The Official Pets Discussion Thread

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PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Moggy » Fri Jun 22, 2018 3:49 pm

Ahh so that's what this was about!

Corazon de Leon wrote:Loki is in the process of going viral on instagram. Almost 3,000 likes in two hours.

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Victor Mildew
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PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Victor Mildew » Fri Jun 22, 2018 3:55 pm

More like highki amirite

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
Corazon de Leon

PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Corazon de Leon » Fri Jun 22, 2018 5:11 pm

That's my boy. :wub:

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PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Lime » Mon Jun 25, 2018 12:53 am

My poor Dad is sadly not long for this world- had a fall 3 weeks ago, rushed to hospital, soon after diagnosed with Bowel Cancer, given a couple of weeks to live. :(

He's at a hospice now, which allows visits from pets.

His cat, Dibble, is a one-person animal and so I went over to my Dad's house Thursday night to see if I could persuade him to come with me for a visit. Dibble's been living down the garden, only coming in when he thinks it's safe to eat without meeting anyone- the neighbour is feeding him. Armed with catnip, some cat treats and a load of patience I managed to befriend him. I stayed over and Dibble slept on the bed all night. :o

I took him in to see Dad Friday(as a surprise, as he didn't think anyone would be able to tame Dibble), and he was absolutely made up. :D

Sorry for lack of pics, I do have some which when I get a chance I'll upload once anonymised.

Dibble has been such a great companion for my Dad since we lost Mum 2 years ago - I'm so happy that I could give him the one wish he had, to see his dear cat again!

Pets :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Death's Head
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PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Death's Head » Mon Jun 25, 2018 8:01 am

Bless all 3 of you.


PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by 7256930752 » Mon Jun 25, 2018 9:29 am

So sorry to hear that Lime. That's incredibly nice of you to do that, I bet it made your dad's day.

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Victor Mildew
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PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Victor Mildew » Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:19 am

Sorry to hear that. Pets really are wonderful.

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Tragic Magic » Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:57 pm

Little Ghosty has conked out in the garden :wub:


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PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Hexx » Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:41 pm

I couldn't find the pet thread because "Pet" doesn't return "Pets". Who built that? Bloody hell. So from the Cat thread.

Text message from my cleaner at 10am "I've not been able to clean today as soon as I waked in the stench was unbearable. Bill is not well with diarrhea. There's a load by the front door. I had to walk straight out. Couldn't stop retching"

So that'll be fun to go home to after long hot day

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PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Jenuall » Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:51 pm


Our dog Ada has got the gooseberry fools at the moment as well. Last 4 nights I've come downstairs to some of the worst sights this side of a Mark Oaten orgy :dread:

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PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by SEP » Sat Aug 04, 2018 12:44 am

I can't believe Karl locked a cat thread. What a monster.

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PostRe: RE: Re: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Death's Head » Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:30 am

Jenuall wrote:Nice.

Our dog Ada has got the gooseberry fools at the moment as well. Last 4 nights I've come downstairs to some of the worst sights this side of a Mark Oaten orgy :dread:
Our dog had a bad case of this a few weeks ago, basically pissing gooseberry fool. Went on for about 3 days. You are supposed to take the dog to the vets after about 2 but just as I was thinking about it, it stopped.

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PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Death's Head » Mon Aug 13, 2018 12:44 pm

I feel like our dog is coming to the end of his life. His walking in the last few days has become very slow (although amazingly he is still going up and down stairs) and he is generally much less active. He is also eating less food (which may be down to him exercising less and therefore needing less). He doesn't seem to have any appetite for dry food (which he has always eaten) and now will only eat the canned stuff.

This has made me think about how much pain he is in and what the criteria is for having a dog put down. Anyone on here have experience with this decision? A long time ago we had a cat that needed to be put down but that was a very straightforward decision as the cat was clearly in pain and had a very limited quality of life.

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PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Dual » Mon Aug 13, 2018 2:26 pm

Have got got vets opinion?

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PostRe: RE: Re: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Death's Head » Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:15 pm

Dual wrote:Have got got vets opinion?
Not yet. Going to take him for a health assessment if no improvement in a couple of days. Although he is not moving round the house much, he is still regularly going up and down the stairs. Also, had no problem eating a can of tuna. I have noticed this year that the weather is impacting him (change in pressure) so I need to see if it is this that is causing problems again.

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PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Jenuall » Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:33 pm

What breed and how old is he DH? Is he getting close to the natural life expectancy for the breed or would you have been expecting him to keep on a bit longer than this?

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PostRe: RE: Re: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Death's Head » Mon Aug 13, 2018 4:22 pm

Jenuall wrote:What breed and how old is he DH? Is he getting close to the natural life expectancy for the breed or would you have been expecting him to keep on a bit longer than this?
GSD, 11 years old, so around the "best before date". I suppose you don't think about this too much until the time comes. Out with him now and he has wanted to go on a fairly long walk, sometimes slowly, other parts pulling. Some life in the old dog yet....

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PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Death's Head » Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:31 pm

Made an appointment at the vets on Tuesday for Thursday but on Tuesday evening the dog had diarrhoea and to make matters worse, had some blood content. In the night at 2am I was up cleaning it from the carpet and putting a child gate at the bottom of the stairs and he did more right next to me even though the front door was open and he was about 2 feet away from the outside. Wednesday morning I changed my vet appointment to Wednesday morning and the vet felt some lumps/swollen so recommended blood tests and then x-rays depending on the outcome. Initial estimate for the diagnoses (for everything) was about £1,200. I agreed to start the blood test and blood was taken whilst we are there and I also asked the vet to contact my pet insurance company to get pre-authorisation for costs.

At this point I'd like to put in a bad word for Animal Friends pet insurance. If you are ever thinking of pet insurance, steer clear of them. When my dog had hip surgery in 2015 they made bone disease (he has arthritis) an exclusion to the policy as it is now considered a known issue. Yesterday I got an e-mail from them saying they won't approve pre-authorisation of costs as the problems could be connected to the arthritis (the dog has also become very lethargic) and to contact them if the diagnosis turns out to be anything different. How swollen internals or diarrhoea could be related to arthritis I don't know, but whatever.

The dog now has almost zero appetite and will just eat chicken on occasion. Yesterday the vet rang with the blood test results and he has anaemia, hepatitis and the vet suspects a tumour on his liver. On Tuesday he will be going back to have xrays and an ultrasound. As you can imagine, the thought that he may be in pain and is suffering in silence is killing me. :cry:

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Corazon de Leon » Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:34 pm

Argh, that's horrible mate. Obviously goes without saying but I hope everything works itself out.

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PostRe: The Official Pets Discussion Thread
by Albert » Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:34 pm

Uf, sorry to hear all that DH. Makes me wonder why we do it to ourselves. I honestly think after my current animals pass on I won't get anymore. It's just too traumatic when they get old.

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