GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Pontius Pilate » Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:59 pm

Witnessed the sun going down yesterday, and I witnessed the sun comming up this morning - as I "slept" in my car last night. :lol:

Task get?

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Dowbocop » Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:03 pm

Ryan0rz wrote:Witnessed the sun going down yesterday, and I witnessed the sun comming up this morning - as I "slept" in my car last night. :lol:

Task get?

Ryan0rz in dogging shocker :o

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by False » Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:05 pm

Task rundown spectacular!!

Circle of Life

Did this one on Thursday. I got woken up because I left my window open and some retards came past shouting and I couldnt get back to sleep. That was about 4.30am. I sat on the sofa with the dog and watched at about 5 min intervals as the sun came up. Later on, I went to work where I fortunately caught the sundown. It was inbetween 6.30 and 7.20pm before it went fully dark. Done.

Blog it

I failed, I just couldnt think about anything worth blogging. Thinking now, I could have blogged through my adventures in task land. Ah well.

The year ahead

Here it is, Its not this small in reality (its A4) but in the process of changing from PDF to JPG it shrank. EDIT: I just re-read the task. I do have an A4 version of this, This is just the digital version for purposes of displaying here.


I was watching Edward Scissorhands at the time. Om nom nom.

Cabin Fever

Yesterday, I was locked in my bedroom from 0:00 till 0:01 the next day. I thought it would be boring, But it wasnt really. My brother was helpful with a steady supply of tea and I ordered a pizza in for my dinner. I kept busy on my 360, Playing FIFA and Fallout 3, But no laptop. I left it downstairs :fp:

Me in my prison

Thats not the best bit, I had a friend.

Dave, Dave Wilson!

Dave is a laugh a minute, Although he was hogging the xbox most of the time, I dont mind though, Cus hes bald.

Me and Dave, What a guy!

He just got all the Bobbleheads, Still wont let me play!

Different day

Did this on Friday.
1. Started with toast instead of cereal.
2. Didnt have my usual brew, Got some OJ instead.
3. Instead of slipping into comfy pants I put some shorts on, Sexy.
4. I didnt watch TV.
5. Didnt do PC.
6. Made myself some lunch instead of someone else doing it.
7. Played around with the dog for a bit.
8. Then started making dinner., Ate that.
9. Then had an early night for a change.
During the course of the day;
10. I didnt have a poop.
11. Ate some fruit (Apples).
12. Oddly, Didnt put shoes on for the whole day.
13. Helped out my ma'.
14. Made that calender.
15. Didnt use a car or bus or train or anything.
16. Watched a movie, Its something I very rarely do.
17. Was civil to my relentlessly annoying brother.
18. Shaved my goolies. Not enjoying it so far btw.
19. Shaved my face (with a different razor), and didnt use the face wash I usually do (Friggin spots now)
20. When I went for my pre bed slash, I peed on the left of the bowl rather than the right.
Hows that for different?

There you are Taskmaster! Task GETS?

Last edited by False on Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:32 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Banjo » Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:05 pm

Banjo: Week 5


The Circle Of Life
I attempted this on Friday and was halfway complete when the weather took a turn for the gloomy, runing my cahcne to see the sunset. However, i managed it the next day, during my Cabin Fever. Was rather lovely, never seent he sunrise before, always either fall asleep or look away and forget.

Blog It

Banjo wrote:
Banjo wrote:
Banjo wrote:I'm probably going to do my Cabin Fever on saturday, as I have no plans for the friday. Oh, and Day 1 of blog updating:

I'd say that's a different style to my usual posting. Tomorrow, who knows, maybe some fiction?

Second day.

I'm rather enjoying this now.

Day Final

Is that this Task GET!, Tasky? I'll need to know by today, so if needed I can write up enough new ones.


The Year Ahead
I realise that the day the year starts is incorrect, thereby misplacing the rest of the year. However, I reckon it suffices, and I'm generally not very good at the drawing Tasks.

Theodore, my beloved TV/VCR combo.
I completed this during Cabin Fever, in order to keep me occupied.


Cabin Fever
My room for the 24 hours.
In that final picture you can see my days entertainment. While I was never bored, there were a few times when I felt eager to stretch my legs. I also took the time to write some of an essay due in two weeks time, utilising this time solitary wisely. That computer has no internet connection nor any games, so there was no contact with the outside world save for my mum. I enjoyed my day, I also rewatched The Land Before Time adn was pleased to see that it genuinely is brilliant, and not just nostalgic feelings.

Different Day
Banjo wrote:Different Day (Wednesday the 7th)

1. Got up the moment my alarm went off, always reset it for ten minutes later and go back to sleep.
2. Toast and Tea for breakfast. I usually have cereal and lots of cold milk, helps wake me up.
3. Brushed my teeth before I had a shower.
4. Made my bed before departing.
5. Wore bag over other shoulder.
6. Gave my mum a kiss on the cheek before leaping out of the car Starsky and Hutch style.
7. Did my morning GRcade catchup on a computer in uni (not the best place to stumble across the MCN thread)
8. Swapped the mouse over to my left hand. Didn't like it.
9. Didn't check for any porn updates (out of habit I'l check for updates,even if I have no intention of having a toss)
10. Went to see my nan at 11am, instead of 3pm like usual.
11. Had lunch. I skip lunch, am never hungry at that hour.
12. Did some course related research (watched Ossessione, interesting but far too long).
13. Watched said film downstairs ont eh big tv, as opposed to in my bedroom whilst lying in bed.
14. Had a gooseberry fool in the downstairs toilet.
15. Went for a walk in a direction different to my usual path.
16. Didn't ask around to see if anyone was going out (it's a given that wednesday is a night for drinking, I thought not tonight)
17. Changed into pyjamas instead of dressing gown.
18. Didn't put on a familiar film for comfort later in the evening, instead watched Generation Kill.
19. Didn't go down to use the computer after my dad had gone to bed.
20. Had a coffee. Wish I hadn't.

Task GET?

Full week GET?

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Pontius Pilate » Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:06 pm

Dowbocop wrote:
Ryan0rz wrote:Witnessed the sun going down yesterday, and I witnessed the sun comming up this morning - as I "slept" in my car last night. :lol:

Task get?

Ryan0rz in dogging shocker :o

I wish! I was locked out my house and didn't wanna wake up my mum. So I tried to get some sleep in my car, it was strawberry floating freezing. :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by mcjihge2 » Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:17 pm


Easy (1 point each)

The Circle of Life

I went to work early on thursday and saw the sun rise on my drive to work (7am ish), and later saw the sun set (about 630pm ish)

Blog it.


Medium (3 points each)

The Year Ahead

I usually print off an excel sheet, here is the 2009 version, clean and simple



Here is Oz Striker

Some times he smiles and somtile he frowns - it depends on if hes feeling up or down
Here he is felling sad

Hard (5 points each)

Cabin fever

Ive stayed in my room since about midday yesterday, i have been whacthing the wire on dvd and dollhouse. EDIT: :lol: nice photo :lol: , one word - Eliza Dushku


Different Day

I was going to do this on tuesday when i went to a funeral, but i decided i couldnt keep track of 20 things throughout the day so i sacked it.


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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Pontius Pilate » Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:25 pm


The Circle of Life -
Ryan0rz wrote:Witnessed the sun going down yesterday, and I witnessed the sun comming up this morning - as I "slept" in my car last night. :lol:

Blog it - Failed.


The Year Ahead - N/A

Wilson -
Ryan0rz wrote:

My Mexican friend, Hernandez.


Cabin Fever - N/A

Different Day -
Ryan0rz wrote:Different day.

1. Woke up the first time my alarm went off, rather than hit snooze 5 times.
2. Stayed in the shower for less than 5 minutes. I'm a 20 minutes kinda guy.
3. Asked mum to make me a packed lunch for university. :lol:
4. Went upto uni an hour early.
5. Done some reading before my class - unheard of!
6. Stayed in uni for all my classes! All four hours, in a row! No break. :(
7. Ate packed lunch instead of wasting money on lunch.
8. Talked to a few people I never usually talk to.
9. Put 70p change in a charity box
10. Bought a new kind of shampoo.
11. Made a list of books I've been thinkin about trying to sell for like a year now.
12.Used Brown sauce instead of tamato sauce with dinner.
13. Played my wii. :shock:
14. Cleaned my room.
15. Drank some water, instead of juice.
16. Played a game of Hang man
17. Shaved, properly. Up and down! Smooth. 8-)
18. Organised all my uni stuff into one folder on my netbook.
19. I'm wearing slippers.
20. Put all the spare change lying about my desk/room into my change jar.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Terrible_Lizard » Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:48 pm

The Circle of Life
Forgot to mention, I saw the sun rise and set yesterday.

Blog it.

The Year Ahead



This strange looking fellow is my friend 'Dieter'


Cabin Fever
My cabin fever started at 12am this morning, it is now 1:37pm! Less than 12 hours to go. I may take my first trip into the kitchen in about an hour to obtain the ingredients for a rather hefty sandwich, providing the breads not mouldy again.

Cabin fever day complete! And with only 2 trips to the kitchen :]

My self-imposed cabin


Different Day
1 - Caught a bus to town as opposed to walking.
2 - Picked up a penny instead of leaving it.
3 - Gave homeless guy change.
4 - Fed a seagull my sandwich crust.
5 - Actually agreed to play a game of pool (I usually decline and choose to spectate).
6 - Turned up to lectures on time.
7 - Walked along the wall Ive been eyeing up.
8 - Sung a song with someone.
9 - Refrained from playing a game before leaving for uni.
10 - Folded origami out of toffee wrappers in 'database development' instead of the usual daydreaming session.
11 - Waited for the uni bus instead of walking back.
12 - Ate in the cafeteria (usually a packed lunch man).
13 - Decided not to skip songs on my mp3 player for once.
14 - Went for a long running session.
15 - Wrote on livejournal ;)
16 - Talked to some different people in uni.
17 - Had a nice chat with my lecturer.
18 - Doodled a king kong picture on my notebook.
19 - Jumped over a fence instead of walking round.
20 - Finally cleaned out my email inbox (took a while).

Full week get?

Last edited by Terrible_Lizard on Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Count Nood » Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:50 pm

My tasks this week:

Taskmaster wrote:WEEK 5 TASKS:

Easy (1 point each)

Blog it.

All three entries can be seen there.

Medium (3 points each)

The Year Ahead

My Portsmouth Pirates calendar...





I like to call this fella Robert Sean Leonard:


The main body is made up of a TV remote holder I got with an issue of NGamer, then he has some spongy gooseberry fool for arms, a ball for a head, and is rounded off with some 3D glasses I got when I went to see Toy Story recently. yeah 8-)

The Eeveelution club!!! \o/
The Alchemist Penguin wrote:I want Tales of Vesperia PS3 now. Especially you loveable Patty. :wub:
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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Rightey » Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:02 pm

Tasks Completed:

The Circle of Life

Completed this on Wednesday, got up and saw the sunrise, and sunset.
Sunrise picture:

Blog it

Failed, thought that saturday was actually friday, so I left it too late.

The Year Ahead

Made 5 three month calenders starting from this month all the way up until the end of 2010. They combine some of my favourite things, I especially like the first one as that combines my love for classic muscle cars, animation, and a clean environment.






I've printed out the first three month one, but unfortunately I've noticed that I'm running out of ink. I like it enough though that I might actually go to a professional printers and get it done on some nice glossy paper.


Meet Post-it Pete, the friend of many faces...



Right now those faces are indifferent and surprised.

Cabin Fever

Not done, too much work to do this week to try something like that, unfortunately.

Different Day

Rightey wrote:
Rightey wrote:I'm working on different day today, haven't completed it yet but I just want to make sure I don't forget anything...

1. Didn't go to the bathroom at night (very rare for me, I normally always make one trip at least).
2. Had a larger breakfast then normal.
3. Walked in backwards into the kitchen to get said breakfast.
4. Put my plate in the sink after I finished eating. (normally I just forget it there until I come back from school)
5. Brushed my teeth in my parents bathroom, instead of the one right next to my room.
6. Fixed my hair before washing my face (Order reversed from normal).
7. Used Internet Explorer instead of Fire Fox to type this.
8. Watched a different T.V. channel then I normally do, which meant seeing NASA crash that rocket into the moon, which was a pleasent surprise, I had no idea they were going to do that.

And that's it so far.

9. I wore my watch today to school, which made me realize it was off by about 20 minutes.
10. Used a token on the bus instead of my metropass (by accident I might add, I wanted to just wait for the bus at a different station but was in a rush as I was late, and so basically wasted $2.75)
11. Used my locker for the second time ever.
12. Sat in a different part of the class.
13. Wrote in pen instead of pencil.
14. While going home, I got off at a different subway station.
15. Went into a different game store then normal to ask if a game had come in.
16. Bought my comics from a different store then normal.
17. Went to Burger King to get lunch, I haven't had Burger King in years.
18. I took a different route when walking home.
19. Moon walked from the bathroom to the computer just now.
20. I licked my monitor just now as I really couldn't think of a twentieth thing I did today.

21. Damn it I just remembered while at school I kept track of everything on a list, I definitely do not normally make a list of everything I did different in a day.

Please confirm these Tasks Get Taskmaster.

Pelloki on ghosts wrote:Just start masturbating furiously. That'll make them go away.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Mockmaster » Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:42 pm

Thanks guys. New tasks and the results table will be up tomorrow.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Ironhide » Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:30 pm

What happened to week 6?

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Mockmaster » Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:10 pm

It's coming this evening. Slight delay. I will therefore allow for an extra day to complete the next set of tasks.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Dowbocop » Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:40 pm

Please hurry, I need goals :cry:

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 5 - New Tasks Ahoy!
by Banjo » Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:41 pm

I'm lost without Tasks.


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