What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?

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thousand yard stare
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PostWhat is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by thousand yard stare » Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:30 pm

When I was a kid, 10 or 11, I moved away from my school in Nottingham to live in Southampton. Years later, when I'd got my first job in London, I was looking for a place to live. I looked at a place in the East End; a pretty young girl showed me round, explaining she lived there with her boyfriend. The place looked okay so I said I'd take it if that was okay with her, which it was.

I moved in a few days later. In the evening, I was in the living room with the girl when her boyfriend came in, introduced himself, and we got to talking about various stuff, gradually getting around to where we'd come from. He said Nottingham. I said 'Arnold Hill school?' 'cause I'd already worked it out - he was a kid I'd gone to school with 16 years before, my best friend in fact; I'd often wondered what had happened to him in the intervening years cos he made such a lasting impression on me when we were nippers. Life is strange.

Anyone else got any freaky Twilight zone / coincidental stuff happen to them?

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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by SEP » Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:32 pm

thousand yard stare wrote:When I was a kid, 10 or 11, I moved away from my school in Nottingham to live in Southampton. Years later, when I'd got my first job in London, I was looking for a place to live. I looked at a place in the East End; a pretty young girl showed me round, explaining she lived there with her boyfriend. The place looked okay so I said I'd take it if that was okay with her, which it was.

I moved in a few days later. In the evening, I was in the living room with the girl when her boyfriend came in, introduced himself, and we got to talking about various stuff, gradually getting around to where we'd come from. He said Nottingham. I said 'Arnold Hill school?' 'cause I'd already worked it out - he was a kid I'd gone to school with 16 years before, my best friend in fact; I'd often wondered what had happened to him in the intervening years cos he made such a lasting impression on me when we were nippers. Life is strange.

Anyone else got any freaky Twilight zone / coincidental stuff happen to them?

When I moved to the town I live in now, I found that one of my best friends from when I was at primary school lives just a couple of streets away.

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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by Knoyleo » Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:39 pm

The most bizarre occurrence I ever had was probably when I went out one night and had my drink spiked. I very quickly lost any idea of what was going on, and found myself a few hours later on the roof of a two storey building of the local hospital, with patients staring at me from windows of the opposite building, and the police trying to talk me down. I had vague recollections of thinking I was in a Bourne movie, so I was attempting to evade the police for some reason, until I eventually returned to normal and realised what was going on, and spent the next hour being as apologetic as possible towards the coppers who'd got me down. That was a strawberry floating weird experience.

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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by Hulohot » Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:21 pm

Maybe not the most bizarre, but one that springs to mind quickly.

We returned to the world war 2 village a few days after I posted the thread with a different friend. With our flashlights off we were walking in the dark towards one of the huts when we heard growling in the bushes. Within seconds four shapes came out of the bushes at us and stood in a line snarling. Black sihlouettes. We shat bricks, and I managed to scare them away by flashing my torch on and off. We quickly scarpered deeper into the village when a large nest of birds took flight from the tree above us, certain mother nature was out to get us we ran inside one of the standing huts and a little bird started flapping around the roof just above our heads, we had to duck. All of this happened within the space of about 30 seconds.

Also the time I thought I saw someone standing at the end of my bed, and the time we were in Greece and our Greek waiter had a house just down the road from me. :shifty:

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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by ~Earl Grey~ » Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:28 pm

I was at the gym one night a few years ago a few hours before a pub quiz (one I'd never been to before). While working out I imagined that the quiz would have a music round (listen to an excerpt and name the artist/song) and that one of the songs would be Blinded By The Light by Manfred Mann.

And it all came true - when that song came on in the pub quiz it spun me out for a second, I kind of thought it was a dream it seemed that unreal.

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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by Scotticus Erroticus » Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:57 pm

Knoyleo wrote:The most bizarre occurrence I ever had was probably when I went out one night and had my drink spiked. I very quickly lost any idea of what was going on, and found myself a few hours later on the roof of a two storey building of the local hospital, with patients staring at me from windows of the opposite building, and the police trying to talk me down. I had vague recollections of thinking I was in a Bourne movie, so I was attempting to evade the police for some reason, until I eventually returned to normal and realised what was going on, and spent the next hour being as apologetic as possible towards the coppers who'd got me down. That was a ******* weird experience.

A very similar experience happened to me! I was in my second year of university celebrating Celtic winning the league when I had my drin spiked by a Rangers fan. I began to hallucinate so badly that I thought I was a secret agent being chased. On the way home I began to weave through cars avoiding snipers which I can still picture in my mind to this day. After an hour of dodging bullets I set the fire alarm off in the campus to flush the baddies out. The poor bastards that woke up saw immediately that there was something wrong with me and so allerted the staff to the issue. One of them took me home when he found me running up and down a street using a bus stop as cover. I woke up the next morning with cuts and bruises all over from where I'd been rolling around on the floor and jumping into bushes avoiding getting shot. I don;t have any memory of this particular bit, but apparently at some point I had held a few foreign students up in the hallway urging them to go back to their rooms or they'd be shot on the spot. It seems they were more amused than concerned.

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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by Fm » Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:03 pm


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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by Loire » Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:16 pm


The weirdest thing that's happened to me occured when I was about... 6 or 7. Anyway, we used to cycle around the block of houses that ours was on. It wasn't a fancy neighborhood; terraced houses right next to the town - bit of a gooseberry fool hole. The street was full of people that knew each other, and we were normally in shouting distance for when my mum wanted to have us in for tea, so I guess she never really worried about anything bad happening.

Anyway, I was cycling around the block one day, when I notice a guy on a black bike, with a moustache, cycling in front of me. He noticed me behind him, and when I was quite close, he put his hand against his lower back and signaled me to follow him by opening and closing his hand. Anyway, he said nothing, and I followed him back onto the street I lived on, where he went down an alley way the ran into the neighbor's garden, who I assume he lived next door to. I didn't go down the alley - I cycled past my neighbor's house into my alleyway and into the garden, then sat down in the living room where my mum and brothers were. I felt a bit timid.

I know it's nothing amazing, but I always think what would've happened if I followed the guy down the alley, and the fact that I didn't, at such a young age, must mean that I thought something dodgy was going on.


Anung wrote:Ectomorphs in the house.
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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by SuperFinal » Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:31 pm

Back in 2006 when I went to Global Gathering we were all stood waiting for Daft Punk to make their appearance when I got chatting to some random guy who happened to be stood just in front. Actually, we got talking because some cocky beer'd up chav tried to push past the lot of us before being practically close-lined to the floor by this guy. Thus, through our mutual hatred of all things burberry a bond was formed.

Anyway, the conversation eventually moved onto music making and I mentioned that I'd recently had record released for some french label. Suddenly the guy's face draws completely blank, as he just stops and stares at me. After a long pause he starts pointing and yelling my name. I hadn't even told him my name! Next thing I know I've got about three complete strangers all proclaiming their love for me. And then Daft Punk came on to the sounds of Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

T'was a slightly surreal moment.

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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by OnlyShallow » Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:11 pm

I had a spooky thing happen one time when I was on holiday in Bude. I was playing snooker with my sister and after finishing my break we turned around to put the score on the scoreboard. When we turned back to the table the cue ball, which had been more or less in the middle of the table, was no longer there. We were both said "What did you do with the cue ball?" at the same time, then we both just freaked out a bit. My sister found the ball in one of the pockets.

It was then we both decided to get out of the room as fast as we could.

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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by Loire » Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:16 pm

I remember being in the pub when I was younger, playing pool, and some of the old boys that walked past would try and knock a ball into a pocket. Old gag.


Anung wrote:Ectomorphs in the house.
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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by OnlyShallow » Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:25 pm

Loire wrote:I remember being in the pub when I was younger, playing pool, and some of the old boys that walked past would try and knock a ball into a pocket. Old gag.

The room was only large enough for one full sized snooker table and my sister and I were the only people in the room at the time.

Many Lives -> 49 MP wrote:People like you OnlyShallow are terrible banana splits. I hate you forever.
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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by Poser » Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:36 pm

I never met my real dad til I was 18.

Then, when I was 19 I found out that that there had been a lad a couple years below me at my school who was my half brother. It was only a small school - 90 boys per year - so our paths must have crossed.

I didn't freak out - I'm bottling it all up and will probably shoot up a school one day.

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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by OnlyShallow » Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:45 pm

poser wrote:I never met my real dad til I was 18.

Then, when I was 19 I found out that that there had been a lad a couple years below me at my school who was my half brother. It was only a small school - 90 boys per year - so our paths must have crossed.

I didn't freak out - I'm bottling it all up and will probably shoot up a school one day.

These sort of things happen all the time. I didn't know I had a half sister until I was 30, on the day of my mum's funeral. I could have quite happily have punched strawberry float out of my dad that day.

Many Lives -> 49 MP wrote:People like you OnlyShallow are terrible banana splits. I hate you forever.
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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by Mr Thropwimp » Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:20 pm

Speaking of relatives like that there's a very likely chance I've come across my biological siblings and parents at many points in the past, particularly on nights out in town.

I've not met any of them, though. God knows if the brother and sister even know I exist.

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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by Sayer » Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:39 pm

I swear down when i was 5 i saw a gorrilas arm come out of the post box as i passed it in a car. Also about a month ago i found out my mum had a baby at 14 and was given up for adoption, and shes leaving my dad. Just didnt really see it coming and its not how i imagined my mum, shes a goody goody.

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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by Nathanbrains » Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:45 pm

Sayer wrote:its not how i imagined my mum, shes a goody goody.

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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by smurphy » Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:50 pm

One strange thing I can remember is when my friend's burglar alarm went off, and I said something like "It'll probably stop..." then it stopped. Then I said "I bet it'll start aga..." and it came back on. It happened about 4 more times. It's like I was in control of it. So many weird coincidences happen when I'm with that particular friend.

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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by BID0 » Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:19 pm

I was going into town to meet a girlfriend once, we just had a minor-ish argument (about nothing) on the phone. On the train on the way their, 2 drunk girls got on a few stops before I needed to get off.

They sat next to me and started talking, eventually one of them asked if I had any music, so I put on Michael Jackson's 'Beat It' and they both started dancing :lol: Then they danced on me. I was like WTF :?

Luckily they got off at the stop before mine. This one girl was still sitting on me, so her mate had to come back on the train to drag her off. She gave me a hug, and I said 'Is that all I get?' or something like that, so she gave me a kiss.

Most random night ever :lol:

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PostRe: What is the most bizarre occurrence of your life?
by Trinity » Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:50 pm

I'm so inbred that I'm my own dad.


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