Times you were cruel

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by aayl1 » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:20 am

Again, younger brother.

However, in Primary School (Yer 2ish, I think) there was a boy who was deaf in one ear. One day he was annoying a group of us so I just shout "Go back to your lurgi country, lurgi-boy!"

He changed schools the next week.

To this day I'm convinced it was E.T.

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Fatal Exception » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:48 am

Glad it's not just me who's cruel to his younger brother.

In year 7 at school I was quite cruel to an efeminate boy, nothing serious just the odd comment. Anyway, one night someone called my parents and asked to speak to me. They ended up giving me loads of abuse, which I laughed off. I 1471nd and got the phone book out and looked up the surnames of everyone I thought would do it. I got a match on his.

The next day I punched him in the chest and said never to do that again. I got taken out of class later because he'd gone to the school nurse because I'd winded him.

Another boy down my street was once giving me abuse on my way home. I can't remember exactly what he said but I replied with "At least I have a mum". His mum had died on christmas a few years ago. I felt really guilty but he never spoke to me again :D Much more effective than me giving him a beating.

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Drawlight » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:52 am

Last week me and some friends went into Weston. As we were walking along the street, a young lad of about fifteen was spending his summer handing out flyers for Wookie Hole. From about ten paces away, he contnually thrusted his leaflet towards me. I shook my head at hi and tried to avoid his gaze, but he continued thrusting. I continued to shake my head, with a continually ridiculous look on my face. As I reached him, I burst out laughing at the absurdity of the situation.

He must have thought I was laughing at him. I felt like a right bastard all day. :cry:

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Nova » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:57 am

I think I must have been 10, my brother 8.

As young children do, we were sleeping in the same room. Anyway, he hits me in the face (by accident, I presume), with his hand.

I was a little annoyed, simply put. So I did what all good older brothers do, and pretend that he'd blinded me.

I writhed in pain saying "I can't see anything!" "What's happening!?" Until he was absolutely drowning himself in tears before I finally told him the truth.

He wasn't happy, and I've felt guilty about that for 9 whole years.

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Nathanbrains » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:57 am

Denster wrote:I dropped a grid cover on someone's finger - chopping it off in the process.

I love the casual way in which you told that. Chopping someones finger off? Yeah I do that all the time. :lol:

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Alvin Flummux » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:00 pm

Shadow wrote:I also gave someone a wedgie, I lifted him right off the ground by his underpants for about a minute.

His mum phoned the school to say that I'd given him a bruise on his willy. :fp:

She checked? :lol:

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Phatman » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:02 pm

I once really embarrassed a girl in primary school because she tried to kiss me. She burst into tears in the middle of a class and ran out. I felt bad then, but imagine how bad I felt when she got really, really hot in secondary school.


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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by A J Styles » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:02 pm

I never have been cruel although this happend.......

I was playing football in PE and this person that nobody likes was in goal, so i was going for the ball when he was coming out of goal so slide tackled him he fell down and my leg when into his stomach and then he was sat on me crying and getting laughed at by everyone else. Still people remember it and take the piss out of him. :P

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Barley » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:48 pm

A friend of mine held a ruler over a bunsen burner and then proceeded to slap it accross the class gimps face. It looked quite painful and probably wasn't as funny as it seemed at the time.

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Outrunner » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:50 pm

I once pushed my brother over an 8ft wall because he wouldn't get out of my way.

I also insulted a person I work with who is in a wheelchair. It wasn't an insult about his disability but a couple of people told me afterwards I shouldn't have insulted him 'cos he's in a wheelchair. Why? The guy can be a nasty, spiteful dick at times and I would have used the same insult whether he was in a chair or not. But then me, being me, started to feel guilty about it. Would still do it again though.

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Nibble » Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:10 pm

One time in Primary 6, having just been handed a Valentine's Day card from a girl in my class (by means of a go-between), I proceeded to rip it up in front of the whole school.

The funny thing is I actually liked this girl, but my little pre-pubescent brain just couldn't cope, especially with it happening in the spotlight - and i just sort of went into meltdown.

I later found out that she had been watching from a distance and had seen the whole thing. Could be the cruelest act I've ever performed. She's now in a mental hospital.

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Vermin » Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:21 pm

Outrunner wrote:I once pushed my brother over an 8ft wall because he wouldn't get out of my way.

Little brother out of the way. Now just that pesky wall to destroy.

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Scotticus Erroticus » Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:31 pm

Any time I speak to Craig Macrae online I get an equal amount of cruelty thrust upon me from that which I give him.

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by jamcc » Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:58 pm

WHen I was little'un I borrowed a rabbit from school (we all got a turn at looking after it) and my mum woke up one night to find me out in the garden holding it up by its tail. Apparently. I also used to do that to my puppy a few years later.

When I was in year 9 a friend and I would call this guy, we used to take the piss out of, and leave him answer machine messages on his phone. We left tonnes and they were really long stories about him and his brother living in a wheelie-bin and their shenanigans. We got caught though and felt pretty darn stupid for doing it.

I was an evil child.

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by KK » Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:08 pm

There was this kid in Primary School called Michael. We used to call him Michelle. He hated that.
His last name was O'Connor. So we also kept calling his Des. He hated that too.
He had a run that resembled the goose step, so we called him Hilter. He hated that also.
He had a pack lunch that was comprised of Panda Pop, sweets, crisps & bugger all else. His breath stunk & he had brown teeth.
His mum always brought him to school wearing the same purple cardigan.

I still laugh thinking about it. It was guaranteed amusement as he always got so angry about it. The reaction was so predictable.

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Outrunner » Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:08 pm

Gil-Martin wrote:
Outrunner wrote:I once pushed my brother over an 8ft wall because he wouldn't get out of my way.

Little brother out of the way. Now just that pesky wall to destroy.

I was hoping his head would do that on the way down. I really should have had a backup plan.

Oh, and while it wasn't particularly cruel (as in I didn't do it on purpose) I was responsible for him almost slicing the tip of his finger off. It was the day before we went on the family holiday and he had to have stitches. On the upside, we've got some great pics of him in the sea with a plastic bag on his hand to stop the stitches from getting wet.

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Denster » Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:13 pm

Nathanbrains wrote:
Denster wrote:I dropped a grid cover on someone's finger - chopping it off in the process.

I love the casual way in which you told that. Chopping someones finger off? Yeah I do that all the time. :lol:

It was an accident!

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Dr.Clench » Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:45 pm

Walking back through the town centre at night from my ex's home after we'd literally just split up, I was called over by this drunk 18-year-old guy who was trying to be a right cocky sod and obviously impress this lass that he'd pulled from the pub (just gone closing time). The guy started to ask me if I'd heard of "Captain Pugwash" (yes, of all things), obviously trying to confirm a 'funny' story that he was in the middle of telling this girl.

Obviously I was in a foul state of mind from what had gone just before, so instead of ignoring the guy and continuing on my way as I would usually do, I instead snapped "if this is about the story that there's some characters in there called Seaman Stains and Roger the Cabin Boy, they're just stupid bloody rumours put about to excite gullible little bastards like you". The guy's face dropped like a lead balloon and the girl started laughing right at the guy and was taking the piss out of him all the way down the street as I walked off the other way.

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by SEP » Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:47 pm

Does being culpable for the death of hundreds of people count?

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PostRe: Times you were cruel
by Red » Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:48 pm

I'm cruel to people on the internet, but so many of them are eejits it's hard not to.

Coconut Bob wrote:You come across as feminine as a cave troll so its no wonder you have little concept of the way females should behave.

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