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Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 9:23 am
by KK
I have a feeling the retro scan line option will come in particularly handy on games with a pre-rendered backdrop, as I've noticed with PS1 games the more you improve the main character model while keeping the low resolution backdrops, the more wrong it looks (even dating back to the Dreamcast, with games such as Resident Evil 2). When taken to the extreme, 3D characters just look like they're floating on static photos...which they are.

Really is worth holding on to the PS3 though, isn't it. Not only is it still the best way to play the majority of PS1 titles, it's also the best way to play PS3 games and some PS2 titles (like as shown in the video, the Jak and Daxter series).

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 10:39 am
by MrKirov
jawa_ wrote:

This vid delivers a good overview of how retro games run and the display options.

I mean, that.... isnt good. At all.

Ignoring the use of PAL 50hz titles, and the lowered frame rate/dodgy frame pacing/messed aspect ratio that comes along with it- that emulation is quite poor.

- The retro filter is awful
- The option to not increase frame rates to a solid cap
- forced 720p PS2 titles regardless of system
- max of 1440, and no options of fixed texture warping etc

a potato running duckstation can run these at 60fps with texture warping fixed at 4K. I get keeping them in their original state for some, but having no options available leads me to believe this is a real low effort affair, and when you look how backwards compatibility is dealt with by the competition, I cant say its something im excited for- which is a real shame, as im a huge PS1 fan, and would have loved the opportunity to have them all on my PS5.

The ironic thing is that Series S/X run these titles better than on a PS5 's dedicated in house solution :\

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 11:57 am
by Buffalo
It’s a fine line when it comes to tinkering with older games. Games that were never designed to run at 60fps, let alone run at 4K…shoehorning all that into something like, I dunno, the first Gran Turismo…maybe it’s a fairly risky endeavour. Or something that requires a butt-load of work.
Jim Ryan’s already played his card when it comes to older content - he doesn’t give a toss about it because he’s of the impression that nobody uses BC - so the amount of effort they’re going to make on these old games, you should already know it’ll be near-zilch.

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 12:51 pm
by BID0
Yeh it probably makes more sense to save the money spent on a subscription service and use that money on a computer or Series S and then emulate your original discs.

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 1:10 pm
by Cyburn2
Might get a month of Premium when my sub ends next month.

Very unlikely we will see big discounts of P.S. Plus for the short term at least

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 5:55 pm
by JediDragon05
Technical error. Oh please :lol:

Sony probably thought they where hard & can do whatever they want, but deep down after the backlash, they caved in like a pack of little bitches.

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 6:38 pm
by Monkey Man

In summary, the state of classic games via PlayStation Plus is not in a great place - but it's not an unsalvageable situation. Nintendo had the same issues with 50Hz PAL versions and solved the problem simply by allowing users to select the game territory of their choice, so, for a UK gamer looking for the 'proper' 60Hz experience, the ability to access the US release solves the problem at a stroke. This is a simple, streamlined solution that Sony should mirror.

Elsewhere, issues with the scaler, filters and higher resolution rendering can all be addressed by Sony taking a good look at the standards set by retro enthusiast hardware and software with the aim being to match or better it. Getting the PS2 Classics emulator into shape will be more challenging, however, and hopes aren't high there bearing in mind that this code debuted on PS4 way back in 2015 and looks much the same seven years later. Regardless, it needs to be addressed.

I only hope the team responsible for these releases considers some of the issues highlighted by myself and others and sets out to improve the results. Bearing in mind the cost premium added to PlayStation Plus for access to these classic titles, it's disappointing to see that the retro enthusiast community is so far ahead of Sony's own efforts. In the meantime, I'll keep on playing these games on original hardware - but I hope other users have a chance to properly enjoy these games in the future on modern Sony consoles. ... ood-enough

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 6:50 pm
by Jenuall
Give them a break, they've only had 20 odd years to work on it!

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 9:17 pm
by KK
Stop getting Bond old games wrong!

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 1:09 pm
by KK

Sony has released a patch for a few PS1 Classics on the PS4/PS5 that is designed to improve the PAL output.

The patch upscales the 50Hz PAL code to 60hz by blending frames.


Unfortunately the technique has introduced horrible ghosting artefacts, as evidenced by these Before and After comparison shots:


How noticeable these are in real time is questionable, but it's another bodge job nonetheless.

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 1:10 pm
by Mafro
Just buy a Raspberry Pi.

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 1:14 pm
by KK
You shouldn't even be playing this old gooseberry fool to begin with!


Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 3:04 pm
by Sprouty
Hopefully they can patch the retro games at emulation level, rather than having to revisit each game in turn. It looks like it needs a bit more work, but at the moment the lack of available games makes it a non starter anyway. I suspect what we are looking at today will be very different to the state of the service in a years time. Funny enough, the main appeal of Premium for me is the game trials, but the content is lacking there too.

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 10:14 pm
by Peter Crisp
Sony really do seem to suck at this.
All they had to do was copy Gamepass and everyone would be happy.

I wouldn't be surprised if this service crashes and burns badly on launch in Europe.
I have a feeling hardly anyone is going to bother even considering the most expensive version.

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 12:29 am
by gaminglegend
Will literally upgrade just to play Toy Story 2 one more time. I loved that game

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 7:33 pm
by Monkey Man
PS+ Essential June 2022 line-up rumour -


Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 8:24 pm
by KK
God of War is of course great but it’s already available as part of the PlayStation Plus Collection, and PlayStation Now too.

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 8:49 pm
by BOR
It means God of War Ragnarok is coming soon.

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 8:57 pm
by Mafro
KK wrote:God of War is of course great but it’s already available as part of the PlayStation Plus Collection, and PlayStation Now too.

Collection is only on PS5 though.

Re: The new PlayStation+ but same old Sony thread - Is this legal? Sony fixes upgrade cost "technical issue"

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 9:56 pm
by Sprouty
KK wrote:God of War is of course great but it’s already available as part of the PlayStation Plus Collection, and PlayStation Now too.

It is a bit of a rubbish inclusion for those who already have it as part of their PS subscription, even more so for PS Now subscribers. Imagine buying the game and both subscription services - you'd have the game three times already and about to get it a 4th time. :slol:

Also, did Sony get a buy one get one free on Spongebob or something?

Random fact. I have played every main God of War game a generation behind. I played the PS3 updates of God of War and God of War 2, God of War 3 on the PS4. I am yet to play this one, but I have read that it has improved performance on the PS5, so perhaps I'll get around to it one day, now that I'll own two copies.