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Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:07 pm
by Hexx
2:1 Deadpool is in the next x-film somehow ;)

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:22 pm
by Mafro
Is Singer still doing the next X-Men film? Will be strawberry floating hilarious to see him try and fit him into things given how much of a mess he's made with virtually every other character.

Wonder if that X-Force movie is still happening?

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:26 pm
by Hexx
I think so

He said something recently how he doesn't want to, but he feels he owes it to the characters/actors not to leave them in someone else's hands.

Or something

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:49 pm
by Memento Mori
Mafro wrote:
Wonder if that X-Force movie is still happening?

An excuse to use Deadpool and Wolverine in a movie? Almost certainly.

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:59 pm
by Mafro
Psylocke as well :datass:

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 9:59 pm
by BID0
I think they'll put someone else on X-Men now. Or let it rest for a bit. I hope. Channing Tatum is rumoured to be signing up to a DC movie which would mean he would be dropping out of playing Gambit who would probably have been used to fill the void left by Hugh Jackman.

With Deadpool, Psylocke and Cable they'll probably push X Force instead. I'm not sure if we will see Wolverine in it, last I heard they'd probably use X-23 in his place.

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 10:04 pm
by Qikz
I can't wait for them to add Gambit to something.

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 10:07 pm
by Corazon de Leon
If the solo film with Channing Tatum does reasonable numbers expect to see him turn up in the next instalment of the main franchise.

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:57 am
by Mafro
Watched Days of Future Past again this evening and definitely think Apocalypse is the worst of the three.

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:40 am
by chalkitdown
Saw this last night and thought it was really good! All these OTT negative reviews are crazy to me. This was an above-average superhero movie albeit one with quite a few problems. Psylocke was totally useless and Archangel, too. Just seemingly shoehorned in there because they needed 4 horsemen for the big bad. Storm actually had an arc but they didn't even bother with those two. Also Apocalypse's motives were really vague. He just wanted to kill (sorry, cleanse) everyone......for some reason? His plan was so stupid. Thought he was played really well, though. Most of the new cast did a terrific job. Finally an X-men movie with a great Cyclops! :shock: Singer making up for past mistakes (I loved the blatant jab at X-men 3 :lol: An entire scene with no other purpose than to gooseberry fool on Brett Ratner :lol: They should have winked at the camere to really hammer it home.) I definitely agree about the opening credits being awful. What the strawberry float were they thinking? :lol: At least they were only 30 seconds long or something like that. Magneto's turn to the bad side was the best scene in the film by a considerably distance. Fassbender is so damn good in the role.

Looking forward to the next on about X-force.

Why was James McAvoy wearing a bad wig the entire movie when he's only bald for the last 20 minutes, though? :lol:

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:30 pm
by Rightey
I saw this last night, I thought it was pretty good, other than what's already been mentioned in the thread, like the intro sequence, lack of jubilee etc. I'm pretty surprised to hear that it's been getting negative reviews.

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 2:47 pm
by Hypes
Just watched this and enjoyed it enough. Psylocke and Angel seemed wasted. Apocalypse was only menacing in Professor X's mind.
It would be good to see a movie where Magneto doesnt start off good and then goes bad as well for once from these new ones.
I guess Jean is going Phoenix again then.
Also what was the significance of the end credit scene?

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 2:57 pm
by Hexx
Mr Sinister/his agents collecting samples

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:15 am
by Skarjo
Saw this on a plane the other day. Seemed passably enjoyable. The strawberry floating sequence with Colonel McMeanyPants or whatever his name is seemed utterly pointless and irrelevant other than to shoehorn in a setup for another strawberry floating Wolverine movie because we haven't had enough of those apparently. I quite liked that these movies were largely based on 'lesser known' mutants, or giving backseat mutants from the original movies significantly more prominent roles, so to see Cyclops and Jean Grey and oh-my-god-you're-so-boring Storm coming back to the fore was... meh.

And Apocalypse was pretty boring as a bad guy.

Actually it was pretty gooseberry fool.

Xavier and Erik tho.

And Olivia Munn.

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:29 pm
by BID0
I watched this over the weekend and I can't even be bothered to write the bad points, there were so many :lol: easily worse than BvS, I can't believe this got away with it compared to that movie.

The good points:
  • Colour in the suits
  • Better Cyclops this time

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 1:27 pm
by chalkitdown
Skarjo wrote:another strawberry floating Wolverine movie because we haven't had enough of those apparently.

The next one's gonna be R-rated and violent as strawberry float, so yes we do need another one. :mrgreen:

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:30 pm
by Corazon de Leon
The Wolverine was a great film and I won't hear any differently.

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:36 pm
by chalkitdown
It was a good movie. Really good, actually.

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:37 pm
by Corazon de Leon
Absolutely the film that Origins should've been. Lost it's way in the last fifteen minutes but I was really happy with it overall.

Re: X-Men: Apocalypse - From the director of the two best X-movies (X2 and DOFP)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 7:48 am
by Skarjo
chalkitdown wrote:
Skarjo wrote:another strawberry floating Wolverine movie because we haven't had enough of those apparently.

The next one's gonna be R-rated and violent as strawberry float, so yes we do need another one. :mrgreen:

Well, we'll see how much the extra gore really adds but did we really need a whole fifteen minute section going over his introduction in this series? I mean, he already had a cameo no? Even in the context of this reboot we already know that Wolverine is a character, so it's not even as if the three people who've been in a coma in Siberia and don't know in exhaustive detail who Wolverine is and what his background is would see the release of a new movie and be all 'But who is this clawed character? How does he fit in? WHY WAS THERE NOT A SHITTY SCENE IN ANY OF THE PREVIOUS FILMS TO SORT OF ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS FOR ME?!'.

It was still a pointless sequence that dragged the pace of the film down when it had previously been pretty breezy and pacey.