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Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 5:44 pm
by Qikz
rinks wrote:That's work done for the year. And not back until 9th January.

I hate you.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 5:47 pm
by rinks

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 5:52 pm
by Tomous
Plot twist: stay dead is actually off work too, he just doesn't like you Rinks

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:08 pm
by rinks
Haha, I'm totally willing to read it that way too.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:09 pm
by Qikz
Merry Christmous wrote:Plot twist: stay dead is actually off work too, he just doesn't like you Rinks

It's not this, but that is a funny way to read it. :slol:

I'm just having a shitty week at work.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:19 pm
by rinks
I'm not.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 7:34 pm
by Green Gecko
I heard from a trap artist trying to squeeze through under an alias (because you're penniless, right? It's for personal use, right?) art they don't own with like 20 million listens on Spotify or whatever. This isn't the first time it's happened. People contact you using aliases because they think it hides who they actually are. Ok, whatever, looks like you have an audience, and maybe do well out of it, great. Let's take a look at your original artwork you 100% commissioned from your designer and paid them for that.

Won't use the enquiry form so of course going to e-mail directly because too important for that gooseberry fool (which means not filling out the quantity required, budget, or basic contact information, which is again just wasting time withholding important information).

Recursive image search some images that happen to be 1080p, PNG format, and I'm very confident the randomly generated string of letters and numbers that VLC saves as screenshots.

Yup, they're stills from a film. Why the strawberry float do even successful musicians think just whacking images on shirts for resale is totally not a risk?


Thanks for getting in touch. I know you have a few aliases so I'd be interested in working with you but will be winding things down for the holidays at the end of the week and am not able to accept any more pre-holiday orders since a week or so ago.

The main sticking point is you would need permission from Sony and the Walt Disney Company to produce these as is, because they own the still photography as well.

As if this needed pointing out. For strawberry float's sake. I then went on to explain why as a sole trader with no limited liability or legal protection I could be potentially bankrupted by either of two of the world's biggest entertainment corporations with their respective merchandising operations.

Just get that gooseberry fool printed on VistaPrint Redbubble or whatever before they notice and piss off. If you want to try and sneak in film stills as your own artwork, as if you're Uniclo, at least strawberry floating say it and stop wasting my time with things that could cost me everything, because you were kind enough not to point it out. I've had a few of these where they moan about copyright policies on the DIY gooseberry fool (as if there's no good reason they exist) and then they think, oh that small independent business down the road with no lawyers will just take on the risk instead, hope they don't notice lol.

And of course they would tick the box that says "I have legal permission and rights to use this image" if they did it that way.

I am so appreciating my habit of doing this every time now. Half the time I do it to find alternative copies of corporate images that they themselves can't tell are terrible compressed versions and I have to find it on the Internet instead, which is hilarious. It's literally faster to do that then to ask for a vector graphic, explain what that is, wait weeks and then get the same file resized to 100x or saved as strawberry floating word document or something.

Late the other night I realised I spent an hour and a half explaining all of this, because sometimes that kind of frank and considerate information fills in the gaps in someone's knowledge, or is just clueless. Sometimes that's enough to win some over thinking, "oh hey gooseberry fool, I hadn't thought of that". Unlikely. They know exactly what they're asking for. I answer all the questions in their email anyway and explain why it's not possible as it is because it's strawberry floating illegal man. I guess I still lose, because I just lost an hour and a half of my time thinking the father of trap is going to have their gooseberry fool in order.

It's just not true, sometimes it's the successful people who don't give a strawberry float and want stupid things, like they've lost their mind.

And yes, trap is strawberry floating shite so I should have known what to expect. I dunno maybe the guy is flush enough to actually pay for the copyright clearances but he self publishes so nope, that aint gonna happen.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 8:05 pm
by rinks
Green Gecko wrote:Half the time I do it to find alternative copies of corporate images that they themselves can't tell are terrible compressed versions and I have to find it on the Internet instead, which is hilarious. It's literally faster to do that then to ask for a vector graphic, explain what that is, wait weeks and then get the same file resized to 100x or saved as strawberry floating word document or something.

Ha, I've had similar experiences. Asked a company for versions of their photos that don't have their logo plastered over them (flattened image, naturally). They come back and say they don't have them. I check their website and find exactly what I had asked for. I assume they think I'll just use the logo version, but that's not happening.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 8:16 pm
by Rocsteady
Who's the trap artist?

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 8:16 pm
by Rocsteady
Who's the trap artist?

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 8:21 pm
by rinks

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 10:40 am
by JChalmers
So I’m currently in the process of asking for a pay rise at work. My bosses have both said I’m on a list for a significant increase next year due to my importance at the company but they want me to submit a formal request so they know what I’m considering and outline why I think I deserve it etc.

It’s the first time I’ve ever done something like this in the 11 years of working for the company (normally I'm just given a increase each year normally in line with cost of living etc). So the main question; Is it too much to ask for a pay rise from 34k to 50k in one go?

Without revealing too much, I run the main accounts in the whole company by myself. Have grown the business from 2m EUR in 2016 to 9.9m EUR last year and am constantly told I’m one of the most valuable members of the company due to my knowledge of the business/accounts I run etc.

So is asking for that much pay-rise at once taking the piss or is it something that would be considered due to my role?

I know there’s probably a million varying factors but I’m sending the request outlining everything this afternoon and don’t want to look like an idiot by going in with something ridiculous.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 10:42 am
by Tomous
JChalmers wrote:So I’m currently in the process of asking for a pay rise at work. My bosses have both said I’m on a list for a significant increase next year due to my importance at the company but they want me to submit a formal request so they know what I’m considering and outline why I think I deserve it etc.

It’s the first time I’ve ever done something like this in the 11 years of working for the company (normally I'm just given a increase each year normally in line with cost of living etc). So the main question; Is it too much to ask for a pay rise from 34k to 50k in one go?

Without revealing too much, I run the main accounts in the whole company by myself. Have grown the business from 2m EUR in 2016 to 9.9m EUR last year and am constantly told I’m one of the most valuable members of the company due to my knowledge of the business/accounts I run etc.

So is asking for that much pay-rise at once taking the piss or is it something that would be considered due to my role?

I know there’s probably a million varying factors but I’m sending the request outlining everything this afternoon and don’t want to look like an idiot by going in with something ridiculous.

Call a recruitment agent and see what you could earn elsewhere so you have a benchmark?

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 10:49 am
by JChalmers
Merry Christmous wrote:
JChalmers wrote:So I’m currently in the process of asking for a pay rise at work. My bosses have both said I’m on a list for a significant increase next year due to my importance at the company but they want me to submit a formal request so they know what I’m considering and outline why I think I deserve it etc.

It’s the first time I’ve ever done something like this in the 11 years of working for the company (normally I'm just given a increase each year normally in line with cost of living etc). So the main question; Is it too much to ask for a pay rise from 34k to 50k in one go?

Without revealing too much, I run the main accounts in the whole company by myself. Have grown the business from 2m EUR in 2016 to 9.9m EUR last year and am constantly told I’m one of the most valuable members of the company due to my knowledge of the business/accounts I run etc.

So is asking for that much pay-rise at once taking the piss or is it something that would be considered due to my role?

I know there’s probably a million varying factors but I’m sending the request outlining everything this afternoon and don’t want to look like an idiot by going in with something ridiculous.

Call a recruitment agent and see what you could earn elsewhere so you have a benchmark?

I rang three in November and they weren't exactly helpful, all of them said due to the size/value of revenue I've generated in the past they gave me a range anywhere between £40-£100k :lol:, wasn't exactly helpful and they said it depended on the size of the customer/business that was looking to hire etc.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 12:29 pm
by Rocsteady
JChalmers wrote:So I’m currently in the process of asking for a pay rise at work. My bosses have both said I’m on a list for a significant increase next year due to my importance at the company but they want me to submit a formal request so they know what I’m considering and outline why I think I deserve it etc.

It’s the first time I’ve ever done something like this in the 11 years of working for the company (normally I'm just given a increase each year normally in line with cost of living etc). So the main question; Is it too much to ask for a pay rise from 34k to 50k in one go?

Without revealing too much, I run the main accounts in the whole company by myself. Have grown the business from 2m EUR in 2016 to 9.9m EUR last year and am constantly told I’m one of the most valuable members of the company due to my knowledge of the business/accounts I run etc.

So is asking for that much pay-rise at once taking the piss or is it something that would be considered due to my role?

I know there’s probably a million varying factors but I’m sending the request outlining everything this afternoon and don’t want to look like an idiot by going in with something ridiculous.

It looks to me like you're being massively underpaid.

Generally companies won't give you more than a 15% raise in one go as it's essentially an admission of currently underpaying you.

Personally, if possible, I would get to the position where I have another offer on the table of a much greater amount then use that as a huge bargaining chip. You have to be prepared to follow through with leaving then, though - not sure how happy you are in your current role.

Also fake edit, I've just seen it needs done this afternoon. You could always ask for the 50 but I don't think you'll get it.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 12:43 pm
by BTB
No harm in asking for the 50k if you think you have a solid case (and ideally some market benchmarks). Worse case is they say no, possibly think you are asking a bit much but also will know you're serious.

Assuming you have a figure you'd be happy with, and 50k would be best case scenario?

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:08 pm
by Dual
JChalmers wrote:So I’m currently in the process of asking for a pay rise at work. My bosses have both said I’m on a list for a significant increase next year due to my importance at the company but they want me to submit a formal request so they know what I’m considering and outline why I think I deserve it etc.

It’s the first time I’ve ever done something like this in the 11 years of working for the company (normally I'm just given a increase each year normally in line with cost of living etc). So the main question; Is it too much to ask for a pay rise from 34k to 50k in one go?

Without revealing too much, I run the main accounts in the whole company by myself. Have grown the business from 2m EUR in 2016 to 9.9m EUR last year and am constantly told I’m one of the most valuable members of the company due to my knowledge of the business/accounts I run etc.

So is asking for that much pay-rise at once taking the piss or is it something that would be considered due to my role?

I know there’s probably a million varying factors but I’m sending the request outlining everything this afternoon and don’t want to look like an idiot by going in with something ridiculous.

You've left it too late bro. Ideally you would be taking an offer from another company with you to a meeting like that.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:23 pm
by JChalmers
Cheers guys, to be fair 50k is more of a bargining chip, I'd probably be looking to go to 40-45k if possible. Like I said both my boss and the managing director have already said they're going to be giving me a substantial payrise when my end of year review comes around but they wanted me to come to them with a suggested figure of what I'd like. Thought it makes sense to aim higher than what I want and be willing to negotiate down rather than going low and it being accepted straight away and knowing I could've potentially got more.

I'm super happy with my job to be honest and wouldn't think about changing places. I've been here for 11 years now and it's amazing I just want to get paid something proportionate to the amount of business I do for the company alone.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:24 pm
by Tomous
JChalmers wrote:
Merry Christmous wrote:
JChalmers wrote:So I’m currently in the process of asking for a pay rise at work. My bosses have both said I’m on a list for a significant increase next year due to my importance at the company but they want me to submit a formal request so they know what I’m considering and outline why I think I deserve it etc.

It’s the first time I’ve ever done something like this in the 11 years of working for the company (normally I'm just given a increase each year normally in line with cost of living etc). So the main question; Is it too much to ask for a pay rise from 34k to 50k in one go?

Without revealing too much, I run the main accounts in the whole company by myself. Have grown the business from 2m EUR in 2016 to 9.9m EUR last year and am constantly told I’m one of the most valuable members of the company due to my knowledge of the business/accounts I run etc.

So is asking for that much pay-rise at once taking the piss or is it something that would be considered due to my role?

I know there’s probably a million varying factors but I’m sending the request outlining everything this afternoon and don’t want to look like an idiot by going in with something ridiculous.

Call a recruitment agent and see what you could earn elsewhere so you have a benchmark?

I rang three in November and they weren't exactly helpful, all of them said due to the size/value of revenue I've generated in the past they gave me a range anywhere between £40-£100k :lol:, wasn't exactly helpful and they said it depended on the size of the customer/business that was looking to hire etc.

Sounds like you're being massively underpaid and should be looking for a new job elsewhere.

I've always found easiest way of getting a payrise is to move jobs.

Re: The Work Thread 2 - Get back to work!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:33 pm
by Dual
Selling yourself short Chalmers. Get onto a recruitment agent.