The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by BTB » Fri Jun 12, 2015 2:54 pm

Too much vitamin c can damage your kidneys right? Causes kidney stones I believe.

I only have berocca or similar when ill or hungover.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Fatal Exception » Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:18 pm

First post holiday workout. Dem gain losses.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Corazon de Leon » Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:37 pm

Fatal Exception wrote:First post holiday workout. Dem gain losses.


Could be worse, that dude's gains were well and truly gone by 2015.


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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Fatal Exception » Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:15 pm

:lol: Totally didn't realise that was the same guy. Hopefully I can get back into the swing fairly quickly. Once I can walk again.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Rocsteady » Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:38 pm

Had the most ridiculous boys in the weights room again today, swear they must time their visits for whenever I walk in.

Only got one decent bench in there nowadays. I was lifting for an hour, these two walked in about 5 minutes into my session, straight to the bench and were still on bench pressing when I was leaving! Every time I'm in they're hogging the bench as well, have never seen them lift anything else. Lucky for them they're not pushing much or they'd be deformed enough for the circus by now.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:39 am

Didn't think the Wolf Run was too tough yesterday but I am definitely feeling it this morning. I have to get up for work in a bit :dread:.

To be honest, it was less of a Wolf Run and more of a Muddy Ramble.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by gaminglegend » Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:01 pm

After some advice chaps.

Been hitting the gym pretty strong last 8 months seen some gains by far my chest is my strongest area very developed legs coming along nicely but my arms I find are struggling for any gains. Past 2 weeks I've begun including them twice a week and noticed certainly my bicep height improve and my Tricep but compared to my friend I seem to have no size improvement.

Could it all be diet as I'm lifting heavier and increasing with decent form. I try to get 50-60 G protein a day (extra from food) and 2000-2500 calories. But I must admit sometimes I find it hard to eat that many calories a) cheaply b) without pigging out massively or without loads of sugar.

Any diet tips? Ideally I'd like to increase what I eat with as less sugar as possible and not that costs me dear.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by KK » Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:17 pm

50 grams of protein & 2000 calories is the common RDA on food packaging (usually for an adult woman) so that needs to be much higher. I'm 12 stone, 6ft and I tend to hit around 80-90 on the protein front, and I'm not even attempting to look like the Hulkster.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Rocsteady » Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:40 pm

50-60 grams of protein a day?!?! M8. Go for a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight and watch yourself explode in size. You'll probably need shakes to accomplish this by the sounds of it.

Totally strawberry floated my lower back today; was on my last warm up set of deadlifts, first rep at 120kg and my lower back muscles felt like they snapped. Sitting here typing this is painful as strawberry float - thankfully I've learned my lesson from previous times and stopped immediately rather than trying to work through. Definitely going to have to swap back squats for front squats again and hope my wrists cope with the added pressure. Fecksake. No proper leg day for a week or two either I'd imagine.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by gaminglegend » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:42 pm


Dumbbell Curls (seated)
Dumbbell Curls (incline lying)
Barbell curl (seated heavy)
Barbell curl standing
Reverse curls (barbell/cables bar)


Seated Tricep extension
TNT Push Down (cable bar)
Tricep Cables (sometimes alternating the grip)
French Press
Tricep Dips
Close grip bench
Kickbacks (only just started these again)

Most reps are 4 x8 unless heavy week which turns to 4x5.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Hawky » Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:25 am

That is a lot of exercises for one small muscle group!

Personally my advice would be to do compound lifts such as Bench, Overhead Press, Squats, Deadlifts, Bent Over Rows, and Pullup/Chinups and then throw in a couple of assistance exercises.

Doing bench and overhead press will work your triceps a lot and then you can throw in some tricep pulldowns afterwards, don't think you need more than that really.

As for biceps, chinups are as good if not better than curls. If you struggle to do them, doing the eccentric phase (jump into the top position and slowly lower yourself down) is a good way to start getting better and will wreck your biceps. Also close grip lat pulldowns are an alternative for doing higher reps.

As others have said you need a lot more protein and calories, I have 50g of protein for breakfast sometimes. A good target to aim for is 1.6g of protein for every KG you weigh. It's difficult to say how many calories you need without knowing your weight/height and how active you are but 2000 is deffo too few.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Rocsteady » Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:49 am

strawberry floated my back so bad I've had to call in sick, can barely sit up or walk :fp:

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by That's not a growth » Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:15 pm

Take it easy with your recovery, I strawberry floated my back up two years ago and had to take a month off work and two months off the gym. Was fine after all that though, hasn't come back.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Rocsteady » Wed Jun 17, 2015 7:03 pm

Yeah I've had it before too hoping it's not as bad as it has been in the past, after popping some paracetamol I managed to get up and walk about for half an hour without too much bother so will hopefully be alright to be back at work tomorrow with some painkillers. Definitely be off the squats and deadlifts for a while sadly.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Fatal Exception » Wed Jun 17, 2015 7:21 pm

Interesting session today. I was fighting through the crippling DOMS to knock out a workout. Deadlifts went OK although I'm down from my pre holiday weight. I can pretty much up the weights next time for most things as I think I was being a bit conservative.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by gaminglegend » Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:52 pm

Have signficantly upped my protein in take since the last post and boy do My farts clear out the area! In a bar Friday and ripped one silent but sure as hell deadly, I actually had to walk outside to avoid detection it was that bad! I found it hilarious, my friends did not..

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Corazon de Leon » Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:53 pm

Not had much in the way of fitness updates for a while. This morning I hit 83kg on the scales, slightly over 13 stone, which means I'm now over 4 stone down on a year ago and almost 6 overall. 3kg from the goal target of 80kg, at which point I'll start trying to bulk up a bit.

Being of a normal size has been pretty huge for self confidence, too. Feels good, man. :mrgreen:

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by That's not a growth » Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:19 pm

Well done Cora!

I've put on some weight, but since I haven't been to the gym in months it's to be expected. I'm pushing 90Kg now. My sister's boyfriend said I can use his gym membership since he's too lazy to use it and I can't afford my own, and the intention was for my sister to drive me there when she could be bothered to go herself. Turns out she's too lazy to go herself, so I can't rely on that. I found out my mum bought a new bike a few years ago which is actually quite nice so I'm going to use that, so if my back is better by Monday I'm going to start going then. Being unemployed I've got the free time. Got a 10k with my Dad in Sept so that's a good goal, also.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Andrew Mills » Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:11 pm

Now I've only got one job (for the first time in 16 years), I've got back into working out. I'm up at 5am every morning (as that's when my 5 month old son gets up), so I've been using that time to get some workouts in before work. I also do a 1hr PT session with work colleagues every Monday (with an unbelievably stunning looking woman as the PT :datass: :datass: :nod: ).

Once I pass probation at the end of this month, I'm treating myself to the T-25 workout package. Until then, I've done a couple of Insanity workouts. The one below is the one I've just managed to complete fully for the first time tonight...

About 3 weeks in and I'm definitely starting to see, and feel, the difference. :toot:

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by gamerforever » Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:04 pm


Had a bit of an exercise/ binge eating breakdown a few weeks back and decided to get on with it and try my best.

Am currently doing the machines every few days - mainly the arms, shoulders, back, torso and chest for now along with some running and the odd time on the cross trainer.

I do feel my diet will have to improve to see differences. I really need to get my lower body more trim - any ideas on how to get a decent overall body shape?

Any decent dieting tips? I have binned the crisps, chocolates and biscuits now, but love bread and although its brown a lot of the time, its probably too much! I try to limit my alcohol intake to one night a week and its usually hendricks and tonic at the moment!

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