playing them (and they are) its not gonna help matters. the lack of gun control in the states is scary but Trump is right to look for the root cause(s) for kids having the desire to carry out such attacks.

If TV and videos have no influence on people then smoking should be allowed and all anti smoking legislation repealed

Your naive if you think these violent games don't warp the minds of those juveniles playing them.

I'd also question why there are games that involve doing things that are illegal, it makes no sense.

Time we stopped living in a world of facade's

Banning guns in America will just be a further step of turning the country into a EU like state with ever growing governmental control over citizens lives. This issue does not stop people moving to the US rather than china. These shooting never happened when "thou shall not kill" was on the wall in every school. The video games does fill kids heads with garbage by the way

To all you folks advocating gun control, I say think a little more deeply.

#2A "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

"When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."

I prefer liberty.

I disagree with almost everything Trump says but in this case I think he may be onto something. Violence is increasing in society and in tandem with this some video games are INCREDIBLY violent, I personally think there is probably some form of link.

there have been a number of shootings where the shooter has used violent video games on purpose to de-sensitise themselves in preparation for carrying out real killing. - norway killer, isis people etc. The need for excessive gore in games (and films) is macabre. the extra level of involvement in a game just encourages people to blur the line between real and "entertainment".

Did Rap music and Rappers not be the reason for gun violence some years ago?

If the theory holds true, given the amount of time kids in this country spend playing FIFA, shouldn't we have won the world cup by now?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Squinty » Fri Mar 09, 2018 9:49 am

Old men with internet connections. I've been playing violent games since childhood and I haven't killed anyone yet.

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PostRe: RE: Re: The Comments Thread
by shadow202 » Fri Mar 09, 2018 9:54 am

Squinty wrote:Old men with internet connections. I've been playing violent games since childhood and I haven't killed anyone yet.
One thing that always annoys me about this argument is the whole 'children are playing violent video games that are rated 18' or other such nonsense. Instead of attacking a massive market how about we attack the parents that are buying these games for their children to play

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PostRe: RE: Re: The Comments Thread
by Jenuall » Fri Mar 09, 2018 10:27 am

shadow202 wrote:
Squinty wrote:Old men with internet connections. I've been playing violent games since childhood and I haven't killed anyone yet.
One thing that always annoys me about this argument is the whole 'children are playing violent video games that are rated 18' or other such nonsense. Instead of attacking a massive market how about we attack the parents that are buying these games for their children to play

Indeed. The "job" of the games market in this situation is to do the right things in terms of liaising with government to have a system in place ensuring that gaming content is reviewed and assigned an appropriate rating, that sufficient effort has been made to ensure those rating are communicated to, and understood by, the buying public, and that where appropriate those ratings are legally enforceable.

The market can't stop stupid people from giving 18 rated games to those who shouldn't be playing them.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Mar 13, 2018 12:40 pm

Dblock special.

This is the guy who put a massive big gapping hole in our ozone layer when he fired that rocket with bus stupid car in our orbit! All the technology this fool uses is not his own the patents belong to NASA!

Just watch Mars become the home for our new elite masters, then suddenly nuclear, chemical, and biological war becomes sure. The only thing holding us from our own extinction is that the elites would all be wiped out too. Once Mars solves that - all normals are doomed.

Complete & utter waste of time/energy/money which adds to increasing pollution of our galaxy; anything to deviate our thoughts from making life on earth better for rich & idle - why not use your energy Elon to actually make a difference to life on this planet, help to clean up the debris on earth left by science (geologist, archaeologist) & other deleterious effects of marauding man made eyesores?

Yes indeed, what would a news day be without the obligatory

1) Elon Musk says blah blah blah
2) Ed Sheeran is great
3) A.I. is here
4) Black Panther is a culturally significant comic book movie


Elderly brexitiers remember when Mars bars were 52% larger and much, much thicker...figures

Shall we not aim to understand the worldly facts before exploring the alien possibilities?

Should we really make a mess of another planet?

Will we not just end up fighting over more resources?

As complex creatures as we are, should we not just try and keep it simple?

Should we not just keep our feet on the ground?

There's nothing anyone could do to replace life on earth if it was wiped out. Armageddon is scheduled according to the biblical prophets so it'd be interesting to see which comes first that isn't to say there couldn't be devastating wars beforehand it says there will be and that things will get unbelievably dire in the last of the last days and the future isn't getting further away.

So, Mars or Death, Death please!
War isn't the problem, in fact it may be necessary to curb population, humans have possibly already reached the point of no return, no-one is willing to take action. You should be more interested in producing food Mr Musk.
Artificial intelligence! what lefties!

On a long interstellar journey,say 200,000 years,the ‘ship’ & everything on it would need to evolve to survive in that environment.Can’t happen. In an expanding universe where everything is moving away from us,we should concentrate on surviving as a species until universe expansion ends & contraction begins. We won’t have as far to travel.Don’t need to be Einstein to work that one out.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Mar 14, 2018 12:42 pm

Bird feeding.

Any article that starts it's first two paragraphs with the words "Scientists" and "Experts" should always be treated with the upmost sceptisism.

Most townies will have only seen pigeon, and point a finger asking "wots dat" when they see anything else with wings. They also don't know meat is from killing farm animals that live in the coutryside, and doesn't grow in Iceland (shop)

Feed the birds.

Ignore the BBC and a Snowflake 'scientist' on their first day

What is wrong with the BBC Snowflakes (moderators)

I had a comment removed that mentioned shooting pigeons.

What the BBC Snowflake Just Out Of A Pointless Uni Degree will not understand is this:

Pigeons are vermin. I legally own a gun that I am legally allowed to operate in my garden to kill said verminous birds.

What is your problem?

Rather than deleting comments, try explaining.

Any cat owner that has killed a bird should be fined , then banned from keeping the cat if it kills a 3rd time. Cats are a pest.

Altruism causes dependency. Ayn Rand talked about how fundamentally evil altruism was back in the 1970s.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

According to 'experts' we humans are really dreadful creatures. Causing climate change, wastefully depleting the Earth's precious resources, and now willfully killing birds by - oh, the horror - feeding them. Perhaps our species should voluntarily just become extinct. Would that please these sanctimonious environmentalists and other Lefty loons the BBC loves so much?

I suspect this wild bird story is Tory Propaganda designed to distract us from the facts about increasing human homelessness, increasing NHS waiting lists and human ill-health, and declining nutrition because of foodbanks & austerity. Of course the Tories will adopt the same solution recommended for the wild birds...take more of their food away and force them to "get on their bikes" to survive.

Very suspicious. Sailsbury major town for birds, few miles down the road Porton Down main research and supplier of bird feed and the CBRN training facility which train people in the bird feed is near by as well.........very strange

So the BBC supports starving sick birds to death.

How soulless and cruel.

A huge number of our birds are migrants to these shores. Is the reduction in their numbers just another side effect of bloody Brexit?

There aren't going to be any fields Dan, you remainers want to concrete over all of them to accomodate everyone and anyone who wants to come here.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 15, 2018 12:35 pm

1p and 2p coins will not be dropped.

Fast forward 25 years time and we would have scrapped the

1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2 coins,
£5, £10, £20 and £50 notes,

to replace them with......

€0.01, €0.02, €0.05, €0.10, €0.20, €0.50, €1 and €2 coins.
€5, €10, €20, €50, €100, €200 and €500 notes!

I melted all my coins down years ago, made a lovely bracelet for my niece.

But we should hang onto the penny because Queen Victoria had them and stuff. I mean it really is worth spending millions on useless bits of bronze which fill up jars by our beds, because granny used them alot.And all the 99p shops will have to become pound shops so thats less money for career benefit dependants to spend on booze fags and netflix

Err maybe we should just follow common sense.

Our basic unit of currency, the pound, won't even buy half a cup of coffee. Is it time to re-base our currency on something bigger, e.g. ten pounds, renamed Dex or similar?

Never mind about pennies, what about the 0.1p coins I need when I buy a litre of petrol at 130.9 pence?

We should pay our remaining EU membership fees in pennies.

Hilarious; paying our EU membership in pennies.

Yet another case of reverse logic and misguided bitterness as it would probably cost more to replace them all again.

Makes me laugh this country, the fact that it costs more to make a 1 pence coin than it's worth sums it up nicely.

All the UK sheeple seem to love the .99p at the end of almost everything you buy as looks like your getting something a penny cheaper makes all the difference doesn't it?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Mar 20, 2018 12:41 pm

Easter egg packaging.

Easter egg packaging or Muslim grooming - which is the most pressing issue in need of our attention? Eggs ... especially if you're ... right on BBC darling.

Screw the greenpeace clan, they are the real enemies of this country

Yes, this is an incredibly important issue for all readers, however please consider what is happening right under our noses in every provincial town, every night, to young girls in state care at the hands of so-called Asian groomers and abusers.
Then consider how important this story really is. Then ask why the BBC can't bring itself to fully report it, or much less, let the oiks have their say.

Is there no-one left who's not " green" and full of "saving the planer" self-serving nonsense? Or sees any point in simple enjoyment?

Anyway, anyone who's ever had or watched someone unpack an Easter egg knows about the amount of packaging involved ONCE A YEAR! I guess the self-righteous " greens" never ever buy packaged items - as if!

British chocolate has always been rubbish.

Boycott any seasonal gifts that don't have the word Easter on them
Happy Springterval people :- D

Year in, Year out .... this is NOT news.

Why moan about easter eggs. Perfume, make up and the like have even more packaging, but life would be a lot duller if ladies did not use the stuff!!!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:19 pm

That reminds me, I need to buy some Easter eggs.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Rightey » Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:52 pm

Moggy wrote:
I melted all my coins down years ago, made a lovely bracelet for my niece.

1) Isn't melting down coins illegal? Better call the cops on this guy.

2) How destitute is this person if they melted down all their coins and only had enough to make a bracelet.

Pelloki on ghosts wrote:Just start masturbating furiously. That'll make them go away.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Mar 20, 2018 4:00 pm

Rightey wrote:
Moggy wrote:
I melted all my coins down years ago, made a lovely bracelet for my niece.

1) Isn't melting down coins illegal? Better call the cops on this guy.

2) How destitute is this person if they melted down all their coins and only had enough to make a bracelet.

I have never heard of it before, but you are right, it is illegal. :lol: ... elt-coins/

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Rightey » Tue Mar 20, 2018 4:25 pm

Fun Fact: It's also illegal to deface the Queens face (at least here in Canada), which is why we don't have those penny press machines. Instead they just use a blank piece of copper the size of a penny :|

Pelloki on ghosts wrote:Just start masturbating furiously. That'll make them go away.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Errkal » Tue Mar 20, 2018 4:28 pm

Thats fine to do here, all of the machines have signs on them to say that there was a law change in the 80's that allowed it, I imagine because smart arses like to raise it with staff at the attraction.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Mar 21, 2018 12:42 pm

Bidding on 5G starts in UK.

If radio waves were visible you wouldn't be able to see in front of you to walk. there will be serious health implications in years to come from all this dangerous radiation, no wonder so many people have cancer.

Thousands of studies link low-level wireless radio frequency radiation exposures to a long list of adverse biological effects, including:

DNA single and double strand breaks
oxidative damage
disruption of cell metabolism
increased blood brain barrier permeability
melatonin reduction
disruption to brain glucose metabolism
generation of stress proteins

One day we will yearn for the time when there was only 90% coverage. Reflect on the 10% haven where intrusive RF can’t influence our lives.

So mobile phones will long term encroach ever more into the television channel allocation. Today I have to start re-tuning my household receivers because somebody has sold the broadcasting floor from under my feet.

They won't be happy until the whole lot has gone and everybody has a crooked neck from staring into a stupidly small screen

They should not be allowed to launch 5 G until every one has 2/3and 4 G. It a farce I can barely get the internet where I live.

Just so they can charge me more to download the same rubbish but quicker?

If... IF I can get a signal? Which they'll have a cop out excuse for not allowing me to get out of my contract for not fulfilling should I DARE to complain?

No thanks... I'll stick with paying 4G prices for my current tin-can service I get now thanks...

Yay more phone zombies paying even less attention to life...

"And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence"

pointless its fast enough already you dont need it

All this technology and money that gets used to improve mobile data speed.

Most of it just gets wasted on people who watch trashy social media videos.

Don't quite see the point to this ""progress.""

These companies are pushing the kids to have the "latest" neither the best or that which is even useful.
These kids are just pawns in the ruse for their parents money.

Road travel would be much safer if there was _guaranteed_ to be no mobile coverage on roads (except for very local reception at lay bys). Deterrents against using mobile technology whilst driving are not working.

I bid nothing, I have no money left thanks to Brexit

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Wed Mar 21, 2018 12:45 pm

Moggy wrote:
I bid nothing, I have no money left thanks to Brexit

:toot: thought we weren't going to have a Brexit comment then, wasn't looking promising!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Mar 21, 2018 12:49 pm

Preezy wrote:
Moggy wrote:
I bid nothing, I have no money left thanks to Brexit

:toot: thought we weren't going to have a Brexit comment then, wasn't looking promising!

I left it until the end so that you would be quivering in anticipation.

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