Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Jenuall » Mon Sep 10, 2018 11:20 am

Tafdolphin wrote:
Jenuall wrote:
Tafdolphin wrote:Death of the Outsider: 9/10

What a fantastic way to finish out Dishonored (the series is on 'hiatus' according to Arkane). As I mentioned in the Currently Playing thread, the powers are so perfectly balanced, and so readily available, that I don't think any other immersive sim has given me such a feeling of absolute control over my environment whilst still feeling vulnerable. The only exception was the last level, which substituted a lot of the finesse of earlier settings with a shitload of enemies and a level where every one of them can see everything.

Narratively it's the best of the three entries. The two earlier games suffered from having a fascinating world saddled with unfortunately rote and rather dull main plotlines. This isn't the case here and it's one of the highlights of the game.

A strawberry floating treat.

They really did nail it with DotO! I've loved all of the Dishonored games, and pretty much anything Arkane have done, even going back to Arx Fatalis, but this and Prey are probably my highlights from them.

I agree that the balance of powers is almost perfect in this, the fact that Meagan gets some of the most interesting powers and that they don't punish you as much for actually using them this time is a bonus. I think they still fall down somewhat on story and execution of a decent plot, but it's much better than it was in the two main games, funnily enough I think the same was true of the D1 DLC - Knife of Dunwall and Brigmore Witches were both more satisfying than the main game.

Slightly wary about what we might see next from Arkane, Raphael Colantonio left them recently and he has been a key component in all of their games to date, but I'm still going to be interested to see what they are up to.

My continuing love of the Dishonored series is one of the reasons I came down so harshly on Prey. Everything I loved about those games was, I feel, missing from that game, even if the mechanical structures behind it all were present and correct. Once I get the time* I really do need to go back to Prey, push on through the terrible opening hours and see if I can get anything at all from it.

Re: Arkane, they've been on something of a hiring spree recently, so I'm expecting big things from them. Also, a friend is mates with one of the design directors and has promised to introduce me, so I'll put the squeeze on.

*he says, having just restarted Dishonored 2.

It's interesting how even though from many mechanical and functional perspectives the Prey and Dishonored games are very similar they still manage to elicit such different responses from people! It goes to show that when it comes to these sorts of experiences the difference between something being great or not can often come down to a few key elements.

Interesting about the hiring spree, I wasn't aware of that, I'm sure they are going to be up to something interesting, but I fear the limited return on investment that Bethesda have seen from their games post-Dishonered 1 makes me wary that they are going to be pushed down a more "popular" route than their traditional Immersive Sim stuff. I'm keeping my eye on them but I'm still hopeful of great things!

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Manwell Pablo » Mon Sep 10, 2018 3:07 pm

Quantum Break 6/10

Very little time for the "TV series" added nothing to the game really.

Even on the hardest difficulty little more than a tad tricky in three or four sections (the last boss was an utter pain as others have stated in here)

Entertaining enough and worth a look if you're on gamepass or like your achievements as if you can negotiate the hard difficulty setting the rest is easy and relatively short. But plenty of stuff out there better value if you were thinking of buying. Should imagine it'll be on games with gold in 2019 at some point.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Death's Head » Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:40 pm

Sniper Elite 3 (PC)

If you've played any of the Sniper Elite games (or Zombie Army Trilogy) you know what to expect, plenty of sneaking around, killing people from distance (could be where the "Sniper" in "Sniper Elite" comes from) and a mad panic with a hand gun/machine gun if you are caught out. Around 10 fairly short levels that can be completed in an hour each. Best enjoyed in co-op.


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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Seven » Mon Sep 10, 2018 11:27 pm

Dishonored - 8/10
Knife of Dunwall DLC - 7/10

I'm glad I finally sat down and played Dishonored to the end, it's been great experience -- I opted for no kills and ended up getting Ghost on all levels, same for DLC (although I somehow had one kill on Dunwall DLC so no clean hands achievement for me...). I plan to replay them few times, although that can wait until I've started and beaten last DLC.

Both loses a point for having slow loads but then again, as annoying as they were, it didn't really stop me playing all day.

I don't think Dunwall has great memorable location but it still provides excellent playground for me to explore around -- the original however has better locations in first half, imo. (especially the triplets' party)

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by more heat than light » Wed Sep 12, 2018 3:45 pm

Human Fall Flat

An absolute stinking turd of a game. Imaging a platform game where it's an actual chore to move your character around. They must have thought they were being really clever mapping the triggers to each of your protagonists arms, but in reality this just makes everything ludicrously difficult. Six hours this took me (in a row, there's an achievement for finishing it in one sitting) and by the end I was no better at controlling the damn thing than when I started. Beyond gooseberry fool.


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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by OrangeRKN » Wed Sep 12, 2018 3:51 pm

Sounds like you're bad at the game :P

I had great fun with it and became quite adept at the controls! If you want to be further frustrated just watch some of the speed runs ;)

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by more heat than light » Wed Sep 12, 2018 4:03 pm

I did! By the end I was just trying to get through it as quickly as possible so I didn't mess up that achievement and have to do the whole thing again. I might well have been 'bad' at the game, but I'm a fairly skilled gamer generally so I suspect it's the fault of the developers. Pretty sure it's the least amount of fun I've had playing anything, certainly of recent memory.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Seven » Wed Sep 12, 2018 4:14 pm

Meanwhile I'm having lot of great laughs with it myself, especially with randoms

One con is they can unlock Achs for me which is meh but that's it really

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Clarkman » Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:10 pm

The Messenger - 7/10

Amazed I have been the only one of the forum playing this. All the reviews are accurate that it's a game of two halves:

The first half is a linear action platformer, around the same difficulty as Shovel Knight, in that most the threat comes from platforming challenges rather than enemies.

The second half is supposedly a Metroidvania, but I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that. It's only at this half way point that the much advertised element of switching between 8-bit and 16-bit takes effect, but it is used pretty unimaginatively - the only application is really for room based puzzle solving. There is no material difference in your skills between 8 and 16-bit, so the effect is purely aesthetic.

The Metroidvania elements just really amount to a few poorly signposted fetch quests. The purchasable upgrade system also feels very flawed, in that you don't really make any decisions at the expense of any other, and there's always enough money to get everything available to you.

Encountered a number of glitches, including broken music is a maze section which relied on music cues, one totally broken boss fight where I needed to restart the system, and most annoying, the game won't let me through the interactive cutscene that comes after the final boss (I've restarted the game and system and beaten the final boss 3 times to no avail).

I realise that I'm being pretty negative, but the game does lots of stuff very well. The controls are perfect and slick, and the pace is mostly excellent. There's a lot of charm to the world design and the writing and story are above average.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by HSH28 » Wed Sep 12, 2018 7:47 pm

Spider-Man - 9/10

It's really good basically. The story, characters, world, gameplay systems. All very good, if there are any complaints with it, it's slightly derivative and some of the stuff in the world slightly outstays its welcome. If you are being super critical, maybe the combat isn't quite as polished as it could be (it's still really fun, just perhaps not quite as well put together as the Arkham games which its clearly based on).

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Robbo-92 » Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:07 pm

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

All in all a really good game, not perfect by any means but few games are. Marks out of 10? Probably an 8 - 8.5. If the blades field skills weren't an issue and the odd cheap one party KO from the last boss (which I just find pretty cheap) weren't there it'd probably be an easy 9. Loved the story and the world but part of Xenoblade is exploring the world and the stupid field skill thing made exploration much more limiting in my opinion. Even though it took an age to click the combat was superb by the closing stages.

Looking forward to Torna The Golden Country now, just ordered myself a copy! Although I probably will try and clear some of my backlog before I get around to playing it.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Kriken » Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:40 am

Yakuza (PS2), the other day. It was great. I've grown pretty attached to the world and characters, and will definitely check the later games out.

I haven't done all the sidequests or finished any hostess mission for that matter - wondering if I should. I feel like I've had my fill of the game and I'm not really looking forward to any more combat encounters. Not that I haven't enjoyed the combat - it's been a lot of flawed fun - but there's only so many stylish ways you can beat the same enemies, and at the back of my mind I'm thinking about how they've improved it in later games. And I'll be playing Kiwami at some point anyway.

I enjoyed the dub, especially Hamill's Majima, but in general it's good fun.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Seven » Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:28 am

Quantum Break - 8/10

Some people may think I'm being too generous, and maybe so. But I really enjoyed it at end of day, and the episodes, while bothersome, did entertain me. Hoping for sequel but not holding breath just yet.

The last level though, eugh.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Monkey Man » Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:51 am

Seven wrote:Quantum Break - 8/10

Some people may think I'm being too generous, and maybe so. But I really enjoyed it at end of day, and the episodes, while bothersome, did entertain me. Hoping for sequel but not holding breath just yet.

The last level though, eugh.

I gave it an 8 as well, at least there's an unofficial sequel in Control. What was your problem with the last level?

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PostRe: RE: Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Death's Head » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:03 pm

Monkey Man wrote:
Seven wrote:Quantum Break - 8/10

Some people may think I'm being too generous, and maybe so. But I really enjoyed it at end of day, and the episodes, while bothersome, did entertain me. Hoping for sequel but not holding breath just yet.

The last level though, eugh.

I gave it an 8 as well, at least there's an unofficial sequel in Control. What was your problem with the last level?
It was difficult. Took me quite a few attempts and soured the game for me. I gave the game a generous 6.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Monkey Man » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:21 pm

It only took me a couple of attempts on Normal difficulty so didn't drag for me. It was basically kill bad guys with time stuff and a shotgun, avoid whatever that thing was using time rush, shoot boss then repeat once (or twice?).

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Seven » Sat Sep 15, 2018 3:14 pm

I just don't like how sudden it was and some of enemies just felt hassle to fight when boss just keeps trying to hit you with the attacks, I don't really like the layout for the fight.

Other than that it's solid title, dunno if I'd buy it though considering they didn't subtitle bonus stuff you get via collectibles (videos/radios) and I can't really support developers who do this gooseberry fool

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Clarkman » Sun Sep 16, 2018 12:28 am

Yoku's Island Express - 7.5/10

Short but very sweet. Picked this up discounted on Switch eShop for just under a tenner, which seems about right. Executes what it sets out to achieve very well. Never really presents a proper challenge - mostly trial and error. All the secrets are fully signposted, to the point of pandering. May return to 100% it.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Jazzem » Sun Sep 16, 2018 1:38 pm

Bioshock (Remastered on PC)

Positives: Still looks stunning (especially on remaster), beautifully stark and oppressive atmosphere + world design, plasmids+hacking allow for creative approach to combat, clever use of medium's mechanics for storytelling, nice middle ground between linear and non-linear design, the entire "Would you kindly" sequence, generally very strong voice acting

Negatives: Poor gunplay with imprecise aiming and weak feedback, repetitious structure, lack of enemy variety, loses momentum after "Would you kindly" and finishes with lacklustre boss, that bloody escort mission, desperately needed more than one hacking mini game, doesn't do enough with some of its cores themes

So a mix of highs and lows, but the highs were very high! No idea what I'd rate it, maybe an 8/10? Don't quote me on that. In any case I'll definitely get to 2 sometime.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Kriken » Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:58 pm

Sonic Mania. Again. And this time with all the chaos emeralds. Satisfying playing this straight after finishing the classic Sonic games for the first time. Now I appreciate most of the nods and which stages came from which game, and truly appreciate the level of detail and graphical upgrade. That's not to say I didn't like the game a ton when I first played it, but now it seems like something truly special.

A minor niggle though: after clearing the game on a save, I don't understand why there isn't an option to go straight to the UFO special stages since they aren't specific to certain zones anyway. Had no reason not to just go to the green hill zone one over and over again - but this did lead to me discovering another special stage ring that was a lot closer - since it's basically in your path and not hard to get to. Most of the special stages are not that difficult but it's still very easy to mess up in some dumb way, and you have to make that journey again.

In CD - at least the remaster, by the same guy - special stages are checkpointed so you can quit out before you fail them and then try them again immediately.

That said Mania's special stages are easily the best - at least compared to the ones I've played and remembered (Sonic 1-3, CD, Advance 1, Rush). I like the way you can approach them strategically.

Rating: great/8

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