The Star Trek Thread

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What is the best Star Trek series (2020 version of poll)?

Poll ended at Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:46 pm

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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Monkey Man » Sat Jul 22, 2023 11:39 pm

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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Hexx » Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:24 am


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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Moggy » Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:30 pm

As part of my "clear out of new Trek reviews", I am going to put all of my Prodigy reviews in here. I'm going to put it all in a spoiler box (I can't be arsed posting 5 or so per day), but they are here if anybody wants to read them.

Lost and Found: Part 1

All I know about this is it's an animated kids show. And I think Janeway is in it?

A Kazon? Where is this set?

Feels very Star Wars Rebels so far. I half expected the main kid to suddenly use the force. The aliens, the droids, the robot that looks like General Grievous, the emperor (Denethor :wub: ) looking big bad and the animation style all felt more Wars than Trek.

But I liked it. A strong opening episode that introduced the characters well. I guess the series/season is going to be a search for fugitive 0.

Lost and Found: Part 2

Ok, the show isn't a search for fugitive zero. :lol:

The engineer's visor makes me think he's Bebop. :lol:

Ahhh so Janeway is a hologram. I'm still not sure where this is set, but it's clearly some time after Voyager.

Another good one, I'm feeling less like Darth Vader is going to show up and am enjoying it on its own merits.


I know he has no experience, but Dal is just to stupid here. I get wanting to do things by yourself, but come on!

Janeway is awesome as ever, even in hologram form.

If the main bad guy can track a warp signature and has a ship capable of catching them, why does he need this particular ship?

Dream Catcher

I swear Voyager would have got home in 2 seasons if they didn't stop at every world they came to. Looks like they're going to follow those rules here as well.

Dal really isn't mature enough to be a leader. Either he is going to do a lot of growing up in the next few episodes, or Gwyn is going to join the crew and take over command. I can see her turning on her dad when they next meet.

Terror Firma

Murder planet is a very good name for it. :lol:

I'm glad they are not going to spend too long on "will Gwynn join them or not?". Her "father" (I'm not convinced he's her actual dad) was such a bastard, choosing the ship over her.

A protostar engine, I guess the clue was there in the name! And makes sense why the Diviner wants it so badly.

So far this series has been great and this episode was no different.


Near the start of this episode, was that the addictive game from TNG?

The Diviner was looking for the Protostar over 17 years ago. This series must be set quite some time after Voyager.

All the crew from older series :wub: Nice they all got a "in memory of" at the end, but they should edit in Nichelle Nichols name.

The Kobayashi Maru is infuriating, I genuinely thought he was going to win :lol:

Interesting ending with Chakotay. Did the silly bastard get stranded in the delta quadrant again? I'm guessing the Diviner will end up being somebody from the Federation, a mutineer maybe?

First Con-tact

Not a dreadful episode, but probably the worst so far in this series. After all the hard work with Quark, Rom and Nog of making the Ferengi more rounded characters, the one here was just the annoying old style irredeemable Ferengi.

Some interesting backstory though on what happened to the Protostar.

Time Amok

I liked this but imagine it was pretty complicated for the target age range for this show!

While she is an idiot a lot of the time (getting rid of Janeway :fp: ), I felt so sorry for Rok when she ended up alone.

I'm sure it will change, but it doesn't feel like Dal has it in him to be a decent leader or work as part of a team.

A Moral Star - Part 1

That was really good.

I completely bought that the plan had strawberry floated up. And the weird "Murf can eat anything" joke actually had a point!

Evil Janeway. :lol:

Nicely done first part, hopefully part 2 will give some answers on who the Diviner is.

A Moral Star - Part 2

This is perfect timing as I understand this is the mid-season finale. And as I'm watching it on Christmas Eve, it'll probably be a few days until I can watch the rest of the series. The last episode of S1 hasn't been released yet, so I can afford a Christmas break. ;)

I hate mid-season breaks (even though this one doesn't matter to me!) but this was a good place to start the break. Some questions answered, some questions left for later.

I didn't expect to see the real Janeway! She doesn't look much older than the Janeway at the end of Voyager, but this series must be set around 20 years after it? Maybe it's hard to tell with the animation style, or maybe there's something going on there.

It was very convenient that Gwynn lost her memory that the ship is booby trapped to harm Starfleet. And I don't think it'll be the last we see of the Diviner.

I think Cheeky Devlin was worried I'd hate this show (as I hated Lower Decks), but there's no fear of that. It's been a really good show.


It never fails to amuse me the way they keep saying "we stole it!" :lol:

Some good backstory here on Chakotay taking the ship to the Delta Quadrant. But if it has been 20 years, then Janeway has aged really well. The Diviner was a time traveler, so maybe there's time shenanigans going on.

Getting to the Federation outpost was fun. I wonder what Starfleet command want with people of Dal's species?

It was groanworthy how Gwynn conveniently getting her memory back just as the virus ripped the outpost apart. But that's standard story telling, especially in kids shows.

Let Sleeping Borg Lie

I don't know what age range this show is pitched at, but this would have been a terrifying episode for young kids. :lol:

Ultimately it was a pointless episode. They didn't actually learn anything from the Borg, other than getting a name for the weapon.

One thought I had, why don't they get the slug thing to eat the weapon? It can handle the protostar, why not the weapon?

But pointless doesn't mean bad. As a kids version of a Borg story, I think it worked quite well. But I wouldn't show this story to a young kid. :lol:

All The World's A Stage

Those Kirk, Sulu and Scotty impressions. strawberry float me :lol:

Cracking episode, the misquoted TOS stuff was wonderfully done and absolutely hilarious.

Looks like Murf is about to change. Hopefully Murf doesn't end up turning into an intelligent being or some gooseberry fool like that.


I found this episode to be too frustrating to be enjoyable. It relied way too much on chance meetings, the wrong things being said and the correct things to say not being said for stupid reasons.

But the ending was decent. The Protostar going into the neutral zone should be a good story. And Jankom is right, it's a bloody neutral zone, why can't the Federation go in there, the Romulans seem to be allowed to. :lol:


Another Soong mentioned? There are more Brent Spiner lookalikes in the Trek universe than floating balls of sentient energy ;)

I guess Murf is going to be the deus ex machina in a lot of episodes now? "Oh no there's no hope....wait...Murf just turned into a warp drive!" ;)

Ok episode, but nothing special. It did have a very interesting ending though. I hope that leads to something good.


This is the sort of thing I usually hate. Flashbacks to how the characters ended up where they did. It's usually dreadful.

But this was actually very good. Some tragic backstories with amusing bits thrown in.

And it explained the weirdness with what's going on with Chakotay, who clearly hadn't been missing for 20 years. Wormhole time travel!

Decent ending as well. I think Janeway can kick the Diviner's arse, when the sneaky strawberry floater isn't creeping up and attacking from behind. And I look forward to seeing him get beaten. Hopefully permanently!

Ghost in the Machine

A bit of a poor episode. The "holodeck goes wrong" has been done way too many times before. As has "android/hologram goes wrong". Combining the two didn't really improve it.

Not appallingly bad, just meh.


The salamander line :lol:

The body swap stuff was decent on the Janeway side, she straight away got down to business and got the required information. Dal though :fp: He not only completely wasted the opportunity to inform Starfleet of the construct (despite just before saying about other ways of communicating), he made things a million times worse. :lol:

I'm not sure why the Diviner freed "Janeway", guilt over his daughter? His whole plan is bloody stupid, he must realise by now that the Federation aren't bad people. Why destroy them rather than just talking to them and explaining the chaos they'll unleash if they ever contact his home planet?

Ok episode, too many little annoyances (all Dal!) to be a good episode though.

Supernova: Part 1

I'm writing this on 27 December 2022, 2 days before the season finale episode airs. Which means this episode marks the momentous occasion that I have caught up with ALL of Star Trek! Except those two episodes of Short Treks :x

Going to hold most of my thoughts until I've seen part 2. But I really enjoyed this. I'm not sure how they are going to resolve it either, if the virus is now in that many Starfleet vessels, their only option is to destroy them all? But if more keep arriving...

I'm sure they'll come up with some mumbo jumbo to "fix" it - maybe hack the weapon to emit a signal that undoes the virus?

Supernova: Part 2

I'm not sure that the solution made any real sense and I preferred my solution ;) , but it didn't really matter. Holo-Janeway's sacrifice was very well done and is more proof that at least some of these holograms are alive.

"Was he enhanced in every way? Of course not, look at him " Harsh :lol:

Zero's upgrade :lol:

A bit of a reset button at the end, convenient that they have a new protostar powered ship.

I assume season 2 will be called Star Trek: The Search For Chakotay.

A great series, a damn shame they have cancelled it. :cry:

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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Moggy » Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:52 pm

Ok my final dump of "new" Trek reviews.

Lower Decks (please don't read if you enjoy this show, I pretty much despised it :lol: ):

Star Trek - Lower Decks

Second Contact

Back to animation for the first time since TAS (not counting one or two in Short Treks). I've no idea what to expect with this series, I have heard nothing at all about it. I assume it's going to be similar to the TNG episode with the same name, all about the plebs on the ship, rather than the posh strawberry floaters upstairs. And being animated, it'll either be aimed at kids or be something quite weird.

Ok, so I gather it's a comedy and mildly adult. It gave me Rick and Morty vibes, it's not as weird or sweary as R&M but seems to be a similar humour and the animation is similar.

It was an alright opening, nothing to blow me away though. The second the Captain asked whatshisname to keep an eye on whatshername I guessed that she'd be the Captain's daughter.

I did like the joke of the naked gym on the holodeck. Imagine the gooseberry fool Riker used to get up to with holograms. :dread:


Erghh an energy being episo....oh ok. :lol:

So this is just Rick and Morty in the Star Trek universe then? I don't hate R&M, but this should do it's own thing rather than be a PG version of R&M.

The episode was ok. It didn't really do anything to raise it above the most average of average.

Temporal Edict

The overestimating the time it takes to fix stuff makes the rest of Trek make more sense. It was always "how long to repair the warp core?" "15 hours captain!" "You have to do it in 5!". :lol:

The two handed fighting thing was a nice nod back to Kirk. And the O'Brien appreciation was nice.

Other than that though? It was pretty gooseberry fool. It's great that the episodes are less than 25 minutes long.

Moist Vessel

I guess the best thing I can say about this series is that it isn't boring. The episodes are short but they zip along extremely quickly.

But the jokes are weak. The plots feel like the writers think they are cleverer than they actually are. And the characters are a mix of over the top and too stupid to be believable even in a slightly surreal animated show.

Mariner acts smug, Boimler acts neurotic, Tendi acts needy and the captain acts incompetent. It's been the same in every episode so far.

The ascending being horrific was great though. That was actually inventive.

Cupid's Errant Arrow

Why do comedy writers always think "man is jealous of his girlfriend's ex and so acts like a complete wanker" is great material? It's the most generic of sitcom plots and is very very very rarely ever funny.

Which probably tells you what I thought of this episode, utter shite.

Terminal Provocations

A little bit better than the other episodes, but it's still not clicking with me. I seem to spend the entirety of every episode waiting for Rick to turn up.

There was some actually inventive stuff here. We've seen the holodecks malfunction a million times before, but Badgey was truly deranged. It got a bit too much by the end though and went from mildly amusing to irritating.

The biggest problems this show has are acting like a R&M tribute act and not knowing when a joke is over (also a R&M problem). The engine noise thing could have been fun. But went on. And on. And on. And then went on some more.

Much Ado About Boimler

Again better than the earlier episodes but it's still meh overall.

I'm struggling to even write anything about the episodes. Umm, Boimler wanting to stay on the farm at the end was understandable, the character of Mariner desperately needs to become more than just "can't handle responsibility so acts like a wanker" and Tendi needs to learn what a dog is? ;)


"They are scanning" x1000. Christ. :fp: I think Americans find "repeat bad joke over and over" funny, I just find it annoying.

Haha, it's classified so in the flashback so some speech is bleeped and eyes are blacked out. Haha. Great joke guys. Haha.

The Crusher and the ghost joke was the only funny bit.

I'm being a bit harsh. It was an ok episode, as long as you ignore the crap humour. The story could have been fleshed out into a decent episode exploring how so much of Trek is just people getting lucky. And it's always good to hear Kurtwood Smith. The Q cameo was pointless though.

Crisis Point

It kept bringing up racism against Orions...but did nothing with it. Just "haha, Orions take slaves!" and instead of taking an opportunity to show not all Orions are bad, it just makes a joke like "we haven't done that for at least 5 years". Hilarious.

I get this is a comedy show, but comedy (and Trek!) can make important points. Here, it was just "lol, stereotypes about different races are hilarious and sometimes true!".

I'm overanalysing it, but there's not much else to say. I'm really not enjoying this show very much.

How has nobody before discovered that Mariner is the Captain's daughter? Boimler has made a Barclay style holodeck simulation of the entire crew, used all of their personal logs and....had no idea?


No Small Parts

Landru? That's a blast from the past. :lol:

Something shocking happened, I actually liked this episode. It's still playing out like "Rick & Morty Lite", but it wasn't so unbearable here. Bringing back the Packlids (sp?) was a weird choice, but they sort of work in a comedy cartoon.

Nice cameo from Riker and Troi, although the Enterprise reference brought back memories of how bad that series finale was.

Overall S1 was pretty bad with just a handful of highlights. Trek shows often start out gooseberry fool though, hopefully this finds its feet and starts doing its own thing in S2. Because Rick & Morty + Star Trek references = gooseberry fool.

Strange Energies

I was hoping S2 would be better, but on the strength of this, it seems they are committed to doing R&M with the occasional Kirk mention or TNG cameo.

I'm struggling to think of anything positive to say about this one. Both plots were crap and the humour was non-existent.

Kayshon, His Eyes Open

Starfleet all shower together in a communal area? It's the first time I've been tempted to join... ;) :datass:

I enjoyed the badass soldiers taking the piss out of the easy life Picard's Enterprise had. They really did have way too much time on their hands if they could have concerts all the time.

Otherwise? Some nice action, some funny Riker stuff but overall meh.

We'll Always Have Tom Paris

Good salamander joke. :lol: But a truly terrible pirate joke. :fp:

Overall not too bad, it moved along nicely and had some mildly amusing moments. And it was good to see Tom Paris, even if he didn't have much to do.

Mugato, Gumato

Urghh, will this series ever end...

The whole show could have suddenly become interesting if Mariner was suddenly revealed as black ops/Section 31. But nope, it was just bollocks.

The mention of Quark was nice, I've seen his name above bars, so I guess he's doing well. Weird how Rom became the Ferengi Grand Nagus at the end of DS9, but there are still feral Ferengi around. Rom needs to sort himself out. ;)

An Embarrassment of Dooplers

How to write a Lower Decks episode.

Step One: Write out some references to TOS/TNG/DS9.

Step Two: Think of a joke, it doesn't matter if it's actually funny. Repeat the exact same joke at least 20 times.

Repeat those steps for ten episodes per season.


So yeah, this episode. Quarks bar, Data/Lore dolls. Kirk and Spock. "Hilarious" duplicating man joke. Great.


The Spy Humongous

Pakleds are so strawberry floating stupid. And I mean the concept, not the creatures themselves. Even though they're stupid.

And that's about all the enthusiasm I can muster to write anything about this shite. I hope Prodigy is a better animated series than this crap. I can't wait to get this finished.

Where Pleasant Fountains Lie

Jeffrey Combs loves Star Trek. That voice though, he might have played 80 different roles across Trek, but every single time I hear it I can't help but think of Weyoun. :lol:

The medieval cosplay planet was atrocious. Really dire and dreadful stuff.

But the other story wasn't too bad. Crash landing on a desert planet with an evil AI, that's classic Trek territory and they actually told a half decent story.

It's been a while since anything in this show held my attention, so it was great to get half an episode that was ok.

I Excretus

Part crap, part fun. They finally decided to drop the references to other Trek series and just decided to build the entire episode out of them.

But some of it worked quite well. It was fun to watch them strawberry float up.

Wej Duj

The Klingon and Vulcan ended up highlighting just how crap the main characters in this show are. I'd have happily watched a few episodes of Klingon/Vulcan lower decks.

The Packleds are still a terrible choice of enemy. They are not funny.

The Borg lower decks was a decent joke. Even if they made the usual mistake of keeping the joke going way too long.

Not bad, the show has improved slightly over the last few episodes. If it keeps up this momentum, then it might be really good by season 30. ;)

First First Contact

So-so episode. With a decent cliffhanger.

I assume Freeman will be fine.

But the Rutherford (who's been a crap character so far) revelation is more interesting. Let's hope they do something great and not some standard Section 31 bollocks with added wackiness.

Overall this was mainly a terrible season, but it did pick up in the second half. And I did like the Klingon/Vulcan episode. If they can keep the upward trajectory for S3, then this show might be more bearable.


Is the only available ship on Earth a theme park ride, or is it just an excuse to shovel in some extra Trek references? ;)

Still, the references here were ok. Sisko's restaurant, ketracel white sauce, Tuvok. For once the references mostly seemed subtle, rather than screaming "LOOK! WE WATCHED TNG THIS WEEK!".

Decent opener for the season, following on from a decent end to S2. It's nice to see the show might have hit a run of form.

The Least Dangerous Game

Ok the run of form is over. This was shite and felt like it went back to being a Rick and Morty tribute.

I liked the D&D game the video of Martok. Other than that? A crap episode.

Mining the Mind's Mines

Black engineers with visors on their eyes really do love Leah Brahms. ;)

Another crap one. Meh.

Room for Growth


The bank robbery sex game in the holodeck was reasonably amusing.

But otherwise? Shite.


I thought the archaeologist was going to be Picard's ex who ran off with Q, but sadly not.

The Rutherford story was shite.

The other story was actually ok, it makes complete sense that ordinary people would look at the history of Starfleet and think "strawberry float that!". I'd love to explore space, but not with the health and safety record that Starfleet has. :dread:

So only a half shitty episode, that's a step up from the last few. ;)

Hear All, Trust Nothing

Nice to see DS9 and some old faces Kira, Quark and even Morn! . But what a shame they didn't do more with it. I'm being harsh on a 25 minute comedy animation, but it felt like such a massive missed opportunity to do something decent.

The Mariner story was crap, the Orion story was shite and the main plot was a rubbish version of a typical DS9 Quark story.

A Mathematically Perfect Redemption

Castaway references in 2022? :fp:

This should have been terrible. A selfish robot meets bird people? In this series? It should be one of the worst things I've ever watched.

But....I really liked it. The annoying robot was actually pretty funny. And the bird people weren't really any more ridiculous than many other Trek species. Even the sex scene was funny.

I'm stunned that, finally, there's an LD episode I like. :shock: Maybe the problem is the terrible main characters, I also quite liked the episode with the lower deck characters on the Klingon and Vulcan ships. Keep the main characters to an absolute minimum and maybe I'd like LD. ;)

Can S3 end on a run of ok episodes like S2 did?

Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus

For a show that loves cameos and references from other Trek shows, they couldn't get Scott Bakula to say a few words at the foundation of the Federation?

Although I guess they made up for that with Takei's cameo, even if they seemed to just chuck that in there, rather than building anything around it. Why was Sulu at Kirk's farm? Did Shatner back out at the last minute? :lol:

After the Rutherford cybernetic thing being mostly nothing, they are now setting up Boimler's twin as a Section 31 recruit. It could be interesting I guess, but I bet it'll be a load of bollocks. ;)


The show is back to being utter gooseberry fool. I think I just hate all the main characters. :lol:

Trusted Sources

They summed up Picard quite well at the start. :lol:

Starbase 80 looks like a fun place to work, it'd be easy to look amazing there.

It seems weird for Starfleet to bring in unmanned ships. For a peaceful organisation dedicated to exploring and meeting new cultures, it doesn't really fit with their mission. Which is something I've always suspected, Starfleet is secretly a fascist military power, who are dedicated to conquering the galaxy, while pretending to be nice. ;)

This was an alright episode, nothing much to moan about and nothing much to rave about. Which is a win for this series. ;)

The Stars at Night

Other than Data and The Doctor from Voyager, Trek really doesn't like AI much does it? :lol:

Why would a Romulan paying for artefacts be nefarious, but Picard be above board? It's either ok to take the archaeological finds or not.

Rutherford's mystery wasn't as mysterious as I was hoping. Just a mad admiral. Meh.

Shaxs being so excited to eject the warp core might be my favourite moment in LD. :lol: He was so happy and excited. :lol:

Post credits, was that the Borg tractor beaming Badgey up? If they suddenly make him a Borg king, I think I'll scream.

Decent finale!

By the time I post these reviews, S4 (and probably S5 and S6 ;) ) will have aired, but as of December 2022, I'm done. I know people seem to love this show, but I really don't. When it's at its best, it's average. And when it's at its worst, it's strawberry floating atrocious.

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Cheeky Devlin
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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Mon Jul 24, 2023 11:32 pm

Moggy wrote:As part of my "clear out of new Trek reviews", I am going to put all of my Prodigy reviews in here. I'm going to put it all in a spoiler box (I can't be arsed posting 5 or so per day), but they are here if anybody wants to read them.

Lost and Found: Part 1

All I know about this is it's an animated kids show. And I think Janeway is in it?

A Kazon? Where is this set?

Feels very Star Wars Rebels so far. I half expected the main kid to suddenly use the force. The aliens, the droids, the robot that looks like General Grievous, the emperor (Denethor :wub: ) looking big bad and the animation style all felt more Wars than Trek.

But I liked it. A strong opening episode that introduced the characters well. I guess the series/season is going to be a search for fugitive 0.

Lost and Found: Part 2

Ok, the show isn't a search for fugitive zero. :lol:

The engineer's visor makes me think he's Bebop. :lol:

Ahhh so Janeway is a hologram. I'm still not sure where this is set, but it's clearly some time after Voyager.

Another good one, I'm feeling less like Darth Vader is going to show up and am enjoying it on its own merits.


I know he has no experience, but Dal is just to stupid here. I get wanting to do things by yourself, but come on!

Janeway is awesome as ever, even in hologram form.

If the main bad guy can track a warp signature and has a ship capable of catching them, why does he need this particular ship?

Dream Catcher

I swear Voyager would have got home in 2 seasons if they didn't stop at every world they came to. Looks like they're going to follow those rules here as well.

Dal really isn't mature enough to be a leader. Either he is going to do a lot of growing up in the next few episodes, or Gwyn is going to join the crew and take over command. I can see her turning on her dad when they next meet.

Terror Firma

Murder planet is a very good name for it. :lol:

I'm glad they are not going to spend too long on "will Gwynn join them or not?". Her "father" (I'm not convinced he's her actual dad) was such a bastard, choosing the ship over her.

A protostar engine, I guess the clue was there in the name! And makes sense why the Diviner wants it so badly.

So far this series has been great and this episode was no different.


Near the start of this episode, was that the addictive game from TNG?

The Diviner was looking for the Protostar over 17 years ago. This series must be set quite some time after Voyager.

All the crew from older series :wub: Nice they all got a "in memory of" at the end, but they should edit in Nichelle Nichols name.

The Kobayashi Maru is infuriating, I genuinely thought he was going to win :lol:

Interesting ending with Chakotay. Did the silly bastard get stranded in the delta quadrant again? I'm guessing the Diviner will end up being somebody from the Federation, a mutineer maybe?

First Con-tact

Not a dreadful episode, but probably the worst so far in this series. After all the hard work with Quark, Rom and Nog of making the Ferengi more rounded characters, the one here was just the annoying old style irredeemable Ferengi.

Some interesting backstory though on what happened to the Protostar.

Time Amok

I liked this but imagine it was pretty complicated for the target age range for this show!

While she is an idiot a lot of the time (getting rid of Janeway :fp: ), I felt so sorry for Rok when she ended up alone.

I'm sure it will change, but it doesn't feel like Dal has it in him to be a decent leader or work as part of a team.

A Moral Star - Part 1

That was really good.

I completely bought that the plan had strawberry floated up. And the weird "Murf can eat anything" joke actually had a point!

Evil Janeway. :lol:

Nicely done first part, hopefully part 2 will give some answers on who the Diviner is.

A Moral Star - Part 2

This is perfect timing as I understand this is the mid-season finale. And as I'm watching it on Christmas Eve, it'll probably be a few days until I can watch the rest of the series. The last episode of S1 hasn't been released yet, so I can afford a Christmas break. ;)

I hate mid-season breaks (even though this one doesn't matter to me!) but this was a good place to start the break. Some questions answered, some questions left for later.

I didn't expect to see the real Janeway! She doesn't look much older than the Janeway at the end of Voyager, but this series must be set around 20 years after it? Maybe it's hard to tell with the animation style, or maybe there's something going on there.

It was very convenient that Gwynn lost her memory that the ship is booby trapped to harm Starfleet. And I don't think it'll be the last we see of the Diviner.

I think Cheeky Devlin was worried I'd hate this show (as I hated Lower Decks), but there's no fear of that. It's been a really good show.


It never fails to amuse me the way they keep saying "we stole it!" :lol:

Some good backstory here on Chakotay taking the ship to the Delta Quadrant. But if it has been 20 years, then Janeway has aged really well. The Diviner was a time traveler, so maybe there's time shenanigans going on.

Getting to the Federation outpost was fun. I wonder what Starfleet command want with people of Dal's species?

It was groanworthy how Gwynn conveniently getting her memory back just as the virus ripped the outpost apart. But that's standard story telling, especially in kids shows.

Let Sleeping Borg Lie

I don't know what age range this show is pitched at, but this would have been a terrifying episode for young kids. :lol:

Ultimately it was a pointless episode. They didn't actually learn anything from the Borg, other than getting a name for the weapon.

One thought I had, why don't they get the slug thing to eat the weapon? It can handle the protostar, why not the weapon?

But pointless doesn't mean bad. As a kids version of a Borg story, I think it worked quite well. But I wouldn't show this story to a young kid. :lol:

All The World's A Stage

Those Kirk, Sulu and Scotty impressions. strawberry float me :lol:

Cracking episode, the misquoted TOS stuff was wonderfully done and absolutely hilarious.

Looks like Murf is about to change. Hopefully Murf doesn't end up turning into an intelligent being or some gooseberry fool like that.


I found this episode to be too frustrating to be enjoyable. It relied way too much on chance meetings, the wrong things being said and the correct things to say not being said for stupid reasons.

But the ending was decent. The Protostar going into the neutral zone should be a good story. And Jankom is right, it's a bloody neutral zone, why can't the Federation go in there, the Romulans seem to be allowed to. :lol:


Another Soong mentioned? There are more Brent Spiner lookalikes in the Trek universe than floating balls of sentient energy ;)

I guess Murf is going to be the deus ex machina in a lot of episodes now? "Oh no there's no hope....wait...Murf just turned into a warp drive!" ;)

Ok episode, but nothing special. It did have a very interesting ending though. I hope that leads to something good.


This is the sort of thing I usually hate. Flashbacks to how the characters ended up where they did. It's usually dreadful.

But this was actually very good. Some tragic backstories with amusing bits thrown in.

And it explained the weirdness with what's going on with Chakotay, who clearly hadn't been missing for 20 years. Wormhole time travel!

Decent ending as well. I think Janeway can kick the Diviner's arse, when the sneaky strawberry floater isn't creeping up and attacking from behind. And I look forward to seeing him get beaten. Hopefully permanently!

Ghost in the Machine

A bit of a poor episode. The "holodeck goes wrong" has been done way too many times before. As has "android/hologram goes wrong". Combining the two didn't really improve it.

Not appallingly bad, just meh.


The salamander line :lol:

The body swap stuff was decent on the Janeway side, she straight away got down to business and got the required information. Dal though :fp: He not only completely wasted the opportunity to inform Starfleet of the construct (despite just before saying about other ways of communicating), he made things a million times worse. :lol:

I'm not sure why the Diviner freed "Janeway", guilt over his daughter? His whole plan is bloody stupid, he must realise by now that the Federation aren't bad people. Why destroy them rather than just talking to them and explaining the chaos they'll unleash if they ever contact his home planet?

Ok episode, too many little annoyances (all Dal!) to be a good episode though.

Supernova: Part 1

I'm writing this on 27 December 2022, 2 days before the season finale episode airs. Which means this episode marks the momentous occasion that I have caught up with ALL of Star Trek! Except those two episodes of Short Treks :x

Going to hold most of my thoughts until I've seen part 2. But I really enjoyed this. I'm not sure how they are going to resolve it either, if the virus is now in that many Starfleet vessels, their only option is to destroy them all? But if more keep arriving...

I'm sure they'll come up with some mumbo jumbo to "fix" it - maybe hack the weapon to emit a signal that undoes the virus?

Supernova: Part 2

I'm not sure that the solution made any real sense and I preferred my solution ;) , but it didn't really matter. Holo-Janeway's sacrifice was very well done and is more proof that at least some of these holograms are alive.

"Was he enhanced in every way? Of course not, look at him " Harsh :lol:

Zero's upgrade :lol:

A bit of a reset button at the end, convenient that they have a new protostar powered ship.

I assume season 2 will be called Star Trek: The Search For Chakotay.

A great series, a damn shame they have cancelled it. :cry:

I strawberry floating loved Prodigy, so I'm really glad to see you enjoyed that one. :wub:
Hopefully Season 2 finds a home.

Oh and you should really move onto The Orville when you get a chance. It's a proper love letter to TNG and is legitimately good in it's own right.

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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Moggy » Tue Jul 25, 2023 6:07 am

Cheeky Devlin wrote:Oh and you should really move onto The Orville when you get a chance. It's a proper love letter to TNG and is legitimately good in its own right.

I've heard it's good, but Seth MacFarlane puts me off. I liked the first Ted movie, but I've hated everything else he's done. I assume the Orville is more TNG than Family Guy though?

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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by SEP » Tue Jul 25, 2023 6:17 am

Moggy wrote:
Cheeky Devlin wrote:Oh and you should really move onto The Orville when you get a chance. It's a proper love letter to TNG and is legitimately good in its own right.

I've heard it's good, but Seth MacFarlane puts me off. I liked the first Ted movie, but I've hated everything else he's done. I assume the Orville is more TNG than Family Guy though?

The Orville is excellent, and not even remotely like Family Guy. It's like a slightly more relaxed TNG.

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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:29 pm

SEP wrote:
Moggy wrote:
Cheeky Devlin wrote:Oh and you should really move onto The Orville when you get a chance. It's a proper love letter to TNG and is legitimately good in its own right.

I've heard it's good, but Seth MacFarlane puts me off. I liked the first Ted movie, but I've hated everything else he's done. I assume the Orville is more TNG than Family Guy though?

The Orville is excellent, and not even remotely like Family Guy. It's like a slightly more relaxed TNG.


It's TNG with an enhanced sense of humour, but it doesn't overwhelm the show or get in the way of telling some great stories.

First two seasons are both great, but season three is a legitimately one of the best Sci-Fi shows I've ever watched. It's great. :wub:

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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:30 pm

Anyway, talking about things Moggy won't like.....


EDIT: Looks like they are on the bridge of Voyager at some point (1:22 - 1:29) and there's at least one of the Macrophages from the episode "Macrocosm".
There's also a mannequin in uniform on the bridge so I'm assuming this is at the fleet museum.

Loads of DS9 references as well. Definitely saw Ferenginar for a moment as well as the "Move along home" bit they showed at the end.

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#420BlazeIt ♥
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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Qikz » Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:49 pm


I got a friend suggestion from I can only assume a Klingon

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Mon Jul 31, 2023 11:15 pm

Qikz wrote:Image

I got a friend suggestion from I can only assume a Klingon

Careful you don't accept.

You don't want to be obligated to help in violent conflict between the great houses by pledging friendship to the House of Mok'Nathal.

You may be honour bound to assist. Unless you are a filthy P'tak in which case knock yourself out. :lol:

EDIT: Forgot I changed away from Gowron as my avatar. :slol:

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#420BlazeIt ♥
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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Qikz » Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:14 am

Cheeky Devlin wrote:
Qikz wrote:Image

I got a friend suggestion from I can only assume a Klingon

Careful you don't accept.

You don't want to be obligated to help in violent conflict between the great houses by pledging friendship to the House of Mok'Nathal.

You may be honour bound to assist. Unless you are a filthy P'tak in which case knock yourself out. :lol:

EDIT: Forgot I changed away from Gowron as my avatar. :slol:


The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Mon Aug 07, 2023 2:02 pm

Still no word on where this is going to be shown, but it already looks great.

The Doctor! Voyager A!

Looking forward to where they are going with this. I assume the Protostar will be back later in the season.

I'm hoping that the "cancellation" of the show is enough to get more people watching it. Prodigy needs a permanent home. :wub:

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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Moggy » Mon Aug 07, 2023 2:17 pm

Cheeky Devlin wrote:

Still no word on where this is going to be shown, but it already looks great.

The Doctor! Voyager A!

Looking forward to where they are going with this. I assume the Protostar will be back later in the season.

I'm hoping that the "cancellation" of the show is enough to get more people watching it. Prodigy needs a permanent home. :wub:

I didn't know it had been saved. Good news, it's the only decent animated Trek. ;)

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Cheeky Devlin
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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Mon Aug 07, 2023 3:31 pm

Moggy wrote:
Cheeky Devlin wrote:

Still no word on where this is going to be shown, but it already looks great.

The Doctor! Voyager A!

Looking forward to where they are going with this. I assume the Protostar will be back later in the season.

I'm hoping that the "cancellation" of the show is enough to get more people watching it. Prodigy needs a permanent home. :wub:

I didn't know it had been saved. Good news, it's the only decent animated Trek. ;)

Not saved, Paramount+ aren't going to be putting it out so they're shopping it around. No one is confirmed to have picked up season 2 yet, but if it doesn't do well when it does arrive I can see it being permanently shut down.

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#420BlazeIt ♥
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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Qikz » Mon Aug 07, 2023 4:32 pm

Cheeky Devlin wrote:
Moggy wrote:
Cheeky Devlin wrote:

Still no word on where this is going to be shown, but it already looks great.

The Doctor! Voyager A!

Looking forward to where they are going with this. I assume the Protostar will be back later in the season.

I'm hoping that the "cancellation" of the show is enough to get more people watching it. Prodigy needs a permanent home. :wub:

I didn't know it had been saved. Good news, it's the only decent animated Trek. ;)

Not saved, Paramount+ aren't going to be putting it out so they're shopping it around. No one is confirmed to have picked up season 2 yet, but if it doesn't do well when it does arrive I can see it being permanently shut down.

Amazing thing is Paramount+ are going to have a huge Star Trek drought next year due to the writers strikes so they could happily release this to fill it.

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by FatDaz » Mon Aug 07, 2023 4:36 pm

Cheeky Devlin wrote:
It's TNG with an enhanced sense of humour, but it doesn't overwhelm the show or get in the way of telling some great stories.

First two seasons are both great, but season three is a legitimately one of the best Sci-Fi shows I've ever watched. It's great. :wub:

It’s clear the studio only greenlit it based on family guy and the humour but it’s obvious Seth wanted to make a serious Star Trek show and as time goes on the silliness is toned down and by series 3 it feels like a sci fi show different in tone to the first.

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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Mon Aug 07, 2023 4:42 pm

FatDaz wrote:
Cheeky Devlin wrote:
It's TNG with an enhanced sense of humour, but it doesn't overwhelm the show or get in the way of telling some great stories.

First two seasons are both great, but season three is a legitimately one of the best Sci-Fi shows I've ever watched. It's great. :wub:

It’s clear the studio only greenlit it based on family guy and the humour but it’s obvious Seth wanted to make a serious Star Trek show and as time goes on the silliness is toned down and by series 3 it feels like a sci fi show different in tone to the first.

There's a definite shift in the tone for season three. Everything feels a bit more fleshed out. Better stories, bigger budgets. Loved it. :wub:

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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Sun Sep 03, 2023 8:33 pm

Lower Decks back on Thursday, only on Paramount+

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Cheeky Devlin
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PostRe: The Star Trek Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Fri Sep 08, 2023 12:18 am

Double-Bill return for Lower Decks was a great start.

"I miss my Wife"


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Any one interested should know that we've just started on Voyager with our watch through so a great time to jump in!

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