GRcade Health Thread

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by melatonin » Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:16 pm

Harry Bizzle wrote:
melatonin wrote:Video-assisted thoracoscopic bilateral pleurectomy. 8-)

Woah. I looked it up yesterday and that's one method. The other is just to basically take a rough pad and rough it up rather than remove it.

Do you not feel funny at all, like if you take a really deep breath?

Not at all. Part of the breathing exercises I was given for the weeks after the operation involved taking ten really deep breaths in a row, presumably to get my lungs adjusted to life sans pleura, but it didn't take long for things to get relatively back to normal. And, y'know, no more collapsed lungs. I can't overstate how welcome that is.

Venom wrote:Say what you want but if this Halo TV series is a BIG BUDGET Game of Thrones style series with Spielberg directly producing this could be a Band of Brothers in space.
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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Mini E » Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:48 pm

Most needed 2 1/2 hourrs sleep I think I've ever had :lol: I feel with it properly now. Travelling back this morning was a nightmare, as soon as I went into society I completely spaced out. Kept making stupid mistakes like ordering 2 taxis, texting the wrong text to the wrong people, my concept of time was still off. Got on the ferry back and it seemed like 10 mins later I felt us moving through the water, assumed we were half way across the solent, looked across and it was 2 mins later and we hadn't actually left yet. Just generally a very odd morning. I probably should've stayed in hosp for a bit longer but really wanted to just come home to my own bed!

Something Fishy

PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Something Fishy » Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:56 pm

yeah you can be spaced for a few days after all those drugs, i've certainly found that.

Just to ask again, any medical types know anything about painful legs and lumps?

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Little Old Man » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:02 pm

I've been in and out of hospitals a lot over the past few months, on account of developing/having Crohn's disease. Thankfully, I've not had to stay in overnight once, as all my appointments have been outpatient stuff, mainly consultations with specialists, and tests for the condition.

Though actually at one point a specialist really insisted on admitting me as I was that weak, with the incentive that I'd have the tests I needed (MRI, Barium X-ray, Endoscopy, and Colonoscopy) done within a matter of days, as they could squeeze me into gaps in their schedules. I choose to stay at home and wait for a couple more weeks to get the tests done instead as hospitals still scare me.

And let me tell you: endoscopies are worse than having a colonoscopy, by a long shot. Never want to have one ever again if it can be helped.

Right now, I'm on a few different meds, and it is just a case of going to see consultants every few months as they track my overall condition and also my weight gains, as I lost 3 stone thanks to my condition.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Igor » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:10 pm

Little Old Man wrote:And let me tell you: endoscopies are worse than having a colonoscopy, by a long shot. Never want to have one ever again if it can be helped.

I've had six now, I think. I agree.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Pred » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:37 pm

Little Old Man wrote:I've been in and out of hospitals a lot over the past few months, on account of developing/having Crohn's disease. Thankfully, I've not had to stay in overnight once, as all my appointments have been outpatient stuff, mainly consultations with specialists, and tests for the condition.

Though actually at one point a specialist really insisted on admitting me as I was that weak, with the incentive that I'd have the tests I needed (MRI, Barium X-ray, Endoscopy, and Colonoscopy) done within a matter of days, as they could squeeze me into gaps in their schedules. I choose to stay at home and wait for a couple more weeks to get the tests done instead as hospitals still scare me.

And let me tell you: endoscopies are worse than having a colonoscopy, by a long shot. Never want to have one ever again if it can be helped.

Right now, I'm on a few different meds, and it is just a case of going to see consultants every few months as they track my overall condition and also my weight gains, as I lost 3 stone thanks to my condition.

Sorry to hear you've got Crohn's. Sure is a nasty illness.

Reading through your post reminded me of some of the tests I had. Thankfully I haven't had any endoscopies (yet) and the colonoscopies I've had were performed under general anaesthetic. I'd forgotten about the Barium test. That drink was so disgusting. :lol:

Thankfully I haven't needed any operations for a while, though I have had two flare-ups in the past six months. They're the only ones I've had since my diagnosis five years ago but enough for some concern. My next clinic appointment is in November so I'm hoping things will stay okay for now.

I lost quite a bit of weight myself and it took me a while to get it back up. I was referred to a dietician but she wasn't very helpful at all. It meant taking more time off school and I'd already been off for long enough before my diagnosis.

Hope things go okay with in the future.

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~Earl Grey~
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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by ~Earl Grey~ » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:59 pm

Oh Teh Noes wrote:
Igor wrote:
Oh Teh Noes wrote:
Igor wrote:
Oh Teh Noes wrote:Never been to hospital overnight. Is it perverse than I want to do it at least once?



Because depending on why you're there, it's like saying 'I've never spent the night in a dude's sex dungeon. Is it perverse that I want to do it at least once?'.

I imagine hospital to be like a hotel with bedside service and more drugs. Sounds better than being ill at home tbh.

Going to hospital overnight is one of the most tedious experiences of my life. The only saving grace was that the second time I did it, they were pretty generous with the old opioid analgesics.

Sent from my Pogenpohl Breeze using Tapatalk.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Death's Head » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:44 am

melatonin wrote:Death's Head - yeah, that's exactly what I had done, and honestly, the biggest thing you have to be concerned about is staving off boredom for the week after the operation.

I think they let me go about 4 or 5 days after the op, and I was in a private room with TV, Freeview and DVD player 8-)

melatonin wrote:so the whole spontaneously-collapsing thing no longer occurs.

Nope, still possible apparantly (very slim chance) but if it does happen should only be a restricted collapse. Glad I could spoil your thoughts of putting this behind you. :P

melatonin wrote:Unfortunately, while you're out cold for that part, there's a somewhat galling moment when you wake up and realise you have two rather sizeable tubes coming out of your chest (the same thing as what Death's Head described), draining both air and blood away from the space around your lungs.

Not sure how long ago you had this done but I only had one. Also I had one before the op (as they were originally treating the collapsed lung) so I just awoke to find a new one.

melatonin wrote:...which was essentially a self-administering morphine device in the style of a watch, which lets you regulate your own pain relief. You can't abuse it too much - it's locked to one small dose every fifteen minutes or so, and the worst thing that happened to me was throwing up after dosing too much (I was showing it off to a friend who came to visit me. :fp:)

Wimp - I had nothing other than paracetamol. I would say the thing that hurt the most was when they pull the tube out. How long ago did you have the op? My chest still has a slightly numb sensation and sometimes when walking feels like something is pushing against it (like if you were wearing a coat with something in your inside pocket pushing against your chest). Do you still have any side effects?

I also on occasion get a slight ache when taking a deep breath and when I turn over in the night, can get a bit of an ache. I was concerned about the ache on deep breath so went for an x-ray before a recent flight to make sure there was no partial collapse. The x-ray results apparantly showed no problem with collapsing, but evidence of COPD.....

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Death's Head » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:47 am

Something Fishy wrote:yeah you can be spaced for a few days after all those drugs, i've certainly found that.

Just to ask again, any medical types know anything about painful legs and lumps?

Could be age. On my left leg between my ankle and knee there is like a little lump that appears normally when I stand up and seems to be based on the amount of weight put on my leg. Had it for a good few years now so I don't think it is anything to particularly worry about.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by melatonin » Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:01 am

DH - It's been about five years since I had the operation, and no issues with my lungs since then, touching wood.

The moment they pull the tube out was... interesting, but it didn't hurt. Again, i was pretty doped up on morphine for the week though. I basically had a team of three nurses around me going "On the count of three, hold your breath, and DON'T release..." Then you're momentarily aware of a gaping hole in your side, before they quickly pull the stitches shut.

Side effects - the lower-right side of my chest sometimes tingles, but that's about as bad as it gets. Guessing it's due to the pleura outside my lungs no longer being there. But breathing is fine (climbed the highest mountain in South Wales last year - not with any great ease mind, but that's more due to being incredibly unfit rather than anything else), and no pain to speak of.

Venom wrote:Say what you want but if this Halo TV series is a BIG BUDGET Game of Thrones style series with Spielberg directly producing this could be a Band of Brothers in space.
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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Mini E » Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:57 pm

Hey guys. 4 days since the op now. Should almost be off crutches soon and I'm doing my physio.

This evening I felt pain for the first time in a place other than where the holes were made.... just below my ankle bone. Really wasn't expecting it and I'm kinda worried. Maybe I got complacent about how okay my ankle was feeling - I don't know... but is it possible that the pains are just because I'm using muscles I haven't used for a while... or because the muscles are weak? I know there probably aren't many medical experts here but I'm slightly concerned... after the massive high of thinking it was finally fixed internally, I'm not sure how I'd take finding out that it wasn't... Is it normal to have general pain in that area 4 days after surgery?

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by smurphy » Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:03 pm

Mini E wrote:Well I'm still alive :lol:

Extremelyweird as a first time experience. Am very glad I've got my own room with tv etc. Not allowed to leave bed so going to the loo in what looks like a cardboard sock is fun.

I began reading that post thinking it was your first day at Uni.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by No:1 Final Fantasy Fan » Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:52 am


I have a massive ulcer on the side/bottom of my tongue and it hurts like hell. The past two days have been agony and today doesn't feel much better either. Its gotten bigger nearly 1cm in diameter :/

I have been using Listerine and Corsodyl on it daily
Taking pain killers also as its hurting my ear and the area around my left eye

I have also been applying Anbesol liquid on it which numbs it but hurts like crazy when I apply it, I have since stopped using it as it hurts too much and switched to Bonjela adult strength which is helping for a few minutes before I have to put more on. I have tried Strepsils but it doesn't really work

I am also using Igloo to help me when I eat its pretty cool but gets messy


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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by hideous_enigma » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:07 pm

Rinse your mouth with salt water.

Or, as I do, put salt directly on the ulcer and swim in the glorious pain.

Also vitamin C. You've probably got scurvy.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by No:1 Final Fantasy Fan » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:26 pm

hideous_enigma wrote:Rinse your mouth with salt water.

Or, as I do, put salt directly on the ulcer and swim in the glorious pain.

Also vitamin C. You've probably got scurvy.

Thanks, Does putting salt on it cure it immediately? I heard it hurts like hell but after it won't hurt ever again??? or is it just a temporary numbing effect?

Thanks for the vitamin C advice, I just took a multivitamin pill containing 75%RDA of Vitamin C. I should probably try to get some more Vitamin C but oranges are acidic and will hurt more :/

Luckily I have been off work for the past week, back in tomorrow, hopefully it will settle down tomorrow since today is the third day of agony (probably the peak of it)

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by hideous_enigma » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:32 pm

It is a temporary numbing effect.

Salt will disinfect the ulcer. Do a salt mouthwash every couple of hours.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by No:1 Final Fantasy Fan » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:33 pm

hideous_enigma wrote:It is a temporary numbing effect.

Salt will disinfect the ulcer. Do a salt mouthwash every couple of hours.


Hung Up The Cape
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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Hung Up The Cape » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:40 pm

hideous_enigma wrote:Rinse your mouth with salt water.

Or, as I do, put salt directly on the ulcer and swim in the glorious pain.

Also vitamin C. You've probably got scurvy.

My exact method. Forget anything else just use salt/salt water. Lick finger, dip in coarse salt, scrub the ulcer with it, watch as eyes cloud over as intense pain sets in for half a second, realise pain has disappeared straight away. Rinse and repeat if required. I personally like to make it bleed always feels like i've beaten it then.

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by Fatal Exception » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:41 pm

I bite them off 8-)

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PostRe: The Surgery/Health Problems thread
by BizzyBarra » Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:38 pm

I wouldn't normally post in here about personal issues but I said why not. Here goes..

Today after over a month of tests, ultrasounds, x-rays and what not my doctor confirmed that I had a cancerous tumor in my right testicle. I'm glad in a way that he finally confirmed it. Now on Wednesday morning at around 8am (Darwin time) I'm having surgery to have it removed. I was planning to be with my cousin and friends in Sydney a few weeks ago but had to stay in Darwin due to the initial results I got from the doctors. Hopefully I can make plans to be there for Christmas if all goes well. And that's that. Roll on Wednesday....

Righty :cry:


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