The Comments Thread

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Blue Eyes » Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:25 pm

Cheeky Devlin wrote:How the strawberry float do you reason with these utter banana splits? Racist, braindead morons each and every one. Absolute cretins and I hope every single one of them suffers financially and mentally as a result of the complete and total gooseberry fool show that they've brought on themselves. No sympathy, they deserve everything they have coming to them a hundred times over.

Oh, they will. Sadly, so will the rest of us.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Photek » Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:27 pm

Going to be mental when you guys ask to come back in and have to use the Euro.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Victor Mildew » Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:43 pm


Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Benzin » Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:12 pm

Photek wrote:Going to be mental when you guys ask to come back in and have to use the Euro.

Least won't have to change money when going on holiday.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by <]:^D » Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:55 pm

wow good point maybe it isnt all bad

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Fri Oct 19, 2018 11:35 am

Over £5 million awarded to community groups to fight extremism

Wouldn't that money be better spent on bloody housing! Makes me b sick to death! These minorities are more racist against the British than we are against them! We don't have money spent on us! B disgusting! Stop wasting tax payers money!

I wish she would actually b sick to death.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:04 pm

Hunny 2 da b dats u n me fightin exstreamism

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:44 pm

Yet more Brexit.

Absolute rubbish, BBC need new journalists and writers. This is a pathetic slanted article as usual.

It reminds me of an Orwell book.

"The fastest way to dumb down a population is to scare them"

I'm constantly amazed that we managed to survive at all as a country before 1992...

Another HYS on Brexit, how about having a HYS on the early release of the ISIS promoter Choudray?

Come on BBC lets discuss the serious issues.

Nobody ate anything before the EU - in fact the world didn't exist prior!

The world is only 25 years old!

Oh well - I'm sure France will be equally annoyed when they get delayed or stopped in selling their champagne, cheese & awful golden delicious apples, to us; Italy won't be able to offload their
Give it a rest BBC!
We're leaving & they need us MORE than we need them...

And just think of all those rusting German, French, Spanish & Italian cars stuck at ports overseas!
Oh dear...

The Romans, vikings, Normans, Hitler, we have survived them all and a lot more. But it seems according to the sensitive weak Remainers that we cannot survive leaving the EU.

This is fake news generated by some nice rich CEO that wants to stay rich. in other words; scaremongering"

Why would EU stop selling their goods to UK? They want to be poorer?

Bigoted biased corrupted news your reputation is now as good as dog fecies on pavement.

Your reputation for reporting news is gone.

The BBC is always more than happy to publish whatever anti-Brexit it can find. But it and other broadcasters never mention how liberating and celebratory Brexit is to many millions of people.

Once we've unshackled ourselves from the EU regime, the same forces which propelled Brexit will neuter another bloated, bureaucratic and out-of-touch organisation - the BBC.

The daily drip-feed of a company popping their heads up with their snippet or threat of Brexit doom seriously smacks of this being carefully stage-managed.

It's almost as if a ticket has been allocated to one company for each day since the referendum, so I guess Stena have ticket number 848.

I wonder who'll be along tomorrow with ticket 849?

Could you imagine if during World War Two the BBC had repeated Nazi propaganda and scare stories?

Same old pro remain BBC. It's like a tabloid now with it's pro EU, anti-trump, pro-multiculturalism, pro-womens & LGBT rights agenda. That seems to make up about 90% of BBC's output these days. And we have to pay a TV tax to fund this stuff at threat of imprisonment lol.

O dear, is it going to be a famine? really worrying?
we must not leave EU
It is interesting to find these projects resurfacing in an orderly way.
Medicine , food ,flights , interest rate housing market, vehicle parts many more
have not heard anything from Mark Carney recently!!!!!

if your a european business person are they really not going to sell items to the uk i think they will lose money and will have to get rid of their staff to cut costs. produce and not sell i dont think so project fear theres no food we will starve joking arent you. others not in the eu will step in to trade

It still boils down to the Irish tail trying to wag the British dog.

Why would any nation want to force their kids to learn a language that no one else uses?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:53 pm

Moggy wrote:
The world is only 25 years old!

Genuinely good point.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:44 pm

Views sought on Scottish smacking ban. ... s-46069656

There are only two educators in life.

Pain and Money

if it takes 15 slaps a day then they deserve it, will soon learn there is a consequence for actions. Shame society teach to softly softly, your not helping kids for there future.

Of course children really want their parents locked up over a smack for doing something wrong. Stasi like they will be spying on their parents and their friend's and reporting political crimes to big brother. The pc religion is one of the nastiest the world has seen.

Think instead of don't hit anyone it should be don't do anything wrong.

But if you parents are junkies, alkies or brew Wallas you might not have a good start in life.

Good luck and remember prison has 3 hot meals a day, TV, gym, councillors and you'll get a home when released.

Oh, maybe I was wrong. Don't respect anyone, be bad, get arrested, get a home.

Crime does pay ?

Leather their cheeky ar@#$ like we had done when we were growing up,it soon put a stop to any so called behavioural problems quick style!!

Shut all state schools as of next year's summer holidays and let each parent bring up their children in way they see fit. Save a fortune on teachers wages, which Tories moan about, liberals can then use tax savings to homeschool.. socialists, you'll just have to lump it I'm afraid.

they only learn to behave if they get a smack since end of the cane we have trouble in the streets!! doubt the m u s l i m parents will listen anyway

The abolition of the cane in schools, coupled with the ending of mandatory National Service are the reasons why every 8-stone wee diddy thinks they are a gangster these days.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Snowcannon » Sat Nov 03, 2018 4:54 pm

The irony of that second comment :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by KK » Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:01 pm

Bloke reviews his new MacBook at Curry’s...

Good points

- Kept her happy for one day then she went moody again how spoilt?

Bad Points

- because i don’t make my girlfriend feel special and pretty because i’ve already bought her a macbook and so i don’t have to do anything for her anymore.


Confirmed purchase: 04 December 2017
Published on: 29 January 2018 ... oduct-tabs

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Nov 09, 2018 12:37 pm

Thousands still watch TV in black and white.

I will pay my licence fee this year so that I can see the tears and faces of Ultra Remoan in full colour at the leave party.



Must be the Brexiters - it's always 1957 to them.

Why is EVERYTHING down to brexit??? Get over lost the vote

Lucky them.

They don't have to endure orange looking girls on terrible reality shows.

I'm sorry, but this really is the stupidest story going

1) Analogue TV has been turned off - thus rendering old eg B&W receivers obsolete
2) even if your viewing device is only capable of displaying B&W your "Receiving Equipment" Is there is no B&W DVBT signal

What you have here are 3000 odd people lying about their tv licence to get it on the cheap. And blatantly getting away with it.

Many people here are mis-spelling 'licence'.

Noun: Licence (UK) License (USA)

Verb: License

It's the same rule as advice/advise, practice/practise and others.

Do people still actually watch TV. I just cant truly envisge an age where people sit their downloading government propoganda when a spin off to our country going to hell is a mass waking up to the relaity of the distopian nightmare that they are trying to force on us.

The TV tax doesn't provide any mechanism of accountability. Currently the BBC operates within a toxic feminist ex public school girl echo chamber. It's time pay was brought into line with the UK average and views promoted by the BBC were in line with the silent majority. The BBC is currently sewing prejudice and division with its anti male, anti white, anti christian stance.

The TV tax is a restriction on choice. People shouldn't have to subsidise the BBC to watch other TV products. As a result of the absences of standard requirement to gain support of your customers, the BBC gets away with promoting all sorts of hate such as toxic feminist portrayals of Men and Boys which are inaccurate, offensive, wrong and hugely damaging to the prospects of Boys.

AS soon as I get fibre I will not be watching live TV. No licence needed at all.
You just get the extremist BBC and it's anti free speech bluster.
Then PayPal stopping Tommy Robinson payments. Endorsed by anti free speech BBC.
BBC more for their rich Soros friend by the say.
Still getting money from the corrupt EUSSR BBC? What is the money for.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by KK » Fri Nov 09, 2018 1:04 pm

My parents had a black and white portable in the early 90s with AV inputs. I'm sure with the relevant adaptors you could hook up a digital receiver.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by PatSharpsMullet » Fri Nov 09, 2018 1:44 pm

I wonder how many of those people that say they have a black and white TV think the question is about the colour of the TV itself and not the image that it projects?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Jenuall » Fri Nov 09, 2018 1:48 pm

It's note even black and white, it's strawberry floating greyscale!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Nov 23, 2018 12:39 pm

EU embalming fluid ban 'to change funerals'

EU embalming fluid ban 'to change funerals'

Mother of God we cant even mourn our dead because the EU won't let us embalm them. What a disgrace.

No. The EU definitely don't tell us what we can and can't do. Get our sovereignty back.

Good old EU dealing with the issues concerning us all no doubt moron remainers will say this is a good thing

EU = Entirely Unnecessary, Extremely Useless, Extracts the Urine

Take your pick.

These wretched people intend to control every aspect of our lives, and apparently also our deaths...

Even when you're dead, the undemocratic EU control freaks pass a law to say how your corpse looks; there's no escape from the EUSSR.

Nanny state, Can't us so called free people make our own choices anymore ?

The EU says this.. And the EU says that... Don't the British say anything anymore? Do we no longer have an opinion or the ability to make our own judgement even on this!!!

All repspect is gone in this earth. People only look after number 1 now and no longer give a dam about anyone else.

We need to stockpile embalming fluid for the poor EU, about to be killed off, we will only be the first to leave.

So preventing cancer is good, but the EU preventing cancer = "NO! This is an unacceptable infringement on the sovereign rights of nationhood! BREXIT NOW! REEEEEEE!"

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Dowbocop » Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:16 am

"surely they can come up with a safer chemical to use"

Part of my job is putting stinging drops into patients' eyes. Almost every day someone will suggest that "they should make ones that don't sting!" like it's some tiny little thing that a work experience kid could knock together in his lunch break.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Lagamorph » Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:32 am

Bloody EU, protecting people from cancer :x

Lagamorph's Underwater Photography Thread
Zellery wrote:Good post Lagamorph.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Nov 27, 2018 12:45 pm

New £50 note.

No doubt they will be choosing a Politically Correct candidate to fit with the times. Either an LGBT (e.g. Turing) or a feminist or an atheist (e.g. Hawking). I would easily bet on it.

Something tells me it's going to be a woman!

Looking at our ridiculous PC culture I bet It'll be a disabled, transsexual, lesbian, mixed-race, Jewish woman.

Common sense should prevail and if you take it into account there's really no other choice than Prof. Hawking.

Great article headlined "New £50 note scientist nominations released" that then doesn't include the list or a link to it? Just the BBC trying to influence people with some choices from the list that fit in with their OTT PC agenda.......

What a great opportunity for some heavy duty PC virtue signalling. I suspect the next person to appear will not be chosen by merit but by who is deemed to be the most appealing to the far left.

In the current spirit of diversity, inclusiveness, the pathological hatred of anybody who happens to be western, white and male ( which appears to be in vogue at the moment with leftists) I suggest Beaker out of the Muppets. Not only is he 'sexless' ( so shouldnt offend the feminists, LGBT++KFC whatever etc ) he is "stateless" so cant be accused of imperial transgressions 200 years ago.

"To be on the list, the individual must be real, deceased and have contributed to the field of science in the UK."

You missed a criterion BBC - surely it should also say "must be a woman".
God forbid that a man is shown, never mind his contribution.

Seeing Hawking on a note would put me off my dinner.

Its still not too late to join the euro. Then we could benefit the EU providing us with a list of notable Europeans, such as Maximilien de Robespierre, Napoleon and Vlad the Impaler.

Freddie Mercury, depicted on-stage, wrapped with the flag and wearing the crown.
Would make many sections happy (apart from the bat-s*** crazy privileged feminists) and also to celebrate leaving the EU.

Political Correctness is a disease and the scourge of our time, if any scientist can find a cure they would get my vote.

in all seriousness it doesn't matter who is on the fifty pound note as the EU will be forcing the Euro on us very shortly after the remainers hijacked the referendum result.

God forbid that it's Stephen Hawking; although however not many will need to look at him!!!

Thatcher? I'd rather have Adolf's face on it.

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