The Wrestling Thread: WWE WrestleMania 31 [NSFW]

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by systematic » Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:52 pm

[iup=3599837]Lucien[/iup] wrote:I was just thinking... is the cell higher nowadays? It feels higher but why would they make it bigger than before?

The original cell was 16 ft tall and was replaced in 2006 by an "amplified" version which is 20 ft tall and 3 tons heavier and sturdier. The original cell was a little too low to do top rope spots comfortably, which is one reason they made it bigger.

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by Corazon de Leon » Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:56 pm

Me and Banjo tried to watch this last night, and failed miserably. He KOed at the start of the Orton/Cena match and I went down just before the main event.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by Banjo » Mon Oct 27, 2014 6:03 pm

In my defence it was a self-afflicted KO because like hell was I watching Cena/Orton.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by Johnny Ryall » Mon Oct 27, 2014 6:50 pm

So they let you back in the country then?

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by Banjo » Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:00 pm

Nah, I flew out to the US.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by KK » Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:02 pm

That was a horribly contrived looking fall through the announce tables. It was bad enough they showed everyone moving everything out of the way, but then the camera panned down to reveal they'd also removed all the monitors.

WWE are really bad at foreshadowing things these days. You go back and watch stuff from the past & there aren't anywhere near as many clues as to what's coming next. Far too easy to get taken out of the moment. Like watching a film but having just seen the big stunt be set up by stage-hands moments earlier.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by Slimgrady » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:08 pm

I think it's more about safety these days?Also Randy Orton hurt his back on a monitor doing an RKO on a table once so he probably has something to do with it!

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by Dangerblade » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:15 pm

So they send Dolph on a losing streak, then have him beat Cesaro in 2 straight falls.


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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by Slimgrady » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:22 pm

[iup=3600663]Dangerblade[/iup] wrote:So they send Dolph on a losing streak, then have him beat Cesaro in 2 straight falls.


Must be time for him and Sheamus to swap enemies again.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by KK » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:23 pm

John Cena vs. Seth Rollins announced for RAW.

Spoiler: It ends in DQ.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by Mafro » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:28 pm

[iup=3600683]KKLEIN[/iup] wrote:John Cena vs. Seth Rollins announced for RAW.

Spoiler: It ends in DQ.

All and sundry.

Fisher wrote:shyguy64 did you sell weed in animal crossing new horizons today.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by Slimgrady » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:38 pm

[iup=3600692]Mafro[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3600683]KKLEIN[/iup] wrote:John Cena vs. Seth Rollins announced for RAW.

Spoiler: It ends in DQ.

All and sundry.

Lesnar cameo maybe?

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by Zombitedesade » Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:33 am

I wondered with it being in Texas and it traditionally having quite a strong undertaker theme in hell in a cell, if he'd make some sort of appearance. That bray comeback though was pure undertaker. Smoking lantern might as well had been an urn and the vaguely Latin sounding sound bites too.

I'd rather the match had just gone and seen one victor though. I suppose it didn't really matter who won that match, but it's was an evening of little to no surprises and I don't think a single championship changed hands all PPV. Still I for one am glad Wyatt's back. He's no taker sure, but he's the best they've got in wwe right now to fill that larger than life dark character.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by Johnny Ryall » Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:37 am

The strawberry floatin hologram was pure wrestlecrap the worst I've seen in a long time.

Match was pretty good otherwise.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by CuriousOyster » Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:41 am

Both the Cell matches were great. Wanted Orton/Ambrose but oh well.

Wyatt interrupting was a big surprise, was pretty cool but would rather Ambrose finally beat Rollins. On his blog JR made a good point though that people might actually dislike Wyatt for this - which is a good thing - since he is supposed to be heel. Very glad to have him back, should be interesting what becomes of the family.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by PCCD » Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:41 am

Dem Ambrose/Bray promos :datass:

Don't quite get the hate for the hologram, it's not really that much different to Undertaker's lightening bolts

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by KK » Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:10 am

WWE RAW Results 10/27/14 wrote:Image

Location: San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, and Jerry "The King" Lawler

Hour 1

Less than 24 hours removed from Hell in a Cell, the RAW Zone as nobody now calls it opened with The Authority - Triple H, wife Stephanie, and Kane in the ring. Stephanie welcomed everyone to the show. She noted those that watched Hell in a Cell on the WWE Network got one hell of a deal, getting more than their money's worth at only $9.99. Triple H said that while it was a bitter-sweet night as Orton lost an epic encounter with John Cena, there was a man who they have referred to as the future of the WWE. Triple H then introduced the individual he described as "quickly becoming the standard bearer of WWE" Seth Rollins. Rollins - who was limping - came out, flanked by the two stooges Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury. "You Sold Out" filled the building. "Man, you guys are the best" Rollins' told the crowd. Rollins said now that finally the lunatic fringe is out of his hair once and for all, he has proved that intellect is worth much more than someone who should be institutionalised in Dean Ambrose. Rollins said he is moving on to John Cena. Crowd began the duelling "Cena sucks" chant. Mocking his hand gesture, Rollins said that later tonight he will be able to 'see' John Cena, just like everyone else will able to see him when he's left like Dean Ambrose last night, laying in a puddle of his own failure. Randy Orton's music then hit and out he stormed. Orton said he was sorry to break up this little lovefest, but to hell with Rollins'. A seething Orton wanted to know why has had heard twice already that he lost to Cena last night; perhaps it was because he was Curb Stomped on RAW last week. Orton than jumped Rollins and both men got into a huge brawl. Everyone tried to break them up, Triple H screaming there was no way they were doing this tonight. Orton raged "I'll calm down when he's dead". Crowd chanted "RKO". Hunter immediately snapped back for them to shut up. Triple H ordered Orton to get on his bus and take the night off. As Hunter was continuing to speak, Orton pushed him aside and dropped Rollins with a Diamond Cutter & slithered out of the ring. Triple H stood there attempting to keep his cool. The two stooges helped up a completely dazed Rollins. The Crowd chanted "Yes!" Yes!"

John Cena will face Seth Rollins later tonight in the main event, making a complete mockery of the last month's worth of storylines...

They revealed Hulk Hogan will run wild on RAW later tonight.

Big Show and Mark Henry will team next to take on the Uso brothers for the titles.

They showed footage from the RAW Pre-show of Big Show and Mark Henry talking in the locker room. Show was seemingly blaming Mark Henry for distracting him last night in his match against Rusev. Nonetheless, Henry revealed he'd secured a tag team championship match for tonight.

Match 1: Goldust and Stardust retained the Tag Team Championships against Big Show and Mark Henry in 11:00 when Henry turned on Big Show and planted him with the World's Strongest Slam, dragging a downed Stardust - who just prior had been planted with a KO punch - onto Show for the pin. After the match Mark Henry hit Show with 2 further Slams and a Big Splash.

Roman Reigns' Exclusive Interview to come next.

Renee Young caught up with Mark Henry backstage and asked him why he just did what he did to Big Show. Henry claimed that he did to Show before Show did the same to him. Henry told Renee Show has always been jealous of him: always has been and always will be. Here's a feud I have no interest in seeing again...

We got a short package on Roman Reigns.

In a short interview "via satellite", the announcers talked to Roman Reigns. Reigns' said he feels great, and is getting stronger every day. JBL asked what he thought of Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins' at HIAC. Reigns' said it was exactly what he thought it was going to be. He then called Rollins' a weasel who will hide behind anyone, even Bray Wyatt. Reigns' concluded by saying that when he is cleared, he is going to make Rollins' the past. "Believe in that". This came across like an attempt to redo the awful interview they did with him last month.

Match 2: Divas' Champion AJ Lee rolled up Alicia Fox in a non-title outing at 3:40 after Paige shoved her. After the match, Paige kicked Alicia in the face and destroyed her around ringside, to the point Jerry Lawler stepped in.

They announced Cesaro will face Dean Ambrose later.

New Number 1 Contender to the WWE Championship John Cena strutted on down to kick off the second hour. "Lotta excitement in here tonight" apparently. Cena said his match last night against Orton may not be the last chapter (lets strawberry floating prey together, eh), but will certainly go down as one of the best. Two men went through hell to face The Beast and an opportunity to be the best. Cena said he has earned it, and while Brock Lesnar just sits at home thinking he's a champion, he's in the WWE every day fighting like a champion. Cena vowed Lesnar will lose...whenever he decides to come back, that is.

Hour 2

Cena said tonight in a city of champions they get a main event worthy of San Antonio; tonight Rollins gets a first class wake up call, and tonight Cena goes through the future. Stephanie McMahon smiled her way down the ramp. She congratulated Cena on his the crowd booed. Stephanie said she couldn't wait for the main event tonight, and she also can't wait until Survivor Series, where we will see a traditional tag team match for the low price of $9.99. Stephanie then presented Cena with a business proposition. Steph noted that Cena works so hard, and works equally as hard pandering to the crowd. Stephanie told him that he doesn't have to do this. Crowd chanted "Go Spurs, Go". Stephanie mocked the crowd, saying how easy it is to get them to cheer. Stephanie asked Cena if he hears when they're chanting "Cena sucks"? She said the point wasn't to offend him, rather the point was to talk him into doing what is best for business. Crowd now decided to chant "Cena". Steph, latching onto that, said that just because one arena decides to chants his name, that's going to move him? The people don't matter, as all they care about is seeing Cena tear himself apart and blood and guts. Something Cena does every single night. Stephanie told Cena that he could join The Authority, and while it may sound crazy, he could come to a place that would care and respect him. Crowd chanted "No!". Stephanie said he is going to face Brock Lesnar, a man that has handily beat him time and again...and left his carcass laying to the cheers of the fans. Maybe Cena needs a little bit of insurance, and maybe The Authority could help guarantee a victory. Stephanie asked Cena to think about it; maybe even tonight, the winner of his match could be the Captain of Team Authority at the Survivor Series. Stephanie told Cena he deserves the respect and to be apart of the family. Cena replied that all he deserves is to come down that ramp and do what he loves. As the crowd continued to cheer, Cena said the fans aren't there for him, instead he is there for them. Stephanie said that when he is gone, the fans won't even remember Cena's name. Cena told her that he will never be remembered as a low life sell out punk, and as that is something he never will be...the answer is "Hell no". KING OF KINGS filled the building. Hunter came out smirking. "Told ya". Hunter said Cena was always going to play the hero. Triple H reminded Cena he has been in the company 12 years...and it gets harder every single year, and Cena is starting to eke-by every single night hanging on by a thread, both physically and mentally. Crowd chanted "What". Cena can't fight the future, whether he wants to believe it or not. Hunter said it doesn't have to be as hard as it is now or is going to get. HHH noted the business is about longevity, & doing the right thing. Or Cena will end up the beat up old shell of himself who comes in for his one last hurrah. Hunter said Cena is smart, so maybe he needs to prove it to Cena that he cannot stop the future. Triple H said Cena can have it his way and work against the Authority; Team Authority will take on Team Cena...Cena will just have to find someone that is willing to stand with him against 'the system' because at Survivor Series Team Cena will be whoever he can find to support him. The future will ultimately run through Cena, whether it's tonight or not, as they control the future and The Authority is the future. Hunter concluded by telling Cena that he needed to smarten up to the fact The Authority always wins.

Match 3: The Uso Brothers defeated Damien Mizdow and The Miz when they pulled "twin magic" on The Miz.

John Cena was shown talking to Dolph Ziggler backstage. They shook hands on something...

Kane approached Dolph Ziggler backstage and told him that he had heard a report that he was seen talking to John Cena earlier. Clearly Kane isn't actually, you know, watching the show like the rest of us. Kane said as Director of Operations, that can only be deemed as an act of aggression on Ziggler's part, therefore he would like to make a certain blonde superstar squeal in pain & to end him. He then told Ziggler he'll see him in the ring later.

Hulkamania made its return to RAW with the arrival of Hulk Hogan. He signed a kid's sign on the way to the ring. Hogan said he can't wait to see Cena take on that "stinky beast" Brock Lesnar. Crowd booed. I wish this crowd would make up its bloody mind on Cena...Hogan said KomenMania has been running wild all month long & plugged the cause once more. He then invited all the pink-shirted ladies from the front row into the ring for a pose-down.

Bo Dallas was shown heading to the ring for his "open challenge" to the locker room.

Match 4: A retuning Ryback killed Bo Dallas in 1 minute with Shellshock. Crowd chanted "Feed Me More".

Mark Henry will be on MizTV tomorrow night on Main Event.

They replayed Orton from the WWE App telling Tom Phillips that as The Authority had failed to deal with Rollins', he dealt with it instead.

They re-aired the highlights from Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins from HIAC.

On the announce table, Dean Ambrose said that last night he went straight to hell and loved every second of it. Only problem when he got to hell was he found Bray Wyatt. Ambrose said he doesn't know how or why, and he doesn't care. It's a crazy world, and the laws of the jungle say you don't screw with someone whose claws are bigger than your own. Back in the ring, Ambrose then waffled Cesaro with the microphone.

Hour 3

Ambrose continued to assault Cesaro with the microphone all the way up the ramp. Ambrose screamed for Wyatt & demanded he get out to the ring so he could kick his ass. Bray Wyatt then turned up on the Tron. Wyatt said he understands it; he can't help but look at Ambrose and see a reflection of himself. Wyatt continued that the world isn't made for the both of them, and he isn't Ambrose's brother or friend. Wyatt vowed to dismantle Ambrose...and then told him to run.

Match 5: Nikki Bella (w/personal assistant Brie Bella) pinned Naomi with the Rack Attack at 4:00. How has nobody said anything about John Cena's girlfriend being a bitch...

As Michael Cole was flogging the ticket on-sale date for the Royal Rumble next year he noted it will in fact be 30 men in the battle royal.

Match 6: Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler defeated Kane at 13:00 in a non-title outing. After the match, Seth Rollins nailed Ziggler with the briefcase in the aisleway. With the two stooges also putting the beating on Ziggler, John Cena ran down to make the save.

A Divas' Halloween costume Battle Royal was made for SmackDown.

Main Event: In a great bout, albeit one featuring copious amounts of outside interference, John Cena defeated Seth Rollins (w/Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury) at 22:00 via Disqualification when Kane ran in.


Afterwards, all and sundry came in the ENTIRE WWE locker room. In a prelude to the Royal Rumble next month, everyone brawled in the ring as The Authority watched on from the stage. John Cena gave Heath Slater and Bo Dallas the AA. Cena then celebrated standing tall to take RAW off the air!

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE Hell in a Cell
by Mafro » Tue Oct 28, 2014 4:12 am

[iup=3600792]KKLEIN[/iup] wrote:all and sundry

Fisher wrote:shyguy64 did you sell weed in animal crossing new horizons today.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE RAW Results 10/28/14 (pg4853)
by 1cmanny1 » Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:20 am

Royal Rumble next month?

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE RAW Results 10/28/14 (pg4853)
by Cosmo » Tue Oct 28, 2014 1:44 pm

I can't believe* Cena actually got the better deal by losing to Ambrose. His match with Orton is for a title bout with Lesnar, and he still gets match with Rollins. This company's booked by idiots.

I can believe it.

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