Wii - lets talk about it

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by Green Gecko » Sun Oct 01, 2017 3:56 am

It was the best GameCube ever made.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by Gemini73 » Sun Oct 01, 2017 1:14 pm

Bought a Wii for the kids. Certainly got my moneys worth as they played the hell out it and I did enjoy a few games myself such as Mario Galaxy and Wind Waker.

Overall though, can't say I was all that taken with the Wii.

Packed away in a box now. Doubt it'll see the light of day again.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by HSH28 » Sun Oct 01, 2017 1:31 pm

It had a lot of great games available for it that people don't talk about, EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis was amazing.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by Lime » Fri Feb 02, 2018 10:57 pm

Even in a remixed form, these tunes are so nostalgic.... I miss the wii :(

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by AndyXL » Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:06 pm

Glowy69 wrote:Got one at launch, zelda and wii sports.

Sold it in the January, after the beautiful gamecube this ruined any interest I had in nintendo forever. I didn't like the motion controls, I didn't like those mii's, I didn't like their online setup. And the power of the console was woeful.

Not as essay driven as most but its the poorest console I've ever owned.

Pretty much sums up my thoughts on the Wii...I hated it with a passion. Hated the motion controls. Hated the non-HD. Hated the stupid Wiimote. Hated everything about it, especially when the games forced waggle into them.

The only thing I liked was the Virtual Console.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by Green Gecko » Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:22 am

Nintendo's composers for eShop/system/app music are strawberry floating legendary. The best video game lounge of all time.

I'm serious.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by Errkal » Sat Feb 03, 2018 6:57 am

AndyXL wrote:
Glowy69 wrote:Got one at launch, zelda and wii sports.

Sold it in the January, after the beautiful gamecube this ruined any interest I had in nintendo forever. I didn't like the motion controls, I didn't like those mii's, I didn't like their online setup. And the power of the console was woeful.

Not as essay driven as most but its the poorest console I've ever owned.

Pretty much sums up my thoughts on the Wii...I hated it with a passion. Hated the motion controls. Hated the non-HD. Hated the stupid Wiimote. Hated everything about it, especially when the games forced waggle into them.

The only thing I liked was the Virtual Console.

Yeah I never got on with the Wii's forced motion gooseberry fool. Still pissed me off when it is included and there is no option to not use motion crud.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by Kriken » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:14 pm

I loved my Wii but I have to admit nostalgia colours my opinion on it a bit - as well as my ignorance of non-Nintendo consoles. It was the first console I had soon after its release. Before then, I had gotten the Gameboys, N64 and Gamecube as they were going out of fashion. I followed new releases closely and Official Nintendo Magazine pretty much told me what to buy. I ended up playing and enjoying a ton of games I probably wouldn't enjoy so much these days.

Had probably 20+ on-disc games but don't recall ever having issues with the motion controls on any of them. They didn't really enhance a lot of these games but they didn't get in the way either. They just felt as natural as pressing buttons. And I loved using the pointer for aiming in games like Metroid Prime Corruption and in Twilight Princess.

I really loved the Mario Galaxy games (especially the first one) and Twilight Princess and still consider them to be possibly the best games in their franchises (with Zelda it really is a toss-up for me between about 4 games). I also loved Prime Corruption, even as I came to appreciate the other Primes more.

I liked Red Steel (lol), Warioware Smooth Moves, Smash Bros Brawl (to an extent), The Last Story, Deadly Creatures, Mario Kart Wii (eventually), Sin & Punishment 2, Wii Sports and the No More Heroes games. There are still a handful of games I want to try like Xenoblade Chronicles and Bully.

Had I also been able to get a 360 or a PS3 at the time, I'd probably have a totally different opinion, but I have no regrets. Now I have the means to go back and play the games on other platforms I missed out on, so it's like delving into a hidden treasure trove.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by Ploiper » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:53 pm

ahhhh the Wii, I really need to go back to that console and play the many games I have. with the winter Olympics coming up next week I should dive back into Mario and sonic at the winter Olympics.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by Drumstick » Sat Feb 03, 2018 2:18 pm

I was disappointed with the Wii when it was announced. It didn't excite me, I wasn't interested in the control scheme, it was underpowered, launch was totally meh. And that's how it stayed for me. I play Wii Sports with friends on our gaming nights but other than that none of us were particularly taken with the machine.

I'm hoping that the good games get a HD remaster release on the Switch but it's probably wishful thinking.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by Gemini73 » Sat Feb 03, 2018 2:25 pm

It was a console that, aside from a coupe of stone cold classics, the novelty quickly wore off for me. My kids loved it though.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by Green Gecko » Sat Feb 03, 2018 9:30 pm

Drumstick wrote:I was disappointed with the Wii when it was announced. It didn't excite me, I wasn't interested in the control scheme, it was underpowered, launch was totally meh. And that's how it stayed for me. I play Wii Sports with friends on our gaming nights but other than that none of us were particularly taken with the machine.

I'm hoping that the good games get a HD remaster release on the Switch but it's probably wishful thinking.

But it plays gamecube games in 480p60 so that must mean it's best ever.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by grog monster 64 » Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:41 pm

Green Gecko wrote:
Drumstick wrote:I was disappointed with the Wii when it was announced. It didn't excite me, I wasn't interested in the control scheme, it was underpowered, launch was totally meh. And that's how it stayed for me. I play Wii Sports with friends on our gaming nights but other than that none of us were particularly taken with the machine.

I'm hoping that the good games get a HD remaster release on the Switch but it's probably wishful thinking.

But it plays gamecube games in 480p60 so that must mean it's best ever.

Only if you had an NTSC console. Progressive scan was disabled on PAL Gamecubes in favour of RGB support. So the best you can output GCN games is in 480i.
In fact, the deteriorating video output since Gamecube has been one of my bugbears- the RGB output was weaker on Wii, and the analog output on Wii U was woeful, and not at all suited to outputting on a CRT. If only this had been widely reported at the time, I probably wouldn’t have transferred over my 200-odd virtual console games, because they look crap now.
Never mind, eh? It was only hundreds of pounds wasted.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by jawafour » Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:54 pm

I have my Wii and Wii U connected up to my living room TV which is a 720p set (now old techonology, I know).

The Wii is connected by component cable (480p picture) and looks great whilst the Wii U is connected by HDMI (720p picture) and that looks good, too. I never transferred over my Virtual Console collection from the Wii to the Wii U because I prefer the brighter colour that comes through on the older machine's emulation.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by grog monster 64 » Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:09 pm

Well I guess hindsight’s 20-20. I tried to find out if there was a downside to doing it, and, back in 2013 at least, facts were pretty thin on the ground. I have my Wii hooked up with component and U through HDMI on a 1080P Panasonic Plasma which I bought on the grounds that it would handle legacy consoles a bit more sympathetically than an LCD. That said, I’ve always found Wii games to look a bit crummy compared to running through RGB on a CRT. The heartbreaking feeling of enduring Castlevania Rondo of Blood or Gradius 2 on Wii U is difficult to put into words.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by jawafour » Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:16 pm

grog monster 64 wrote:...The heartbreaking feeling of enduring Castlevania Rondo of Blood or Gradius 2 on Wii U is difficult to put into words.

Oof - sorry to hear that, grog. Yeah, I dunno what it is about the Wii U but most of the VC game colours look dull compared to the Wii versions. It's a shame, really.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by grog monster 64 » Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:25 pm

Well I did the sensible thing (!) and bought Gradius 2 on PS4, so I can play the arcade version. In my excitement at seeing it for sale in the Japanese store I didn’t notice that it was available under the name ‘Vulcan Venture’ in the UK store. So now I have a version with absolutely impenetrable menus :fp: At least the game is still great!

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by Green Gecko » Mon Feb 05, 2018 11:01 pm

I didn't really touch the virtual console. I only have a few retro games (cart) but I use a tiny 9" double line CRT to play them.

Didn't know about the Wii's weaker RGB output - do you mean colour depth in general or RGB SCART as opposed to component?

And yeah I forgot PAL GC games run at 480i over component on PAL Wii. PAL was 720x576 so high resolution (I remember thinking that your horizontal resolution is the same as 720 HD vertical resolution, which realy wasn't such a big deal when I was playing PC games at at least 1024x768 since forever) - and with 60Hz support, arguably superior to NTSC titles.

Might be an argument for playing anything other than GameBoy player on my original Cube, then..

If I recall, progressive scan was a mixture of a progressive picture and some 100Hz nonsense over in the states, but of course with games running at 60fps, there's no point. Leading to my argument that 60Hz PAL may actually be the superior option, provided games are properly optimised for the higher resolution without slowdown etc based on their american and Japanese counterparts (music timing was never a problem since sound processor clocks were no longer tied to CPU e.g. megadrive/SNES). Of course, Wii won't do that over component. Interesting.

One of the nice things about the GC over the PS2 (which also had component output and even displayed some games in 720p), namely in ports like TimeSplitters 2 or Burnout 1/2, was pretty much every major game supported the 60Hz mode, along with generally a 60fps target, the games still hold up really well. In fact, I doubt they'll ever age nearly as bad as other systems. Paper Mario TTYD is still glorious, for example.

So yeah, I basically played a bunch of Wii games - not nearly all of the good ones - and GC games.

I guess in that sense, I kind of missed most of the console and just waited it out. I barely played that generation at all - it was the Wii U that brought me back into the fold because the bundles going at the time were insane (I got 4 games, a base system and extra remote for around £200). I guess you could say the Wii U was what the Wii should have been, from a technical standpoint (together with Wii Motion Plus) - the wacky controller aside (which I like as I had DS/3DS all this while). The two libraries together are/were immense.

So I'll wait on the Switch until there are more must haves than ports/sequels on the system.

One thing I doubt anyone would argue with is the design of the system. The console itself with that dual disk slot loading drive, hidden GameCube IO, and the functional Wii "remote" design was extraordinarily well conceived, and a big step up from Nintendo in the contemporary hardware design standpoint. The Wii U, comparably, was a massive disappointment. That box sucks. The PS4 design owes a bit to the Wii imo.

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by Squinty » Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:32 am

Wii > GameCube

As HSH28, there are a lot of great titles nobody talks about. The IR pointer was an amazing inclusion as well.

That console generation was the best. I had both the Wii and 360 and I was never stuck for things to play. That's how the backlog started up hahaha

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PostRe: Wii - lets talk about it
by RainbowGazelle » Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:49 am

I adored the both the Wii U and Wii. I've never cared about how graphics look, as long as the games are great. I've still got a tonne of stuff I haven't played on either yet. Notable highlights on Wii were both Zeldas, The Last Story, Xenoblade Chronicles, Resident Evil 4, and Sonic Colours.

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