The Comments Thread

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Feb 22, 2019 12:42 pm

Brexit: Irish government hopes no-deal plan 'sits on shelf'

The Irish government need to remember the Irish people need British goods and services far more than the British need the Irish

People are getting excited again. A gentle reminder

Right from the off the EU's objective was to make brexit difficult - not so much because they didn't like us but because they wanted to put off anyone else thinking about it

It is unfortunate for the UK / Eire the principal lever they've chosen

The Irish should support the UK in leaving by leaving the EU themselves and joining a FTA with us.

Can we not just give NI back to Ireland? I haven't spoken to anyone who's bothered about NI so why not? The IRA would get a united Ireland so no need for bombing and we could get some clarity about what this whole Brexit deal actually is.

No one is going to put up a border so there is no problem. This problem is manufactured by the EU establishment. THERE WILL BE NO BORDER!!!!

The Republic trying to do through bureaucracy what they failed to do through terrorism. Time to build a Trump Wall on the border.

What remainers don't understand is that Globalism is finished. Stop just reading this drivel the BBC recycle day after day and find out what is happening in Europe. It's chaos.
Nationalism is taking over everywhere, the EU elections in May are likely to see an EU dominated by Nationalists.

Get over it, Soros didn't win.

A combined UK-ROI trade relationship, out with the corrupt EU cartel, would be a major player and influence on EU and world trade. Unfortunately the ‘Brit bashing’ tendency, entrenched in Irish nationalism, will always get in the way of logic, not to mention the EU bribery with years of handouts

As the ROI continues to polish the chip on its shoulder it doesn’t notice its wallet falling down the drain.

Move on folks while you still can , if the UK electorate gets the hump prepare for Westminster swinging right and payback time.

When is Irish government going to realise that Brussels has played them for fools over Brexit. Honestly, no wonder the national colour is green.......


man sized tissues to dry remoaner tears .

61% leave now lol


but always has punched high
And always will unlike little Eu slaves

Ireland is broken and bankrupt, propped up by the would make sense for them to join UK

Ireland chose their bed. If it hurts they can blame themselves, we won’t be doing anything anymore to alleviate the pain. We thought they were our friends, since 1929 we opened our country to them and treated them as honourary Brits, now they have back stabbed us. It will never be the same again.If EU put 40% tariffs on food, we won’t buy from them anyway ever, we will buy from friends.

We know the IRA murdered innocent women and children in hospitals and schools and the Irish have been collaborating with the Germans for over 100 years and the French before them. That's enough really


PostRe: The Comments Thread
by NickSCFC » Fri Feb 22, 2019 12:56 pm

Moggy wrote:Fast food giants under fire on climate and water usage.

And after a NO DEAL Brexit, all Meat and animal products can be banned to be replaced by environmentally friendly plastics or wooden products, apart from the tree hugger not wanting a painful dead to befall trees??
Coupled to a total ban on power from Coal, Oil, Gas, Nuclear powered
Electricity to include hydroelectricity to use Coal power to re-fill the water from downstream! !! !!

After No Deal we will eat rat plastics and wooden products.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Benzin » Fri Feb 22, 2019 1:15 pm

Moggy wrote:
Ireland chose their bed. If it hurts they can blame themselves, we won’t be doing anything anymore to alleviate the pain. We thought they were our friends, since 1929 we opened our country to them and treated them as honourary Brits, now they have back stabbed us. It will never be the same again.If EU put 40% tariffs on food, we won’t buy from them anyway ever, we will buy from friends.

Damn Photek making us vote for leave :x

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Feb 22, 2019 1:16 pm

Benzin wrote:
Moggy wrote:
Ireland chose their bed. If it hurts they can blame themselves, we won’t be doing anything anymore to alleviate the pain. We thought they were our friends, since 1929 we opened our country to them and treated them as honourary Brits, now they have back stabbed us. It will never be the same again.If EU put 40% tariffs on food, we won’t buy from them anyway ever, we will buy from friends.

Damn Photek making us vote for leave :x

And after we opened our country to them in 1929. strawberry float those ungrateful honourary Brits. :cry:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Feb 26, 2019 12:44 pm

Organ donor law named after Max and Keira set to pass in England

No. I'm not having my body harvested for spare parts. Sorry, not sorry.

Organ donation is the choice of the person, my family are well aware of my choice as is my doctor. I have been an organ donor all my life and this does not sit well with me. I am seriously considering opting out if it comes into force. There has to be proper and serious protections in place to stop harvesting against a persons wishes and beliefs.

Slippery slope..... Soylent Green anyone?

It's a sad day when you can't even have the default position being that you own your own body and it belongs to the state.

Disgusting and wrong.

I would have left it to relatives, but evil must be opposed so I will, resentfully as theft should never be any basis of assumption, 'opt out' of being body part snatched.

i worry that treatment of the donor may be curtailed to aid death for organ harvesting purposes , I would be fearful if I was a remainer that the doctors may not try hard enough to save me for instance

You didn’t order it...but you come home to find new double glazing fitted.........

Company says you didn’t opt out of getting it fitted and you must pay......

See any comparison here??...........

I shall opt out. Not because I'm against organ donation, it's because I object to being effectively forced to be a doner by a nannying government.
I'm quite capable of making decisions for myself and my family will know my views. They are the only one's who need to know my decisions.

I had previously actively opted-in. Since once again government over steps its bounds and interferes with our individual liberty. I will now actively opt-out. Who do these Marxists think they are?

How long will it be before The State decides that it not only owns your body in death to do with as it will, it also owns your body in life as well to do likewise, then following on from that your thoughts
Although we already have religion to take care of that for you, telling you what to think and do
An average 67% voluntary donation level seems acceptable, you can't save everyone, accept that

Where are we living exaclty? CHINA!!??
It's my body and I decide what happens to it after I'm dead, not the lefties.

A rule of thumb any law named after a person is a bad law.

The reason is it is cobbled together to deal with a newspaper campaign, often riddled with ill thought out problems & stacked to the rafters with unforeseen circumstances.

The obvious 1 here is the state owns your body, people should be aware tissue & skin also could mean seeing your dead relatives face on someone else

Where does this end? How many "foreign" organs would you accept and when do you stop being the same person? A transplant means you have to take drugs forever to shut down your immune system to stop your body rejecting the organ. It does not have your DNA.

Currently I carry an organ donor card, if the Scottish government passes this law, I'l opt out, those people stick their noses in everywhere!

Body snatching comes from history not films. Digging up of bodies to use for medical learning, teaching.

Emotion is irrelevant, and the problem. Bad or wrong laws invented for mere sob stories. Principles govern lives or should. Not emotion. This is an assumption to steal, its fundamentally wrong. It also removes all gratitude, no more 'gifts'.

Soppy emotive evil law.

All the people running around, cycling, going to the gym and eating sensibly have just become mobile organ banks waiting to be harvested for everything from skin to bone
If I was a cyclist I'd be extremely worried right about now as they literally take their, I mean The State's life's in their hands every time they get on a bike
They'll be stripped for spare parts faster than an old Ford Fiesta

I am actually sickened that government believes it can mandate what happens to our bodies. What next, they allocate everyone a sexual partner because we do not make the "right" choice by ourselves?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Jenuall » Tue Feb 26, 2019 12:57 pm

I always love the people who think along these lines:

"I've always done thing X voluntarily but now they are trying to make it mandatory I am going to stop! That'll show them!"

Just an insane line of reasoning. :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Feb 26, 2019 1:02 pm

Jenuall wrote:I always love the people who think along these lines:

"I've always done thing X voluntarily but now they are trying to make it mandatory I am going to stop! That'll show them!"

Just an insane line of reasoning. :lol:

They are usually liars. pretending that they used to think/act a different way and that this latest thing has pushed them to the other side. In their crazy heads they think it makes more of an impact. See also “I voted Remain, but……”

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by finish.last » Tue Feb 26, 2019 1:13 pm

I mean, like, strawberry floating hell.

I called off his players' names as they came marching up the steps behind him....All nice guys. They'll finish last. Nice guys. Finish last.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Jenuall » Tue Feb 26, 2019 2:10 pm

What are some of these people hoping to do with their bodies once they die anyway? I'm not saying there are no legitimate grounds on which people may wish to opt out but seriously folks, you'll be dead - let someone else benefit from your lifeless corpse why don't you!? :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Tue Feb 26, 2019 5:12 pm

Jenuall wrote:What are some of these people hoping to do with their bodies once they die anyway? I'm not saying there are no legitimate grounds on which people may wish to opt out but seriously folks, you'll be dead - let someone else benefit from your lifeless corpse why don't you!? :lol:

It's more a 'wooo, fight the power bro, strawberry float the government yeah bro' sort of thing going on.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Hexx » Tue Feb 26, 2019 5:27 pm

I'm coming for all your corneas :datass:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Feb 27, 2019 12:34 pm


Dear BBC, when chasing new viewers please do not forget that most of the people paying your licence fee desire unbiased reporting of news and quality programming, not an endless fascination with PC drivel, gender politics and lowest common denominator garbage. You used to be great and you can be again, please don't let it all slip away.

No doubt the BBC will fill it with pro-EU propaganda.

Brit Box how is the income going to be spent?

BBC could charge the EU for all the propaganda they broadcast on their behalf. Oh wait a minute the BBC already get many millions of Euros from the EU! See ... ncils.html
Perhaps the book BBC Brainwashing Britain? is true after all

"Why not launch "Gammonbox" to keep the brexiteers here happy"

Perhaps they could launch a Dickens only service so remainers could actually learn the meaning of the insult they keep throwing about

Pro-tip, it's not what you reckon and just highlights the poor education of remainers

love it when people use the term 'Gammon'

It rightly exposes them for the unitellectual fools they are.

Not bothered with a t.v. for years, I stream anything I want to watch via the internet and get all my news online from multiple sources (because the BBC is biased as hell in favour of the establishment)

I refuse to pay for London luvvies and their propaganda machine, no matter what format it's shown

A BBC license inspector wanted me to give him my password for my PC to see if I had been downloading iplayer (which I haven't), then threatened me with a police search warrant when I told him to go away. Yes, that's how ridiculous the BBC is.

Who watches BBC nowadays,news is all fake and all about people suffering overseas never about our folk in the UK.The next referendum should be about the TV licence its so out dated,you should only pay for what you want to watch.

BBC 3 was thrown off the main Channel list whilst BBC 4, which caters for largely a small minority of Opera, Ballet and Classical History lovers was kept on...also BBC2 and BBC4 both contain a high output of EU Propaganda Programmes drip feeding a glamorous view of EU life..they even ran a Doc on the EU works of Art in Doc on EU unemployment though!!!

"Why not launch "Gammonbox" to keep the brexiteers here happy"

You may think you are being humorous. You may like to read this article: ... ammon-mean

Calling someone a 'gammon' is hate speech- so, BBC can you please remove such posts (on both sides) or else stop opening comments if you cannot police?

'BritBox and chill' sounds about as appealing as taking a cold shower while listening to the collected speeches of William Rees-Mogg.

I'll pass, thanks.

Will everybody involved in it be ramming diversity down our throats as much as they do now.

Yay more Multicultural liberal LGBT biased bigoted clap trap propganda stuck down my throat.

Just what I need

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:44 pm

Vegan sausage rolls.

Huge U.K. switch to new vegan fashion craze causing massive job losses in the traditional rural butchers businesses who are the only specialists to make a true sausage pork meat roll. Brexit gone crazy? Me thinks a ‘big publicity porker’ from some young bright marketeer. Eat the world beating, healthy U.K. meat from young animals at least twice a week for your own wellbeing. No brainer.

"Greggs vegan sausage roll boosts sales"

It's not a sausage roll if there is no sausage in it, what happened to the Trades Descriptions Act ? can't be a 'sausage' roll if it doesn't contain meat. "an item of food in the form of a cylindrical length of minced pork or other meat encased in a skin"

Bought one out of curiosity and it’s horrible.

If you want a proper sausage roll by one with meat in it.

Glad to hear that vegans are now contributing to my dividends.

About time they made some recompense for all the trouble they cause.

Is it the vegan diet that makes them so aggressive and intolerant?

A vegan sausage roll sounds as tasteless as those who buy it.

Lots of vegan trolls & bots on here .. funded by North Korea... where veganism is more of a necessity than an actual lifestyle choice.... but it does help you get on over there if you smile when you eat the pickled cabbage ....

I tried a vegan roll and it did taste just like a meaty sausage roll. But it made me uncomfortable to think about how I was eating something artificial and I wouldn't buy another. But good luck to Greggs.

If vegans feel a need to go to Gregg's for a vegan option I have to wonder how well assessed they are to deal with their so called lifestyle.

I'm a meat eater of severe order and wouldn't be caught dead eating the garage from there. Local bakeries make better sausage rolls and pasties. And if a Gregg's is nearby, a sandwich shop or KFC will be too. Never understand how Gregg's keeps customers

Hypocrisy of Vegans. Going into a retail premises that sells meat and dairy products by the bucket load.

PS: sausage
an item of food in the form of a cylindrical length of minced pork or other meat encased in a skin, typically sold raw to be grilled or fried before eating.

Why can't vegans and vegetarians get their own names for food. Sausage and burger implies meat content. I work in a supermarket and we sell "vegetarian ham slices" How can that be right. Try and call cheese Wensleydale if it's not made in Yorkshire. Double standards.

All meat eaters have lower IQ's and are fatter than vegetarians. FACT>

Oh deary me. Vegans go round telling people that we shouldn't kill animals but they still use shampoo and medications and wear leather shoes. All they do is eat grass. Greggs should start selling hedgetrimmings because that's all vegans deserve.

You’ll be able to pick out the vegans in the queue, by noticing the pallid complexion and the struggle to keep themselves up when a mild breeze rolls in, that and the smell of nut loaf

You can just see vegans salivating as they mow the lawn, or is mowing grass murder as well

Meanwhile in Dublin, Murphy's butchers has just announced a kosher pork chop.

A sign of the times.

Cabbage pie is just around the corner.

Then we will all be told that the best food in the world is Grass.

All genocide in the history of the earth since dinosaws was done by vegans -FACT

And all the 'bad' Cathlic vicars were vegan as well - ANOTHER FACT

And Westlife are too -FACT

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Cuttooth » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:51 pm

A little part of me dies every time you update this thread, Moggy.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Tomous » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:53 pm

Imagine being so fragile that you react like that because a pasty shop offers a vegan alternative :slol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by OrangeRKN » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:57 pm

Good comments

PS I don't understand the difference between typing on a computer and writing with a pen

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 07, 2019 1:04 pm

Cuttooth wrote:A little part of me dies every time you update this thread, Moggy.

:lol: :toot:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Jenuall » Thu Mar 07, 2019 1:10 pm

All negative feeling is a result of Moggy's comments thread - FACT

Everything going wrong with the world (Brexit, Trump, my hair going grey etc.) is directly caused by this thread - FACT!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:43 pm

I really want another Gregg's vegan sausage roll now.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Mar 12, 2019 12:43 pm

Tim Berners-Lee: 'Stop web's downward plunge to dysfunctional future'

As usual money has driven it in the wrong direction.
Lack of transparency is quite an open statement, but of course "trusted" broadcasters like the BBC forcing their own left wing PC feminist LGBTQwhatever agenda isn't helping one little bit.

The internet is getting more and more censored every day against people who don't follow a certain narrative.

Without the internet, Jussie Smollett wouldn't have faked his own attack. The internet promotes victim status as a positive lifestyle choice.

Don't be fooled. The internet, was never supposed to be free, it was supposed to control, contain and capture, like a "web" or more specifically, a panopticon.

The web is definitely going downhill.
Free speech being blocked at every corner.
BBC FAKE NEWS everywhere.

Half-truths from authoritative sources are far more dangerous than 'fake news'. Look at how alBBC cover the housing crisis - always a problem of supply, never a mention of demand.
Refusal to run Telford grooming story for days, and when they do, no mention of perps religion or origin.
Most popular boy's name (it was Mo with variant spellings).
Calais migrants are poor displaced refugees.etc...

"I'm very concerned about nastiness and misinformation spreading."

The Brussels Broadcasting Corporation is the master of misinformation.

And some of their presenters are openly nasty towards Brexit supporting interviewees.

I think the world is better with the web than without it, but even leaving iffy websites, the dark web, etc, out of it, I think there is also an insidious risk of it allowing us to become very limited in our focus - and I've been there and done it. I once had a spell when I spent hours googling about just one thing. It made me a boring person. Okay, maybe I still am!

Who cares!

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