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Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 4:40 pm
by Zilnad
Just been told off by my director. Why? Because I had a missed call from him on my lunch break and I didn't ring him back. He left me no voicemail, sent me no email or anything to indicate what it was he wanted.

When he called me back this afternoon he had a very smarmy tone of "well I expect a call back ASAP when I call you. When I call you it's obviously because I have a very urgent matter. But anyway I sorted it out myself in the end"

Obviously bullshit though, he still didn't even tell me what it was about so he's just full of gooseberry fool. Although he has said he'll be calling me on Monday to discuss my WFH so he's obviously going to start putting pressure on me again to go into the office.

My next move is to remind him I still haven't seen a risk assessment for the office and to then flag up all the unacceptable holes when I finally do receive it. (No change to once a week cleaning service, no paper towels, air con use, no screens, etc)

But I don't know whether to email him now, giving a friendly "I won't be able to agree to anything just yet as I haven't received your risk assessment" or whether I should wait to drop that bomb on the phone? My worry is that on the phone I'll bottle it. We already had a huge upset back in June when I pushed for WFH and my stomach turns when I think about having to fight like that again.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 4:42 pm
by Green Gecko
Jenuall wrote:
Bunni wrote:
Jenuall wrote:Just received an email from someone with the non-word "ideation" in it. I think I threw up a bit in my mouth when I read it. :dread:

As in suicidal ideation?

No, that would be much more valid. The sentence in question was:

"As lockdown eases we need to see more solution ideation across industry colleagues before engaging with the client"



Ideation is a word but in my industry it describes the (valid) process of just imagining ideas for imagery etc. Because that literally requires imagination. I'd never use it to describe abstract concepts like, er, figuring out what work to do or what an entire sector of industry ought to be doing :lol:

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:09 pm
by Ste
Zilnad wrote:Just been told off by my director. Why? Because I had a missed call from him on my lunch break and I didn't ring him back. He left me no voicemail, sent me no email or anything to indicate what it was he wanted.

If I saw I'd missed a call from my boss I'd call him back as soon as possible.

I'd say that's common sense / courtesy?

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:09 pm
by Rocsteady
Yeah I was thinking the same tbh.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:40 pm
by Qikz
Thank strawberry float it's the weekend. This week was strawberry floating gooseberry fool.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:44 pm
by Moggy
Qikz wrote:Thank strawberry float it's the weekend. This week was strawberry floating gooseberry fool.


Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:18 pm
by Zilnad
So if anyone remembers, last month my employer called every single employee into the warehouse to complete their first stock-take in years. Today, I've discovered that this was because they weren't recording any stock being brought into or leaving the warehouse for a fairly massive customer that makes up most of their business.

So what happens today? I get informed that they still aren't tracking the stock and that I need to go through all the purchase and sales invoices for the last month to work out what has been coming and going in and out of the warehouse in August. And that I need to start doing this "going forward".

For a start, just wow. Honestly, what the strawberry float? How can a business function without even having any kind of strawberry floating stock management in place? Secondly, I work in finance. Why am I being asked to deal with a strawberry floating stock issue when there's a warehouse manager and several company directors who should deal with it?

Honestly, if the job market wasn't currently strawberry floated I would be considering handing my notice in over this. I'm in complete and utter shock that a company's processes can be so utterly FUBAR to the point they don't even exist. I knew this place was bad but I never imagined things were this much of a joke.

Am I over-reacting? I can't even think straight.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:20 pm
by Jenuall
No you're not overreacting, that's strawberry floated up

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:23 pm
by That's not a growth
How you going to keep track of this? Are they expecting you to develop some system that those members of staff would use throughout their shifts? This would take a team of people months to set up surely?!

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:26 pm
by Jenuall
There must be off the shelf systems that you could pick up and implement with only limited difficulty, but even that isn't going to be that quick/cheap. This sounds like a really messed up operation!

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:28 pm
by Zilnad
I honestly don't know how they expect me to do it. I got an email from them, rather than a call, so thankfully I have a moment to get over the shock before I respond. The email is more a less "sort this out for us, it shouldn't be a problem but let us know how you get on".

What?! Unfortunately, it is definitely for me and I've definitely not misunderstood. It's honestly insane. Paranoia tells me that they're doing it on purpose to strawberry float with me but sense tells me they are just that brain-dead.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:29 pm
by That's not a growth
Yeah, they'd still need to set up all the line items, categories, users, reports.... strawberry floating hell it sounds horrendous.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:30 pm
by Memento Mori
Sounds like constructive dismissal.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:31 pm
by Cuttooth
Your employer is making real use out of 'ad hoc tasks when necessary' that graces every job description, huh? :lol: :fp:

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:32 pm
by That's not a growth
And all the internal procedures to update! They won't be ready to actually log things. Do you even have 'shelf locations'? Do you want to log how an item moves through the building, from department to department? Run, run for the strawberry floating hills.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:36 pm
by Zilnad
That's not a growth wrote:And all the internal procedures to update! They won't be ready to actually log things. Do you even have 'shelf locations'? Do you want to log how an item moves through the building, from department to department? Run, run for the strawberry floating hills.

strawberry float knows! I've never been to the warehouse. I don't deal with the warehouse. I barely even talk to the warehouse. :lol:

Right, I need to log out for a moment so I can quickly get today's invoicing finished but after that I'm going to repeatedly bash my head into a brick wall until I lose consciousness.

When I wake up, everything will be back to normal.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 4:39 pm
by Qikz
Man work for me this week again is so busy. I've got so much gooseberry fool to do, but im so tired that I can barely concentrate and work out what I can do and when.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 4:42 pm
by Mini E
- Offered maternity cover promotion over the phone (no paper trail).
- Do work for promotion
- Have promotion offer retracted so another individual can have hours on their workload plan for some training.

Very. strawberry floating. Angry.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:40 pm
by Moggy
Mini E wrote:- Offered maternity cover promotion over the phone (no paper trail).
- Do work for promotion
- Have promotion offer retracted so another individual can have hours on their workload plan for some training.

Very. strawberry floating. Angry.

Reason number 2,495 why emails are better than phone calls.

Seriously though, that's really shitty.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 1:31 pm
by Qikz
So my work are doing something nice for us - apparantly pensions are now going up to 8% minimum. My company have been paying in 3% of that so far, but they're going to up their contribution for everyone to 4%, but if you've been with them over 3 years they're going to up their contribution to 7% as long as we're putting in the minimum of 4% which is nice. Every little helps!