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Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 9:37 am
by JChalmers
Yeah the 'community' team has really developed the last few months amazingly.

They're putting more effort into Warhammer TV too, with full streaming of the Age of Sigmar Warlords tournament earlier this year.

It's so much different to the way they were acting last year and for the best.

The stuff they're selling in GAME is the entry level push fit kits that were in one of the previous box games. They're great starter kits for people to use, especially with all the paints too.

Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 9:55 pm
by Tragic Magic
Should be getting a copy of Mantic's The Walking Dead: All Out War on Thursday, if not tomorrow. :D Think I'm most looking forward to painting Abraham.

Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:46 am
by JChalmers
So off to Blood and Glory tournament in Derby next weekend. Finished off my Ironjawz Orruks for the 2,000pts main event. But decided to bust out a Nighthaunt Spirit army for the small 1,000pt event on the Friday.

This took two days of building and three days of painting. Pretty happy with the end result.


Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:12 pm
by Green Gecko
Those are awesome models nice paint job too.

Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:45 pm
by JChalmers
Cheers man!

Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 2:00 pm
by Garth
JChalmers wrote:So off to Blood and Glory tournament in Derby next weekend. Finished off my Ironjawz Orruks for the 2,000pts main event. But decided to bust out a Nighthaunt Spirit army for the small 1,000pt event on the Friday.

This took two days of building and three days of painting. Pretty happy with the end result.


Love 'em!

Read yesterday that GW will be live streaming Blood and Glory too, the last live stream was fantastic so really looking forward to it :D

Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:51 pm
by Alvin Flummux
Is that the War of the Fang? :o Because that book was fantastic.

Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 2:26 am
by Garth







Also, the old style metal Daemonettes (on foot and mounted) are back on sale for a limited run starting tomorrow:


Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 6:07 am
by Garth
Alvin Flummux wrote:Is that the War of the Fang? :o Because that book was fantastic.

This is the 40K story moving forward, rumours say loyalist Primarchs are coming too.

Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 6:09 am
by Alvin Flummux
Garth wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:Is that the War of the Fang? :o Because that book was fantastic.

This is the 40K story moving forward, rumours say loyalist Primarchs are coming too.

The return of Russ. :nod:

I hope they can find a way to bring the Emperor back, or replace him. That would be fantastic.

Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 10:31 am
by Lagamorph
Well they gotta do something with the Golden Throne starting to completely fail and the knowledge to repair it has been lost.

Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 10:25 pm
by Garth
More leaks from White Dwarf:
TRAITOR LEGIONS 'Nine is the magic number this month, as within this 136-page softback supplement to Codex Space Marines are army special rules, exclusive Detachments, Warlord Traits, Tactical Objectives and Chaos Artefacts for each of the Traitor Legions - the nine legions who followed their Primarchs into treachery and heresy as they turned from the Emperor's light. (avail 10 Dec)

IMPERIAL AGENTS Loyal sons and daughters of the Imperium take heart, as whilst the Ruinous Powers may seek to be in ascendance as the year wanes, the God-Emperor's most righteous agents stalk the stars ready to enact his will.
Codex: Imperial Agents contains nine subfactions of the Imperial war-machine, from agents of the Inquisition to Wyrdvane Psykers of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica to reinforce your armies of the Imperium. After all, Deathwatch Kill Teams and Imperial Assassins are just as likely to be found working alongside regiments of the Astra MIlitarum or Space Marine strike forces as they are working by themselves, giving the Armies of the Imperium increased tactical choice and scope to conquer any foe.
Within this volume you'll find background and rules for using nine smaller factions alongside your existing armies of the Imperium, from the Grey Knight Terminator squads to the BATTLE SISTERS OF THE ADEPTA SORORITAS.

Time to get working on that Inquisition army I've always wanted to do...

Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 10:43 pm
by Garth
...and GW has quickly confirmed it, hah:
This December, all is Dust… (and loads of new books)

Change is well and truly on it’s way folks.

This December sees the return of a demi-god to the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and nothing will be the same again.

Lets just take a moment to let that sink in, Magnus the Red is back. A Daemon Primarch from the Eye of Terror has returned to claim a vengeance denied to him for 10,000 years. We’re not 100% sure what his goals are for returning, but one thing’s for sure: we sure wouldn’t want to be the guys who burned his planet…

The model is not only incredibly detailed, it’s also absolutely huge: eye to single-eye with an Imperial Knight on the tabletop. And he’s not alone. A veritable legion of miniatures accompany him, some of whom you can see above – new Rubric Marines was perhaps to be expected, but there are also Terminators, disk-riding sorcerers and more. All these will be covered in the new Wrath of Magnus book, part II in the War Zone: Fenris saga.

But that’s not all,

December also sees more books on the way that all Chaos Space Marine and Imperial commanders should immediately be adding to their Gift Lists. We’ll have more details on all of these for you soon, but for the moment, here’s a tantalising glimpse into the covers of the future:


Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 3:03 pm
by Tragic Magic
Was considering painting some miniatures from The Walking Dead: All Out War today but ended up playing it solo all day instead. It was my first go and I really enjoyed it. Played with Rick, Carl and Michonne and once I started getting to grips with it I was winning comfortably. Michonne was a killing machine by herself and I kept Rick and Carl close together in order to give Rick the blood ties buff which really helped me get some high rolls when attacking walkers. There seems to be so much scope for strategy, I'm really looking forward to playing against another player.

Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 3:36 pm
by Tragic Magic
Mantic will be selling their crazy box tomorrow. Think I'll be going for the fantasy box but i might be tempted by the sci fi as well, depending on the price.

Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 2:20 am
by Garth

Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 12:38 pm
by Green Gecko
They really need to work on the visuals compared to game dev diaries. :lol:

Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:38 pm
by Garth

Up for advance order this weekend - hngh! :datass:


Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:27 pm
by Tragic Magic
My solo game of The Walking Dead: All Out War ended rather abruptly today. While searching for supplies, Abraham uncovered a booby trap, which exploded, the sound of which attracted every zombie within ten inches to his position.

They ripped him limb from limb and the game was over.


Re: The GRcade Tabletop Gaming & Miniature Painting Thread (Warhammer etc)

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:52 am
by kommissarboris
Was talking to some lads at the gaming club, appears GWS have changed tact with pricing.

New Bloodbowl teams coming out at £20 a pop, much more inline with their competitors.