The Comments Thread

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Rightey » Fri Jun 28, 2019 4:36 pm

Jenuall wrote:Bunch of mugs :lol:

Still not convinced staying on for a PhD has done me any favours financially - 3 years slaving away just put me further behind the curve than I would have been if I'd got a job straight out of uni!

I actually worked with people doing some research on this topic and they found that having a PhD reduced job opportunities as most employers thought they were either over qualified, or would try to run off to a university the first chance they got.

That being said, I went back and did mine just because I didn't want to be sitting at a desk somewhere thinking "If I had gone then I'd already be done by now."

Pelloki on ghosts wrote:Just start masturbating furiously. That'll make them go away.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Jul 05, 2019 9:07 am

US top of the garbage ( Moggy edit: RUBBISH! ) pile in global waste crisis

Plastic is an organic compound made from the remains of trees and plants.

Paper and cellophane are organic compounds made from the remains of trees and plants.

Anything that is an organic compound is bio degradable.

What a politically loaded headline, eh BBC?
Oh, those awful, capitalist Americans ...

Now, right now, after last the events of last night, Americans might not my cup of tea! But when push comes to shove, I know who I would turn to for help in a crisis (and it's not the EU).

Fake news.

The biggest pile of garbage gyrates between Brussels and Strasbourg.

This article sounds like a load of old garbage!

If you want to save the world from rubbish then don't produce third rate documentaries by awful social justice warriors like Ellie Flynn.

You once lead the world Auntie Beeb but your left wing PC brigade propaganda needs reigning in.

You are no longer worth the licence fee - even if you're over 75!

Sad really....

Madworld @242.
"Most of this is generated by the safe cities, of course governed by the left. Democrat's are ruining America"

Don't worry Trump is sending all migrants directly to 'safe cities' now the Democrats will be swimming in diverse crime gangs & the unemployed benefit claimants. Should make the local Democrat tax payers very happy ?

But according to the greens...if we buy an electric car, this will all go away

I see a lot of US bashing over waste. No doubt there are problems but everyone here makes it out as screwed up government. The fact is, business runs this great country and the ball is in motion. Sustainability is in place in every major corporation in the US. My company has the largest green roof in the world.
Besides you should play nice until the next despot enslaves Europe.

More liberal bias from the lefty remoaners at BRUSSELS BROADCASTING CARTEL!!! No mention of how America leads the way in CLEAN COAL, has raised awareness of cancer causing wind turbines. They have the cleanest air in the world. FACT. Germany top of the list, oh what a surprise, WHO REALLY WON THE WAR?!?! I cant wait for Boris to be our very own Trump, this FAKE NEWS will be shut down. SAD.

Moggy edit: I have no idea if this is a joke comment!

Criticised Corbyn a few times on BBC hys, so Mods are putting my posts on this matter in quarantine to check them, and because as you can see, there's a flood of contributions....right?

Maybe this is what it is like in USA on pro Trump Fox news, if you post something critical?

And we wonder why the people don't recycle when it's 'obviously' the right thing to do.
Cheers Beeb, (smoke it).

Yes and "per head" Brits stab more people than any other nation. Bully for you!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Benzin » Fri Jul 05, 2019 12:39 pm

"Cancer causing wind turbines" :dread:

strawberry float me we deserve a nuclear apocalypse...

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:46 pm

Major: I will seek a judicial review to stop Parliament shutdown

I'd be entirely supportive if Boris restorts to proroguing Parliament: the UK Parliament voted to uphold the referendum result and put in place legislation that enables the UK to leave the EU by invoking Article 30. Ironic as it may seem, proroguing is actually in the interests of democracy. Like Major, I voted remain, but unlike him, I can see the necessity of respecting the referendum result.

What is it with these people!! I voted to leave with no deal, as did all the other 17.2 million people. There was not a choice of leaving with a deal - it was just leave!! How hard is that for these people to understand??? This is why this has dragged on for over 3 years - because these idiots are screwing it up for us!! Leave with No Deal - Can you hear me!!!!

This is a new low for the remainers. They are so scared that they will lose access to their gravy train, that they would metaphorically speak put HM on the stand in a court of law. This is indeed a new low, from an ex PM that forced through the Maastricht without consulting the people first on what it entailed.

Remoan fascist fundamebtalist EU fanatic traitors, the worst people in the whole goddamned world.

The open contempt that the elites in this country have for democracy is breathtaking.

It's becoming increasingly clear that we will just not be allowed to leave the European Union, either in October or at all. It doesn't matter that we voted for it. The elites have decreed that it is not in our best interests. So it won't happen.


What is "utterly and totally unacceptable" is the contempt that Remainers in parliament have for our referendum result and their disgraceful efforts to stop the inevitable…


If it takes a shutdown, or lockout to give it a better description, then that’s what it takes

Deal or no deal - It’s up to the EU now, not parliament

Can we please just get on and leave?

That's what we voted for like it or lump it.

If we don't leave will there be any point in voting in the future???

Parliament is awash with EU worshipping 5th columnists

Is YOUR MP one?

Boris is better than the other option - Corbyn! - grandpa!

However, I like many others will vote for NIGEL FARAGE!


Let's #ChangePoliticsForGood

There is no depth remains won't stoop to reverse our democratic vote to leave


Keep you nose out major. Don’t trust your motives just as your wife couldn’t trust you to be faithful.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:48 pm


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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Jul 11, 2019 1:37 pm

I'm fed up being diplomatic about these people. strawberry float each and every one of them. banana splits

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by That » Thu Jul 11, 2019 1:47 pm

"shuttingf down democracy,is actually the most democratic. no i will not explain"

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Sep 11, 2019 12:45 pm

Brexit: Scottish judges rule Parliament suspension is unlawful.

We should take the bbc to court for spreading scary mongering

English hating, SNP and EU colluding judge rules against 17.4 m leavers and spits on them and democracy.

Word to Remainers even if you cancel it won’t go away. 17.4m won’t accept your anti democracy. You are in real danger of unleashing a monster in this country. You think it’s divided now? Subvert Brexit and past 3 years will look like a picnic. Think on.

YET AGAIN the liberal establishment tries to thwart the leave vote.
sick of it.

Ridiculous.... this country needs someone like Trump! this corbyn is a real pain in the ass

Yawn, so how else do we go about having a Queen's speech then? Go on lawyers answer that one. As usual remoaners will tell you what they don't want, but not what they want.

Judges just like the Remainer MPs then . Don't know there arse from their elbow.

Pretty sure these Scottish judges can be accused of bias. They're just doing this to further add to the mess we're in.

The sooner Remoaners accept that we're leaving, the sooner we might get a solution which is more acceptable to more people.

In fact if Remoaners feel so strongly about it, why aren't they all leaving for France/Ireland?

Scotland’s highest civil court under the influence of the EU ?

It is not unlawful it is within the rules of parliament
It’s not weeks it’s days as it would be closed for party conferences
And it’s the fault of remainders in the HofC

Gina Millar said she took her court case on for ‘democracy’ - making parliament have to agree the deal. Not because she actually wanted remain - which is the real reason. (And trample upon those who don’t have a pile of dodgey London finance behind them).

So her lies are the reason we haven’t left yet. Along with the remain MPs who lied

You can't trust anything from Scotland this days.

I am sure it will be thrown out of UK courts in matter of minutes.

The judgement sounds more like the personal opinion of the judges (obviously remoaners) rather than the law.

I expect to see the SNP and remain backing MPs back in Parliament this afternoon for the next 5 weeks then!

Gosh wonder how much they were paid to say that!

Boris is trying to implement the vote of 17.4 million but the Establishment at every opportunity is suppressing that democratic vote.

The leavers will be deliriously happy now that the UK has taken the power back from the European courts.

It's what they wanted after all.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Wed Sep 11, 2019 1:52 pm

Moggy wrote:
You are in real danger of unleashing a monster in this country. You think it’s divided now? Subvert Brexit and past 3 years will look like a picnic. Think on.

I wonder what people actually mean when they say gooseberry fool like this? It sounds all ominous and threatening, but in reality it's not like there's a remain statue in every town where leave voters can assemble and push it over or whatever they think they'd do.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Sep 11, 2019 1:58 pm

Preezy wrote:
Moggy wrote:
You are in real danger of unleashing a monster in this country. You think it’s divided now? Subvert Brexit and past 3 years will look like a picnic. Think on.

I wonder what people actually mean when they say gooseberry fool like this? It sounds all ominous and threatening, but in reality it's not like there's a remain statue in every town where leave voters can assemble and push it over or whatever they think they'd do.

What they think they mean:

“If you don’t do what we say then we will rise up and purge all of the Remainers! We will not stop until we control everything and all dissenting voices are dead or in jail!”

What they would actually do:

“Hmm seems a lot of effort to actually go outside. I will leave some comments on the Daily Mail website about how unfair everything is

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Thu Sep 12, 2019 6:39 pm

Moggy wrote:
Preezy wrote:
Moggy wrote:
You are in real danger of unleashing a monster in this country. You think it’s divided now? Subvert Brexit and past 3 years will look like a picnic. Think on.

I wonder what people actually mean when they say gooseberry fool like this? It sounds all ominous and threatening, but in reality it's not like there's a remain statue in every town where leave voters can assemble and push it over or whatever they think they'd do.

What they think they mean:

“If you don’t do what we say then we will rise up and purge all of the Remainers! We will not stop until we control everything and all dissenting voices are dead or in jail!”

What they would actually do:

“Hmm seems a lot of effort to actually go outside. I will leave some comments on the Daily Mail website about how unfair everything is

I won't be surprised if there is a hell of a lot of horrible nasty gooseberry fool in the aftermath of the revocation of Article 50. I guess we'll find out at some point. Hopefully not until after Christmas, I'd hate for it to ruin that, although having said that it would lend itself rather pleasingly to the general increase in alcohol consumption around that time (for me, anyway — it'll probably make things much worse with the rioters!).

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Jenuall » Fri Sep 13, 2019 1:34 pm

There will undoubtedly be some unrest, both immediately after any "failure to Brexit" and as an undercurrent for some time after that, but the idea that the Leavers are going to rise and up forcibly assert their control is nonsense.

Hopefully in the event of revocation it will all be quite low key, the racists can go back to being closet racists until they wither away and we can get back on track.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Fri Sep 13, 2019 2:29 pm

I don't think they'd be successful in asserting any sort of control, but I'm expecting there to be significant disorder of some sort, probably for a fairly sustained period of time.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:40 pm

Scotland to be first UK country to ban smacking. ... s-49908849

Children and teens run riot today because parents don't discipline them and want to be their kid's best friend rather than their parent. It is my generation's fault, i am late 30's and probably the last that was brought up generally with both parents, smacked when bad, loved, and respected adults, disputes with other kids might equate in a fight but not stabbing each other.

Mr Putin must be laughing his socks off. Whilst our children are brought up softer, the Russians, Chinese etc remain hard.

Oh great, another layer of parental control removed by Fuhrer Sturgeon and her Gestapo.

Well I hope Scotland enjoys its next batch of undisciplinned hooligan teenage thugs roaming the streets.

Soon be like London fo knife crime.

Great, just not very...

Hope the government is going to build plenty of new prisons, then, because these undisciplined children are likely to be less than law-abiding when they grow into adults.

Can I ask Association of "Educational" Psychologists what would be more damaging to a child's mental health? A smacked bottom or watching your parents be criminalised and jailed before being whisked off to x number of foster homes before they are 18?

So the govt will send parents to jail, thus making them lose their jobs, careers and destroy the family unit just because they smack their child?

He who sows to the wind will definitely reap the whirlwind.

While I in no way support any form of physical punishment for children this on the other hand is political correctness gone mad - a slap on the bottom was used for 100s of years in bringing up humans and all have survived and thrived with no consequences - until modern times where we are looking to bring up generations that fear and know nothing as they are always 'in the right'

I will be continuing to smack my child once on the bottom when their behavior warrants it..and if the nanny state decides I have broken the law then so be it, they can take the children into care and rear them if they want.

What idiots. We are currently in the middle of a feral child problem, with knife-armed kids terrorising the streets, mugging pensioners, stabbing people, and believing it is their 'right' to take mopeds and phones. We need MORE ways to punish unruly children, not less.....

Madness! I have 2 kids both now in their teens. I have only smacked either once. Aged 3 my daughter saw a relative shoo our dog out of the way with his foot. She copied him. Reasoning didn't work, she kept doing it. I decided next time I saw her do it I would smack her and make it hurt. It worked she stopped doing it - a better solution than the dog taking matters into its own teeth.

Children are different. Hence, different forms of disciple should be applied.
Parents love their children more than the govt and hence, would always have the best interest of the children at heart. It is wrong for the govt to try to breach this relationship all in the name of political correctness. Even animals discipline their young if they step out of line.

Carrot and Stick it has worked since time began in all life circumstances.

Punish for bad behaviour and reward for good.

Completely ridiculous PC world we live in, we were all smacked and grew up to be courteous, loving, hard working people, worlds gone mad !!!!!

Dogs nip their young when they get out of line and so do we.

At some point children will stop listening to you and will act up. A short, sharp shock like a smack on the bum is the perfect antidote for that.

It worked for me and I turned out fine. I shudder to think how I may have turned out if I had been allowed to get away with things without that smack.

Scotland is becoming a big nanny state. The UK will go the same way if the leftists ever get full control.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Jenuall » Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:48 pm

Bunch of melters. :fp:

Although is Scotland first, I thought Wales already banned smacking earlier this year?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:53 pm

Jenuall wrote:Bunch of melters. :fp:

Although is Scotland first, I thought Wales already banned smacking earlier this year?

I think a Bill was created but it hasn't yet been put into law.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Jenuall » Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:59 pm

Moggy wrote:
Jenuall wrote:Bunch of melters. :fp:

Although is Scotland first, I thought Wales already banned smacking earlier this year?

I think a Bill was created but it hasn't yet been put into law.

You mean I've been holding back on smacking my kids all this time for no reason!

FFS probably going to be a bunch of deliquents now as I have spared them the rod! :fp:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Thu Oct 03, 2019 5:50 pm

"Dogs do it" :lol:

Dogs also eat their own gooseberry fool sometimes.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Return_of_the_STAR » Fri Oct 11, 2019 3:10 pm

I’ve just had a comment removed from the dailymail online because I upset too many people :toot:

Hello Rots,

We have received a number of complaints about the comment you made on article "Floyd Mayweather 'ditches exhibition fight in China as he switches attention to securing Manny Pacquiao rematch'" (/sport/boxing/article-7562421/Floyd-Mayweather-ditches-exhibition-fight-China-secure-Pacquiao-rematch.html), at 11/10/2019

Due to the number of complaints received, your comment has been removed from MailOnline.

Should the situation change, we will review and consider re-publishing. Until such time, your comment will remain off the site. To avoid this happening again, please take the time to review the House Rules and site Terms and Conditions

My comment was, maybe mayweather has burnt through his cash too quickly :lol: :?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Oct 11, 2019 3:16 pm

You should have written something racist, they never remove those.

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