The Wrestling Thread: WWE WrestleMania 31 [NSFW]

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread
by Cosmo » Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:56 am

Bork's got the WWE title?

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread
by Skippy » Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:20 am


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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread
by CuriousOyster » Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:26 pm

TNA British Bootcamp started last night on Challenge. Was more entertaining than actual TNA even though Grados bits were completely scripted.

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: The Wrestling Thread
by Corazon de Leon » Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:52 pm

[iup=3594149]CuriousOyster[/iup] wrote:TNA British Bootcamp started last night on Challenge. Was more entertaining than actual TNA even though Grados bits were completely scripted.

Grado in TNA is a hell of a thought. :slol:

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread
by teh bork » Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:03 pm

[iup=3593904]Cosmo[/iup] wrote:Bork's got the WWE title?

You know it 8-)

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread
by Kanbei » Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:47 pm

When was the last time the Championship was not defended due to non-injury reasons at a PPV?

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread
by PCCD » Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:08 am

[iup=3594918]Lucien[/iup] wrote:I can't believe this. The winner of the Cena/Orton match gets a shot at Lesnar at the Royal Rumble -- over twelve weeks away. That's 16 or so weeks of no WWE title defences, and next to no champion appearances.

That's 126 days.

strawberry float this company and the bullshit road it's going down.

So despite losing, Cena is potentially getting a bigger reward than Ambrose?


The Holly and Delusi wrote:PENALTY: Blatant lies. Five minutes in the Sin Bin.
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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread
by KK » Tue Oct 21, 2014 4:36 am

WWE RAW Results 10/20/14 wrote:Image

Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry "The King" Lawler, and John "Bradshaw" Layfield

Hour 1

The Hell in a Cell structure began to lower to open Monday Night RAW and stopped halfway. Triple H, Seth Rollins, and Randy Orton made their way out to the ring. Hunter promised an "epic night" and said John Cena and Dean Ambrose will team tonight to face Kane, Randy Orton and Seth Rollins in a 2-3 Handicap Street Fight. And if they make it through tonight, Hell will literally be awaiting them on Sunday and we can all watch it on the WWE Network for $9.99. At HIAC, we will see the end of two of the most heated rivalries in WWE history (I'm sure they've been promising that every time Cena and Orton have had a bloody match). Seth said that he loves the moniker Mr. Money in the Bank but he wants a new nickname: The Undisputed Future of the WWE. Seth noted the most important word being "future", as that will be something Dean Ambrose doesn't have when he beats him in "THE" main event at Hell in a Cell. Naturally Randy Orton interjected, and they got into a mini-spat over who is the real main event. Triple H, trying to cool things down, said it will be a DOUBLE main event on Sunday. In something that makes absolutely no sense considering Dean Ambrose won last week, HHH announced the winner of Randy Orton and John Cena will receive a championship match against Brock Lesnar at an undisclosed time. Orton responded by saying today is turning out to be a great day, and while The Royals haven't won in 29 years (baseball), and they won’t win this year or for another 29 years, he will make Triple H proud tonight & on Sunday. He will then go on to beat Brock Lesnar. HHH closed by stating The Authority always wins.

They re-aired Mizdow's impression of Sheamus on Main Event last week.

The Miz was on commentary.

Match 1: Goldust, Stardust and Damien Mizdow defeated United States Champion Sheamus and The Uso Brothers in 10:00 when Mizdow rolled up Sheamus.

In the RAW office, Orton thanked Triple H. Orton said he isn't always the easiest person to deal with, but HHH did him right tonight. Orton vowed victory against Cena and then Lesnar. Hunter told him that it has been a long time coming, but it was all Seth Rollins' idea. A sceptical Orton said that he needed to go find Seth and thank him personally.

Another Wyatt Family vignette aired.

AJ Lee will defend the Divas' Championship against Paige at Hell in a Cell.

Match 2: Alicia Fox (w/Paige) defeated WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee in a non-title match when Paige and Alicia Fox staged a shoving match on the outside. Paige tossed Fox back into the ring...who ended up rolling up Lee for the win. Paige and Alicia celebrated after.

Randy Orton thanked Seth Rollins in Rollins' locker room. Orton asked why he was looking out for him as he didn't need any help and to stay out of his business. Seth replied by telling Orton that he can end his rivalry against John Cena and if a miracle happens and he beats Brock Lesnar, he will become WWE Champion. Seth, clutching his briefcase, said the future kind of takes care of itself. Randy replied by telling Rollins' the future will indeed take care of itself.

Hulk Hogan returns Live, exclusively on the WWE Network following RAW on USA.

For the 2nd time tonight, Randy Orton made his way out to the ring...Orton noted how it's not even the first time he and Cena have both been in the Cell together. He said it only seems like yesterday when it was 2002 and the both of them were making their WWE débuts; he was 3rd generation royalty while John Cena was just some punk from Boston.

Hour 2

John and Orton went on to become the top superstars of their generation - they were the progression from Hulk Hogan and Rowdy Piper, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, and The Rock and Steve Austin. Orton said that while he respects Cena, he is still that same punk kid. Orton quipped that Cena can take his hustle, loyalty, and respect and shove it up his ass. Orton vowed victory, and he'll savour every second. John Cena's music hit and he marched his way down the ramp and demanded Orton shut up. Cena said every time Orton opens his mouth all he proves is that he's the biggest dumb ass alive. John did a decrepit old man routine ('comedy') that ultimately led to Cena telling Orton this is no longer 2002 - the last time Orton was relevant. They talked about the World Series (baseball). Paul Heyman interrupted. Heyman said, despite WWE's best efforts to change history, the class of 2002 also featured Brock Lesnar; the man who conquered The Rock for the WWE Championship in 2002, and who is still the current reigning, defending, and undisputed WWE Champion in 2014. Heyman said the winner of the match on Sunday is irrelevant as they will ultimately be a loser because they have to step into the ring with the beast. John Cena then picked up Paul Heyman and was about to give him the FU, before changing his mind. Orton then gave Cena the RKO OUT OF NOWHERE! Orton screamed "Who's stupid now". As Paul Heyman was leaving, Stone Cold Steve Orton RKO'd him too. He picked up Cena's cap and threw it into the crowd, and celebrated.

Rusev and Lana were shown heading towards the ring backstage.

Match 3: In a rematch from Main Event, Rusev (w/Lana) tapped out Big E in 7:00 with the Camel Clutch. Lana cut a promo after the match on Big Show. Lana said Big Show should be in a circus, where people throw half eaten food at him and Show can wallow in his own excrement. Rusev said Show will fail his country and everyone will despise him for it. Afterwards, the Russian flag failed to fall from the ceiling. Big Show then appeared on the Tron with a cheeky grin on his face. Old Glory fell from the ceiling instead. Someone from THE ARMY then ran into the ring and stopped Rusev just as he was about to pull the US flag down...Rusev in return booted him in the face. WWE officials then checked on the downed serviceman.

Back from commercial, the Showster was in the ring looking all sad. He was close to tears. A "USA" chant broke out from the crowd. "There are certain lines you don't cross. You do not disrespect an American soldier...EVER. Rusev [DRAMATIC PAUSE]...Rusev you want my attention, you want to get in my head? My head is a very dark place to be. And what you just did will make me unleash wrath all over your head. At HIAC your 15 minutes in the WWE is up". Big Show then said to hell with Hell in a Cell, as he wants it right now. Show demanded Rusev come back out, as the crowd once more chanted "USA". Show said as he wasn't coming to him, he was going to him. He then stormed his way backstage. Show booted Rusev's locker room door open. He wasn't there. He stood there. He seethed. He left.

Dean Ambrose was shown watching See No Evil 2 in his locker room when John Cena walked in. Ambrose said he was doing research. Tonight Cena and Ambrose is like Superman teaming up with Batman. Ambrose's advice to Cena was just to throw punches at anything that moves. Cena said he likes it. Cena noted Ambrose isn't like Batman...more The Joker. Ambrose then sat back down and went back to watching the film.

Match 4: Brie Bella pinned Summer Rae with the X Factor in 4:00. Nikki watched on from backstage, appalled. Brie led the crowd in a chant of "YES!".

Dean Ambrose was shown backstage carrying 2 grey bags.

Following the break, Ambrose made his way out. Notice how on these 3 hour shows we now see the same people multiple times over. Ambrose said he has been having dreams and visions of what it'll be like to get that sell-out Seth Rollins in HIAC. Ambrose then pulled out a dummy of Seth Rollins' from the bags. Ambrose joked that Rollins is nothing but a puppet for The Authority. Katie Vick anyone...

Hour 3

Ambrose told the Rollins' dummy that he never enjoyed getting his hands dirty; so when they get in the cell together, he's going to rip off Rollins' hands. Ambrose pulled the hand off the dummy & slapped the dummy in the face with it. "You're a smart're no dummy". Rollins then pulled out a screw driver and rammed it into the dummy's head. He then beat it up with a hammer. Pulling out a saw, Ambrose said that in his dream he imagined chopping Rollins' testicles off. He remembered that Rollins' already sold them to The Authority. Ambrose pulled out a pair of tongs and grabbed the imaginary testicles. Ambrose finally piledrove the mannequin, its wig falling off in the process. Rollins' - as in the real one - finally came out, accompanied by Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble. Ambrose asked the crowd to give a hand to Rollins', the biggest sell out...he then chucked the plastic hand at Rollins'. Rollins', acknowledging the crowd's "You Sold Out" chant, said it stings for them so much because he is from the Midwest too, but that is where the similarities end as he's better than the Midwestern pieces of trailer park trash in attendance who will never amount to anything. Mick Foley's music interrupted out of the blue. Foley came out, hobbling really badly. 'Just came by to visit an old friend', looking at the Cell hanging ominously above the ring. Moley said he also came down to congratulate the both of them on reaching their destiny. Mick surprised everyone by saying that he envisioned Seth coming out on top almost every time when he faced Dean in the ring. Seth, stepping into the ring, replied by telling Foley that he thought Mick had no redeeming values left, but it turns out he still has some good thoughts in his half working brain. Foley said that Seth is mistaken, as he did not focus on the word "almost". This is Hell in a Cell, and Ambrose has made his intentions clear: he wants to rip his face off. As Foley talked about his contributions to the business inside the Cell, "Thank you Foley" filled the arena. Mick told Seth that his career is in two distinct phases, pre-Cell and post-Cell. Tomorrow, the people of Kansas City will get the game they have been waiting almost 30 years for, but on Sunday night, Rollins' and Ambrose will get the match they have been waiting their entire lives for. Mick Foley concluded by telling them both to "Have a nice day". Ambrose then knocked Rollins' off the ring apron with the mannequin, before throwing it at the two stooges and Rollins', the 3 of them taking a tumble.

Match 5: In a non-title outing, Cesaro pinned Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler off an Uppercut in 10:00. After the match he planted Ziggler with the Neutraliser. Notice how all the champions in this company are completely useless & never win...

Rollins and Orton were arguing in the RAW office when Triple H stormed in. Hunter said as neither of them can get along, there will only be 1 General out there later, that being Kane. Kane then screamed that they both need to put aside their differences and give the lunatic fringe and the golden boy a taste of hell.

MizdowTV with special guest The Miz on the Hell in a Cell Kick-Off show.

We got a "By the numbers" run-down of Hell in a Cell.

The same Wyatt Family vignette aired once more.

Hulk Hogan was shown pretending to talk to Renee Young backstage. They're really doing absolutely nothing of worth with Hogan...


Main Event: Seth Rollins, Randy Orton and General Kane defeated John Cena and Dean Ambrose in an ill-thought out 3-2 Handicap Street which everyone politely stood on the apron and had to TAG in and out...but only when they didn't. Kane ordered the Cell be lowered at around the halfway point of the match. Randy Orton momentarily lost it and shouted "strawberry float" at the top of his lungs when he went flying over the top rope and almost landed on one of the legs from a broken upturned table. Randy Orton RKO'd Dean Ambrose for the pin. As Orton was on all fours, Seth Rollins' gave him the Curb Stomp. Seth then celebrated on top of the Hell in a Cell to take RAW off the air!

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE RAW Results 10/20/14 (pg4850)
by KK » Tue Oct 21, 2014 4:49 am

I didn't hear Royal Rumble uttered on TV, though it's possible I missed it.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE RAW Results 10/20/14 (pg4850)
by YouSmellOfWee » Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:24 am



Corazon de Leon

PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE RAW Results 10/20/14 (pg4850)
by Corazon de Leon » Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:33 pm

[iup=3594935]YouSmellOfWee[/iup] wrote:Image


Watching him smash that dumbbell to the floor made my finger reflexively start trembling. Three months since I dropped a 22kg on it and I still can't do anything with it. :dread:

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE RAW Results 10/20/14 (pg4850)
by KK » Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:34 am

WWE SmackDown Tapings

SmackDown opened with Dean Ambrose in the ring. He called out Seth Rollins, who talked about their history with The Shield and told Ambrose he'll be seeing him later in the show.

Match 1: AJ Lee defeated Alicia Fox with a roll up pin.

Match 2: Dolph Ziggler defeated Cesaro to retain the Intercontinental championship with the Zig Zag.

Match 3: Nikki Bella, Summer Rae and Cameron defeated Natalya, Naomi and Brie Bella when Nikki hit her finisher on Brie for the pin.

Match 4: Dolph Ziggler vs. Cesaro in a 2 of 3 Falls Match for the IC Title was announced for Hell In a Cell.

Main Event: Bo Dallas, Goldust and Stardust defeated Mark Henry and The Usos when Bo pinned Henry.

The show ended with Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose brawling. Ambrose put Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble through two tables as Rollins watched from outside of the ring.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell - Sunday, 11:30
by Kanbei » Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:38 pm

Surely Ambrose v Rollins is worth a watch? I have a feeling it's going to be a match of the year contender.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell - Sunday, 11:30
by tomvek » Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:16 am

[iup=3598373]Kanbei[/iup] wrote:Surely Ambrose v Rollins is worth a watch? I have a feeling it's going to be a match of the year contender.

They've had one of the more interesting feuds recently and both have been great. Really looking forward to it.

Better be the main event :evil:

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell - Sunday, 11:30
by PCCD » Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:13 am

[iup=3598391]tomvek[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3598373]Kanbei[/iup] wrote:Surely Ambrose v Rollins is worth a watch? I have a feeling it's going to be a match of the year contender.

They've had one of the more interesting feuds recently and both have been great. Really looking forward to it.

Better be the main event :evil:

Hope not, really hoping they put some real effort into putting Orton & Cena over. Young up and comers like them are the future of this business.

The Holly and Delusi wrote:PENALTY: Blatant lies. Five minutes in the Sin Bin.
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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell - Sunday, 11:30
by Psychic » Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:51 pm

Couldn't find three minutes on Raw to show this, I presume.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell - Sunday, 11:30
by KK » Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:29 pm

WWE have binned Elimination Chamber in February (the match will take place later in the year). The new February show will at the moment be called "Fast Lane".

You'd think to boost subscriber numbers they would have brought an old classic out of retirement, such as Superbrawl (tying in with the Superbowl).

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell - Sunday, 11:30
by Return_of_the_STAR » Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:35 pm

[iup=3599732]KKLEIN[/iup] wrote:WWE have binned Elimination Chamber in February (the match will take place later in the year). The new February show will at the moment be called "Fast Lane".

You'd think to boost subscriber numbers they would have brought an old classic out of retirement, such as Superbrawl (tying in with the Superbowl).

Bad Move. Elimination chamber is an wwe institution now. That period of royal rumble, elimination chamber and wrestlemania in 3 months is usually the best 3 months of the year.

Fast lane is a horrible name.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell - Sunday, 11:30
by KK » Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:38 pm

It's tying in with a racing game on mobile called John Cena's Fast Lane. It's already out - and has been for some time apparently - so maybe they're making a sequel & are flogging that.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell - Sunday, 11:30
by Return_of_the_STAR » Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:44 pm

Maybe they could use the EC match at summerslam.

I cant see how using the name of a game for a ppv will make you want to download it.

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