Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens

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Captain Kinopio
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PostMafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by Captain Kinopio » Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:35 pm


Welcome to Mafia

How to play:

Mafia is a game of the uninformed majority vs the informed minority. Most (see special roles for further details) players will play one of two competing roles a member of the townsfolk (the majority) or a member of the Mafia (the minority), the game is simple, the townsfolk win by wiping out all the Mafia, the Mafia win by levelling the number of players on each side. All members of the Mafia know the names of the other Mafia members, crucially though the townsfolk and other special roles only know their own role and must use their investigative ingenuity to work out the identity of others.

The game is split into two play phases, these are Day and Night. During the Day all players discuss who they think members of the Mafia are and come to a majority decision over which player they want killed, if a majority is reached this player is killed. Players MUST NOT communicate outside of the thread to come to this decision. The Day phase of the game ends at around 8pm every day, if a majority decision has been reached the player who is the target of that decision will be killed, if there is no clear majority there will not be a killing. If all players voice an oppinion a majority decision only requires one swaying vote on either side, however if some players remain quiet or choose not to voice a supportive vote either way, the existence of a majority will be decided by me.

During the Night members of the Mafia cast one vote each in secret, saying who they want killed. The Mafia must vote unanimously for a person to be killed, however this is not as easy as it sounds as they too MUST NOT communicate outside of the game thread, so they must find a way of coming to this unanimous decision in full view of all other players. To be clear, these two phases Day and Night are only ways of providing times for decisions to be made and votes to be cast, speculation, accusation and Mafia chat can continue throughout at any time of the day the players wish. The night phase will end around 11pm, by which time all Mafia and Special Roles must have pm'ed myself. If there is a unanimous Mafia decision a player will be clipped, if not, there will be no hit.

As mentioned the Night time phase is also when special roles must cast their votes there are two such roles;

Detective - A detective has the ability to find out the identity of any player. This is valuable knowledge but as he cannot communicate what he knows in secret, he must use his persuasive power to convince other players of the Mafia's guilt or try to drop subtle hints as to player roles without revealing his own identity. The Detective can pm myself once during each Night phase with the name of a player, I will reply with the role of this player, whether it be Mafia, Villager or...

Nurse - The nurse holds the keys to the secure town hospital and has the ability of protecting one player per night from a Mafia hit, like the detective they pm me the name of the person they want to protect and they will be locked in the hospital protecting them from the Mafia. The Nurse will be able to protect themself but only ONCE.

When kills are made by the townsfolk the identity of the victim will NOT be revealed, this is to create suspense and to stop the game from becoming too easy for the townsfolk. You only win this game if you survive at the end, there is no honour in death, to highlight this, players who die in this game will not be allowed to participate in the next game of Mafia, if there is one.

That is how the game is played. In this game of Mafia there are twelve players, here are how many of each role will exist

Townsfolk (7)
Mafia (3)
Detective (1)
Nurse (1)

Specific Rules


2) The deadline for a majority decision during the day phase is 8pm, if I deem there has been no majority by this time there will be no lynch.

3) Due to people being able to view who is doing what on the forum at any time, EVERY player MUST pm me once a day, the purpose of this is to hide the identities of the special roles. Players only need to pm me once in a day but they need to do this anytime between 12pm and 11pm. 11pm this is the deadline for Mafia votes and Special Roles to use their powers, if they don't pm me by this time they will not be able to kill/detect/protect.

4) There is to be absolutely no print screening of my pms or quoting of their content (they will all be different anyway), doing so will lead to instant dismissal from the game.

5) Once a player is dead they are silenced. I cannot emphasise this enough, I don't want to see a single post in this thread by any player who has been killed, not a dying shout of their role, not a vanquished soliloquy, not even a EURGHRGHRGRH I'm Dead post. Up until the second I post that somebody is dead you can post whatever you like (as long as it doesn't break the rules), once I post you are dead though you MUST stay silent in this thread, please abide by this.[/quote]


Daily Schedule
00:01 - 20:00 = Players must come to a majority decision of who they want to be killed in the thread, no pm votes are sent to myself, everything is conducted in the thread.

20:00 or there abouts = I announce if a majority decision has been arrived at and if so announce the name of the player killed

12:00 - 23:00 = At any point during these times all members of the Mafia must pm me with who they want killed. At any point between these times the Detective must submit his name to me to find out the identity. At any point between these times the Nurse must pm me the name of the person she wants to protect. Also at any point between these times every townsfolk player must submit a blank (or as blank as it can be) pm to me, this serves to hide pm activity by members of the Mafia and the two special roles.

23:00 or there abouts = I announce whether there has been a Mafia kill

Some time after 11 = The Detective is revealed the identity of his submitted name via pm


Oblomov Boblomov - Deceased - Jumped out a window
smurphy - Deceased Detective - Shotgun blast to the chest
Mini E
Irene Demova
The Master - Deceased - Death by Firing Mob
AJ Styles - Deceased - Thrown into the River Cade

Last edited by Captain Kinopio on Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:11 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Captain Kinopio
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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by Captain Kinopio » Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:37 pm

Welcome wrote:Welcome to Cadeby a once burgeoning city that has been run into a shady dilapidated hovel by organised crime.

Before the turn of the decade, at it's peak in 1929 Cadebybosted a population booming into the tens of thousands. However with the police unable to control the Mobs casual flouting of Prohibition, trading of black market goods and the stack of bodies of citizens refusing to fall in line behind the Mafia left lying in the gutters, the population collapsed.

Anybody who valued their safety swiftly relocated to the outskirts of Cadeby leaving the centre a ghost town, that is all expect for twelve souls.

3 of the Mafia's head honchos remained, with their pick of the property to control these 3 ruthless ruffians took to their new empty abode like racoons to a empty garbage can. Cadeby was their town now and nobody was making them move.

1 Private Detective, disallusioned with the incompetence of the Cadeby City Police Department, this detective left his cowardly force who had relocated with the rest of the citizens and set about clearing the scum from the streets.

1 Nurse, with the sick and injured of the Cadeby hospital (who had been put their by the Mafia) unable to flee with the rest of the city's citizens, this brave nurse took the keys to the secure hospital from the fleeing chief of medicine and vowed to stay behind protecting anybody who asked, until she could empty the hospital or.....otherwise

7 oridinary citizens of Cadeby, some said they were brave, many more that they were stupid. Whatever they are, the life expectancy of these individuals is going to be lower than their IQ when the Mafia gets their hands on them.

The chess board has been laid, none know how this clash of good vs evil will turnout all we now know is that the Cadeby mortician is going to have a good week!

Day 1 wrote:Image

With the 12 remaining citizens of Cadeby getting acclimatized to their new barren surroundings today has been a day of quiet reflection. Some stated their intentions, others listened, few watched.

As time tentatively stepped forward the citizens stayed still. There was no majority vote, the decision was made to wait....

We will see if it was a wise one at 11 pm, but for now the game...


Night 1 wrote:Image

A door creaks open somewhere in the industrial part of town, a mirror emerges and is turned several ways reflecting light into the empty streets, unbeknown to the figure holding this mirror he has alerted himself to the attention of a member of the Mafia.

He emerges with an empty rucksack on his shoulders and takes two steps onto the pavement outside, as he moves to take his third a bullet ricochets of the pavement and skips across his thigh sending a drop of blood trickling down his leg. Not waiting for a second bullet to find it's target more accurately the citizen dashes across the pavement to the cover of a lampost a second and third bullet pierce his rucksack.

Looking around for cover the citizen spies the lights of the hospital in the distance, without a second thought survival instinct kicks in and he charges up the street and around the corner, bullets 4, 5 and 6 all fail to find their targets as the hospital comes into sight.

With the sound of the of the commotion alerting the only remaining inhabitant of Cadeby City Hospital she arose from the bed she was tending and dashed to the door, with a quick look through the barred glass she saw what was going on out side, ruffled for the keys in her pocket and fumbled to get the door open.

As the citizen sprinted to the door it flung open, paces away he dived for safety as two more bullets flew across his line of sight. Sliding into the hospital he turned just to see the door slam close, but not before a bullet could edge in through a final crack soar across the room and pierce an IV bag.

The citizen and the hospital were safe for the night!

Day 2 wrote:Image

8 o clock Strikes, as the street lights of Cadeby begin to flicker into life like a new born opening their eyes for the first time, a creaking is heard opposite one of the city's many derelict bars.

As a door opens a figure veiled in shadow stands at it's entrance, the street lights not daring to illuminate their face. A cloaked arm pulls out a revolver from inside a brown trench coat and points it out into the street.

As the revolver eyes it's surroundings with it's cyclops glare another figure emerges from behind the corner of Pennsylvania avenue, his face is rugged and worn, seeing the glint of the barrel he reaches into a back pocket. The gun is cocked. As the figure, now revealed to be quite clearly that of a man, raises his hand from his pocket into the air a glint from the street light catches the reflection of the object at an opportune moment revealing the letters CCPD to the shadowed figure still in the doorway.

Reading the letters the veiled figure retreats into his doorway and the man on the street corner hears two bolts clank, signalling the abode secure.

The man puts his hand back into his pocket and turns to return down Pensylvania avenue, as he does so a sawn of shotgun, previously hidden by his burly figure is revealed...

The Game....


Night 2 wrote:Image

Tires squeal through the empty streets, echoing in the dead city that has become Cadeby.

Inside the vehicle creating the noise three men dressed in pin stripe suits, with the fine Cubans in their mouths and Tommy Guns pointing to the skies, almost as if they're daring the almighty himself to challenge their authority.

As the driver puffs a billow of smoke his view is temporarily obscured, a garbage can, a shop window and a stray cat are the victims but he cares not, taking another deep gulp of the silky Cigar. His friends, shooting at the rats in the street with no less thought than as if they were the city's citizens who had been their targets just a few weeks ago.

As the driver approaches a cross road he slams the breaks on, sending his two passengers hurtling forward, they give him a thump on the back of the head and step out in unison in the middle of the 4 adjoining streets.

The threesome climb atop the car and stand back to back and fire over round after round in different directions into the dead of night. As the bullets clatter to the floor the sound of the maniacal laughter coming from the three overpowers that of the guns, the combination of sounds sends chills down the spines of anyone in the vicinity.

Happy with their nights statement they climb back in the car and head back to their den to gamble and drink the night away, after all who would stop them...

...certainly not the townfolk

Day 3 wrote:

A man walks down the centre of the road on 13th street, while it once would have been a bustling hive of market stalls, horse drawn carts and motor vehicles it is now nothing but a reminder of the poison that has taken Cadeby for its own.

Rotting fruit lays in baskets on stalls, goods formely of some worth lay in the street gathering dust and only the fading light illuminating the snow on the ground suggest that this place has become anything other than a hell hole.

As the the man, approaches the end of the street he pauses as a noise pierces the silence. Looking to his left his sees a horse, it's cart has been over turned forcing the poor creature to drag it along the ground. This is clearly causing much discomfort as trickles of blood can be seen making their way down the animals legs where the bindings of the cart have twisted into harsh positions.

The man does nothing though, seeing the horse struggle past, ignoring it's plight gives him a strange sense of power, as if there is something left in this city he can control.

As the horse struggles past in front of him the man digs his hands further into his pockets and carries on.

The Game...


Night 3 wrote:Image

Inside one of Cadeby's (former) most popular bars, sit 3 men. The windows are smashed inwards, the garbage can that perpetrated this crime lays next to a billiards table a raccoon filtering through it in hope of something to take home to his family waiting out in the cold.

As the snow drifts in through the window one of the men lifts up his collar, draws his cards closer to his chest and sits the bottle of whisky on top of the deck sitting on the table between the three. To his left, his companion smiles and drops the keys to a mansion on the upper west side of Cadeby in the centre of the table and looks to his left.

The man he's looking at appears annoyed, picks up the bottle of rum sat by his chair and hurls it at the raccoon. This act of defiance complete he throws his cards onto the table showing a pair of jacks.

As the man with his collar up eyes the fellas now sat on the table he takes a large puff of his cigar and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a set of keys, he throws them on the table and jerks his head back, signalling to the Car outside.

The man to his left smiles, rocks back on his chair and as he comes back forward lifts his cards up and slams them onto the table though taking care not to hurt the two ladies left face up beneath his palm.

The one remaining man with his cards to his chest gets up, buttons his coat, checks his collar is still upright, and then drops a couple of kings on the table. With a quick, almost apologetic tilt of the head he picks the keys and stack of money frome the table and leaves through the front door, content with his evenings work.[/b]


Day drifts into Night, Night drifts into Day.

Life in Cadeby has fallen into routine, so mundane you would imagine no fear or terror had ever gripped this city. In the hours of daylight that remind the animals the city is still home to some life, the townsfolk fear to tread outside their homes. At night the Mafia remind them why this is as they run riot through the streets.

A stand off exists as though mutually arranged by both parties, though as things stand it's difficult to see how the townfolk can tolerate their empty existence.

Sooner or later a move will have to be made but for now, the game...



On the upper west side sits a mansion, with the overgrown garden and spilled garbage cans it would appear empty. Empty, were it not for the thick black smoke billowing from the chimney.

Inside a Mafioso sits in a high back leather chair, in front of a roaring fire place, leafing through documents. Each one contains details of crimes committed, yet only one photo is attached, a youthful looking man barely old enough to have this wrap sheet attributed to him.

The Mafioso reads through with a smirk and as he gets to the bottom of each page scrunches it up and tosses it into the fire. As he gets down to the last batch he quickly rifles through them stopping suddenly somewhere in the middle. As he pulls out the sheet that has caught his eye his mood darkens.

Reading each word carefully he casually dismisses all other pages into the fire, this one though he can't seem to despatch so easily.

Standing up he reaches for the whisky on the mantelpiece, takes a long swallow and places it back down again resting his head on the top of the glass so he's staring directly into the fireplace.

After a moment of reflection he collapses back into his chair letting his arms drop loose, freeing the page to fall to the ground.

He goes to sleep.


Last edited by Captain Kinopio on Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:14 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Captain Kinopio
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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by Captain Kinopio » Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:46 pm

All pms have now been sent. Game On :D

And just so it's clear, the daily schedule.

Daily Schedule
00:01 - 20:00 = Players must come to a majority decision of who they want to be killed in the thread, no pm votes are sent to myself, everything is conducted in the thread.

20:00 or there abouts = I announce if a majority decision has been arrived at and if so announce the name of the player killed

12:00 - 23:00 = At any point during these times all members of the Mafia must pm me with who they want killed. At any point between these times the Detective must submit his name to me to find out the identity. At any point between these times the Nurse must pm me the name of the person she wants to protect. Also at any point between these times every townsfolk player must submit a blank (or as blank as it can be) pm to me, this serves to hide pm activity by members of the Mafia and the two special roles.

23:00 or there abouts = I announce whether there has been a Mafia kill

Some time after 11 = The Detective is revealed the identity of his submitted name via pm

Any questions pm me and I'll answer them in the thread.

Last edited by Captain Kinopio on Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A J Styles
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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by A J Styles » Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:46 pm

And so it begins........

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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by Cuttooth » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:02 pm

Yes, this'll do. 8-)

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Mini E
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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by Mini E » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:06 pm

Cuttooth wrote:Yes, this'll do. 8-)

Because of our avatar, I immediately presume you are the detective. amiright ?

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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by Cuttooth » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:07 pm

It's just the same avatar I used in AYAB.

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Mini E
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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by Mini E » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:09 pm

Wasn't actually being serious - i just fancied some random accusations. You seemed a good place to start. :-)

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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by The People's ElboReformat » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:09 pm

Detective penguin returns \o/

(forgot his name).

The Eeveelution club! \o/
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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by Drumstick » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:10 pm


Check out my YouTube channel!
One man should not have this much power in this game. Luckily I'm not an ordinary man.
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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by A J Styles » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:13 pm

Not many people in this :?

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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by Count Nood » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:14 pm



The Eeveelution club!!! \o/
The Alchemist Penguin wrote:I want Tales of Vesperia PS3 now. Especially you loveable Patty. :wub:
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Captain Kinopio
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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by Captain Kinopio » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:16 pm

Oh and any questions about any of your roles please, please ask me.

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Peter Crisp
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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by Peter Crisp » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:17 pm

I know I'm not supposed to post but if you have any problems and I'm on let me know as I enjoyed the warewolf game I was in and I know how rubbish it is when people spoil it.
This will be my one and only post here sorry for the intrusion.

Vermilion wrote:I'd rather live in Luton.
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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by aayl1 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:21 pm

So then. Game on.

Let's win this. Towsfolk that is. As I am one of them.

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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by smurphy » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:38 pm

So it starts tomorrow? No PMing tonight?

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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by HM » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:44 pm


He's back :mrgreen: \o/

Game on 8-)

Igor wrote:HM is the man you should all strive to be.
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Captain Kinopio
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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by Captain Kinopio » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:47 pm

smurphy wrote:So it starts tomorrow? No PMing tonight?

That is correct, see the daily schedule to see how things will be done.

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Sir Aaron of GRcade
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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by aayl1 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:47 pm

I'm calling it now.

Mini E



Them's your boys.

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The People's ElboReformat
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PostRe: Mafia: Welcome to Cadeby Citizens
by The People's ElboReformat » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:48 pm

aaronayl1 wrote:So then. Game on.

Let's win this. Towsfolk that is. As I am one of them.

You're a Towsfolk, eh?

Only a member of the mafia would get the word Townsfolk wrong. Mibs.

The Eeveelution club! \o/

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