[Hype/sign-up thread] TRIBE VS TRIBE

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Post[Hype/sign-up thread] TRIBE VS TRIBE
by Herdanos » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:10 pm

Tribe Versus Tribe

Signups close Friday 16th 5pm
Game begins properly Monday 19th





All times given are BST


    1a: At the start of the game, all PLAYERS are secretly divided into TRIBES. All players know who is on their Tribe.
    1b: Each weekday, in the game thread, all players should vote on a player to "INTERROGATE". The most nominated player (with the majority of votes) is then selected as that day's SUSPECT.
    1c: Once a Suspect is chosen, all other players must then (also in the game thread) vote for the tribe they think today's suspect belongs to. The most popular selection "wins".
    1d: At the end of the day it'll be revealed whether the Suspect does indeed belongs to the majority-selected tribe. (If they don't, their Tribe is not revealed.) If they do, each player who voted "correctly" gains a point for their tribe, and the Suspect cannot ever be chosen as a Suspect again.
    1e: Players who correctly vote that a Suspect is a member of their own tribe do not receive points for doing so. (You can still vote this way if you wish, though.)
    1f: Tribe point scores are always public - so try to work with your tribe to ensure you don't give yourself away unknowingly, through your collective actions!
    1g: There is no hierarchy within Tribes - any and all members can and do speak for the collective. As such, where any decisions are required through PM, I will accept the first relevant response from any Tribe member.


    - Public, in-thread vote to interrogate
    - Deadline is 2pm, and Suspect selected
    - Then, public, in-thread vote on Suspect's tribe
    - Deadline is 9pm, after which outcome is revealed


    2a: At the weekend, all Suspects (up to five players) from the prior week are "at risk" (regardless of whether their tribal allegiance was identified)
    2b: All players PM me which one player they want to KILL (remove from the game). The two most voted for players are killed (removed).
    2c: Killed players can no longer post in the game thread or contact their tribe at all.


    - Private (PM me) vote to kill ONE of the "eligible" candidates
    - Deadline is 2pm Sunday
    - The two players with the most votes are eliminated from the game.


    3a: Tribes can EARN powers.
    3b: If all living tribe members post in the game thread on three consecutive days, they may earn one KILL, which can be used at any time.
    3c: Killed players are killed immediately. (Bear in mind I'll not be watching the thread 24/7, though.)
    3d: When a player is killed by another tribe, the killing tribe remains secret, unless...
    3e: ... the killed player's tribe is publicly known (i.e. they've been successfully interrogated as such) in which case the killing tribe receives points (see rule 1f)
    3f: If all living tribe members post in the game thread on two consecutive days, they may earn one "SAVE".
    3g: The save can be assigned at any time to protect one specific player from one kill attempt (this excludes the weekend vote kill).
    3h: Tribes must therefore decide when and if to redeem their consecutive days for powers.
    3i: It's on you to check if you've accrued consecutive days; I may not be able to keep track all the time, though if any tribe claims to have earned a power and wishes to redeem it, I WILL check this before "awarding" the power.
    3j: A day is 12am to 12am.
    3k: If a kill attempt is made on a player who benefits simultaneously from both Safety and a Save (for example, a player who a Save was assigned to, whose tribe subsequently won a contest), then whichever of these was assigned most recently would be "broken" first by the kill attempt (so in the aforementioned example, this kill attempt would break the safety but leave the save intact).


    4a: Once a week there will be a CONTEST. (I also reserve the right to call random BONUS CONTESTS)
    4b: The tribe that wins the contest earns extra points for doing so, but they also earn SAFETY - meaning their tribe will be immune from that coming weekend's vote kills, even if one (or more) of their number is "at risk". So even if a member of their tribe receives the most votes that weekend, they will not be killed - another player at risk would take their place (the player with the next most votes).
    4c: However, if a kill attempt is made on one of their tribe before the weekend vote, their safety will be broken.
    4d: The winning tribe will be known publicly each week, but its members will not.
    4e: (Bonus contests would earn their victors points but no safety.)


    5a: If at any point, one tribe's players equal or outnumber the remaining player base, they will achieve DOMINANCE, and the game ends. The dominant tribe at the end earns extra points.
    5b: Be careful - there are rumours of a "lone wolf".
    5c: Would the game be easier to play as a solo player than in a tribe? Only time will tell…
    5d: [Please bear in mind: (a) lone wolf (/wolves) will have a different trigger condition to achieve Dominance, as well as having different points allocations than those stated below]
    5e: At the end of the game, the tribe with the most points wins!


    - Correctly identify a player’s tribe - one point per ‘vote’
    - Kill a player whose tribe is known - two points
    - Win a contest - four points
    - Achieve dominance - ten points


    6a: Dead players absolutely must not post in the game thread. If you do it you will see your team deducted points.
    6b: I may show a degree of leniency to obvious innocent breaches of this rule i.e. someone several days out-of-the-loop posting "to show activity" genuinely without realising they're dead. But I am inclined to view these dimly and reserve the right to deduct points here too.
    6c: Dead players also absolutely must not discuss the game with anyone outside of the dead thread. This includes members of your tribe. If you're dead, stick to the dead thread.
    6d: Obviously this rule is much harder for me to police, so I can only ask: please, don't do it. It is totally against the spirit of the game and it ruins it for others. don't be a dick.
    6e: If an action, tactic, strategy etc is not explicitly referred to within these rules, players are free to presume that this means the action etc. in question is not prohibited
    6f: I will respond to PMs, and where asked in the thread I will clarify points I think need clarifying, particularly early in the game. However, if a query goes unanswered, please presume this is because I consider the matter settled, or cannot give further clarity without affecting the game.

The Call To Arms

In the 'Forum Game Test Group' OP Drumstick wrote:
Forum Game Ping List
Are you sure? It's a long list...
1cmanny1 wrote:

A J Styles wrote:

aayl1 wrote:

abcd wrote:

Adam231 wrote:

Albear wrote:

Ario wrote:

Balladeer wrote:

Banjo wrote:

Benj wrote:

Benzin wrote:

BID0 wrote:

bigcheez2k3 wrote:

Blue Eyes wrote:

BTB wrote:

Call And Answer wrote:

Captain Kinopio wrote:

captain red dog wrote:

Captian Kil wrote:

Catheter Rising wrote:

Cheeky Devlin wrote:

Chocolate-Milk wrote:

Chris wrote:

Clarkman wrote:

cocacola wrote:

Cosmo wrote:

Cribs wrote:

Cuban Pete wrote:

Curls wrote:

Cuttooth wrote:

Dalagonash wrote:

DaLax wrote:

Dandy Kong wrote:

Dangerblade wrote:

Danzig wrote:

Dark Ritual wrote:

DarkRula wrote:

darksideby182 wrote:

SuperChris wrote:

Dblock wrote:

DeckardRunner wrote:

Delusibeta wrote:

Denster wrote:

Diabolito wrote:

DML wrote:

Drawlight wrote:

Drumstick wrote:

Earfolds wrote:

Ecno wrote:

Edd wrote:

Eighthours wrote:

Errkal wrote:

False wrote:

Fatal Exception wrote:

FatDaz wrote:

Floex wrote:

Frank wrote:

furiosum wrote:

Gamezville wrote:

gaminglegend wrote:

Gemini73 wrote:

GlassjAw wrote:

Gorrable wrote:

Green Gecko wrote:

Hank Scorpio wrote:

Henke wrote:

Herdanos wrote:

Hexx wrote:

HM wrote:

Hulohot wrote:

Hypes wrote:

IGM wrote:

imbusydoctorwho wrote:

Infibeyen wrote:

Irene Demova wrote:

Ironhide wrote:

Jango wrote:

Jay Adama wrote:

JChalmers wrote:

Jenko wrote:

Jenuall wrote:

Jezo wrote:

jiggles wrote:

jimbojango wrote:

JK wrote:

Joer wrote:

JV wrote:

Kanbei wrote:

Kezzer wrote:

kommissarboris wrote:

Krafty wrote:

Lagamorph wrote:

lardycol wrote:

LewisD wrote:

Look Over There wrote:

Luboluke wrote:

mcjihge2 wrote:

melatonin wrote:

Memento Mori wrote:

Met wrote:

mic wrote:

Mini E wrote:

Minto wrote:

Mockmaster wrote:

Moggy wrote:

Mommy wrote:

more heat than light wrote:

Natural wrote:

Nova wrote:

Nun wrote:

Oblomov Boblomov wrote:

Oh Teh Noes wrote:

OrangeRKN wrote:

Osito wrote:

Oxx wrote:

Pacman wrote:

Pancake wrote:

PaperMacheMario wrote:

Parksey wrote:

PCCD wrote:

Pedz wrote:

Poncho wrote:

Pontius Pilate wrote:

Pred wrote:

Preezy wrote:

PsychicSykes wrote:

PuppetBoy wrote:

Qikz wrote:

RandomHero wrote:

Red wrote:

Red Devil wrote:

Return_of_the_STAR wrote:

Rhubarb wrote:

Rightey wrote:

Robbo-92 wrote:

Rocsteady wrote:

Rog wrote:

Roonmastor wrote:

Rubix wrote:

satriales wrote:

sawyerpip wrote:

SEP wrote:

Shadow wrote:

Shafto wrote:

site23 wrote:

Skarjo wrote:

Skippy wrote:

Slayerx wrote:

smurphy wrote:

Songwriter wrote:

SpaceJebus wrote:

Sprouty wrote:

Starbreaker wrote:

Super Dragon 64 wrote:

Superking wrote:

teh bork wrote:

That's not a growth wrote:

The Alchemist Penguin wrote:

The Baron Of Rhymes wrote:

The Viirus wrote:

The Watching Artist wrote:

thousand yard stare wrote:

Tomous wrote:

Tsunade wrote:

Turboman wrote:

Vermilion wrote:

VlaSoul wrote:

White Rabbit wrote:

William Shatner wrote:

Wrathy wrote:

YaoiHasLanded wrote:

YoungJME wrote:

Zartan wrote:

Zellery wrote:

Zilnad wrote:

(Scroll down for game info!)

Player list: (32)

Oblomov Boblomov
Memento Mori

Last edited by Herdanos on Fri Sep 16, 2022 8:44 pm, edited 33 times in total.
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PostRe: "What is TVT?"
by ITSMILNER » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:15 pm

Tits v Todgers

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PostRe: "What is TVT?"
by Herdanos » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:20 pm

Atop Herdanos Tower, a lone mad scientist has been concocting the formula for "the perfect game".

"I have read the lore of Lizzimba," he recounts. "I have studied the assembled logs of Professor K, and am a humble student of the Rules of Drum."

"I have sought tales of Bas-Ler, of Bluehats, of Cyclones and Saboteurs; I have climbed both Cash Mountain and Sonmountain. I have visited Providence and parliaments; I have howled at the moon, and imbibed at the saloon. I have simulated a thousand games of Nomicade, all with identical results."

"And I have seen the future."

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PostRe: "What is TVT?"
by Hypes » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:24 pm

Herdanos wrote:"I have read the lore of Lizzimba,"

Didn't he use to present Newsround?

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PostRe: "What is TVT?"
by Herdanos » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:25 pm

"This is not your father's AYA."


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PostRe: "What is TVT?"
by Jenuall » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:27 pm

Huge if true

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PostRe: "What is TVT?"
by Herdanos » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:30 pm

"Oh, the tales I could tell!

I could tell you of the man felled by a hundred Vigilante bullets, who somehow came back from the dead to win an all-Vigilante game.

Or of the Alpha who sacrificed one of his own to gain favour, only to be foiled at the last his own blood, who tipped off four hardy heroes.

I could regale you with the story of an invasive force, struck down by the alphabet.
A human who sold his soul to join a wolfpack and feast on flesh amongst them.
And a wild goose chase - or should I say, Wolf chase…"

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PostRe: "What is TVT?"
by rinks » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:39 pm

Did you google TVT to find out what else it stands for?

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PostRe: "What is TVT?"
by Herdanos » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:41 pm

Herbi is the Alpha.

Aaron wins the French Revolution.


Broken fangs and Cut teeth.

Kezzer vs satriales vs Moggy.

The Vampbusters.

A Dangerous Blade.

Cowboys and Cannibals and Supernaturals.

StayDead vs Falsey.

Scarred Joes and Banned Joes.

Two Rudolphs and Two Wise Men.

BladeForce II.

Henke's return.

'I've got so many PMs…'

These games have thrown up brilliant moments that live long in the memory…

…and they will continue to do so.

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PostRe: "What is TVT?"
by Herdanos » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:48 pm

*breaks character*

rinks wrote:Did you google TVT to find out what else it stands for?

rinks to my thread:


Thanks, rinks.

I did not google it. I would request no-one else do so. :slol:


*resumes character*

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PostRe: "What is TVT?"
by Vermilion » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:49 pm


Have you been taking drugs?

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PostRe: "What is TVT?"
by Herdanos » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:50 pm

The scientist continues.

"I have seen the future.

The Racoon's Gambit.

'It Kanbei tough, but Albear it.'

Tsunade, Bloody Tsunade.

Heat and Light versus Cold Spice and Dark Ruler.

Tom Ous vs Them.

'You win some, you Lewis some.'

Jenuall infiltrates the Circle of Errkal. Kennethwilliams.gif

Kramer vs Framer.

The Walking Pedz.

Kezzer vs satriales vs Moggy.

Dayum then Super, reborn as Mega.

'Not such a silly Sprout after all.'

A sound that Ecnoes in eternity.

'Someone talked to Frank.'

Iron Hides and Preezy Seeks.

'Leave it on the Coblomov.'

Denster and the Nun.

The Clark Mark.

The Kezzer of two evils.

Jezo meets with a Mori-ble fate.

'Don't go crying to Mommy.'

Return of the Mock.

The True Heart of a Lion.

Visions… visions of the games that may be.

All possible futures.
All potential outcomes.
The only certainly… is that there will be chaos.

There will be twists and turns.
There will be anger and fury, agony and ecstasy.
The community will again unite in order to be divided.

How do I know?

Because GR's age of games is not at an end…

…it has simply reached a new era."

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PostRe: "What is TVT?"
by satriales » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:50 pm

rinks wrote:Did you google TVT to find out what else it stands for?


In. :shifty:

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PostRe: "What is TVT?"
by Herdanos » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:55 pm


Damnit rinks :lol: I've had this ready to go for ages!

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by Qikz » Fri Sep 09, 2022 4:57 pm


The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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by Herdanos » Fri Sep 09, 2022 5:00 pm

I invite you all to participate in a game of Tribe versus Tribe.

A brand-new forum game, designed with the principles and metagame of Mafia / “Are You A Werewolf?” in mind, but with changes to ensure a new and hopefully brilliant experience for all players.

No alt accounts

No PM bans

No player deaths until at least Day 4

Every player will have a role

Engagement is rewarded; inactivity isn’t punished

A completely new (yet, hopefully, simple!) ruleset for everyone - no danger of old patterns playing out again here…

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by Oblomov Boblomov » Fri Sep 09, 2022 5:03 pm


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by Herdanos » Fri Sep 09, 2022 5:06 pm

In Tribe vs. Tribe, all players are secretly divided into Tribes. The goal of the game is to win as many points for your Tribe by the game's end.

Points are earned by publicly identifying the allegiance of other players, whilst simultaneously keeping the identity of your own Tribe secret.

Players will also have the chance to work with their fellow Tribe members to earn additional powers. These powers can remove opposing players from the game, or help protect their own from such a fate.

The game will end when one Tribe outnumbers all others - with bonus points awarded for such 'Dominance' - and the Tribe with the most points will be crowned the victors!

Sign up now!

Full ruleset to follow.

Signups close Friday 16th 5pm
Game begins properly Monday 19th

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PostRe: "What is TVT?"
by Jenuall » Fri Sep 09, 2022 5:07 pm

Herdanos wrote:Jenuall infiltrates the Circle of Errkal. Kennethwilliams.gif


Also: In :datass:

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by Ironhide » Fri Sep 09, 2022 5:27 pm

Iron Hides and Preezy Seeks.

I got a mention so I'm in.


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