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Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:19 am
by Zilnad
Also, amusing sidenote, the neighbour sprinted down the drive this morning to prevent our shopping delivery pulling up outside our house (see previous pettiness over the driveway) :lol:

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:20 am
by Jenuall
Nice work :datass:

Did they actually start cutting any of it down or did you manage to stop them before they got that far?

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:22 am
by Zilnad
Jenuall wrote:Nice work :datass:

Did they actually start cutting any of it down or did you manage to stop them before they got that far?

Unfortunately they've pretty much removed all of it, except for the trees. All the bushes and shrubs are gone :(

Neighbour's husband has now come home from work and is taking over the council discussion.

Feeling properly anxious, assuming that they'll assume it was us, but anyone could've reported them.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:24 am
by Victor Mildew
strawberry float her, seriously, she's being selfish and think she owns the road. Youve done nothin wrong.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:26 am
by Jenuall
Shame, but at least you get to witness them hopefully receiving some form of comeuppance!

Just feign ignorance if they confront you about it, like you say it could have been anyone so there's no reason for them to believe it was you.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:36 am
by Moggy
Zilnad wrote:The council arrived within ten minutes and are giving them what for now :lol:

I was worried I was being petty but we see lots of birds in that area and have seen plenty of hedgehogs in the undergrowth so, from a selfless perspective, they're damaging the wildlife. Ignorant twats.

I've told my wife to deny all knowledge if we get approached by the neighbours.


Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:38 am
by Qikz
Your bosses and your neighbours both seem like mega morons. Zilnad I hope at some point you catch a break and either your boss or your neighbours get replaced by someone better.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:47 am
by Zilnad
Qikz wrote:Your bosses and your neighbours both seem like mega morons. Zilnad I hope at some point you catch a break and either your boss or your neighbours get replaced by someone better.

Thanks Qikz, that's sweet of you. :wub:

And thanks to everyone for backing me. I feel like this thread breeds the strongest camaraderie amongst us all. :datass:

Will have to get my bin in later tonight, under the cover of darkness :lol:

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 10:00 am
by jawa
Zilnad wrote:Unfortunately they've pretty much removed all of it, except for the trees. All the bushes and shrubs are gone :( ...

Dang, man, that just sucks. I really dislike how so much greenery is disappearing from our roads. A lot of residential streets round my way have gradually changed to become waste-strewn car parks rather than attractive living areas.

You did great to alert the council and at least stop some of the destruction, Zilnad!

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:20 am
by DarkRula
What kind of an idiot feels they own the road just because they live on it so can do whatever they want in regards to everything on it? Hopefully they get fined. A lot.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:33 am
by Drumstick
Qikz wrote:Your bosses and your neighbours both seem like mega morons. Zilnad I hope at some point you catch a break and either your boss or your neighbours get replaced by someone better.

You know this is a really good point that I was going to mention, so +1 for hoping you catch a break soon.

With the neighbours, said it before in this thread but I'd just stone face them if they start complaining about parking, noise and basically anything.

Shopping van has parked on one inch of their allocated spot? Shame. But not my van, not my problem.
You've been reported? OK? not my problem.
You've caught COVID? Karma bitch.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:40 am
by Tomous
And they going to get in any trouble for vandalism?

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:58 am
by Zilnad
Tomous wrote:And they going to get in any trouble for vandalism?

I hope so. The council haven't called me back and I don't suppose they will but they were outside for a long time, assessing the area and getting into deep discussions with the involved parties.

They certainly deserve a fine as it looks horrible now and they've removed a huge area of vegetation that supported the local wildlife.

I was really impressed by how the council dealt with it though. They were really helpful on the phone and turned up within ten minutes and put an immediate stop to it all.

My wife said she overheard the neighbours playing the "overhanging trees" card but there's no way they would ever have gotten away with that as most of the foliage is nowhere near encroaching on their property :lol:

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:59 pm
by Vermilion
Zilnad wrote:I've told my wife to deny all knowledge if we get approached by the neighbours.


Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 1:07 pm
by Victor Mildew
The best thing to do if confronted is act innocent, but say you agree with whatever is said to you. Such as:

"Somebody told the council i had an extension built without permission"

"Really? Well it wasnt me, although i did wonder if someone would say something at some point as it did seem to go up without anyone being asked"

That way, you get to tell them to their face that you agree, they know you think they're a twat, but they think someone else said it, so then think everyone is against them.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 1:08 pm
by Zilnad
Good thinking. I'm optimistic they'll leave us alone anyway.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 2:32 pm
by Green Gecko
That's an amazing act of belligerence from them and you're very right about the wildlife too. I'd be strawberry floating livid if something like that happened near me as I hugely value greenery.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 5:13 pm
by Prototype
Having worked for a local authority, i'm surprised you got someone out that quick :lol:

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:20 pm
by Zilnad
Neighbour was just pacing up and down the area of land where the greenery used to be and started brushing fallen leaves and debris aside with her foot. Then occasionally she'd stamp on the floor like she'd found something. :|

Do you think she's looking for buried treasure?

She just minced off with her nose pointed to the sky.

Re: The moan about your neighbours thread - Stool Bloke returns...

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:25 pm
by DarkRula
She regrets everything. And is in denial about it.