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Re: The GRCade Movie Character Eliminator! *FINAL ROUND: DOES IT SOUND LIKE I'M ORDERING A PIZZA?!*

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 10:46 pm
by Denster

Re: The GRCade Movie Character Eliminator! *FINAL ROUND: DOES IT SOUND LIKE I'M ORDERING A PIZZA?!*

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:51 pm
by Vermilion

We have a winner....

Gruber - 8
Ripley - 1

...and so, it's case of Yippee Ki Yay mummy strawberry floater, as HANS GRUBER HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!



:toot: :toot: :toot:

Here is the final leaderboard as voted by you...


1st: Ellen Ripley - Alien series
2nd: Hans Gruber - Die Hard
3rd: John McClane - Die Hard series
=4th: Doc Brown - BTTF Trilogy
=4th: Darth Vader - Star Wars series
6th: Indiana Jones - Indy series
7th: Michael Corleone - The Godfathe
8th: Rocky Balboa - Rocky series
9th: Major Dutch - Predator
10th: Marty McFly - Back to the Future Trilogy
=11th: Hannibal Lecter - Silence of the Lamba
=11th: Hans Landa - Inglourious Basterds
13th: T-800 - Terminator series
=14th: Rick Deckard - Blade Runner
=14th: Mac - The Thing
=16th: Harry Ellis - Die Hard
=16th: Axel Foley - Beverly Hills Cop
18th: Roy Batty - Blade Runner
19th: Red - Shawshank Redemption
=20th: Snake Plissken - Escape from New York
=20th: Jean-Luc Picard - Star Trek series
22nd: HAL 9000 - 2001: A Space Odyssey
23rd: McMurphy - One flew over the cuckoo's nest
24th: Patrick Bateman - American Psycho
25th: Frank Drebin - Naked Gun series
26th: Buzz Lightyear - Toy Story series
27th: Andy Dufresne - The Shawshank Redemption
28th: Aragorn - Lord of the Rings
29th: The Dude - The Big Lebowski
=30th: John Matrix - Commando
=30th: Vincent Vega - Pulp Fiction
=32nd: Blade - Blade series
=32nd: Gandalf - LOTR/Hobbit series
34th: Judge Dredd - Dredd
35th: James Bond - James Bond series
36th: Tuco - The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
37th: R2-D2 - Star Wars series
=38th: Tony Stark - Marvel Cinematic Universe
=38th: Loki - Marvel Cinematic Universe
40th: Peter Venkman - Ghostbusters
41st: Michael Myers - Halloween series
42nd: The Man with No Name - Dollars trilogy
43rd: Egon - Ghostbusters
44th: Ash - Evil Dead
45th: John Wick - John Wick series
46th: Keyser Soze - The Usual Suspects
=47th: Clarence Broddicker - Robocop
=47th: Sauron - Lord of the Rings
49th: Walter Sobchak - The Big Lebowski
50th: Kevin McCallister - Home Alone
51st: Johnny 5 - Short Circuit
52nd: Thanos - Marvel Cinematic Universe
53rd: Bodhi - Point Break
54th: Corporal Hicks - Aliens
=55th: Juror #8 - 12 Angry Men
=55th: Johnny Rico - Starship Troopers
57th: Harry Callaghan - Dirty Harry
58th: Harry Waters - In Bruges
59th: Colonel Nicholson - Bridge over the River Kwai
=60th: Gizmo - Gremlins
=60th: Shaun - Shaun of the Dead
62nd: George Bailey - It's a Wonderful Life
63rd: Little John - Robin Hood (Disney 1973)
64th: Max - Mad Max series
65th: Dennis Nedry - Jurassic Park
66th: Drax - Marvel Cinematic Universe
=67th: Jaws - James Bond series
=67th: Wade Wilson/Deadpool - Deadpool series
69th: T-Rex - Jurassic Park/World series
=70th: Wall-E - Wall-E
=70th: Riggs - Lethal Weapon series
72nd: Thor - Marvel Cinematic Universe
73rd: Ferris Bueller - Ferris Bueller's Day Off
=74th: Chief Brody - Jaws
=74th: Dalton - Road House
=76th: Forrest Gump - Forrest Gump
=76th: Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood
78th: Joan Leaven - The Cube
79th: Chev Chelios - Crank
80th: Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw - Top Gun
81st: Tony Montana - Scarface
82nd: John Nada - They Live
83rd: M Gustave - The Grand Budapest Hotel
=84th: Chunk - The Goonies
=84th: Alice - Resident Evil Series
86th: Beca - Pitch Perfect
87th: Bernie - A Weekend at Bernie's 2
88th: Agent Smith - The Matrix
89th: Darla - Finding Nemo
90th: Emmanuelle - Emmanuelle
=91st: Shrek - Shrek
=91st: Bumblebee - Bumblebee The Movie
93rd: Shaggy - Scooby Doo
=94th: The Shark - Jaws
=94th: Ben Javheri - Short Circuit
96th: John Milton - Drive Angry
97th: Jar Jar Binks - Star Wars
98th: Marcus Copeland - White Chicks
99th: Kevin Copeland - White Chicks
100th: Donald Trump - Home Alone 2


Right then, so that's about it, thanks for taking part, and i will see you all again for the next season of Eliminator!

Bye bye!

Re: The GRCade Movie Character Eliminator! *WE HAVE A WINNER! ALSO, MUMMY STRAWBERRY FLOATER?!*

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:57 pm
by Drumstick
Ripley. :wub:

A deserving winner.

Bring on the forumite eliminator.

Re: The GRCade Movie Character Eliminator! *WE HAVE A WINNER! ALSO, MUMMY STRAWBERRY FLOATER?!*

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:04 pm
by Jenuall
Well done Ripley!

Drumstick wrote:Bring on the forumite eliminator.


Re: The GRCade Movie Character Eliminator! *WE HAVE A WINNER! ALSO, MUMMY STRAWBERRY FLOATER?!*

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:08 pm
by Vermilion
Drumstick wrote:Bring on the forumite eliminator.

The rules may need to be tweaked a bit to make that viable (and to prevent you all from killing each other).

Re: The GRCade Movie Character Eliminator! *WE HAVE A WINNER! ALSO, MUMMY STRAWBERRY FLOATER?!*

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:01 pm
by Jenuall
Why prevent it? ;)

Re: The GRCade Movie Character Eliminator! *WE HAVE A WINNER! ALSO, MUMMY STRAWBERRY FLOATER?!*

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:46 pm
by Denster
Loving that Ripley won.


Re: The GRCade Movie Character Eliminator! *WE HAVE A WINNER! ALSO, MUMMY STRAWBERRY FLOATER?!*

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 10:08 am
by Corazon de Leon
Just accept the chaos Verm and get the forumite eliminator started.

Re: The GRCade Movie Character Eliminator! *WE HAVE A WINNER! ALSO, MUMMY STRAWBERRY FLOATER?!*

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:57 pm
by Snowcannon
Corazon de Leon wrote:Just accept the chaos Verm and get the forumite eliminator started.

Re: The GRCade Movie Character Eliminator! *WE HAVE A WINNER! ALSO, MUMMY STRAWBERRY FLOATER?!*

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:42 pm
by Vermilion
Corazon de Leon wrote:Just accept the chaos Verm and get the forumite eliminator started.

It will be happening in due course.