Deadly Premonition - fantastic sandwiches

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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by Lotus » Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:03 pm

Is this called 'Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods' on the box?

Having no idea what the game is, I looked it up on Wikipedia and saw this:

...holds the Guinness World Record of "Most Critically Polarizing Survival Horror Game

:lol: :fp:

That can't be a real 'record', surely. :dread:

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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by rudderless » Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:58 pm

It's genuine, in that it featured in the book, and I imagine SWERY has a certificate for it.

[iup=3595962]KB[/iup] wrote:People like Glen Whelan have a proper face!
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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by Lotus » Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:02 pm

God help us all.

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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by rudderless » Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:32 pm

Yep, a slightly silly record awarded to a video game is definitely a sign of the end times.

[iup=3595962]KB[/iup] wrote:People like Glen Whelan have a proper face!
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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by Lotus » Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:52 pm

Absolutely, glad you can see it too.

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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by rudderless » Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:03 pm

Look, there are only so many records you can have in a book like that without it being just a list of high scores and whatnot. You could have a book like that but it would be incredibly dry. So instead it presents a bunch of interesting facts as 'records', of a form. It's just a bit of fun. Why anyone would get so upset over it (not least when it's already been discussed less than a page earlier in this very thread) is beyond me.

[iup=3595962]KB[/iup] wrote:People like Glen Whelan have a proper face!
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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by Trelliz » Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:45 am

PC release confirmed:

It’s finally happening – the award-winning cult sensation Deadly Premonition is coming to PC in an enhanced Director’s Cut package!

Playing as special agent Francis York Morgan (call him York – everyone else does), it’s your job to investigate the brutal murder of a young local beauty in the town of Greenvale. Amidst the backdrop of soaring mountains and a small American suburb, York must solve the mystery of the Red Seed Murders and stay alive in a place where supernatural creatures and a mysterious raincoat-clad, axe-wielding killer seek to end his investigation for good.

Part suspense-filled horror, part action-adventure game, Deadly Premonition offers an open-world experience packed with locals to meet and places to discover, as well as numerous side quests and mini-games that will help you solve the murders and uncover Greenvale’s deepest, darkest secrets.

Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut on PC includes new features over and above the original game, plus additional content not seen in the PS3 Director's Cut release:

A surprising new scenario from the game’s director, Hidetaka ‘Swery’ Suehiro
Enhanced HD graphics with new textures
Reworked control system allowing for an even better combat experience
Downloadable content to expand the mystery beyond the original game
New bonus DLC exclusive to the PC version!

Up on Steam Greenlight now.


Got this on 360, not sure whether to play it or wait for the PC version - the jankiness of it is part of the charm.

jawa2 wrote:Tl;dr Trelliz isn't a miserable git; he's right.
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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by jawafour » Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:22 pm

New bits, enhanced graphics, re-worked controls and additional DLC were all in the PS3 Director's Cut. If this were any other game I'd gripe about yet more tweaking... but this is Deadly Premonition, one of my favourite games of 2010 and 2013. The sandwich is really good.

(Thread title still "Deadly Premonitions" :))

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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by Squinty » Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:36 pm

So says Mr Jawafour.

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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by jawafour » Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:06 pm

SquintyMcSquint wrote:So says Mr Jawafour.


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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by Seven » Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:27 pm



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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by Squinty » Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:43 pm

For anyone who missed it, free soundtrack for the game

Life is Beautiful :wub:

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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by Trelliz » Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:39 am

Finally started playing this the other day, and it really is something special. Might have to have a guide for all the sidequests handy as I probably wouldn't find them all just from wandering about - especially the convoluted ones that rely on particular conditions and as they give more background/information about the town's inhabitants. I like that you can go back to previous chapters to get sidequests you may have missed, and that you can just go off and do what you like and come back the next day at the right time etc.

jawa2 wrote:Tl;dr Trelliz isn't a miserable git; he's right.
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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by jawafour » Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:53 am

It's rubbish and brilliant; it's hard to recommend as most folk will gasp at the atrocious aspects... but there are some terrific moments unique to the game.

I must get back into this, if only to drive around a bit whilst catching up on York's view of 80s movies.

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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by Trelliz » Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:04 am

jawafour wrote:It's rubbish and brilliant; it's hard to recommend as most folk will gasp at the atrocious aspects... but there are some terrific moments unique to the game.

I must get back into this, if only to drive around a bit whilst catching up on York's view of 80s movies.

Indeed - the environments are angular and empty and look like a bad PS2 game, the on-foot and vehicle controls are atrocious, the soundtrack is often completely out of place and often louder than the dialogue, but it has nailed the Twin Peaks vibe absolutely, being both strangely cool and disturbing at the same time. I've played games that have looked and played far better than this that have totally failed to interest me at all, whereas this has grabbed me completely. I've just gone inside the lumber mill, so after this chapter I might go and have a look for some sidequests, having done some spoiler-free reading about them you can get car upgrades and some tasty weapons, as well as the instant-travel radio, so might go hunting for them to make getting about/shooting the freaky backward zombies easier.

I'm probably going to buy the PC version when it comes out anyway, love this game so much :wub:

Oh, and playing on Easy as it only affects the difficulty of the combat, which is pretty janky so don't want to sour the experience by getting pissed off due to high enemy health and dire controls.

jawa2 wrote:Tl;dr Trelliz isn't a miserable git; he's right.
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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by Trelliz » Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:01 am

Its raining this morning IRL, and when I woke up and heard it I thought "great, all the shops will be closed." :shifty:

jawa2 wrote:Tl;dr Trelliz isn't a miserable git; he's right.
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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by jawafour » Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:26 am

Deadly Premonition Gold Edition [PS3] has quietly slipped into the PlayStation Store. It's £19.99 and contains the Director's Cut and "all DLC".

It's a bit of a kick in the face for those of us who paid thirty quid in May to pre-order a digital copy of the Director's Cut and then had a two-week delay whilst the game was available on shop shelves. More so as I have since bought all of the DLC... including Emily's Friday Night Outfit :oops: :fp: .

But, hey, the game remains a diamond so I'll stop griping. Deadly Premonition :wub: .

Oh, and Trelliz... that's brilliant!

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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by GrinWithoutaKat » Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:17 am

I'm thinking of picking this up. I looked at it before, but read the Eurogamer review that starts along the lines of 'it's like one of those movies that's so bad it's good', and sort of just dismissed it. However, seeing just how many people included it in their favourite games on that 3x3 mosaic thread, I'm feeling confused. Is it a really good game, or is it just one so bad you have to experience it? Even reading this thread I'm no closer to knowing :lol:

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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by jawafour » Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:31 am

It's very clunky and quirky to play. The controls are like Resident Evil in the PS1 years; there's some tough QTEs that jar with the styling; and the shooting sections can be frustrating. On a technical level it's from the 90s.

It really isn't going to be appreciated by many gamers and I can understand why; perhaps they're right. But this has to be considered against its wonderful setup of strangely intriguing characters and entertainingly crazy dialogue.

I'd suggest viewing the "Deadly Premonition Sinner's Sandwich" video on YouTube. If you love it and laughed at it, try the game. If you think it's wasted three minutes of your life, save your twenty quid.

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PostRe: Deadly Premonitions - Previously known as Rainy Woods
by Trelliz » Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:35 am

GrinWithoutaKat wrote:I'm thinking of picking this up. I looked at it before, but read the Eurogamer review that starts along the lines of 'it's like one of those movies that's so bad it's good', and sort of just dismissed it. However, seeing just how many people included it in their favourite games on that 3x3 mosaic thread, I'm feeling confused. Is it a really good game, or is it just one so bad you have to experience it? Even reading this thread I'm no closer to knowing :lol:

Being familiar with Twin Peaks will definitely help, this game is a total homage to that series in almost every way. Much like its source material, it is beguiling and confusing. Much like the series which it is using as a template, it is quirky, surreal, funny, as well as being very unsettling and disturbing. I'll use some choice quotes from Destructoid's 10/10 review:

The strange thing with Deadly Premonition is that everything it does is kind of bad, and there's no getting around that. The story is thoroughly crazy and doesn't make any sense. The acting is poor. The music is often too loud. The graphics are far below average. Yet, Deadly Premonition is the very first game I've seen that has been able to pull off that unique "so bad it's good" flavor. The fact that this game is so below standards actually works superbly. Usually a bad game struggles to maintain this ideal thanks to frustratingly awful gameplay, but since the combat is actually serviceable, this particular title can get away with being absolutely terrible in a completely hilarious way. It stumbles, psychotically, from one unbelievable scene to the next, managing to be shockingly tasteless, flagrantly stupid, and subtly self-aware at all times.

From start to finish, this game consistently delights with its refreshingly offbeat sense of humor and its almost deliberately awful cutscenes. The fantastically cheesy soundtrack and the horrible B-movie quality acting only helps to seal the deal. Deadly Premonition is a masterpiece of atrocious, a veritable triumph of terrible. It takes everything we've come to accept as bad in videogames and somehow makes it work in the most ironic of senses. If the game was of high quality in any one area, it might run the risk of making the other sections look bad. However, the balance of rubbish is so well-maintained that it can only charm and endear itself to any player with a heart and a capacity for inappropriate laughter.

Deadly Premonition is beautiful. No, not graphically. Graphically it's atrocious. It's a beautiful trainwreck, and it's well aware of the fact. Despite this game being quite like everything ever made, there's nothing quite like the game itself. There is absolutely nothing in this industry that can compare to how weird and wonderful the whole experience is. Judged as a piece of entertainment, as a game that consistently surprises and amazes and leaves jaws hanging, I have no choice but to say that Deadly Premonition goes above and beyond. This game is so bad, it's not just become good. It's pretty close to perfect.

I'm only about 1/4 through (I think) and it's already up there on my list of all-time favourite games - don't you agree, Zach?

jawa2 wrote:Tl;dr Trelliz isn't a miserable git; he's right.

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