Take some amazing photos and post them here

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Green Gecko
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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Green Gecko » Thu Jun 07, 2018 2:48 pm

Suffocate Peon wrote:
Green Gecko wrote:I like compact rangefinder styles because they are simple and good ones you can go full manual. Anything else I just go SLR. I don't care about zoom. I just walk up to gooseberry fool.

My pair is still a LUMIX/Leica LX3 and Nikon D80 with vintage manually focusing Nikkor lenses. And a manfrotto tripod. I don't have a need for anything else. The megapixels are still a total non issue even with high resolution screens. The sensors are fantastic. (The lx3 is still stunning at 200iso and really wide and bright.)

I don't really like bridge cameras, I find them kind of cheesy. The massive zoom just feels like a waste of space, weight and optical sharpness. If I had the money I'd by interested in a micro 4/3rds. Actually I had the opportunity to just literally walk off with a Sony NEX when they were brand new in Kansai international airport (I found it in the toilet), but of course I handed it in.

Depends what you want...I couldn't have got 70% of what I have without a bridge camera because i can't lug around the gear or really afford it, and it wouldn't be fun. I get why they're cheesy. To have the ease to use a zoom is incredible to me. The first time it was such a sensation. Koci Hernandez using his iphone says 'zoom with your feet'. I've got a lot from the hip but zoomed in candid face shots i'm obviously not going to get that way. I was doing focussed photos before 2012, but i mainly see it beginning for me then, and i think doing a lot and being absorbed by it fully is something else. 2012 feels like a lifetime ago. I took it out to the canal and took some shots of swans and couldn't believe the autofocus. A camera is like a superpower. Making pictures from life happening randomly is such a kick.

The LX3 is the predecessor to the LX7? That series? I have the LX7, it's great. It was between that or an Olympus, but chose the LX7 because being Panasonic i knew it. I don't know how many compacts have multiple exposure, but it's buried in the third menu or something on the LX7, used that a lot. Think the Olympus had an articulated screen and i thought, do I really need that. By now i should be able to compose blind by the hip, I don't really want to use my bridge camera and look down. My favourite LX7 moment was a man smoking that I got from straight below. The light was rubbish to do a high contrast but behind him was a glass building. It was just as he lifted the cigarette to his mouth, he's dead central.

I had a NEX5. It looked cool but it had a mechanical shutter. Obviously I didn't search well, or at all. I knew i wanted to be discreet in the street. Sold it on ebay.

Yeah the LX3 I think was the first that really characterised that line of cameras. I've seen the lx4 since then (minor upgrade to 3x zoom and AVHC video and a 1:1 ratio switch, which they added to mine via firmware). The lx7 I think I've seen in an airport but just too expensive for what I already have.

I'll probably wait for the viewfinder and fisheye lenses and filters to become affordable second hand and upgrade the lx3 with new stuff to play with that way. The fact it has an attachment ring is cool for a compact.

I don't really shoot from the hip. I know it's good practice especially for candid shots but I usually shoot wide anyway and I think if we see things with our eyes that is where photos make sense to come from. Obviously I do low angle stuff, the screen is perfectly good to judge and you can trust the autofocus 90% of the time. A good one is the high speed large area mode. It shoots everything really fast. Use a normal aperture and it'll get most things.

I totally get what you mean about zoom. I prefer portrait lenses. But anyway, what I mean more is the aesthetic of the camera and the feel. I just find them weird to use and feel. I like to have freedom of movement, and light weight, diddly but fast controls, or just all the stuff. I don't mean cheesy in the sense it's cheap. A good zoom lens is a marvel to play with (although I prefer the quick action of an SLR much more). You do lose some optical sharpness and I won't touch digital zoom, I just really dislike artifacts. I'll deal with noise as you can style that out but compression, no.

In fairness, I almost never take my SLR out, even indoors. I'll take it to an official shoot or documentation but that's about it. I know the LX3 so well, and along with its creative options like essentially filters, black and white etc, it's a really really useful camera, very filmic, and in the spirit it is designed like a rangefinder, I'm really very pleased with it.

Originally it was between that and a canon s90, I think I wrote about it in this thread in 2010 maybe! I was due to go to Japan but didn't actually go until a year later, so I took a lot of photos in France with my mates that I will treasure, and most of my degree (studio etc).

I picked it up for about 230 quid or something on eBay in a box. The screen was a bit strawberry floated, so I polished the gooseberry fool out of it and stuck some GGS glass on top. I never think about it now. I now use it to document and promote my workshop output every day. It just sits there all the time.

It's really great having a very decent camera that isn't a pain to use. And I still get nice comments on it and people playing with it, thinking it is a film camera lol. I have it in a faux leather case with white stitching that's falling apart. It's a very strange camera that most people don't see so hey it's a talking point.

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Suffocate Peon
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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Suffocate Peon » Thu Jun 07, 2018 3:02 pm

Vermilion wrote:I understand where you're coming from here, and it is one of the main reasons why i never offer up my still images for serious critique these days.

I used to have a photo thread back on ONM where i posted images because i wanted to share my hobby (not for serious feedback as most were just random pics of interesting things i'd seen), but at one time i found myself being targeted and rubbished by someone so poisonous it pretty much led me to shut the whole thing down.

I take pics because i enjoy it, and when you have someone constantly telling you you're no good, then it pretty much sucks all the fun out of things.

I think with photography it's just this wanting to measure everything against a very clean polished ideal, and clearly I'm going against that. Its limitations would come when comparing with proper film street stuff, but even then i don't want that to be the only measure of quality. There's no point wishing to be in more dramatic situations or more exotic locations or a more fascinating period of time.

I've been putting stuff on rllmuk for years (also) and generally it goes that people respond with sympathy, i mean just purely in the upvoting. So a block of shots standing alone won't garner anything compared with the same shots with a story of the trouble in getting them, or the journey. But writing anything means presenting the photos rather than being just as they are. It is incomprehensible to me if some of them wouldn't elicit any curiosity of where and how they were taken. i don't know what people are seeing but i know myself the shots by others that made a mark on me. I don't forget any, at all.

Some think that mystery is the greatest thing a photo can have and i agree. I'm not grasping around, it can't be any more obvious to be unnerving and nihilistic and abstract is the point of them. So either somehow that isn't obvious or people can't remove themself from the thinking that I Am A Human With A Camera I Shall Take Photo Of This Object And Present It To You. Obviously you hit a wall with that approach and break stuff into shapes to stretch it out to surprise yourself. At this point there's no point me posting on rllmuk. I said i wouldn't again and then have a chunk and just do it anyway.

This is insufferable but..say you have your thing, whatever it might be, however you do it, and you pursue it. You mess around, you capture what you've always hoped. You walk many miles in the sun, in the rain, in the snow, in the day, at night. You reach a dead end, think there's no way to extend this approach, and take a few years off, and with every photo you slowly come back into it again. The same things over and over again, it's a struggle to be fresh. But you accept your thing, you know it, understand it. These are the parameters in which i will be creative. And then you happen on something by chance that comes out better than you could have ever hoped. You're proper psyched. The subject, angle, light..something transpires that creates a transformation. It just works. So when you put it out there you want people to respond to your thing, not oppose it, fight it. You're like: i know, it is what it is, but this is as good as is possible for me to do in terms of what i do. Not everything, not always.

Not like anyone has been vicious. It seems more a refusal. I believe in improving obviously and criticising and analysing everything to understand. But it's when it veers into this accepted measure of quality i resent it. So much of photography is like this. I'd prefer people to put up personal stuff to them, not simply try to do professional work. So when it's clear someone is being extremely absorbed in their own personal journey through photography the reason to engage is to know how much they're into it. If that makes sense. So if i was to make a photobook, I'd put in shots that aren't overall great but which at the time stood out for me. Like stepping stones of the process, the discovery. It really has been.

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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Vermilion » Thu Jun 07, 2018 6:57 pm

Having made photobooks (between 2009 and 2015 i published yearbooks of my fave pics) i know what you mean about including images that you feel are more personal and stand out rather than shots which look the most professional, as i was always made sure to include things which i found to be quite striking even if they weren't the greatest on a more technical level.

One thing i have found over the years also, is that the actual camera used can really make or break a good shot sometimes. A pic on one camera which turns out to be a masterpiece, can on another camera (same shot, same place, same time) look pretty terrible. That was what always frustrated me about the Fuji S9900, the image quality was nowhere near as good as my new Nikon (which was used to capture the train pic i posted earlier).

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Green Gecko
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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Green Gecko » Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:01 am

Why do you feel your work needs to be understood?

I think you may find that the people that respond to work on an emotional level will not say anything, because those things cannot always be explained with words. If you are unable to know how everyone responds to your work, and are only looking at the technical critiques, then you are going to have a skewed understanding of what limited understanding a very small portion of your audience thinks about your work. It may not be necessary to think about your work but just look at it.

So I would try to either think less, or see if there are other ways you can assess a response to your work, if you feel the need.

I spent a long time filming people's responses to my work. I very rarely asked them what they think. Because when you ask people to think about your work, that is not necessarily their response. It is their response to you asking for a response to your work.

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Suffocate Peon
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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Suffocate Peon » Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:38 am

Green Gecko wrote:
Suffocate Peon wrote:oh god i made a thread on dpreview and put up 13 photos. They're saying i should brighten them up and that the underexpose is a gimmick. The response is otherwise positive but then it isn't is it because the reason to darken some and high contrast others couldn't be more obvious. At some point it goes beyond personal taste and you enter the realms of denseness. Class! Can anyone tell me why the photographer might have darkened the image and highlighted the white in contrast to the different tones to increase the unnerving mood and mystery oh god ive given you the answer class dismissed.

Showing people anything anymore is so disappointing it basically at this point is a deep fear i have. I mean i expect nothing else. At this point art to me is like something personal and precious and bringing it up emphasises the disconnection. It'd be like if every conversation with anyone you ever had included them at any point saying 'i'm a tory'. You'd die a little inside multiple times a day wouldn't you?

My photo was cropped. Cropped! They took out the smoker's legs and the row of papers to the left. i mean i just don't even the cigarette is white cigarettes are white tones mood cigarettes are pure white cigarettes are pure white the wall is grey because cigarettes are white the looming face is meant to be shrouded in darkness because it is a looming face and cigarettes are white and the papers are a neat touch that contextualises the photo and adds more degree of tone and cigarettes are white you don't have a white cigarette against a white wall because cigarettes are white the photo is cut into three pieces the man's silhouette cuts it up he's black because the cigarette is strawberry floating white

Dude, who gives a strawberry float about those guys. The problem is you forgot who your audience is. Dpreview is a forum for intense tongue waggling about minute differences between minor revisions in the same SLR released over and over again, they are going to attack you on every possible technical front because they have an image in their mind of the perfect image. Which is itself an intense, absurd, total fallacy, so why bother acknowledging any reference to it? It's literally a waste of your time and energy, and theirs.

If what you are producing is art, you're not going to get a critique that is useful to you. You should put it in a gallery, or Instagram, or your own website or whatever and just let people say whatever they want. Stop caring.

I'll repeat that. You're not going to get a critique that is useful to you.

Cropping your photo is a dick move. They're probably upset that your photos are more interesting than a thousand photo of a beach or sunset or bird or whatever boring gooseberry fool. Seriously strawberry float them. Nerds.

I missed this earlier yesterday.

This isn't about just one thread on dpreview..i'm not that sensitive..it would include deviantart, rllmuk, real life. I've thought about this a lot, an awful lot. Just to find the time and motivation and be satisfied is enough, why does it matter?

It just occurred to me lately that it's about absorbing myself so fully into something and not being able to share it with others, in terms of being like; this is strawberry floating great isn't this strawberry floating great. It's not about a stuffy kind of aloof response, i can tell when the pure..cerebral rawness of them gets under their skin and they get a kick on that level. Really for this it only needs one person to feel it, but what I'm starved of is legitimacy.

It kills me to show people and for it to mean nothing-nothing. If you're a struggling comedian barely getting by you might doubt whether you'll ever get a break but you're at least on stage in a live setting. If you're in a band, maybe you don't come out with anything after a tour, and not doing exactly the music you want, and are average..but just doing a tour is success in itelf. An amazing thing. If the purpose and meaning of the stuff I'm doing is refused to be engaged with then it ceases to exist as anything.

This is the way something i put everything into is viewed: weird. Bordering on mentally ill. Taking photos of random people, what the strawberry float are you doing? At no point are they thinking; strawberry floating hell, you're very into this, clearly digging deep to express yourself through this medium. Because that's not the way they see photography or art in general. Photos have to be of things clearly defined things, and drawings have to be in pencil of a person.

I'll show people and look at how they respond. I can see something is happening but also see a refusal to engage. I'm not attaching themes like an attempt to get higher marks in GCSE coursework, the mood is consistent. To transform is fun anyway, but it is meant to capture the alienation of modern life, people reduced to vacant despondent stark forms lost in a void of black. It is meant to express depression and loneliness, it is meant to be aggressive and nihilistic, treat the human body violently - not as an attack on them but an expression of modern life's toil on them viewed through a modern lens, caused by excessive work, excessive consumption.

Work is shown as hell. Consumerism is not captured as a good thing that brings you happiness but as an illness, you paralysed in this anxious state, alone, surrounded by logos and signs, your body cut into a shape that looks like it's being pulled in conflicting directions at once. I'm not grasping..i resent a lot of modern life. I like cities for the range of people moving about independently, i like that they're lived in, worn, the old buildings among the new, the way things are built on top, around, over each other.

My photos upset my family when i show them, it's genuinely like opening up my brain and showing the darkness inside. It shouldn't be, it should be; you've done well there, IF you acknowledge the legitimacy of it and value it. We're really living through a time of knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing though.

back to dpreview..yeah they didn't like me questioning their monitors...don't question a calibrated monitor.

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Suffocate Peon
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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Suffocate Peon » Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:50 am

Vermilion wrote:Having made photobooks (between 2009 and 2015 i published yearbooks of my fave pics) i know what you mean about including images that you feel are more personal and stand out rather than shots which look the most professional, as i was always made sure to include things which i found to be quite striking even if they weren't the greatest on a more technical level.

Yeah, it's about you, your passion, love for it, the shots that you got a kick out of. Like a diary. The value in it is just jumping inside someone's head, hearing how their mind works. Venetian Snares has talked about this. He makes music daily, relentlessly, for him. But in the process of releasing it it becomes a 'product' to be consumed. And with that, expectations that to release it into the wider world it must match up to certain standards. There's a lot of cynicism about anyone who releases anything based on a suspicion of sincerity, whether it's personal or they're just mining the market. With Venetian Snares, he got a lot of hate from electronic music fans who thought he was copying Apex Twin. It's kind of absurd, he lives and breathes music.

You've been making photobooks a long time. :o

What site did you use, what do you use now ?

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Suffocate Peon
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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Suffocate Peon » Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:11 pm

The FZ150 i bought from ebay, a used one, for £100, to replace the one i have, has just arrived. I can't be technical because i don't know how to be, but there's a very loud creaking noise when you turn it on and whenever you zoom in and the lens protrudes out. I mean, very loud. Broken loud. Dropped camera loud. suffocate peon is getting angry. :evil:

All it said on ebay was it was used, good condition. To me that's broken. It works, or seems to. But if my other camera did that i'd think; something is wrong here, how long before it doesn't zoom in and out. It should be silent. Mine is silent.

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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Green Gecko » Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:37 pm

May be a dropped lens mechanism with creeky gears, chewed teeth, just about works but sounds mechanically nasty. May need lubrication. I know I've dropped a zoom lens as it retracted. It's fixable, but strawberry floating difficult. I still have a pile of parts in a Jiffy bag. It's not worth it.

Regarding your work. I think you are a real artist. By and large based on how you write and how you produce work. But I don't think you should seek legitimacy. Nobody can ever give you legitimacy. It either happens based on your criteria of success and what you're doing, or its fake, as in market forces. Then you become a commodity. Which is rarely good art. think you should just do your thing.

There is only one way to fail at art, and that is not doing it.

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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Vermilion » Fri Jun 08, 2018 3:19 pm

Suffocate Peon wrote:
Vermilion wrote:Having made photobooks (between 2009 and 2015 i published yearbooks of my fave pics) i know what you mean about including images that you feel are more personal and stand out rather than shots which look the most professional, as i was always made sure to include things which i found to be quite striking even if they weren't the greatest on a more technical level.

Yeah, it's about you, your passion, love for it, the shots that you got a kick out of. Like a diary. The value in it is just jumping inside someone's head, hearing how their mind works. Venetian Snares has talked about this. He makes music daily, relentlessly, for him. But in the process of releasing it it becomes a 'product' to be consumed. And with that, expectations that to release it into the wider world it must match up to certain standards. There's a lot of cynicism about anyone who releases anything based on a suspicion of sincerity, whether it's personal or they're just mining the market. With Venetian Snares, he got a lot of hate from electronic music fans who thought he was copying Apex Twin. It's kind of absurd, he lives and breathes music.

You've been making photobooks a long time. :o

What site did you use, what do you use now ?

I used a site called Blurb to put my work into print, and it was always my intention (when i started) to continue producing yearbooks until at least the end of the decade.

Unfortunately, I had to cancel 2016's book because of my dad's illness and subsequent passing, then for 2017 (i had intended to do a 2016-17 all in one book instead) my concentrating on YouTube, plus the fact that i just didn't really feel like it (the high cost of printing is always a pain) led to that being delayed and eventually cancelled too.

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Suffocate Peon
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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Suffocate Peon » Fri Jun 08, 2018 4:40 pm

Vermilion wrote:
Suffocate Peon wrote:
Vermilion wrote:Having made photobooks (between 2009 and 2015 i published yearbooks of my fave pics) i know what you mean about including images that you feel are more personal and stand out rather than shots which look the most professional, as i was always made sure to include things which i found to be quite striking even if they weren't the greatest on a more technical level.

Yeah, it's about you, your passion, love for it, the shots that you got a kick out of. Like a diary. The value in it is just jumping inside someone's head, hearing how their mind works. Venetian Snares has talked about this. He makes music daily, relentlessly, for him. But in the process of releasing it it becomes a 'product' to be consumed. And with that, expectations that to release it into the wider world it must match up to certain standards. There's a lot of cynicism about anyone who releases anything based on a suspicion of sincerity, whether it's personal or they're just mining the market. With Venetian Snares, he got a lot of hate from electronic music fans who thought he was copying Apex Twin. It's kind of absurd, he lives and breathes music.

You've been making photobooks a long time. :o

What site did you use, what do you use now ?

I used a site called Blurb to put my work into print, and it was always my intention (when i started) to continue producing yearbooks until at least the end of the decade.

Unfortunately, I had to cancel 2016's book because of my dad's illness and subsequent passing, then for 2017 (i had intended to do a 2016-17 all in one book instead) my concentrating on YouTube, plus the fact that i just didn't really feel like it (the high cost of printing is always a pain) led to that being delayed and eventually cancelled too.

Oh I use Blurb too. Do you have a link to any books? I really wanted to get the cost down to £10-15, but the low quality paper with the faded black wasn't enough for anything submerged in darkness, and the pages would fall out. I can get the cost down to £27 which is not great. The last book was 280 pages, i keep re doing it to get to a standard do them all in. I do it landscape so you flick the pages upwards, everything taken in 3:2 now and i can fill the pages. I wanted to do 26 books titling the first under a, then b, c...so it's easy to see where each fits to the year they were taken. The year and places go on the spine. Might drop to 240 pages, or 200. No words inside. Then do a zoo book.

Sorry about your dad. Did you show family any of your photobooks?

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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Vermilion » Fri Jun 08, 2018 6:55 pm

Suffocate Peon wrote:Oh I use Blurb too. Do you have a link to any books?

Sure, this was the last one i produced, though the preview doesn't show very much...


Suffocate Peon wrote:I really wanted to get the cost down to £10-15, but the low quality paper with the faded black wasn't enough for anything submerged in darkness, and the pages would fall out. I can get the cost down to £27 which is not great. The last book was 280 pages, i keep re doing it to get to a standard do them all in. I do it landscape so you flick the pages upwards, everything taken in 3:2 now and i can fill the pages. I wanted to do 26 books titling the first under a, then b, c...so it's easy to see where each fits to the year they were taken. The year and places go on the spine. Might drop to 240 pages, or 200. No words inside. Then do a zoo book.

I found the prices to be usually around £40 for my yearbooks as i always went for full colour printing with high quality paper.

Suffocate Peon wrote:Sorry about your dad. Did you show family any of your photobooks?

Thanks, it was one of the hardest times of my life and even now i'm not the same person.

My family saw my yearbooks as i've always had a physical copy produced for me to keep. On one occasion however, i made a small photobook of my town and that ended up being sold in the local bookshop which was incredibly neat. I still remember seeing it in the window and having that feeling of sheer pride, the title sold out too which was even more special.

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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Cuttooth » Sun Jun 10, 2018 3:20 pm


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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by jawafour » Sun Jun 10, 2018 3:30 pm

Cuttooth wrote:(five photographs)

:shock: .

Wow! Did you take these yourself, Cut'? :o .

Stunning stuff!

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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Cuttooth » Sun Jun 10, 2018 9:46 pm

jawafour wrote:
Cuttooth wrote:(five photographs)

:shock: .

Wow! Did you take these yourself, Cut'? :o .

Stunning stuff!

I mean, yeah, the thread title isn't "Nick someone else's photos and post them here". ;)

But thank you!

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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Kezzer » Sun Jun 10, 2018 9:50 pm

Thats what the pics and gifs thread is for

This post is exempt from the No Context Thread.

Tomous wrote:Tell him to take his fake reality out of your virtual reality and strawberry float off

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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Cuttooth » Thu Jul 19, 2018 9:34 pm

Beachy Head


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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Vermilion » Fri Jul 20, 2018 7:35 am

Very nice :)

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Victor Mildew
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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Victor Mildew » Fri Jul 20, 2018 8:09 am


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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by jawafour » Fri Jul 20, 2018 8:54 am

Cuttooth wrote:Beachy Head


I enjoy checking out your photos, Cut, and this one is particularly delicious. It has a wonderfully odd angle; the cliff side on the left looks almost "Inception-effect-like" in comparison to the light house in the distance. Tremendously intriguing composition!

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PostRe: Take some amazing photos and post them here
by Drumstick » Fri Jul 20, 2018 8:58 am

He's really nailed that wonderfully picturesque suicide spot vibe.


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