The Wrestling Thread: WWE WrestleMania 31 [NSFW]

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by Jam-Master Jay » Wed May 19, 2010 4:37 pm

Well that's a shame.

He improved and became a solid mid-carder and was great in the British Invasion with Doug Williams. I'm not looking forward to seeing the other cuts now. :(

Edit: Also, how strawberry floating great was that Bryan Danielson promo on NXT? :shock:

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by Psychic » Wed May 19, 2010 5:03 pm

That Danielson promo is strawberry floating amazing. Blurring the lines between reality and fiction Attitude style, I love it. Shame it's not going to get a bigger audience.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by Zellery » Wed May 19, 2010 5:18 pm

PsychicSykes wrote:That Danielson promo is strawberry floating amazing. Blurring the lines between reality and fiction Attitude style, I love it. Shame it's not going to get a bigger audience.

Agreed Psykes :wub:

He really looked like he was angry with Cole. Maybe he just used his natural reaction to the square faced gimp?

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by Return_of_the_STAR » Wed May 19, 2010 5:44 pm

Zellery wrote:
PsychicSykes wrote:That Danielson promo is strawberry floating amazing. Blurring the lines between reality and fiction Attitude style, I love it. Shame it's not going to get a bigger audience.

Agreed Psykes :wub:

He really looked like he was angry with Cole. Maybe he just used his natural reaction to the square faced gimp?

It was very good and obviously a shoot, amazing that some people actually think that it was real though (not really talking about anyone on this thread, have noticed a lot of comments on the net though from people who think that it was real. Hopefully he will appear on RAW or SD soon.

I think they have decided to take him a different direction and this wasn't what was initially planned. It seemed originally that he would end up facing Miz for the US title and winning it after NXT finished but i'm guessing that's all changed now.

Clever of WWE to blur the lines between fact and fiction. In my opinion though it's obviously WWE poking fun at all the rumours that you read on the net and not admitting to whether they are true or not in the process as they have now become a storyline.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by KK » Wed May 19, 2010 7:01 pm

gaminglegend wrote:
Brutus Magnus has been released from TNA

Ah TNA, still inept at everything...right down to firing talent.

Return_of_the_STAR wrote:It was very good and obviously a shoot, amazing that some people actually think that it was real though (not really talking about anyone on this thread, have noticed a lot of comments on the net though from people who think that it was real. Hopefully he will appear on RAW or SD soon.

I find it incredible some people don't realise that if something like this were to happen off the cuff & Daniel Byran had decided to go into business for himself, that the microphones wouldn't have been cut, the show sent to an abrupt commercial or - what with this being a taped show - simply edited off in post production.

Of course, that's not to say these things haven't happened. Scott Steiner did what he wanted half the time in WCW...

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by sw26 » Wed May 19, 2010 8:02 pm

The Mean Street Posse: then and now.






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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by Drumstick » Wed May 19, 2010 8:04 pm

Posse 8-)

They were made of so much win. What happened to Pete's face?

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by Jam-Master Jay » Wed May 19, 2010 10:02 pm

I would love for Dixie to phone him up on the air and just tell him he was fired for being a massive banana split who brings nothing of value to their programming.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by KK » Wed May 19, 2010 10:23 pm

TNA iMPACT Tapings for the 27th May & 3rd June. May or may not be in order...

They advertised Half Pint Brawlers coming to Spike on June 2nd. One of the stars, Puppet joins the commentary team.

Announced as for Impact, for the TNA Knockouts Titles, Sarita and Taylor Wilde vs. The Beautiful People. Winner via a claw slam from Lacey onto Taylor, The Beautiful People. Puppet celebrates in the ring with them afterwards and smacks Velvet's butt so they beat Puppet up. Lacey feels bad about it and checks on Puppet. When she does he kisses her. She breaks free and goes in for more and makes out with him again.
Kazarian vs. Jay Lethal. Flair comes out during the match and distracts Lethal allowing Kaz to take over. Winner after another Flair distraction, Kazarian via schoolboy. Flair attacks Lethal afterwards and beats on him for awhile until Lethal turns it around and takes over. He hits a back body drop and clotheslines Flair out of the ring. AJ Styles then runs out and attacks Lethal. Kaz stops him so he can do it instead but Lethal dropkicks both of them out.

Jeff Hardy is out. He's out for a simple reason, to find out what's up with Mr. A--hole himself, Mr. Anderson. Hardy says without further adieu, here he is. Anderson comes out and the crowd chants a--hole. He says maybe he does things like that to confuse you. Maybe to confuse different people. Maybe it's because he's an a--hole. Look at Hardy, he's got green hair, sweet tattoos, the whole thing and maybe he walks down the street and old people call him an a--hole. He tells Hardy to embrace his inner a--hole. He points to people in the crowd and says they're an a--hole, he's an a--hole, everyone should be an a--hole. AJ Styles, Ric Flair, Beer Money and Desmond Wolfe come out. AJ says he saw he has a match with him tonight and he doesn't belong in the same ring as him and that he asked for the match. Hardy says he doesn't ask for a match. AJ says he wasn't talking to him, he was talking to Anderson. AJ says do you know who I am? Anderson says he does know who AJ is but does he know who he is? He says let him introduce himself. The mic is lowered, he does the Mr. Anderson intro and his music hits. Anderson was cheered and acted like a total babyface.

Ink Inc. vs. Team 3D vs. The Band of Hall, Nash & Eric Young, non title. Winner via Spear on Brother Ray from Jesse Neal, Ink Inc. The whole match Ray was being brutal to Neal while Devon tried to stop it. Afterwards Ray asks Devon if he's out of his mind. He then challenges Neal to a match at Slammiversary, teacher vs. the student. Devon gets in his face again and the segment ends.

Jason Hervey is here sitting next to Dixie Carter.

Orlando Jordan (wearing Abyss pasties) vs. Abyss. Chelsea is with Abyss but is obviously unhappy and troubled. Winner via DQ, Abyss. During the match Abyss got pushed into Chelsea. As Abyss was checking on her, Desmond Wolfe came out and attacked Abyss with a pipe. Jordan and Wolfe beat down Abyss until Rob Terry came in for the save. Abyss carried Chelsea to the back.

RVD is out. He's out to talk to Sting and he knows he's here. So he has a shot at the TNA Championship. You can watch some amazing matches of RVD to get ready. You can train real hard. But that's not you Sting. You want to hide in the shadows and ambush me. He gets it. He wants RVD to know he's a force to reckon with. Maybe he has it out for him since he beat Sting in 5 seconds in his debut. He knows Sting's accomplishments. He's had some of his own. It's weird their paths never crossed but they have now. If he wants to come out now he can show him what he's got coming. Sting's music hits but he doesn't come out. Instead, footage of Sting beating RVD with the bat is shown. Sting is actually in the rafters and says he's going to take the title from him. The footage is only a small taste of what he's going to do to him at Slammiversary. Sting's music hits and he leaves.

Kurt Angle is out and joins commentary. Desmond Wolfe vs. Jeff Hardy. Hardy hit a Twist of Fate but the referee had been knocked out from an errant Whisper in the Wind. Hardy went to check on the referee and Wolfe used a loaded sock. Winner via loaded sock, Desmond Wolfe.

Matt Morgan is out. Two weeks ago we got jumped from the back by that savage Samoa Joe. Next we get robbed of the tag titles by Hall and Nash. Now he's told we need to find a new partner to get back the titles we never lost. We believe in helping elevate others though and can turn this negative into a positive. He puts out an open invite to anybody come out and tryout for greatness. No one comes out but Morgan sees Angle at commentary and asks if he wants the shot. Angle finally goes to the ring. Morgan asks him if he wants to become a star. Angle says didn't he pin Morgan the last time they were in the ring? Morgan says he'll slow it down and ask again. Does he want to be his partner or not? He then takes a cheap shot at Angle and says "not". Security holds Angle back. Angle tries to get at Morgan as Morgan laughs, then Samoa Joe's music hits and he comes out. Morgan takes off and Joe and Angle have a staredown. Both leave without anymore violence.

AJ Styles vs. Mr Anderson. Winner via crossbody block reversal, AJ Styles. After the match, Anderson admits AJ got him, got him at his own freaking game. He thinks AJ pulled his tights. He asks the a--holes if AJ did. They chant that he did so Anderson attacks AJ. Beer Money runs out and helps AJ beat Anderson down. Hardy eventually runs out to make the save. Hardy and Anderson square off. Hardy puts his hand out to shake and Anderson accepts and shakes Hardy's hand.

Xplosion match, Jeremy Buck vs. Amazing Red vs. Alex Shelley. Winner via Kryptonite Krunch/Celtic Cross on Jeremy Buck, Alex Shelley.

Sting is out. He says not everything is as it seems. Coming from him it might seem ironic but there's a lot of smoke and mirrors going on. He's been in this place before where he needs to defend his reputation. He feels he doesn't have to. He'll reveal the meaning of his actions soon enough. He doesn't know RVD that well and RVD doesn't know him that well. RVD was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. When he takes the title from RVD the curtain will be pulled back and everyone exposed. The arena goes dark and footage of Sting's recent action plays on the screen. Eric Bischoff comes out using a crutch with Miss Tessmacher. He has the spotlight put on Sting. He's known Sting a long time and he thinks Sting's trying to prove to people that he's a superhero for so long he's lost sight of the truth. It's not about him, it's about the company, not just one person. It's about the action and tonight he'll be in action. Samoa Joe sneaks in behind Sting and Bischoff announces him as Sting's opponent. Joe attacks Sting but Matt Morgan runs down and attacks Joe. Sting and Morgan beat on Joe till RVD runs down for the save. Bischoff says this isn't over and will continue later as a tag match. Samoa Joe & RVD vs. Sting & Matt Morgan. RVD gets on the mic and says hang on, every guy out here is in it for himself. He asks that the match be changed to a four way. Bischoff says he doesn't have that authority, then Hogan's music hits and out comes Hogan. He says RVD is the champ and that gives him some pull around here so you've got it brother, this match is a four way.

Rosie Lottalove (f***ing really?)(new acquisition Mary Kate Duignan) vs. Roxxi. During the match, Madison Rayne runs down and gives Roxxi a belt shot while the ref isn't looking. Rosie doesn't like it and argues with Madison. During this Roxxi schoolgirls Rosie for the win. Afterwards JB interviews Rosie and asks what was going on. She says if Madison thinks she can take out all the ugly people one at a time she's got another thing coming because she's big, she's bad, she's beautiful and she's got a whole lot of love for everybody. She lays a big kiss on JB and leaves.

AJ Styles w/Ric Flair vs Kazarian vs Jay Lethal. Winner via quick roll up, Jay Lethal. The whole match AJ and Kazarian were arguing over who does cooler moves or what to do next to Lethal. Lethal got the win while they were arguing.

Afterwards Flair gets in the ring and yells at AJ. He gave AJ the honor of being his protege and he gets beat by Jay Lethal? He tells him to go home and think about who he wants to be because right now he's not in Ric's good graces. He continues belittling AJ and telling him to go home and make a lifetime decision. On his way to the back Angle comes out and gets in AJ's face. AJ yells some things at him and leaves. Angle heads to the ring. He gets a mic and says he came to show Kazarian the proper respect before he makes him his first victim. He likes to let his opponents know what he's going to do to him. He plans to retain his belt and Kaz is #10 so at Slammiversary he's his opponent. Flair asks if he realizes he just past by him? He says he wants his son Reid to be like Angle, the greatest amateur wrestler. Flair came to Angle for help and out of respect Angle did. But now they're in Flair's world and whatever Angle did as an amateur he's done 10 times over. In wrestling he's a god. He gives Hogan respect, he gives Sting respect and until Angle realizes that he gives him no respect. He tells Angle to leave. He says show him respect and leave before he takes his sport coat off. He says hang on and show me respect and let him show how a god acts. Angle holds the ropes open for Flair and then attacks Flair on the way out. Kaz tries to attack Angle but he tosses him out of the ring.

Matt Morgan vs. Sting vs. Samoa Joe vs. Rob Van Dam. Hernandez showed up in the stands and distracted Morgan. Samoa Joe grabbed Morgan and gave him a Musclebuster. RVD then hit Joe with a top rope sidekick and then gave Morgan a 5 star frog splash for the win. Afterwards Joe and RVD had words and left

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by KK » Wed May 19, 2010 11:08 pm

WWE are going to begin trialling 3D next year.

Donna Goldsmith has been in talks with Vince McMahon about how WWE can get their older audience back. One of the suggestions proposed by McMahon is a “Legends” show featuring WWE superstars from the 80s and 90s.

What an awful idea. May as well just call it WWE: iMPACT! And anyway, it's not like stars from those two eras aren't featured currently (Triple H, Undertaker, Bret Hart, Edge, Christian, Shawn Michaels ect) or make occasional guest appearances.

This has been TNA's biggest mistake. For example, there'd be nothing wrong with bringing back Nitro or Raw is War with the exact same sets, look & what have you - indeed TNA is rather reminiscent of the New Blood Rising era of WCW - but it's when you try & recreate the past using the same, now washed up wrestlers, with the exact same storylines. Nobody wants to see this, because they saw it 10+ years know, when it was actually good & everyone wasn't far too old. I'd rather had a High Def clean up of that on Blu Ray than a pale imitation.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by vesp » Wed May 19, 2010 11:10 pm

I'm intrigued by the idea of ECW originals banding together in TNA but this LEGENDS show sounds awful =/
Its like they have ran out of uses for the ECW/NXT time slot they have.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by KK » Wed May 19, 2010 11:16 pm

Talking of Legends, Randy Savage recently got married again. Photo at the link...

Now be honest, you wouldn't want to see him back in the ring sullying all the great memories.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by Poncho » Wed May 19, 2010 11:34 pm

Wow...that Bryan Danielson promo was incredible.

Regal: "Miz, he is better than you..." :lol:

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by SandyCoin » Wed May 19, 2010 11:55 pm

Poncho wrote:Wow...that Bryan Danielson promo was incredible.

Regal: "Miz, he is better than you..." :lol:

:lol: Didn't notice that. Regal is still a good laugh.

I enjoyed the promo too. Not seen much like that for ages. I'd love to slap Cole.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by RatedRVD » Thu May 20, 2010 12:03 am

I love it when the promos are realistic.
Like the whole Matt/Lita/Edge feud when it was real.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by KK » Thu May 20, 2010 12:19 am

Wrestling Observer wrote:There are plenty of tickets left for Sunday's Over the Limit PPV in Detroit.

They'll probably still pack the building out by comping the entire upper deck. Having a half filled arena on a PPV doesn't look good whichever you cut it.

Wrestling Observer wrote:Jim Ross at didn't sound that enamored with at least someone in WWE. When talking about Buzz Aldrin and guest hosts, he said, "The deal is that I don't talk to the people who handle that business and we are both mutually pleased with that arrangement.:" He also ripped on the idea that announcers should be young, have a certain look, be laid back and not get excited in their commentary and that getting excited at high spots insults the audience. "If you buy that theory you are apt to buy anything." Also this cryptic comment: "We're having an interesting week on the professional front. Not much more I can say than that but multiple things are in motion and somewhere soon I want to fish or cut bait." "I will likely never be in this exact situation ever again so I am going to make sure that whatever decision that I do make is the one that makes me happiest and is best for my family." If you want to read into this, it is that he will either sign a new deal with WWE very soon, or he will go elsewhere, which could be a number of different things. We have a lot more on that in the newsletter out today.

I think we've all noticed the complete lack of excitement from the announcers. I don't see how sounding monotone helps the product or engages those watching. I'd love to know where & how Vince comes up with these theories.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by PCCD » Thu May 20, 2010 12:23 am

"We're having an interesting week on the professional front. Not much more I can say than that but multiple things are in motion and somewhere soon I want to fish or cut bait." "I will likely never be in this exact situation ever again so I am going to make sure that whatever decision that I do make is the one that makes me happiest and is best for my family."

MMA commentry please :wub:

The Holly and Delusi wrote:PENALTY: Blatant lies. Five minutes in the Sin Bin.
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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by Dante » Thu May 20, 2010 12:45 am

Danielson's promo :wub:

I've loved the guy since I saw him in the opening days of RoH, getting to see him face Nigel back on 06 for the Unificaiton match was amazing and probably one of my favourite live wrestling events ever.

Him v Alex Shelley for the RoH title (really strugiling to remember the event name now) is one of my favourite promo matches ever, so much comedy and shows how much perosnality Danielson has :wub:

EDIT - Remember, it was RoH: Arena Warfare from 06

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by Balloon Sod » Thu May 20, 2010 12:57 am

Danielson's ROH entrances were so epic.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread - Raw: Buzz Aldrin's gone senile Edtion
by YouSmellOfWee » Thu May 20, 2010 1:24 am

Poncho wrote:Wow...that Bryan Danielson promo was incredible.

Regal: "Miz, he is better than you..." :lol:

Both Regal and CM Punk nodding in agreement. And CM Punk saying "THIS much better!" and doing a hand gesture :mrgreen:

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