What is the most F**ked up your life has ever been?

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PostRe: What is the most F**ked up your life has ever been?
by Gemini73 » Fri Jan 24, 2020 5:54 pm

Reading these posts I'm very grateful my wife and I we're able to separate on friendly terms and that we continue to chat regularly, particularly where our children are concerned. While leaving the family home has been quite the emotional upheaval it could have been a lot worse so I should count my blessings really.

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PostRe: What is the most F**ked up your life has ever been?
by Bunni » Fri Jan 24, 2020 10:50 pm

I got failed for a university placement for attendance. My lecturer told me I had to choose between my health and my studies, (strawberry floatin nursing lol) which made me feel like dog gooseberry fool. Luckily I trusted myself, and got sent for loads of tears for potentially life changing health issues culminating in either 'your brain is falling out and we have to remove a chunk of skull or you're got a tumour'. Punched strawberry float out a wall and busted my hands up. Generally felt gooseberry fool for a while.

I failed a cement which meant I got kicked out of my course. Not being enrolled in my course meant I was evicted from halls and also had my bursary cut. Being the first in my family to go to uni, I felt I couldn't tell my parents in shame. So I took my last £40 on a us to the Midlands, had a brief but intense relationship with a dude where I moved into his mums house for a bit until I finally made the call to my parents who were pretty chill and picked me up.

Diagnosed with a brain tumour, went on mess, scans and mad doctor gooseberry fool. Fell into depression I was never really treated for and had to sign on which only made me feel worse. Eventually through a job centre scheme that helps folk off sick get back to work met two lovely people who really helped. A lassie called Rebecca who looked at my CV and yd me I shouldn't settle for minimum wage care home grunt work, go to London and specialise. A guy called mark who treated me lovely and went overboard to get me to job interviews and helped pay my travel into London when I got a job. Was a shitty year but I finally joined the hub of London life (I know but I was 19 and it was fantastic to feel like I've achieved coming from my bare bones upbringing).

Or the time were were homeless and got moved into a studio flat with rats and couldn't play in the garden cuz the syringes were bad. One time I got a bollocking off a teacher for not having a PE kit who later told me 'he had to tell me off cuz kids would know if I got away with it when others would get told off for the same thing, despite him acknowledging in private the fact he knew mum was washing clothes in the bathtub with no heating. Way to make an 8 year old feel trash.

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PostRe: What is the most F**ked up your life has ever been?
by kerr9000 » Sat Jan 25, 2020 5:32 pm

I have had a fair few ups and downs.. The first being aged about 6 starting to have grand mal epileptic seizures in my sleep, I kept waking up in hospital. The worst thing being when the pub I worked in got robbed, I got my head smashed in with crowbars in the middle of this hostage situation and then got punched in the mouth for telling the robbers if they tried to rape one of the girls I'd kill them. At the time I was married and had a very young child. This just led on to rubbish after rubbish years later I got PTSD and had a breakdown, my wife cheated on me with another woman, she then spent ages telling me I was a waste of space who should kill himself, one day she assaulted me smashed me in the back of my head and tried to throw me down the stairs. I left with my child and spent about 2:years in court sorting out me getting full custody , getting divorced, getting the house sold to clear up debts she had made. At the worst point I had 58grand of debt sleeping on an old dirty matress in an attic room my dad had turned into a woodwork workshop, having regular awful fits from the stress of it all, things got better quickly though Dad helped me turn the attic into a great little flat for myself and my folks were my rock.

Now days about ten years later I'm managing my epilepsy and PTSD so even though I can get I'll and anxious I'm largly happy, I have a great little group of work friends, a daughter who is really cool and appreciates everything I do for her and a wonderful girlfriend who accepts me for who I am and supports me in all the things I do. This has been a short version but yeah I think lots of people go through awful stuff.

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PostRe: What is the most F**ked up your life has ever been?
by pjbetman » Sat Jan 25, 2020 9:50 pm

kerr9000 wrote:I have had a fair few ups and downs.. The first being aged about 6 starting to have grand mal epileptic seizures in my sleep, I kept waking up in hospital. The worst thing being when the pub I worked in got robbed, I got my head smashed in with crowbars in the middle of this hostage situation and then got punched in the mouth for telling the robbers if they tried to rape one of the girls I'd kill them. At the time I was married and had a very young child. This just led on to rubbish after rubbish years later I got PTSD and had a breakdown, my wife cheated on me with another woman, she then spent ages telling me I was a waste of space who should kill himself, one day she assaulted me smashed me in the back of my head and tried to throw me down the stairs. I left with my child and spent about 2:years in court sorting out me getting full custody , getting divorced, getting the house sold to clear up debts she had made. At the worst point I had 58grand of debt sleeping on an old dirty matress in an attic room my dad had turned into a woodwork workshop, having regular awful fits from the stress of it all, things got better quickly though Dad helped me turn the attic into a great little flat for myself and my folks were my rock.

Now days about ten years later I'm managing my epilepsy and PTSD so even though I can get I'll and anxious I'm largly happy, I have a great little group of work friends, a daughter who is really cool and appreciates everything I do for her and a wonderful girlfriend who accepts me for who I am and supports me in all the things I do. This has been a short version but yeah I think lots of people go through awful stuff.

Jeez dude. Awful that. Glad youve turned your life round after all that.

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PostRe: What is the most F**ked up your life has ever been?
by Johnny Jalfrezi » Sun Jan 26, 2020 7:59 am

Thanks for sharing your stories, guys. Glad to hear that we all seem to be getting through it. Genuinely inspirational stuff.

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PostRe: What is the most F**ked up your life has ever been?
by Christopher » Sun Jan 26, 2020 8:19 am

Whilst not as bad as your situation, good work on being able to get through that.

After having our second child my wife started working weekends only, which wasn’t a lot of money a month, this put a lot of pressure on me, since 2016 I have been getting further and further into debt, usually being in debt would just mean me paying it off one month when there were no big payouts, but with one salary and more mouths to feed this was never going to happen, so each month was the same, two weeks in and we were skint, this caused so many arguments between my wife and me.

In late 2017, I almost attempted suicide as a way out of my debts, sure life insurance wouldn’t payout but my death in service would and it would be enough to pay off my debts and the mortgage. But obviously I couldn’t go through with it.

In August last year things had gotten worse, my wife was now working four days a week and paid really well but due to all the debt I had accrued in the past three years meant we still had nothing each month, so I came clean to the wife about how much debt I was in, she wanted to leave me because of it, but we managed to stay together by me setting up a DMP which has reduced my debt payments from £1,800 a month down to £212 a month but at the same time I now have the worst credit rating in history. We’re also going to Relate each week for my wife to tell someone else how gooseberry fool of a person I am. But at least we’re together and the kids haven’t suffered through this.

Still finding it hard to manage my depression, baby steps though.

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PostRe: What is the most F**ked up your life has ever been?
by Curls » Sun Jan 26, 2020 9:12 am

Suzzopher please elaborate. How is this your fault and how did you keep it secret from your wife. Surely if your own income wasn't enough to pay the bills after the birth of your child then this would have been something in the knowledge of both you and your wife and something you were aware of and working on together? Surely you supporting your family doesn't make you a gooseberry fool of a person? Unless of course it relates to something more like gambling etc...even then though you wouldn't be a gooseberry fool of a person. Don't call yourself that , financial issues can happen to the best of us.

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PostRe: What is the most F**ked up your life has ever been?
by Christopher » Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:09 am

I think she feels betrayed that I kept it from her. I was struggling to make ends meat and the more the debt accrued the less money we had and I just didn’t want to make her feel like she had to go back full time straight away. Nothing to do with anything like gambling, I don’t even buy video games often anymore. It’s literally just trying to survive but of course in a marriage you need to communicate this. I did not.

It’s weird, I earn a very good salary but it’s not enough to support a small family in this day and age. How are people worse off than me meant to get by?

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PostRe: What is the most F**ked up your life has ever been?
by Venom » Sun Jan 26, 2020 11:54 pm

Johnny Jalfrezi wrote:Thanks for sharing your stories, guys. Glad to hear that we all seem to be getting through it. Genuinely inspirational stuff.

True. Good first post. I'm glad you're okay and everybody else seems to be finding their way through their challenges. As people we often stress or worry about the worst case scenario, but if and when it ever happens people have the resilience to get through it. Honest.

suzzopher wrote:baby steps though.

Keep at it man.

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PostRe: What is the most F**ked up your life has ever been?
by Green Gecko » Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:18 pm

Well, the thing most strawberry floated up at the moment and unfortunately normal for me is my sleep pattern, I'm still in bed at 4pm. It's been much worse. I stayed in bed reading these stories and found them helpful. I also suffer from depression and have ASD so every day is a challenge but without making this another depression thread I'd like to say well done everyone for persisting enough to post some stories!

And yes that means I don't really need to write a big story repeating things from the past because I can listen instead of write loads of stuff :)

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PostRe: What is the most F**ked up your life has ever been?
by Jazzem » Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:01 am

Goddamn, I've been teary eyed reading these posts. Wishing you all the best, wouldn't wish these rough experiences on anyone :(

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