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Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:22 am
by Jenuall
Having to use someone else's desk temporarily and the state of this setup :dread:

Monitors all out of alignment, crumbs all over the keyboard, coffee stains everywhere, wires lying across the desk so there's nowhere to put anything, stains and marks on the monitors from sneezes and strawberry float knows what else. It's a strawberry floating nightmare!

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:25 am
by Tomous
Jenuall wrote:Having to use someone else's desk temporarily and the state of this setup :dread:

Monitors all out of alignment, crumbs all over the keyboard, coffee stains everywhere, wires lying across the desk so there's nowhere to put anything, stains and marks on the monitors from sneezes and strawberry float knows what else. It's a strawberry floating nightmare!

Probably shouldn’t eat at someone else’s desk mate and at least use a tissue if you need to sneeze.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:34 am
by Qikz
Off for my fourth day in a row but finally went to the doctor. Feel a little guilty but it can't be helped. Now I'm dosed up I should be fine to go back tomorrow.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:43 am
by Moggy
Qikz wrote:Off for my fourth day in a row but finally went to the doctor. Feel a little guilty but it can't be helped. Now I'm dosed up I should be fine to go back tomorrow.

Stay strong hun xxx

#believe #watdoesntkillumakesustronger #xxx

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 12:35 pm
by Kezzer
That means I am infinitely strong from all the infinite things that aren't killing me. MWAHAHAHAHA

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:16 pm
by Green Gecko
Qikz wrote:Off for my fourth day in a row but finally went to the doctor. Feel a little guilty but it can't be helped. Now I'm dosed up I should be fine to go back tomorrow.

Is this brains or other organs? Remember we have a good place to talk about things. Hopefully it takes the edge off, whatever the doctor ordered :toot:

I totally know how you feel with regards to not being present when work is going on. In a strange way I feel less guilty because there is nobody waiting around for me these days, deadlines are usually very clear. I felt ridiculous calling up work every day some times, feeling I had to make stuff up, or feeling like I was making stuff up (even though I wasn't), when I was too anxious to even think straight, let alone travel 100 miles to work on a 4 leg journey. My boss was pretty good to be fair, I took a week, or two weeks (and ultimately I wasn't taking any of my holidays, so I was a bit too committed, like, I had integrity). But there were other roles where I didn't feel that way and would force myself in - ironically the short contracts and the sporadic casual work stuff, because the pressure was there to be needed on those specific days and how I felt didn't matter at all (I got treated like gooseberry fool when I underperformed in their opinion, as well, when actually I had almost no resources). In permanent work, this is a bit different. In a small company people can cover for you. So in my experience, that's totally normal and it's important to recognise when you need time to recover from what life throws at you, things that are not voluntary, that you don't deserve at all, and that everyone has a right to shelter from whether they are in work or not.

One thing that has helped me when taking time off, when trying to relax, is to remember that doing "nothing" or "not enough things" is doing a thing. So, "sometimes doing nothing is a thing to do". Because if you are constantly doing things, and worrying, and pushing yourself, eventually you will hit a wall and it will be more severe, your overall performance is worse than taking time for yourself in any recovery process. Don't worry about what other people think, you will know when you are ready to charge on and do your 100%. But 100% is variable - you are giving what you can. The self-doubt is a real banana split but chances are, if you have self-doubt, you are already pushing yourself and already doing what you can - or you wouldn't be doubting yourself. People who truly don't care, who don't put in the effort, who aren't motivated and don't have integrity or any work ethic, don't think like that. They just, like, literally don't give a gooseberry fool at all and don't give a strawberry float if they are lazy. Basically, gooseberry fool people don't psychoanalyse and don't try to better themselves, they don't have that internal voice. Because they don't give a strawberry float. Like, their brains are empty. But I dunno, I don't know what it's like to be someone who always wants to accomplish ZYZ + the rest of the alphabet. And that's part of my problem - I have too many goals and ideas, and fail to execute the vast majority of them. That's why I depend on customers for what to do at least 50% of the time. Anyway, that's me. Hope you get better soon.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 11:20 pm
by Robbo-92
Applying for jobs is making me feel terrible, all I want is to get out of retail (as where I work it really doesn’t seem to be heading upwards based on the past few months to a year) but whenever I get to the point on a application form where it goes “why do you want to become an X or Y” I just find myself sat in front of the PC thinking “well I don’t really but it sounds interesting and I want out of my current job”, which I imagine while being completely honest will look terrible on an application form :(

Got a couple more to apply for tomorrow, not sure if anyone else is the same but I feel I have to be in a certain frame of mind to actually get applications finished and sent off, my lack of motivation and complacency with my current job is doing me no favours. So whether I get the applications finished and sent will probably depend on how I feel when I wake up.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:13 am
by Errkal
You have the it sounds interesting as your start point.

You can go down the its new challenge route, maybe some way to link current experience to show your skills will transfer that sort of thing.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 10:03 am
by Robbo-92
Errkal wrote:You have the it sounds interesting as your start point.

You can go down the its new challenge route, maybe some way to link current experience to show your skills will transfer that sort of thing.

Good point about it being interesting in itself as a starting point, I tend to find the more I stare at an application that seems to have stalled the more I run out of ideas of where to even start, thanks.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 11:12 am
by OrangeRKN
@Robbo, I'd say pick a specific thing that's interesting about the job and mention that. Obviously "this job sounds interesting" is a generic response and not that effective, but saying "I have a specific interest in learning about this or achieving this thing" will come across well (provided it's relevant enough to the job). Don't overthink it though, chances are your application forms are going through some automated system checking for keywords, you just need to pass through the hoops to get to an interview.

Green Gecko wrote:One thing that has helped me when taking time off, when trying to relax, is to remember that doing "nothing" or "not enough things" is doing a thing.


Also funny with the thread title being as it is

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 11:37 am
by Lotus
Robbo-92 wrote:Applying for jobs is making me feel terrible, all I want is to get out of retail (as where I work it really doesn’t seem to be heading upwards based on the past few months to a year) but whenever I get to the point on a application form where it goes “why do you want to become an X or Y” I just find myself sat in front of the PC thinking “well I don’t really but it sounds interesting and I want out of my current job”, which I imagine while being completely honest will look terrible on an application form :(

Got a couple more to apply for tomorrow, not sure if anyone else is the same but I feel I have to be in a certain frame of mind to actually get applications finished and sent off, my lack of motivation and complacency with my current job is doing me no favours. So whether I get the applications finished and sent will probably depend on how I feel when I wake up.

Job applications can be soul destroying, especially if you're desperate to find something and/or leave your current position.

There’s always some element of playing the game (bullshitting) when applying for a role, so there’s nothing wrong with the usual phrases around looking for a new challenge, looking to push yourself, keen to learn more about xyz, etc.

If there’s something you’re genuinely interested in, all the better, as you can link probably be more honest and passionate about it.
What kind of sector/roles are you applying for? I don’t really see the ‘why do you want to become this’ question very much these days (at least in the roles I apply for). It’s more of a question you get asked at interview stage I find.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 1:18 pm
by Robbo-92
Thanks for the advice people :)

I’m not really applying for anything in particular, just want a move away from retail as that is feeling almost as soul destroying as job hunting sometimes :lol: The one where it asks why you want to become an ‘X’ was just for one of the higher paid apprenticeships you see every now and then, in that case it was some sort of maintenance technician. I find I tend to overthink applications a lot more than I probably should, leading to me not getting anywhere near as many applied for as I intended to.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 5:29 pm
by Tafdolphin
Couple of weeks back I applied for a potentially game changing (ha) role as a community manager for an upcoming game that looks set to do really well. The director and I had a Skype interview, got on super well and it all but looked like I'd gotten the gig. He arranged for me to meet the marketing guy from the publisher as he was in town for a few days. That guy sent an email confirming he'd like to meet...then nothing. Saying it was down to spam email issues, we tried again the next week. This time he didn't even reply to my requests for a time. It then turned out the publisher had gone and gotten a former Blizzard employee for the role instead. The dev was apologetic and I was disappointed but that's fine, c'est la vie.

Got an email last week: Blizzard were strawberry floating with this woman's severance package so she couldn't make the new appointment, which was/is time sensitive. The director, who intimated he'd wanted me the first time round but was overruled by the publisher, pretty much gave me the job then and there, asking me for my rates and a time for me travel up to meet the team so we could get started. I duly send it all off... and nothing. A week later, today, I email again and it turns out the publishers have done a 360, again, and decided to wait for this woman from Blizzard even though there's absolutely no ETA on when she'll be released from her contract. The game releases in less than a year, and the job from the very start was an ASAP appointment. But still.

Having to see a huge opportunity slip away once is fine, that's the game. To then have it pushed into your hands again and yanked away at the last minute is... strawberry floating gutting to be honest. I'm sat here feeling a bit numb and wishing it was some time next week when it's all worn off.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 5:53 pm
by That's not a growth
That's really gooseberry fool Taff. Hopefully it won't be too long until you get a similar opportunity considering how close you were.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:04 pm
by Octoroc
Robbo-92 wrote:Applying for jobs is making me feel terrible, all I want is to get out of retail (as where I work it really doesn’t seem to be heading upwards based on the past few months to a year) but whenever I get to the point on a application form where it goes “why do you want to become an X or Y” I just find myself sat in front of the PC thinking “well I don’t really but it sounds interesting and I want out of my current job”, which I imagine while being completely honest will look terrible on an application form :(

Got a couple more to apply for tomorrow, not sure if anyone else is the same but I feel I have to be in a certain frame of mind to actually get applications finished and sent off, my lack of motivation and complacency with my current job is doing me no favours. So whether I get the applications finished and sent will probably depend on how I feel when I wake up.

It sounds to me as though you have "enjoyed working in retail and the camaraderie of the shopfloor, but are looking for work which is more challenging and rewarding."

Or something like that.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:08 pm
by Octoroc
Tafdolphin wrote:Couple of weeks back I applied for a potentially game changing (ha) role as a community manager for an upcoming game that looks set to do really well. The director and I had a Skype interview, got on super well and it all but looked like I'd gotten the gig. He arranged for me to meet the marketing guy from the publisher as he was in town for a few days. That guy sent an email confirming he'd like to meet...then nothing. Saying it was down to spam email issues, we tried again the next week. This time he didn't even reply to my requests for a time. It then turned out the publisher had gone and gotten a former Blizzard employee for the role instead. The dev was apologetic and I was disappointed but that's fine, c'est la vie.

Got an email last week: Blizzard were strawberry floating with this woman's severance package so she couldn't make the new appointment, which was/is time sensitive. The director, who intimated he'd wanted me the first time round but was overruled by the publisher, pretty much gave me the job then and there, asking me for my rates and a time for me travel up to meet the team so we could get started. I duly send it all off... and nothing. A week later, today, I email again and it turns out the publishers have done a 360, again, and decided to wait for this woman from Blizzard even though there's absolutely no ETA on when she'll be released from her contract. The game releases in less than a year, and the job from the very start was an ASAP appointment. But still.

Having to see a huge opportunity slip away once is fine, that's the game. To then have it pushed into your hands again and yanked away at the last minute is... strawberry floating gutting to be honest. I'm sat here feeling a bit numb and wishing it was some time next week when it's all worn off.

Lucky escape. They sound like feckless wankers. If they dick you about before you even walk through the door imagine what working there would have been like.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:25 pm
by Robbo-92
Octoroc wrote:
Robbo-92 wrote:Applying for jobs is making me feel terrible, all I want is to get out of retail (as where I work it really doesn’t seem to be heading upwards based on the past few months to a year) but whenever I get to the point on a application form where it goes “why do you want to become an X or Y” I just find myself sat in front of the PC thinking “well I don’t really but it sounds interesting and I want out of my current job”, which I imagine while being completely honest will look terrible on an application form :(

Got a couple more to apply for tomorrow, not sure if anyone else is the same but I feel I have to be in a certain frame of mind to actually get applications finished and sent off, my lack of motivation and complacency with my current job is doing me no favours. So whether I get the applications finished and sent will probably depend on how I feel when I wake up.

It sounds to me as though you have "enjoyed working in retail and the camaraderie of the shopfloor, but are looking for work which is more challenging and rewarding."

Or something like that.

Pretty accurate summary there.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:27 pm
by Tafdolphin
Octoroc wrote:
Tafdolphin wrote:Couple of weeks back I applied for a potentially game changing (ha) role as a community manager for an upcoming game that looks set to do really well. The director and I had a Skype interview, got on super well and it all but looked like I'd gotten the gig. He arranged for me to meet the marketing guy from the publisher as he was in town for a few days. That guy sent an email confirming he'd like to meet...then nothing. Saying it was down to spam email issues, we tried again the next week. This time he didn't even reply to my requests for a time. It then turned out the publisher had gone and gotten a former Blizzard employee for the role instead. The dev was apologetic and I was disappointed but that's fine, c'est la vie.

Got an email last week: Blizzard were strawberry floating with this woman's severance package so she couldn't make the new appointment, which was/is time sensitive. The director, who intimated he'd wanted me the first time round but was overruled by the publisher, pretty much gave me the job then and there, asking me for my rates and a time for me travel up to meet the team so we could get started. I duly send it all off... and nothing. A week later, today, I email again and it turns out the publishers have done a 360, again, and decided to wait for this woman from Blizzard even though there's absolutely no ETA on when she'll be released from her contract. The game releases in less than a year, and the job from the very start was an ASAP appointment. But still.

Having to see a huge opportunity slip away once is fine, that's the game. To then have it pushed into your hands again and yanked away at the last minute is... strawberry floating gutting to be honest. I'm sat here feeling a bit numb and wishing it was some time next week when it's all worn off.

Lucky escape. They sound like feckless wankers. If they dick you about before you even walk through the door imagine what working there would have been like.

The problem was the publisher, who were definitely being at best unprofessional and at worse outright insulting in their treatment. The devs themselves were and are excellent however.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 8:07 pm
by Octoroc
Tafdolphin wrote:The problem was the publisher, who were definitely being at best unprofessional and at worse outright insulting in their treatment. The devs themselves were and are excellent however.

Yeah man, it's a gooseberry fool business.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 8:09 pm
by Moggy
Octoroc wrote:
Tafdolphin wrote:The problem was the publisher, who were definitely being at best unprofessional and at worse outright insulting in their treatment. The devs themselves were and are excellent however.

Yeah man, it's a gooseberry fool business.
