Xbox Indie Games - Dream-Build-Play 2009 winners! p18

Anything to do with games at all.

PostRe: XNA Community Games
by Raze » Fri May 08, 2009 8:43 pm

That Orbyx game is good, I reckon. Very good in fact. It's not quite Peggle, but it's well worth a play.

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Matthew Doucette
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PostRe: XNA Community Games
by Matthew Doucette » Fri May 08, 2009 8:48 pm

Sarge wrote:Welcome to the forum. :D

Just wanted to say Duality looks amazing, when will it ready for release?

Thank you for the welcome! We are pushing for this month but don't quote me on it. We really can't wait to release it.

Matthew Doucette, Xona Games

PostRe: XNA Community Games
by Sarge » Fri May 08, 2009 8:55 pm

Matthew Doucette wrote:
Sarge wrote:Welcome to the forum. :D

Just wanted to say Duality looks amazing, when will it ready for release?

Thank you for the welcome! We are pushing for this month but don't quote me on it. We really can't wait to release it.


Well you've already got one guaranteed sale.

Anyway, played more of Supercow earlier...still not completely convinced but it's a really fun little platform title and a steal at 400ms points.

Really glad I bought it, great in very short bursts or when you need a 5-10min distraction.


PostRe: XNA Community Games
by Sarge » Sat May 09, 2009 9:07 am

Clover is up - 149mb. ... 0058550205


Looks good.


PostRe: XNA Community Games
by Sarge » Sat May 09, 2009 10:04 am

Johnny Crush - Debut Trailer


When you have an insect problem, there's only one name that you can trust to get rid of them permanently, and that's Crush, Johnny Crush.

Looks a lot like EDF but in first person. :o :lol:

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PostRe: XNA Community Games
by qupe » Sat May 09, 2009 12:01 pm

Sarge wrote:
qupe wrote:Oh and Orbyx (Peggle clone) is up, but I don't know what to make of it at the minute

Sweet, will download it later.

How are the controls?

And yes, everyone needs to download the trial for Halfbrick Echoes...excellent title.

Orbyx controls similar to Peggle, the demo had 3 levels and one had a paddle at the bottom so could try and keep the ball in play arkanoid style to. It seems a decent game. Going to give it another play before I decide to purchase it. It has 32 levels.

Actually just noticed that it is XNARoundup review this week.

Clover reminds me a bit of Dizzy on the Amiga from the trailer I watched. I'll give that a go later but my harddrive is nearly full :(

Matthew you mentioned that Microsoft might be allowing auto updating on games, is this still undecided? Will they allow offline play in games somewhere in the future also? Good luck with Duality, there are a lot of shooter fans here.

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Matthew Doucette
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PostRe: XNA Community Games
by Matthew Doucette » Sat May 09, 2009 5:13 pm

Sarge wrote:Well you've already got one guaranteed sale.

Thank you so much.

qupe wrote:Matthew you mentioned that Microsoft might be allowing auto updating on games, is this still undecided? Will they allow offline play in games somewhere in the future also? Good luck with Duality, there are a lot of shooter fans here.

I can't be quoted on this at the moment as I cannot find a reference, but it was on or the xna forums that this upcoming auto-update feature was mentioned. We cancelled our plans to include an update notification system in our game because of this news, so that's now I know it's real. If anyone can point me to the source, it would be much appreciated.

And thanks for luck with Duality ZF... there's lots of 2D shooter fans but it's still a very risky genre. One we love, though, and it will be a honor if we can make a slightest dent in the fanbase.

Matthew Doucette, Xona Games
Joined in 2008

PostRe: XNA Community Games
by qupe » Sun May 10, 2009 11:42 am

Couple more releases today

Trino ... f7e&type=2

A Robots conundrum ... 051&type=2

and Biology Battle is now 400pts from 800pts

Joined in 2008

PostRe: XNA Community Games
by qupe » Sun May 10, 2009 11:45 am

Matthew Doucette wrote:
Sarge wrote:Well you've already got one guaranteed sale.

Thank you so much.

qupe wrote:Matthew you mentioned that Microsoft might be allowing auto updating on games, is this still undecided? Will they allow offline play in games somewhere in the future also? Good luck with Duality, there are a lot of shooter fans here.

I can't be quoted on this at the moment as I cannot find a reference, but it was on or the xna forums that this upcoming auto-update feature was mentioned. We cancelled our plans to include an update notification system in our game because of this news, so that's now I know it's real. If anyone can point me to the source, it would be much appreciated.

And thanks for luck with Duality ZF... there's lots of 2D shooter fans but it's still a very risky genre. One we love, though, and it will be a honor if we can make a slightest dent in the fanbase.

Matthew I found this article, not sure if that helps much

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Matthew Doucette
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PostRe: XNA Community Games
by Matthew Doucette » Sun May 10, 2009 6:12 pm

qupe wrote:
Matthew Doucette wrote:
qupe wrote:Matthew you mentioned that Microsoft might be allowing auto updating on games, is this still undecided?

I can't be quoted on this at the moment as I cannot find a reference...

Matthew I found this article, not sure if that helps much

That's it! Here's the specific details known to date:

When you start the game you've downloaded previously, we'll check the LIVE service for an update and if it's there, we'll let you know about it. You can choose to download it which will then add the updated version to your download queue and delete the current version. If you choose not to download it, you can play the existing version but you'll be prompted the next time you start the game.

Matthew Doucette, Xona Games

PostRe: XNA Community Games
by Raze » Sun May 10, 2009 6:27 pm

Anyone buy Clover then?


PostRe: XNA Community Games
by Sarge » Thu May 14, 2009 2:10 pm

Eurogamer - Round-up Reviews


* Developer: Binary Tweed
* Price: 400 Microsoft Points

The lovely, watercolour stylings of Clover have made it the most easily recognised of this batch of titles, and its promotion has been the most noticeable. In many ways it's also the most professionally produced of the games on offer here - beautifully drawn, with a soothing, piano-based soundtrack and a well-written script. Essentially it's homage to the Dizzy games of yore, a fact heavily referenced in both script and mechanics. For those of you who were mere eggs themselves when the yolky adventurer was king, gameplay revolves around the collection of objects and the solving of various genial puzzles, all in a platform-based format.

Player-character Sam is a resident of a kingdom which has recently come under attack by dastardly pirates, leading to the enactment of some troublingly draconian security measures. As he explores the world, Sam becomes party to increasingly complex political and religious intrigue, discovered via the medium of drunken farmers, myopic arms-dealers and sleeping cats. The political message is clumsily implemented, and somewhat at odds with the gentle, convivial nature of the gameplay, but it does get its point across.

I didn't discover any ways to die in Clover - the worst punishment I received for touching an 'enemy' was to drop the items in my inventory - mildly annoying at worst. Other than this the only thing to watch out for is your 'crime' level, an increasingly audible heartbeat and de-saturation of the world, which indicates a violation of one the intentionally invasive security measures put in place by the king. Letting this reach a certain level - sometimes instant, sometimes after a few seconds of intransigence - means Sam will be 'arrested' and taken to the castle jail, although he's instantly released with no penalty.

The major flaw with Clover is really an over-faithfulness to its roots. Initially having only one inventory slot means that a great deal of back and forth is necessary to progress, especially when active puzzles can be at opposite ends of the map. Traipsing from end to end isn't a mammoth undertaking, but realising that you've left a necessary item two minutes away is a tut-worthy experience. There are also a couple of traditionally non-linear puzzles, which prompts a bit of trial-and-error gameplay, although nothing holds you back for more than a few minutes. A switchable 'hint' system shows highlights interactive objects if you get really stuck.

Once your inventory expands fairly early on, and you learn to keep a rough note of where items have been dropped, Clover becomes an extremely relaxing and enjoyable experience. Just don't expect it to offer too serious a challenge or a pulsating political manifesto.


Jonny Crush

* Developer: Oesis, Inc.
* Price: 800 Microsoft Points (GBP 6.80 / EUR 9.60)

A full 3D shooter, Jonny Crush is the ugly third cousin of Serious Sam and EDF. Playing as itinerant exterminator Jonny, players are tasked with clearing swarms of up to 1000 bugs from a number of identical city levels, using a number of enjoyably over-powered weapons. Enemies, which are basic but cleanly modelled, crawl en-masse over buildings and streets alike as they converge on Jonny's position, where munitions connect with satisfying impact as the bugs subsume to lumps of green goo.

It's the gaming equivalent of watching Rocky with a six-pack of Stella, although without any of the emotions or montages. Brutal and fun with all the refinement of a kick to the sex eggs. At its best, Jonny Crash is entertaining enough to overcome the annoyances of its occasional slowdown, awful voice acting and disappointing lack of aim-sensitivity adjustment. For most people, however, 800 Points is probably too much for a game that can be polished off in less than two hours, despite some really pointy difficulty spikes.

Having said that, taking on a cloud of butterflies with dual-wielded shotguns is worth thinking about, and the nature of the unlocking system and selectable levels makes for good replay value. A mindless blaster with its heart on its sleeve, Jonny Crush offers more than a screenshot might lead you to expect.


Tank Strike

* Developer: Stegersaurus Games
* Price: 200 Microsoft Points (GBP 1.70 / EUR 2.40)

An absolute bargain, Tank Strike is a passable Tanks/Worms clone with the twist of being able to re-supply in-between rounds. It's a concept which will never really grow old - static guns shooting stuff at static neighbours, firing arcs affected by wind, angle, power and weapon choice, with destructible scenery constantly altering the battlefield dynamics.

Whilst obviously not up to the production standards of Worms, Tank Strike nonetheless offers some intriguing and well-executed variations on the genre.

The nicest touch is the choice of level themes. These not only vary the substance that makes up the 'land', but the tanks themselves, the projectiles and the explosions. Thusly 'Clay' sees tiny tanks firing blobs of Plasticine around the screen, which blossom into lovely little bursts of squidge upon impact, whilst 'squid' turns your tanks into what actually looks like a tiny octopus, shooting shells of ink across an underwater landscape. It's a nice touch and, along with the pleasantly inventive selection of weaponry available, fleshes the game out considerably. In addition there are various shields, shot modifiers, gravity effects and the damage-for-cash mechanic that funds the interval shopping sprees.

Multiplayer is obviously the key attraction - although the levels of AI available should cater for all tastes, too - offering perfect post-pub argument catharsis if you've had one too many Babycham cowboys to focus on Gears or COD4. Up to eight players can huddle round in hotseat mode for local play, but there's no option for play across Live.

Tank Strike gameplay might have pretty much all been done before, and the endgame can drag a little once your weapons stocks are depleted, but for the price of a half of lager, there's nothing to really complain about.


Karnn Age

* Developer: Louis Lavallee
* Price: 400 Microsoft Points (GBP 3.40 / EUR 4.80)

Opening with a slideshow cinematic in which a peeved sun fries a couple of swim-suited pretties for encroaching on his beach, Karnn Age starts off quirkily, but soon reverts to type as a top-down bullet-hell shooter. This is no bad thing, though, as it does the job admirably.

To switch things up a bit, the central grassy play area is bordered by a strip of sand, which is the sun's territory. Spend too long on here and Helios' rage gauge will begin to rise. Once he's gotten his shiny little chops sufficiently het up, he'll charge on-screen and begin shoving you around. Shots will push him back but not damage him, so he'll need to be managed and avoided until he stops being such a hissy little queen and buggers off back to his deckchair.

Power-ups spawn randomly around the small map, offering temporary protection, health replenishment or brief increases in shot power. The left stick manoeuvres and the right one fires, dispensing a rapid spray of bullets toward the oncoming giant fish, turrets and cybernetic triceratops trying to erase you. A health bar at the bottom of the screen is the only UI.

You won't need any of this explanation if or when you come to play it, however, apart from the sun thing. Karnn Age is one of those gloriously simplistic and self-explanatory games which can be enjoyed almost instantly by almost anyone. Hearts mean health. Anything which shoots or moves and isn't you must die. The end-of-level bosses are designed according to the school of thought that twins weak spots with large flashing lights.

It's fun, challenging and off-kilter enough to have personality, but also very short. There are three themed 'levels' - although all take place in the same arena, changing only the enemy types. Each of these levels-within-a-level consists itself of three sections: a basic level, a tougher section featuring more enemies, and a final boss. There's replay value for high-score hunters and perfectionists, and the difficulty level will test most, but there's not a huge amount of content here, really.


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PostRe: XNA Community Games
by Buffalo » Thu May 14, 2009 2:14 pm

I had no idea Clover was out :o :fp:


PostRe: XNA Community Games
by Sarge » Mon May 18, 2009 9:27 pm

New game I thought some might be interested in...



Save the city...or destroy it! Play as the hero and save the city by calling in tips, surrounding suspect buildings, and running down the bad guys. Or choose to destroy the city by avoiding the patrolling heroes and setting bombs inside the buildings – leveling the city building by building. ... f56&type=2

Trailer at the link. ... 258550208/

Also recommend downloading the trial for A Robot's Conundrum ... 051&type=2

Joined in 2008

PostRe: XNA Community Games
by qupe » Mon May 18, 2009 9:56 pm

Sarge wrote:New game I thought some might be interested in...



Save the city...or destroy it! Play as the hero and save the city by calling in tips, surrounding suspect buildings, and running down the bad guys. Or choose to destroy the city by avoiding the patrolling heroes and setting bombs inside the buildings – leveling the city building by building. ... f56&type=2

Trailer at the link. ... 258550208/

Also recommend downloading the trial for A Robot's Conundrum ... 051&type=2

Not hearing good things about Chalk, have you played it Sarge?

I quite like Trino tho, may give it another go before I decide to buy or not.


PostRe: XNA Community Games
by Sarge » Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:39 pm

Top 21 community games

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Matthew Doucette
Joined in 2009
Location: Canada

PostRe: XNA Community Games
by Matthew Doucette » Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:32 pm

Trino is one (of few) XBLCG titles that have spent a lot of time in development, polishing the game off professionally. I can easily see why it tops the lists at and If the devs are reading this, job well done!

Matthew Doucette, Xona Games

PostRe: XNA Community Games
by Sarge » Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:07 pm

Kodu Launches This Month

Microsoft was mysteriously quiet about Kodu, its democratizing game-creation tool, at E3 last week. Maybe that's because the software is just about finished and ready to launch. The official Kodu blog was updated last week with the announcement that the team is prepping for release at the end of this month. An exact date hasn't been revealed, but it's nice to know we'll be making our own games soon.

Joined in 2008

PostRe: XNA Community Games - Kodu Launches This Month
by qupe » Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:27 pm

quite a few games have had price cuts too.

Pegzo - 200 pts
Biology Battle 400 pts
Artoon - 200 pts
Slam - 400 pts

oh and give Pocoro a go too =)


PostRe: XNA Community Games - Kodu Launches This Month
by Raze » Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:29 pm

Pocoro's been removed hasn't it? There was a glitch that saved your progress in the trial game. I've been wanting to buy it for aaaages.

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