GRcade Illustrator Club

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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Christopher » Fri May 22, 2009 8:48 pm

I like those Sandford.

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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by SandyCoin » Fri May 22, 2009 10:50 pm

suzzopher wrote:I like those Sandford.

Thanks Christopher.

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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by smurphy » Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:10 pm

Brer :fp:

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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Exxy » Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:36 pm

Didn't know where else to post this. Just "finished" my first project in months, maybe first in this year I'm not sure. Simple design just to get used to it all again, tracing a photo I took of a coke can. It doesn't seem right though, any ideas as to what could improve it?


I know the shadow on the rim is off but I'm always shite at shadows, I have no imagination. There's a few other little problems, the 'O' in coke isn't right, the bottom left corner of it is wobbly. The shadow coming off the can is wrong as well. Still, it came off well enough for something that took about an hour total.

Edit: Just noticed the bottom of the can isn't a straight as it should be, crap.

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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Suffocate Peon » Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:56 am


FILTERRRSS!!!!!1111and the rest of it.

Keeping the thread alive!

Autechre have this track Recu...ahh forget it. Alien drawing 108.

You're literally the 11th person in the world to see this picture, possibly generative (no it strawberry floating is not actually), possibly filtered, possibly gooseberry fool, possibly your mum, definitely real! Congratulations earthling! If you like it you're in the strawberry floating minority! Again, congratulations earthling! I love you!

:( 3334 l4:( $ $44:44shock:44 :shifty: 3 &77:| :!: >>.:| :) 4+_-4 :idea: 55:lol: :shock: :o :shock: :wub:

good work everyone!

but keep it up!

hooray for keeping it up!

hooray for work!

hooray for goodness!

hooray yarooh!

vra vra vra vra!

The Last Samurai is my guilty pleasure, what's yours you knobhead? I don't mean that, but knobhead is funny. Oh god.

That's it not now isn't it, thread dead. Oh god, I didn't mean all that.

I have a motto; if you don't like my stuff I strawberry floating hate you. Like proper hate you. I'm not joking. It's for real. I'm dead serious. I could easily hit you with a shovel.

Oh God when will this post end. Hands! Hands, stopppppppp itttttttttt. Fingers! Fingers, cut ittttttt ooouuutttttt.

And I will write an essay on quite what causes one to become completely hysterical and sarcastic. Like, right now. I think it's being misunderstood, i think it's wanting to shake something really hard. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Still that is a strawberry floating great picture. nsare it's called. Oh god I'm so happy. With it, not everything else. Oh god. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Always at strawberry floating night. Oh god my stomach hurts. Is it all the laughing? Oh god this is really killing the thread. The shame, the shame. Of it..the shame of it. If I was a workmanlike crazey rather than a lazey crazey (yes I chose that word because it rhymes :roll: :roll: :roll: ) I would totally re-write all that backwards. You'd be so impressed. You'd think there's no end, and then wham, it retreats all the way back. But no, you're stuck with this these sentences explaining how that would be cool. But it's the thought that counts, and, I thought of it. So there we go.

I know what you're thinking, you're thinking yeah the picture is alright but it's really not worth all this nonsense as though that gives it more credence. Do you see me sitting on a throne, well, do you? All I have is this strawberry floating chair with the bolt that keep coming lose. Yeah, I think that's it. I'm gonna end on a mispelling of loose.

Basically I was just stalling because I had to re submit it. Ha!


No, really this time!

HAHhahashahhHWHnwbwbaahjhdk n, i doing it right


No no no, I'm not going till every strawberry floater agrees it's great. I could be confronted by a tiger, which honestly I expect happening at least once in my life, but I'll stand tall. I swear that sentence made sense before that last bit. Swear! I'm regretting not stopping on that mispelling of loose now. Damn.

yeah well that's the album finished now

oh an acoustic bit

jesus this is butchering the thread. gooseberry fool man. I'm eating its pelvis. Yuck, oh god, yum, spit, chew.

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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Cuttooth » Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:17 pm

I bet you're quite normal in person.

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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Dual » Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:40 pm

For the record, I don't like it :mrgreen:

I'm sure someone will though 8-)

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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Ironhide » Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:59 pm

reactant mob driven wrote:Stuff

No more drugs for this man.

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Suffocate Peon
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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Suffocate Peon » Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:45 am





















No. NO. There is no end. I'm going to carry on posting my shitty strawberry floating pictures to you.










I was just thinking. I need some 'I'm angry' pictures that communicate it clearly. I have a few, but they're a bit cheesy and probably come across funny, as in funny bone funny. This is great. It's like a have an audience. Wow. But it's like, I have some that are like 'I'm sad' and 'I'm happy!' (about 4). I'm not angry, I'm just saying, it would be nice. And I think desol ate is kind of vicious in an elegant way, but no strawberry floater sees the skull, NO strawberry floater SEES THE SKULL.





It makes no sense to me how you can storm into a room wearing a mask and have a gooseberry fool on the table and no one notices. I think people do, but just the act of taking a gooseberry fool on thr table...just no. You barely created it, it was gonna happen anyway. And it's a beautiful gooseberry fool. But eventually, it has to come out anyway. And the mask. Dude, that's just your face, go carve a mask and come back to me.




The guy gets angry, what do you expect.
















Dude, is there nothing you can't do. You've done noise, pop electronic, dense stuff, expressive, clinical, mechanical, you've even used pretty much every colour in existence, how on earth are you so unpopular, what the hell is going on? Christ man, get out of here. I don't care if every once in a while you want to strawberry floating scream, just..leave. Art has no place for your histranics and bitteriness. Things that look like they've been ripped apart, glass smashing, batteries recharging, a strawberry floating monster recharging to blast, a strawberry floating tiger admist explosions. Dude, you're great, you're strawberry floating great. Just stop all this, it's not helping. I know you're strawberry floated off with people in general but there's a few who get it, who like, so what if there's only 5 of them. They like it, they really do. Yeah sure they don't like it enough to seek out more and only really want to know how the strawberry float you did it but you just can't expect them to be eager. You can't expect them to get that excited. Look, I don't care if you put way too much effort into trying to be about as diverse as you possibly can without changing what you do, because you've got to appreciate no one thinks about this as much as you do. So you can bombard them with constantly different imagery and they're just not gonna respond. Well some will and they clearly keep you sane, but...dude, just chill out. Stop letting it get to you. That passion and hatred has no place, man. Just, have you got illustrator? No, shut up, have you got it? Just mess around on there. Heh, how about you trace over some faces, heh do you know this guy's work? That banana split? Yeah, him. Dude, like I said, people strawberry floating LOVE music, but this...people like Rothko so maybe there is hope. But, dude, pick up your brush, find a naked person and draw them, the human body is so good. I don't care if you want to ellicit emotion! You strawberry floating nutcase. I don't care if you want to do them by having fucktones of confliction and an itsy raw quality to it. You're a strawberry floating loon you are, I'm not...I'm not even going near you. Just post more pictures and shut up. Anyway, I thought you were going downstairs for some food? You're supposed to be tired, hungry, and supposed to be going to bed early to watch more the Shield, but happened man? People, they're just gonna respond with little because they don't want this. I know for years you'e wanted to strawberry floating annoy and see the internet rather than a sketchbook a place to do that. But I think you've done enough now to stop all that. I mean, you've done it all now. strawberry float loads of stuff covering a lot, in about 6 months. 6 months. And what else have you done? Nothing, you're a loser man. A loser. A total strawberry floating waste of a skinny boy. That so could have been put to better use humping. Dude, just calm the strawberry float down, stop second guessing and stop trying to justify anything and easy. Be at ease. Because you've never been that have you? What's wrong with you that you can't just enjoy the chocolate? You have to rush it, as though you just like the thought of finishing it rather than the actual pleasure of feeling it melt in your mouth. After all this stuff will you calm the strawberry float down? I think so yeah, I mean it's started to happen already. Ah, right good. Just post more pictures man. Post more pictures. See if GRcade will let you post so many because I don't think they will. And will this be you last post because what, you lasted 4 days last time. Pretty gooseberry fool man. You can do better than that. Just...resist it.

It's all indulgence, but there's gonna be those who roll their eyes. And it's just weird. Like calling Dimitri a twat. What's wrong with that? Well what is he? What else to say? He's a twat is he. There's a mixture of respect and're doing it all wrong. Why do I emit that again? strawberry floating strawberry floating weird.


I think next year I'll do sad, and properly use motion blur.



Verier Ruing
Verier Ruing




Posting for the sake of it. Bored. I was thinking, yeah, lets just put up everything you've done and let that be the thing, and lets just have this long line of images. Sigh. Actually I might still do that. I take a look at the view count and then again the next day. Fucksake. FUCKSAKE. I need more avenues I think.


Last edited by Suffocate Peon on Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by The Watching Artist » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:55 pm

Bloody hell! I rather like them. So it wasnt a waste of time posting them. Some would look great printed onto acetate (or something translucent/transparent) I think.

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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by TheTurnipKing » Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:08 am

I'd really like to see them used as textures in some kind of 3D game with a cyber-setting, to be honest.

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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Abs » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:46 pm

those pictures are strawberry floating cool man, i'd like to use one or two maybe for music I release in the near future.

good work chap!

lex-man wrote:I still smoke I thinks its good to smoke late at night, the fire in my hand mirrors the fire in my mind.
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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Wykesie » Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:05 pm

paintings i did a while back

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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Floex » Sun Nov 01, 2009 1:24 pm

Am I the only one who see's a Goatse in this one? :shifty:


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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by False » Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:56 pm

I saw faces in a few, Scary, yo.

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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Abs » Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:11 am

I allways come to look at these images, i'd like to see some more!

lex-man wrote:I still smoke I thinks its good to smoke late at night, the fire in my hand mirrors the fire in my mind.
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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Turok » Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:36 am

Suffocate Peon wrote:I was just thinking. I need some 'I'm angry' pictures that communicate it clearly. I have a few, but they're a bit cheesy and probably come across funny, as in funny bone funny. This is great. It's like a have an audience. Wow. But it's like, I have some that are like 'I'm sad' and 'I'm happy!' (about 4). I'm not angry, I'm just saying, it would be nice. And I think desol ate is kind of vicious in an elegant way, but no strawberry floater sees the skull, NO strawberry floater SEES THE SKULL.


I see it!

Smack in the middle.

I also see about 65'256 other faces in that same drawing.

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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Green Gecko » Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:53 pm

Some very rich, absorbing and quite fascinating images there

I can see the skull

And I actually seemed to understand everything you said in the biggest rant part.

I think a similar way I just keep that stuff for sketchbooks, if I wrote like that on here everyone would think I'd totally split open

I went to the effort of posting this without a mouse so honestly I like that stuff, I've been following it on DeviantArt for a while actually

good work

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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Dangerblade » Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:53 pm

joke successful

Last edited by Dangerblade on Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: GRcade Illustrator Club
by Green Gecko » Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:53 pm

:lol: :lol:

"It should be common sense to just accept the message Nintendo are sending out through their actions."

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