Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - The Final Achievements revealed etc (p37)

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PostGears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - The Final Achievements revealed etc (p37)
by Monkey Man » Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:15 pm


RELEASE DATE: 11th October 2016 or 7th October for Ultimate Edition
FORMAT: Xbox One & Win 10 (Cross buy/play)
DEVELOPER: The Coalition with additional work from Splash Damage
PUBLISHER: Microsoft Game Studios
GENRE: Third Person Shooter
XBOX LIVE: ... 349a57e215
ONLINE MULTIPLAYER: 5 v 5 (Everything is Cross Play except MP Matchmaking)
ONLINE CO-OP: 2 (Campaign) - 5 (Horde)
£19.99 on Amazon - ... B00ZFNLHTU

A new saga begins for one of the most acclaimed video game franchises in history. After narrowly escaping an attack on their village, JD Fenix and his friends, Kait and Del, must rescue the ones they love and discover the source of a monstrous new enemy.

Grcade Team

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Reviews - Metacritic -

IGN - 9.2 (Non-Final)

Because of that heavy reliance on multiplayer, I’m waiting until Gears of War 4 has launched to the public so I can play with all of you to test and make sure it works as well after launch as it did before. But if I had to score it now, I’d give it a 9.2, which we define as “amazing. ... r-4-review

Gamespot - 7

That serves as a microcosm for the entirety of Gears of War 4. This is a shooter teetering on the edge of something greater, but despite the improvements it makes to the storied franchise, its missteps hold it back. There is inspiration here, and creativity in the way Gears of War 4 rethinks its multiplayer modes. But the lackluster campaign and technical issues are blights on an otherwise exhilarating shooter. The result is a whole that doesn't reflect the quality of its often stellar parts. ... 0-6416538/

Polygon - 9


When I was finished with Gears of War 4’s campaign, I remember wondering why it didn’t do more. The next morning, I was playing the game again, not out of obligation, but because I wanted to. Taken all together, Gears of War 4 doesn’t completely reinvent the genre, and it’s not always "bigger." But it’s a remarkably consistent, complete package with the kind of refinement and focus few other games can manage, providing excellent solo, cooperative, and competitive options that rank it as one of the best action games of 2016. ... windows-10

Gameinformer - 9.25

Even with a new studio leading the development charge, Gears of War 4 is a return to form for the series, and is continual delight, even if it does unnecessarily cling for dear life to the past. ... ign=buffer

Destructoid - 8

The nature of Gears of War 4 is that we won't know its legacy until there are more games in the canon. That's frustrating now but it'll hopefully be exciting later. This was a fine first showing but it'd be nice to see The Coalition carve its own identity for Gears of War. Using Epic's foundation is understandable and expected, but it often feels like a crutch. Marcus' boy had grown up just like him. ... 0001.phtml

US Gamer - 4 out of 5

The Gears of War series returns in fine form. The well-scripted and fantastic-looking campaign ends rather abruptly, but while it lasts, it's an exciting thrill ride of intense firefights and over-the-top set pieces. It can feel a little repetitive and relentless at times, but overall it's a lot of fun. The game's six-mode multiplayer PvP feels refined and well designed, and offers plenty of long-term potential, while Horde 3.0 is ideal for those who want to join friends in a long, and very challenging firefight. ... one-review

GamesRadar - 4 out of 5

Gears of War 4 is a focused, confident exercise in how to relaunch a franchise. As effective as a direct sequel as it is a soft-reboot, it’s a game crafted of thought, wisdom, and objective calculation blended with a real passion for finding the fun. It may err slightly on the safe side in its campaign, but it does so understandably, in order to strip the series back to what matters, and re-evolve it with a carefully considered outlook. A great game in its own right, the potential it implies as a launch pad for the next phase of Gears of War is just downright exciting.

Press Start AU - 9

Gears of War 4 represents the next level of classic Gears of War gameplay. All of the hallmarks are there – you’ve got an epic battle against an unknown threat, some absolutely gruesome weapons and a combat game entirely designed around moving in and out of cover. But what Gears of War 4 gets entirely right is moving this gameplay in a different direction – cover is no longer a lazy crutch – and the way that Gears of War 4 is designed is in a way that keeps players moving from cover to cover. New and almost gravity-defying weapons, more aggressive enemy intelligence and dynamic environments in windflares and constantly shifting cover spots keeps Gears of War 4’s classic combat fast and fresh.

Although there are perhaps a few things that Gears of War 4 does that’s narratively almost too safe. For starters, it’s clearly setting up a new trilogy of events with the advent of the Swarm enemy, but in the process it perhaps steps a little bit too close to the original game’s storyline. There’s no discernible villain figure, everything is really just being set up and the cliffhanger ending is going to leave everyone wanting more. But these are all minor issues in an otherwise very exhaustive and complete package and a truly worthy successor to Gears of War 3. ... s-waiting/

EGM - 9

Gears of War 4 looked at the series’ core formula and figured that if it wasn’t broken, don’t fix it. Most of the additions The Coalition put onto that core simply helped enhance and refine something that was already great. A couple of missteps were made, but this is still a great overall entry in the franchise. ... -4-review/

Metro Gamecentral - 8

Rather than a reboot, Gears Of War 4 is more of a restatement of what has gone before. An attempt to bring everyone up to speed and prove that the original gameplay and plotlines deserve to continue. In that the sense the game is a success, but it looks like it’ll be Gears Of War 5 before we see anything genuinely new. So for now, genuinely good will have to do instead. ... e-6174371/

God Is A Geek - 9.5

That’s what Gears of War 4 is all about: bombast, spectacle, explosions, blood, guts and carnage; not so much strumming on your heartstrings as stomping up and down on them. It might not be agile, but it’s pretty, it’s clever, it’s honest, and it’s a ton of fun. ... -4-review/

Attack of the Fanboy - 4.5 out of 5

Gears of War 4 is exactly what you've come to expect a Gears of War game to be over the years -- an impressive visual showcase in the campaign, with the accompanying competitive and cooperative modes to keep you busy long after the credits roll. Its good to finally see a new Gears of War game on the Xbox One. The wait has been long for Gears of War 4, and now we've seen that the wait has been worth it. ... -4-review/

AR12 Gaming - 9

Incredible: Gears of War 4 is one of the best shooters out there, with an exhilarating campaign, the most competitive and social Versus Multiplayer so far, and a cooperative Horde experience that puts the player back in control with emergent gameplay. With a fantastic PC version with several settings to change and tweak to your liking, along with Xbox Play Anywhere features, Gears of War 4 remains a great experience, regardless of the platform you play it on. Additionally, the new enemies and bosses allow for some tense moments, while the narrative is dark and gripping. Gears of War 4 is tense, mysterious, heavy, brutal, and intimate all-round, and The Coalition has delivered an experience that lives up to the famed legacy of Marcus Fenix.

Cogconnected - 96%

Gears of War 4 doesn’t reinvent the formula but it definitely brings enough improvements without changing the core feel of Gears. With stellar production values, incredible action, series’ best multiplayer, engaging new characters, and an introductory story that should satisfy new players and returning fans alike, Gears of War 4 may just be your new favorite Gears game. It’s certainly mine.

CGM - 9.5

As a big Gears of War fan, I can honestly say this is the best entry in the series. While the campaign isn't my favourite it still has a lot of character, the graphics are unmatched, the new Horde mode is fantastic, and it is all around one heck of a good time. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going back to curb-stomping locust scum as ‘modern day Fred Durst look-a-like’ Marcus Fenix. ... ne-review/

Videogamer - Campaign review, no score

A superbly entertaining and gorgeous joyride ... r-4-review

Horde 3.0 Guide -


Prepare for battle: If you’re used to the old Horde modes you may be tempted to hurtle through the menus and lobby as quickly as possible to get started, but there are a few extra steps in Horde 3.0. First pick the class that best suits your play style (bottom left option in the lobby screen); next assign a skill in the one skill slot you have unlocked to start (bottom middle of the screen); lastly choose a bounty (bottom right) to help you level up.

There are five classes: engineer, heavy, scout, sniper, and soldier. Experiment at first to discover which you like (we’ll go in-depth on them in the next section) but it’s advisable to ultimately pick one and stick with it for a while, because leveling them up — crucial to be able to equip more skills — is excruciatingly slow. Probably best to have at least 1 Scout & Engineer on each team.

Place your fabricator wisely: Horde 3.0 revolves around the fabricator, where you build defenses, purchase new guns and revive teammates. Place it carefully on each map in a spot that’s both defensible and escapable. Your defenses are invaluable in many situations, but don’t expect your fortifications to hold through the toughest waves (especially boss waves). You want long sight-lines and lots of cover, but also multiple approaches so you can bail if your team becomes overwhelmed.

Let your scout pick up the power: Scouts gets at least double the credits of any other class. Power has nothing to do with the points you earn personally, outside of maybe getting a little ribbon at the end of a round.

Leave one enemy alive: All pickups, such as energy for your fabricator, ammo, and weapons, disappear at the start of each new round. As the waves intensify, you and your teammates will often find yourselves scrambling to pick up these valuable resources during the 30 seconds in between waves. Rather than running around and getting caught off-guard, keep one weak enemy alive near the end of a round so you can scavenge without a time limit.

Don’t always revive teammates: If your teammates are knocked down, always try to pick them up. If they’re killed outright you can bring them back to life by picking up their COG tags from where they fell and bringing them back to the fabricator. Bringing teammates back from the dead can be costly, though, and energy is precious. If a wave is almost over consider toughing it out without them.

Mark your enemies: Click the left thumbstick while pointing at enemies to mark them for teammates to see. This can help to point out strong enemies on the field, plus give players using the “heavy” class a damage bonus against them if they have the right skill equipped. Scouts can mark multiple enemies at a time (again, with the corresponding skill on). You can also mark weapons that are on the ground.

Save the big guns for the boss: In “Horde 3.0,” every tenth wave is a boss fight. Use weapon lockers (crafted using the fabricator) to store and recharge ammo for heavy weapons like the mulcher and tri-shot, and pull them out on boss waves. It’s OK to use them other times too, as the normal enemy waves get pretty intense — just make sure you have power weapons (and turrets) ready for every tenth wave.

Modifiers make it harder: After every boss wave a new modifier is added — first enemies get double health, then they become twice as accurate, then the damage each player takes gets doubled. Keep that in mind as you progress.

Use turrets: We have a whole section on building defenses later on, but there’s one essential thing about them that it couldn’t wait. Stationary turrets — the manned ones, not the auto sentries — will save your butts on higher waves. Make two or three and arrange them so they can see enemies coming from a mile away and cover one another’s flanks, but won’t all be destroyed by one unfortunate explosion.

Revive your teammates: When you see someone go down, make a beeline to revive them unless they're prohibitively surrounded by enemies, that's just good manners. If you don't reach them in time, you can still grab their tags and bring them to the Fabricator to respawn them. Be aware that this does cost your team some Power, however, so if you're near the end of a wave and you think those still alive should have no problem closing it out, just hold off, the dead ally will return next wave at no penalty. And don't take it too personally if that happens to you, sometimes it's the right move.

Play with friends: Lastly and most importantly, play Horde 3.0 with friends. Succeeding, especially on higher difficulties, requires communication and teamwork that can’t generally be accomplished by five strangers without mics. If you don’t have friends, make some. Find a community online or even hop into matchmaking and invite whoever you get matched with to a chat party. If they don’t join, quit and try again! It’s that important.

CLASSES (General Guide/Possible 2 best starting Skill Cards/Youtube Guide)

There are five classes in Gears of War 4’s “Horde 3.0.” Though none of them stray too far from Gears’ core running and gunning — there’s no medic, for example — each has its own strengths. There are definite advantages to planning your team makeup carefully, and you’ll want to consider each class’s fortes before diving in.

Soldier: The soldier is the class for players who don’t really want to deal with the class system. It’s the one that lets you play basically how you’d play if there was no class system — using whatever weapons you want, basically not changing your behavior at all. The soldier’s skills include things like extra ammo capacity, extra damage for grenades and assault rifles (like the lancer and hammerburst), and extra damage protection while in cover.

Assault Rifle Damage - +10% Lancer/Retro/Hammerburst damage, with an additional 10% per skill level
These guns are the workhorse weapons and have high fire rates, a 110%+ damage output adds up to a lot of extra damage.
Active Reload Boost - +20% Active Reload bonus, additional 20% per skill level
This applies to all weapons. Pretty huge if you're reliable with active reloads, especially stacked with the above skill. Make sure you empty the clip for maximum effect.

Sniper: The sniper is self-explanatory: if you like popping heads with the embar and longshot, the sniper is for you. Snipers can get extra headshot damage, extra ammo for precision rifles, and the ability to mark more enemies at a time, plus the ability to make enemies explode with headshots (at least for lucky players who get that rare skill card; more on that later).

Headshot Damage - +20 damage from headshots, additional 20% per skill level
You gonna be a sniper, you better be good at headshots. You should clean up with this skill.
Explosive Headshots - 75% explosion damage to nearby enemies when one is killed by headshot, additional 75% per skill level
Stack with the previous skill and it's gonna be pretty devastating. Keep in mind that the cards for this skill are very rare, though, so it's going to be very slow going to level it up, or even obtain it in the first place.

Engineer: Although any team member can craft fortifications at the fabricator, your team should rely on the engineer to do so most of the time. This class gets discounts when building and can create stronger defenses, with better health and higher rates of fire for turrets. The engineer also spawns with an essential tool: a repair gun that can heal barriers and turrets, and replenish turrets’ ammo. Other players can buy the repair gun from the fabricator, but it’s expensive and that energy is best spent elsewhere, with repairs left to the engineer.

Repair Boost - 20% cheaper and faster defense healing with the Repair tool, additional 20% per skill level
As Engineer, job #1 is maintaining the health and ammo of your teams's defenses, you're the only one that can. Being able to do it cheaper and quicker is a no-brainer.
Turret Health - 20% additional health for manned turrets, additional 20% per level
Manned turrets are god-tier defenses, and they're really expensive to replace if they get destroyed. Make sure they can withstand a beating.

Heavy: The heavy is an expert in heavy weapons, including boomshots, mulchers and everything else that makes a big explosion or chews through Swarm flesh like bloody popcorn. This class gets better damage and reload speed on these weapons, plus special abilities like a mortar strike — if you’re lucky enough to get the rare skill card.

Marked Damage - 10% bonus damage on marked targets, additional 10% per level
A damage boost for any weapon so long as the target is marked. Another no-brainer and stacks well with the Heavy's more weapon-specific skills.
Turret Damage - 10% bonus damage from the manned turret, additional 10% per level
It's hard to pick between the various weapon bonuses the Heavy can get, but I feel the turret one pays the most dividends assuming the team can maintain turrets well. Their damage output is already insane and they can pick enemies off from long distance much more effectively than the other power weapons.

Scout: The scout is the trickiest class to play, but also one of the most essential, particularly for teams who plan to tackle all 50 waves on higher difficulties. The scout gets a bonus when depositing energy from fallen foes into the fabricator, which means this player spends most of their time running around behind enemy lines picking up energy and trying not to get killed. To help they get more health and faster movement, plus the abilities to regain health from shotgun and melee hits and see enemies through walls.

Deposit Bonus - 10% additional power when depositing at the Fabricator, additional 10% per level
Equip this skill and tell everyone else to kindly f*** off from gathering power, and your team's war chest will be so much better for it.
Shotgun Damage - 20% bonus damage with the Gnasher and Overkill, additional 20% per level
What is best in Gears? To shotty your enemies and hear the lamentations of their gibs. Now you can do that even faster and more effectively! Really devastating with the Overkill's rapid fire. (Probably better to use the Health Boost skill if you're playing Hardcore or Insane, though, as getting close to enemies is a big liability there.)


Defenses are the other new addition to Horde 3.0, and learning their ins and outs is essential to success. Some types are more useful than others, but several different options will come into play during almost any Horde round. Be careful, though, because enemies will target and destroy your defenses if you let them.

Each fortification comes in multiple strengths, depending on the level of your fabricator, which levels up as you buy things from it. A barrier purchased from a level 3 fabricator, for example, becomes a level 3 barrier — it costs more, but is much stronger. Also, once your fabricator levels up you can pick up older fortifications around the map and upgrade them for a cost.

Barrier: Barriers slow enemies that walk over them and slowly take damage as your foes struggle to free themselves. Weaker enemies will often die outright when caught on a barrier. Barriers are useful when placed in choke points, but they’re easily destroyed as well.

Decoy: Decoys distract enemies and can take some of the heat off you and your teammates during waves where the sheer number of opponents can be overwhelming. They’re best placed near more valuable fortifications, like turrets and weapon lockers, to keep enemies from destroying your other defenses, or inside kill lanes where you’ve set up turrets to chew threw foes.

Machine gun sentry: Machine gun sentries are automatic turrets that detect and shoot at enemies within a certain radius in front of them. They’re great for watching stairs and choke points, particularly when paired with a barrier.

Shock sentry: Shock sentries have a more narrow field of view than machine gun turret and they slow enemies instead of damaging them.

Turret: Unlike sentries, turrets must be manned — a player takes the reigns and aims, holds the trigger down, and unleashes hellfire on every enemy in sight. Turrets are probably the single most valuable fortification you can build, as they absolutely shred most enemies. They’re easily overtaken since they’re stationary, but with the right defensive arrays they’re essential. They are often what will keep your team going through wave 50.

Weapon locker: Weapon lockers are also highly valuable. Weapons you store in them automatically and freely regenerate ammunition — so you grab a power weapon off the field, use almost all its ammo, then stick it in a locker for a round. That way you get a constantly rotating arsenal of heavy weapons. Upgrading the lockers even lets you store more than one weapon on each.


Surprisingly, the Gears of War 4‘s new microtransaction system may be the most complex, intimidating new aspect of Horde mode. It’s actually simpler than it seems, though, and can be less intrusive — as long as you don’t mind advancing a little more slowly than those who cough up cash. No doubt this will prove a contentious point, but there are ways to navigate the card system one way or the other.

You can spend either real money or credits earned in-game on booster packs that contain a random assortment of cards. They’re pretty cheap, and the credits earned in-game seem to arrive at a steady clip, at least for the first several hours of playing. Once you have cards you can equip them, use duplicates to upgrade them, or dismantle them to earn “scrap,” which you can then use to craft specific cards.

These packs are divided by mode. For now we’ll talk about just the Horde booster pack cards, which contain both bounty and skill cards.

Skill cards: These cards allow you to equip class-specific abilities that provide your class’ unique strengths. A soldier, for example, can use “assault rifle damage” and “cover boost” (extra armor while in cover) cards. As we mentioned before, the Heavy can equip a card that makes them do more damage against marked enemies.

You have to pick and choose which to equip, especially early on when your skill card slots are limited. The classes don’t have these abilities naturally, but gain them when you equip the corresponding card, so picking the right ones is just as important as picking the class itself.

Bounty cards: These cards give you experience or credits for completing certain tasks, like beating wave 20 on hardcore difficulty or getting 100 kills with assault rifles. You equip them before the game starts, in the bottom right corner card slot. Pretty self-explanatory, and essential for leveling up, which, again, is a shockingly slow process.

Often after a lengthy Horde session you’ll head back to the menu and see you’ve earned enough credit to grab a new card pack, which is just icing at that point. Otherwise, if you have lots of cash and nothing better to spend it on, just buy as many as you want. You’ll get the bounties to level up your classes more quickly (which you’ll be very happy about) and the skills to beat wave 50, which even on normal difficulty is a serious challenge.

Here’s the best advice for “Horde 3.0:” keep trying. Even through failing you learn and improve, both in your skills as a player and within the class you’re playing as. Maybe unlocking a new skill slot for your heavy and getting a few more points of damage with turrets is all you need to win, or maybe you just need to stay up all night banging your collective heads against waves 48, 49 and 50 just to say you did it.
Either way, have fun. ... e-guide/2/ &

Interview with Rod Fergusson - ... -cover-art





Last edited by Monkey Man on Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:08 pm, edited 79 times in total.
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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Holiday 2016
by Venom » Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:17 pm

This is a UK thread. Please could you say 'Christmas 2016?!'

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Monkey Man
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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016
by Monkey Man » Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:20 pm

Surprised we got a gameplay demo this early, was expecting a CGI trailer. Was a bit too dark but still looked great.

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016
by HSH28 » Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:23 pm

I thought it looked graphically immense. Same old Gears gameplay, but there's nothing terrible about that.

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016
by Glowy69 » Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:40 pm

I missed it. Was fenix in it?

Fabian Delph is a banana split.

Drumstick wrote:I'll go on record in stating that Villa won't finish inside the top 6 this season.

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016
by Minto » Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:41 pm

glowy69 wrote:I missed it. Was fenix in it?

Nope. Some generic faced strawberry float.

PSN: MintKorp - NNID: Mintoisking
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Monkey Man
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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016
by Monkey Man » Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:42 pm

glowy69 wrote:I missed it. Was fenix in it?


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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016
by Glowy69 » Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:44 pm

Minto wrote:
glowy69 wrote:I missed it. Was fenix in it?

Nope. Some generic faced strawberry float.

:x strawberry float it.

I'll be getting the trilogy anyway. More horde :datass:

Fabian Delph is a banana split.

Drumstick wrote:I'll go on record in stating that Villa won't finish inside the top 6 this season.

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Harry Bizzle
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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016
by Harry Bizzle » Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:50 am

No idea how they managed to muck this up. That character design is so bland.

Everything about it was bland, actually. I was waiting to see what a next gen Gears would be like and they just showed crap - the video didn't speak for itself and they didn't give it any context by explaining any of it.

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016
by Photek » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:18 am

Presentation of this was indeed poor, it was a last minute build I bet shoe-horned in at last minute.

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016
by HSH28 » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:23 am

I can't be the only one that thought it looked brilliant surely?

For me this was as good a showing as Uncharted 4 at the end of the Sony conference, I'd put them on an equal footing in terms of graphics and quality of the gameplay shown.

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016
by Monkey Man » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:28 am

I've added a slightly better vid to the op. I agree it wasn't the best of presentations but I wasn't bothered as was expecting a CGI trailer plus it's 18 months from release so got at least another demo next E3. Graphically looked very good.

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Harry Bizzle
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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016
by Harry Bizzle » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:30 am

Unless I missed something the gameplay was mostly walking around and then being jumped on at the end.

Uncharted didn't do much for me but they showed far more combat and a huge vehicle section.

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Codename 47
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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016, E3 Gameplay video
by Codename 47 » Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:54 pm

I thought this looked pretty good graphically and on one hand i like the return to the horror style but i'm not sure whether it's been too overdone from what they showed. Marcus Fenix isn't the most in depth character but at the moment i'm not really liking this guy from what we saw of him. I was hoping Fenix would come out and help them right at the end when those monsters were attacking.

I know it's very early days for the game but I was a little disappointed with what I saw.

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016, E3 Gameplay video
by Minto » Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:02 pm

I'd rather they waited till next years E3 and went all out with this, it could have been epic.

I mean we all knew it was being worked on but what they showed yesterday was very underwhelming.

PSN: MintKorp - NNID: Mintoisking
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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016, E3 Gameplay video
by Monkey Man » Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:23 pm

Polygon Gears story includes some Gears 4 stuff -


While Gears of War: Ultimate Edition is about to go gold, the studio has already shifted the majority of its staff to the next thing, located on another floor, the place where even family isn't allowed to go. While the newly-christened Coalition announced and debuted Gears of War 4 at E3, showing several minutes of gameplay footage on stage at Microsoft's press conference, Fergusson and the rest of the team are hesitant to say much more about the game.

Over the course of more than four hours of interviews, however, some things are clear.

First, there was no planned sequel ahead of Gears of War 3 at Epic, no timeline of the future after Marcus Fenix ends the Locust threat for good. "The reality of the trilogy is that it was created incrementally," Fergusson says. "In Gears of War we didn’t know Marcus was going to stab the [Locust] Queen. We very much went with, 'OK, we’re making a game — here’s Gears of War, that was good. Now what’s Gears 2? Now where are we taking it?' We didn’t have a clear roadmap, a trilogy bible, any idea of what Marcus’s story would be from beginning to end, until we were developing Gears of War 3. That stuff wasn’t locked down."

But there had been some discussion about what a sequel could look like.

"There was a bunch of stuff I brought with me from the thinking we’d done about what Gears 4 would be at Epic," Fergusson says. "I took that as a seed and began developing a whole new idea of what Gears 4 is, what the universe would be beyond what we were doing."

Fergusson suggests that Epic's over-ambition with Gears of War 3 makes Gears of War 4 a somewhat simpler proposition, in part because there's not a sense that there won't be any more chances. "When we were doing Gears 3, we over-scoped it," he says. "We felt like it was going to be the last one we’d ever do, like it was our opus, so we put too much stuff into it because we felt like we were never going to make another one. It better have it all. We don’t have this pressure with 4. We know that if things go well, there will be others. We can be more rational around [what fits] and save some of it for the future."

When asked if there was a desire to reconcile the external fiction around Gears of War in order to set the groundwork for Gears of War 4, Fergusson demurs. "A little bit," he says. "The reality of Gears 4 makes it a bit easier on us in some respects." This raises questions — does Gears of War 4 take place so far away chronologically or geographically from the original trilogy that history is less of a problem? For now, The Coalition isn't talking.

In conversation, it sounds like the move to 60 frames per second for Ultimate Edition's multiplayer is driving some conversations at the studio about the future of the series. "Part of it is how we’re determined to make those decisions around what we’re going to push for Gears 4," Fergusson says. "It’s something we can talk about in time. There’s a lot of sins hidden in 30, which is good and bad. When you look from 1 to 3 to Judgment, what you see is a focus on responsiveness and the notion of, hey, maybe that footfall doesn’t have to be so precise, because we want faster movement. Or weapon swapping can be a lot faster if you pull out a bunch of animation frames. It maybe looks more clunky, but it happens really fast and feels better."

Fergusson sounds cautious about the kind of arms race that thinking can breed, and how you can't really go back. "That’s part of what 60 forces," he says. "But I hear about this from the Call of Duty guys. The 60Hz culture changes how you work. You check something in and now you’re below 60, you have to pull it back and figure out what’s wrong. That idea of getting to a bar and holding and putting that pressure on getting the visuals as high as you can, but not breaking that bar. Because once you break it ... all the fallbacks are pretty ugly, except to go immediately back to 30, and that’s a huge drop."

Meanwhile, some of the work the studio did as Black Tusk on its original project plays its own part in where Gears of War 4 is going. "From a tools and technology pipeline standpoint, a lot of the stuff we were doing before rolled straight into Gears 4," Rayner says. Crump explains that their earlier work served as a learning experience that's carried over directly to their future projects.

Even before Gears of War: Ultimate Edition started development, Black Tusk — now The Coalition — had built a technical foundation to take the series forward. To create a home for Gears of War worthy of the series.

"That code exists; those features exist," Fergusson says. "Some of it we looked at. Some of it we are leveraging. Some of it we said, hey, we could leverage this in the future, but where they were may not be where we are from a storage perspective from Gears 4.

"That was the nice thing about knowing that, with Microsoft’s investment in the franchise, we’re probably not just going to get one crack at this." Babykayak ... r-part-two

Concept art of JD & Kait -


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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - out Fall 2016, E3 Gameplay video
by KjGarly » Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:04 pm

Looks good, but on par with Uncharted 4? Lolwut.

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - MP Beta in Spring/Launch late 2016
by Monkey Man » Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:05 pm


In Early 2014, Microsoft acquired the rights to the Gears of War franchise from creator Epic Games and gave the property to a relatively untested studio now called The Coalition. Thankfully, The Coalition is being guided by the capable hands of veteran Gears developer Rod Fergusson, who was a driving force on the first three Gears of War games. Aside from a tease at last year’s E3, we know relatively little about this new Gears of War, so we traveled to The Coalition’s office in Vancouver, British Columbia to learn more about the history of the studio, to discover what happened to the world of Sera after Gears of War 3, and to go hands-on with a few new weapons and cover mechanics.

In our 14-page cover story, you’ll learn how the team is aiming to stay true to what makes Gears of War tick. We speak with studio head Rod Fergusson and the rest of the team and discover how The Coalition is taking the franchise 25 years into the future, to a time when the world is wracked by massive windstorms that radically change the field of battle. The Coalition is a big fan of the first Gears of War, so we talk with the team about how it aims to bring the series back to its darker, horror-themed roots. Afterwards we break down the three new playable characters and confirm two-player couch co-op. Then we get hands-on time with Gear of War 4’s new close-cover melee system.

Gears of War 4 will be an Xbox One later this fall.

Info from the issue -

-2 player couch co-op (Online TBA)
-Set on Sera 25 years after Gears of War 3
-Imulsion weapon set off at the end of GOW3 killed off all fossil fuels
-Humanity has become an endangered species huddled in walled cities seeking shelter from devastating wind storms (as a result of the bomb & intense war aftermath)
-Called "windflares", sort of a melting of a hurrican and volcano
-4 categories of weather in the game: Start out as heavy breeze (trees, leaves, dust kicking up) and grow into violent category 3 windstorms that can affect combat and weapon usage
-Category 4 windstorms have you just trying to survive, super violent, dodging lightning strikes, etc
-Think of the wind when fighting: Putting the wind behind could help projectile travel, but fighting directly against the wind could throw bullets back at you
-Enemies also affected by the weather (which you could exploit and use strategically)
-"Outsider" camps outside of COG
-Heavy inspiration on the setting from Northern Italy (forests, forts, etc)
-Want to get back to the "intimacy" and "boogeyman" feeling of the original Gears
-Team settled on story that features 3 protagonists and stretches across a 24 hour span in game
-JD Fenix (main character) is Marcus Fenix's son
-JD: Joined the COG militia, classified incident forced him to AWOL
-Del: JD in the campaign, befriended him at boarding school (deep bond)
-Kait: Outsider, capable survivalist, shares Outsider perspective with JD/Del
-Story begins as their Outsider village is invaded by a mysterious new force; kidnapped
-The trio goes into the forest in search, wondering why only they were spared
-New enemy is called "The Swarm"
-After the war, too many Locust to bury so many were tossed into mass graves (our trio believe this new threat may be linked)
-First mission sets off with the trio in the forest, discovering giant cocoon-like pods, pale monstrous creatures erupt looking almost human
-These enemies are dubbed "Juvies" (harkening to their seemingly first evolutionary stage of a new enemy)
-Juvies can eventually evolve into "Drones" (homage to the trilogy), able to use weapons, seemingly the main enemy type
-Also experimenting with new enemies like the "Pouncer" (E3 demo)
-Pouncer switches tactics based on player (if you run out in the open, it shoots poisonous quills; stay in cover and it comes after you)
-New weapons like "construction based" tools repurposed for combat
-Wanted to revamp the cover system; can more easily mantle kick over any piece of cover & perform knife kills
-Can also perform a short distance shoulder charge, knocking enemies off balance
-Enemies can also pull players out of cover and perform their own takedowns
-Implementing dynamic cover (for example shooting enemy pods from ceilings in an otherwise open area)
-Big emphasis on multiplayer, saying original Gears development was 90% SP, 10% MP
-Want to meet needs of recreational players and esports players
-Acknowledges love for horde mode and promises fans won't be disappointed ... war-4.aspx


GameInformer Gears 4 hub -

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Monkey Man
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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - MP Beta in Spring/Launch late 2016
by Monkey Man » Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:10 pm


Exclusive Reveal: Meet The New Cast Of Gears Of War 4

Gears of War 4 is set almost 25 years after the events of Gears of War 3, which means that players will be introduced to a largely new cast. Thankfully, developer The Coalition has assembled a capable cast of voice actors whose resumes include an impressive list of video game and television work. Come meet the three new vocal leads for Gears of War 4.


JD Fenix
JD Fenix is the primary protagonist in Gears of War 4, and the son of legendary war hero Marcus Fenix. JD is an idealist who ran away from home at a young age to join the the COG militia only to go AWOL after a classified incident that players will learn more about during the game.

Played by: Liam McIntyre who is best known for his work as the male lead in the Starz series Spartacus. He also recently played the Weather Wizard on the The CW show The Flash.

McIntyre on JD: "It's kind of terrifying, because I get to be the lead in a new era of Gears, which is unbelievable, amazing, and exciting. I'm the legacy, because my dad is Marcus Fenix. JD's a soldier and a bit of a freedom fighter, and in his heart he's a bit of a renegade. He's different from Marcus, but he's still that heroic archetype.


Kait Diaz
Kait Diaz was born and raised outside of the walled city-states protecting most of humanity. Her parents were leaders of this group of Outsiders, but her father died tragically years ago. Kait isn't familiar with how the COG works, but she is a capable survivalist who forms a quick friendship with JD.

Played by: Laura Bailey, who is an accomplished voice actor, with roles as Kid Trunks in Dragon Ball Z, Spartan Olympia Vale in Halo 5: Guardians, and Jaina Proudmoore in World of Warcraft, among others.

Bailey on Kait: "What's interesting about her is that she grew up as an Outsider, so she's been away from this military environment that the boys grew up in. It's fun to do her dialogue because she approaches it from a different place. She has a less technical approach to everything she does because she's never experienced anything like this. She's a great entry point into this world, because she doesn't know everything about it either."


Delmont "Del" Walker
Delmont "Del" Walker is another ex-COG soldier. Del was an orphan who became friends with JD at boarding school. When JD ran off to join the Army, Del followed his lead. Unfortunately, Del was also involved with the classified incident that sent both of them running out into the wilds of Sera, seeking refuge among the Outsiders. Still, Del remains deeply loyal to JD.

Played by: Eugene Byrd, who recently played Marcus "Boomer" Boone in last year's shooter Battlefield Hardline. He also appears as a recurring cast member on television shows like Arrow and Bones.

Byrd on Del: "Del is cool. I had to play up the nuance because the friendship between him and JD meant a lot, so getting to know [Liam McIntyre] and actually becoming friends with him helped us play together. I think Del wasn't a clean slate, so I had to give him a bit of a backstory, but then we were able to evolve it. We're actually building it while we're doing it." ... ign=buffer

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 announced - MP Beta in Spring/Launch late 2016, GameInformer details out now
by Skippy » Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:22 pm

I am 100% up for a new Gears game. Dem gameplay mechanics :datass:

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