The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Rocsteady » Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:46 am

My left shoulders been killing me lately actually, been having to skip gym days this week so I don't tear the muscle. Stopped doing OHP's ages ago anyway though

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Saint of Killers
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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Saint of Killers » Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:26 pm

It was also my left shoulder that was bothering me. I think it's the weaker arm in general, but I definitely made it a lot more worse due to bad technique. I couldn't even lift a saucepan without feeling it up and down my arm. Crazy. :dread:

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by <]:^D » Fri Dec 18, 2015 5:23 pm

CP i often find if that's happening just take two weeks off - it will let you pause and reflect on what needs changing, and gives you a mental break. i find i come back more motivated than ever and realise how much i enjoy training!

of course this doesnt work for people who dont go enough normally :lol: but i dont think you fit that category?

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by <]:^D » Sat Dec 19, 2015 1:35 am

i meant just stay away from the gym for two weeks, dont think about going etc.

i've done it twice (i think) since i started training and it really helped both times.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Rocsteady » Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:40 am

Shoulder pain's progressed so that I can't lie sleeping on my left side :fp:

Training was going great too as far as bodybuilding purposes go, body's approaching where it was last summer before I went travelling tonnes and got super sick and gooseberry fool.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by That's not a growth » Sat Dec 19, 2015 11:24 am

gooseberry fool, you getting it looked at while you're back over?

I've barely been to the gym in a month and a half, what with pulling my back then man flu. Going to have a few sessions this week just to keep things going so when I get back to things properly after Christmas I shouldn't have lost any more strength than I had already. Looking forward to getting back into it actually.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by BTB » Sat Dec 19, 2015 11:34 am

Went to the gym last night (big Friday night) but it was an awful session, just felt really tired and copped out on final sets/reps.

But than not going at all is the only positive I could take. Hopefully tomorrow is better.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Rocsteady » Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:52 am

Figured I'd get a few progress shots up. Before my strawberry floated shoulder ruins my gains :shifty:

But nah, think it's just a strain - had a few days off now and it seems to be healing up slightly, going to only do squats and cardio this week and hopefully get back into the upper body work next week.




Happy with where I'm at just now - my chest still isn't up to where it was but now equipped with a decent bench and dip bars it shouldn't take too long to explode out again, hoping to bulk out a bit more the next couple of months too so abs could probably do with a bit more work, though heavy front squats should sort them out well enough. Legs have been a bit neglected too, not that you can tell here, so need to sort them out.

Think from March I'll probably be poverty traveling again which will destroy most gains but if not I think by summer I could probably be very close to my genetic potential. Been concentrating a bit more on cardio lately too so will try to continue that.

Last edited by Rocsteady on Tue Dec 22, 2015 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
Corazon de Leon

PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Corazon de Leon » Tue Dec 22, 2015 11:11 am

Started back at the gym this last week or two after taking a couple of months off(moan moan moan too busy, moan moan moan etc etc). Lost surprisingly little stamina for the cardio work I was doing before I stopped, and having just started lifting again I'm still close to my best(which was never spectacular in fairness). Them DOMS though. :dread:

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by False » Tue Dec 22, 2015 11:16 am

Christ mate

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PostThe New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Rocsteady » Tue Dec 22, 2015 11:40 am

:lol: cheers guiyz

Spoilered them as I hadn't realised the images were strawberry floating huge. Can put up my routine as well if anyone cares

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by BTB » Tue Dec 22, 2015 12:38 pm

I'd be interested to see it, may change my routine in the New Year as well.

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Corazon de Leon » Tue Dec 22, 2015 6:46 pm

Shove your routine up Ian, might give me a bit of inspiration. I'm on day 3 of doing weights again and the DOMs man, Jesus Christ the DOMS. :lol:

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by That's not a growth » Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:10 pm

Great stuff ian, well jelly.

I'm in a similar position to Cora, back to the gym. Wont be properly at it until new year weekend, but this way I'll avoid your problem of DOMS since it hasn't quite as long and this'll break it up a bit too.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Rocsteady » Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:15 pm

Thanks for the kind words guys

This is getting typed out on my ipad so will prob have a tonne of spelling mistakes and gooseberry fool.

I've only been on this exact routine for a month now but it's an amalgamation of programmes I've been doing for a couple of years now, shot up even since November so would really recommend it for bodybuilding purposes.

I've tried to join my favourite bits of Kelei's rest pause routine (great for bb'ing) with PHAT (quite obviously a killer program but unsustainable unless fitness is actually your life, I adore the gym lifestyle and wasn't even close to eating and sleeping enough to sustain it).

Whenever I put RP it's rest pause: 8-12 reps to begin with then 3 reps every 50-60 seconds. Until 30 reps. Hit more than 12 initial reps, up the weight.


Deadlift 1x6
Bench or dips (alternate these each time) either; bench - RP, or dips - 3x15
Chins/pull ups (alternate these each time) - RP
Bicep curls 3x12
Standing Tricep extensions 3x15
Cardio - quick HIIT on cross trainer or cycling, just 10/15 minutes. This is the same for each cardio, just alternate them.


Front squats -RP
Leg press - 3x15


Bench or dips, same as before - RP or 3x15
Chins or pulls, same as before
Lat pull downs - 3x15
DB rows - 3x15
Seated bicep hammer curls - 3x12
Lying Tricep extensions - 3x20, I go light on these to protect my wrists
Lat raises - 3x15


Deadlift - RP
Squats - 3x6, heavy


Bench/dips - same
Chins/pulls - RP
Bicep curls (superset) 3x12 initially then keep going down until 5kgs burns
Tricep pull downs 3x15
Tricep dips 2x20

You can reduce this to 3 days quite easily by missing deadlift one day, changing the squats to Monday and Friday and the deadlift day to Wednesday. Make that one deadlift day an RP set if you're going for bodybuilding, obviously for strength go for the heavy set.

It's quite a simple routine, I find that makes it easier to follow and stick to. It's hard to track progress when you've got 50 different lifts on the go. Hits all the major muscles though.

I think this routine strikes a nice balance between powerlifting and bodybuilding, the deadlift and squat in particular is quite easy to get up as you have a heavy day for bith. Although Thursday is a bitch of a day. RP is actually surprisingly good for getting strength up also, and can easily translate into all low rep work if you decide to prioritise strength for a while.

Nt going to put up any diet info as my crohns basically just means I need to shovel in crazy amounts of calories and protein that would make others obese. Just don't eat sugary gooseberry fool.

Hope this is helpful.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Rhubarb » Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:34 am

Dislocated my shoulder last night :fp:

The doctor in a and e didn't really say how long I was supposed to wait before playing squash again. Since it's my left one I was assuming 3-4 weeks would be grand, but googling it some places say 12 weeks? Anyone done theirs before?

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by That's not a growth » Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:58 am

Poser might be a good person to ask.

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Rocsteady » Sat Dec 26, 2015 4:53 pm

I was looking through some old fitness diaries and stuff from 5 years ago and this time in 2010 I only weighed 57kg, if I can get on another 8 pounds before bulking season's over I will have increased my overall body weight in that time by 50% :lol:

Shoulder's starting to feel a bit better so hoping to introduce some light upper body work on Monday. Tomorrow will be yet another leg day, thigh muscles feel as though they're ready to collapse at any time. Obviously pigged out yesterday so hopefully get a few more pounds on to help with heavy deadlifts by the time my shoulder's sufficiently fixed.

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Corazon de Leon » Sat Dec 26, 2015 7:36 pm

Looks like a decent workout Ian man. I'll post what we're doing when I know all the exercises.

Strength's coming back fast as strawberry float, managed 2x6 chest press at 60kg this afternoon, which might not sound like much but I've never lifted that before and I still get 'Nam style flashbacks to ripping my finger open every time I do them. :lol:

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PostRe: The New Fitness & Martial Arts Thread
by Mini E » Mon Dec 28, 2015 10:48 am

First post-Christmas run done. That was not enjoyable :lol: - I hate having to re-do the last 4 weeks of undone work due to back niggle at start of December and then Christmas pigging out (no point fighting the roast dinners and puddings...) 97 days until the Reading Half :slol:

What are everyone's goals for 2016 fitness/gym wise?

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