GRcade Health Thread

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by False » Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:45 pm

I think its the aids.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by No:1 Final Fantasy Fan » Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:46 pm

Bloody hell I knew someone would say something stupid like that :fp:

Anyway I just went to NHS direct online and went through a symptoms checker and it determined that I need to be looked into more. They are going to call me within 20 minutes! That is brilliant service.

Just got off the phone from a doctor who said it sounds like a non serious viral infection which doesn't need antibiotics etc. So I will see how it goes. Taking loads of extra vitamins and ibuprofen.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by No:1 Final Fantasy Fan » Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:20 pm

I took this online test

and it rated my heart 25% :|

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Outrunner » Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:10 pm

I have skin cysts that my local NHS Trust refuse to remove as they aren't a health issue and don't impact on my life. Despite the fact that they're actually quite painful, itch to the point where I make the skin around them bleed and impacts on things like swimming, what I can and can't wear during the summer etc.

My GP has offered to put me in touch with a private hospital for treatment but I can't afford that. On a various health forums I've heard anecdotal evidence that other Trusts still offer this surgery but no one I've asked so far seems to know where. Do I have to trawl through each NHS trust website to find out which will offer it or would I be able to ask my GP to do it? I'm quite happy to do the research myself but obviously if there's a way to speed up the process I'd love to.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by hideous_enigma » Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:21 pm

No:1 Final Fantasy Fan wrote:I took this online test

and it rated my heart 25% :|

Looks like a cynical ploy to flog cod liver oil capsules to me. I wouldn't worry too much.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Little Old Man » Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:17 am

Thought I'd update the thread:

Little Old Man wrote:Worst year of my life by far, as it's been dominated by me discovering I had, and subsequently being destroyed by Crohn's disease.
Started loosing lots of weight, becoming weak, tired, and anemic, and so on, spending 4 weeks around easter in bed. Had to call it quits on my second year of uni a month before I should have finished to come home for the tests to confirm Crohn's, as I needed my family around me.

Things got slightly better for while, as I was medicated up, but I was still weak and tired all summer. Never went anywhere or saw anyone. Then things went tits up after ending my steroids. Got admitted to hospital in October, which after two weeks had got me stronger, but hadn't tackled the roots of my Crohn's. Went home, and deteriorated fairly quickly. Got readmitted two weeks later with a high pulse, no appetite, and at my lowest ever weight. I knew I was bloody ill, but I found out last week the docs thought I could have died.

Tomorrow will mark week 6 of being in hospital for me. 6 weeks of fear, medication, bad news, and complications. Last week they finally sorted two outstanding issues, one of which was an abscess in my stomach, which had been giving me a high pulse, weak blood pressure, and high temps for weeks. Worst thing is there is no end in sight, with more operations on the way. Least I'll get some time at home on Christmas.....
So yeah, read up on the symptoms of Crohn's, and if you have/get them, go the docs ASAP, as it has completely shafted everything in my life. Next year I'm going to spend battling this, before I can even start to rebuild my life :(

Since then things have got substantially better for me. The abscess removal was the turn around point, I started feeling much better, looking outwardly better, and began piling on weight again, since my body was no longer fighting a loosing battle against a load of puss!

I came in to hospital weighing just 7st 10, and now I'm back to 10st 2 :D Feeling like myself again, and looking like me too. My goal weight is eleven and a half stone, but I will be in the healthy bmi range when I get to ten and a half. Most of this gain was due to TPN (total parenteral nutrition), for which they install a pick line into one of the bigger veins in your arm (it can safely stay in for months due to this). Then every night they drip in this huge 2 litre, 2000 calourie bag of liquid feed, over 16 hours, which has all the nutrients you specifically need, based off daily blood tests. As it goes straight into your blood stream, it bypasses my crohn's infested bowel, meaning I got all the goodness, so to speak. It also meant my appetite could build up in its own time, as I wouldn't have to force down food to keep my weight up (just eat what I felt like).

I came off the feed a few days back (appetite has now reached stupid levels of hunger, it was already big enough :lol:), leaving me now close to going home. Looks like they're going to put me on a drug I had previously, plus a new injection based drug to help combat the crohn's, and observe how I go with them before letting me go. Best of all, since the abscess went, they have massively backed off about giving me an operation(s). Don't get me wrong, I understand I will probably need some surgery in the future, but I'm extremely glad I've gotten to the point where it is not urgent, giving them chance to try new meds, and also make sure any surgery I get is the right choice.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Rocsteady » Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:36 pm

Little Old Man wrote:.

Hey someone on else here has crohn's. Wonder how he's getting on now.

Anyway I wanted to vent a bit about health problems and this was the first thread I found, pretty sure there was one kicking about a few months ago but who strawberry floats.

Been in an out as an in patient repeatedly since I got back to the UK but thankfully not the last couple of weeks. Which is mainly good but does mean I'm missing out on the opportunity to try chat up one of the nurses on duty; this chick was absolutely unreal, was desperately trying to talk to her while being bent over double with pain and her sorting out morphine solutions for me. Think I'm in love. Though part of that may have been the morphine. Still, my attempts weren't working out well.

Been told I'm having to start on a common cancer treatment despite - hopefully - not having cancer. Steroids were meant to fix my issues up but have done strawberry float all as per, don't know why the drs are so adamant on keeping me on treatment that has never worked for me before. Had to repeatedly tell the doc today that they're doing strawberry float all and have always done strawberry float all beneficial to my health before he finally conceded we need to try something new.

Unfortunately the new drug (mabthera ) has to be infused every week at the hospital which is significantly going to strawberry float up my new job starting next week, gonna have to call them up tomorrow and see if something can be done. Although it's only a 3 month temp job but still, strawberry float having to sit about all week poor and doing strawberry float all thanks to these stupid meds.

Apparently it costs the NHS about 10 grand pa - on top of all the other meds I'm on, bringing the NHS down from the inside. 8-)

Have to stay on same dose steroids for a few more weeks but beyond that I'll lower the strawberry floaters down. Will have to compensate with huge amounts of weed as it gets lower to maintain remission of the crohn's but that's alright.

This gooseberry fool better all improve by the end of summer, I wanna travel again. Thinking probably Europe as opposed to South America now unless I actually want to die as it'd work out slightly safer health wise. Plus that way I can avoid flights and so be guaranteed access to my weed at all times.

Edit: "When MabThera is given for the first time it may cause a reaction which may be fatal."

Jeezo. I'll be expecting an rip in peace thread.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Cal » Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:52 pm

Sorry to hear about your health problems, Ian. Sometimes I don't know how lucky I am. 51 - and genuinely the worst I've ever had was a twisted ankle when I was about 10 or 11. There by the grace of God, etc. Having said that, I guess I could fall over with a massive heart attack any moment now at my age.

Seriously, hope you get better - same for Little Old Man who posted before you about his Crohn's.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Rocsteady » Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:00 pm

Thanks cal, appreciate it.

I guess I'm lucky in that mentally I really don't care about my health issues - probably down to being ill from a young age but I am exceptionally ambivalent about it all, even down to the (minute) risk of death.

For instance despite the tablets and injections I'm on having side effect lists as long as crack whore's bang lists I'm more bothered about not being able to start work next week and being able to save up a bit of cash.

Used to drive my ex mad, would be suffering from potentially fatal pulmonary embolisms and would be more concerned with having to take a few weeks off the gym. :lol:

Only really upsets me when I see how it hurts those I love. But then that's why this forum's pretty handy at times, allows me to vent in ways I wouldn't to people I know well.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by False » Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:02 pm

Sorry to hear you are still having so much grief with it. Im sure Ive asked this before but how do you get on if you take the partying a bit easier?

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Rocsteady » Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:08 pm

Cheers man, I've actually not been partying at all the last few weeks.

My liver still aches like hell if I touch drink (only foolproof way to make me stop :slol: ) so haven't had any lately. Got a follow up on the liver thing next month - they still don't know what caused it so that'll be more meds once they figure it out.

It gets really sore each morning still, though - actually a bit annoyed the NHS kicked it into the long grass so much. Especially since they're not sure how severe it is yet. They've been incredible with everything else though so can't complain too much.

In fact tell a lie, few weeks ago I had some clean MDMA which didn't affect me negatively at all. Apart from a pretty minging comedown.

Last couple weekends I've been popping a couple codeine when entering clubs just to get me a little funky while everyone else gets smashed on drink, they're actually prescribed and I'm free to take them daily if I so wish so that's not really a separate party issue.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by False » Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:11 pm

Have you ever gone private with any treatments? Is that any better?

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Rocsteady » Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:16 pm

Only time I've been in a private hospital was for my Australian medical; didn't like the atmosphere in there at all. Also it cost me a couple of hundred quid to basically give a urine sample and read an eye chart, ridiculous.

I'm on so many treatments, medicines and have such an extensive medical history that private care would be ludicrously expensive. Think I'd be having to earn well into six figures for such an approach to become viable.

And to be honest the NHS have actually been fantastic with me in the main, other than taking ages to give me a liver appointment and a propensity for giving out steroids they've treated me well. And I tend to go see them at least for a check up and bloods every week or two so they've had enough opportunities to be far worse. :lol:

Just dropped old man a pm to see if it'll bring him back, curious as to how he's getting on

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Ario » Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:32 pm

My friggin psyh took his annual leave this week meaning my 6-month checkup now has to be in late april :fp:

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Slimgrady » Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:06 pm

ianf wrote:
Little Old Man wrote:.

Hey someone on else here has crohn's. Wonder how he's getting on now.

+1 for it here buddy.Although nowhere near as bad as LOM and yourself seem to have it.I have zero symptoms of it,havn't for years....Didn't mean to sound boasty there :slol:

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Rocsteady » Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:47 am

Slimgrady wrote:
ianf wrote:
Little Old Man wrote:.

Hey someone on else here has crohn's. Wonder how he's getting on now.

+1 for it here buddy.Although nowhere near as bad as LOM and yourself seem to have it.I have zero symptoms of it,havn't for years....Didn't mean to sound boasty there :slol:

Jammy bastard!

You still on meds for it or did it just go away by itself?

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Slimgrady » Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:28 pm

No still take meds,don't really know if its gone or what,taking the meds just to be safe I suppose.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Harry Bizzle » Wed Mar 25, 2015 1:18 pm

ianf wrote:
Little Old Man wrote:.
Apparently it costs the NHS about 10 grand pa

Probably closer to what it costs for a month's worth than a year, tbh.

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PostThe Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Rocsteady » Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:51 pm

Slimgrady wrote:No still take meds,don't really know if its gone or what,taking the meds just to be safe I suppose.

What is it youre on now? I tried strawberry floating loads but didn't respond to any, or was allergic to others, except cannabis.

Harry Bizzle wrote:
ianf wrote:
Little Old Man wrote:.
Apparently it costs the NHS about 10 grand pa

Probably closer to what it costs for a month's worth than a year, tbh.

Oh yeah, just the first two weeks worth is apparently about 4 grand.

The NHS :wub:

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Mini E » Wed May 25, 2016 4:24 pm

So it's become apparent I have a degenerative genetic eye condition called retinitis pigmentosa. Life's an absolute bitch :dread:

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