The Comments Thread

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by That » Mon Mar 27, 2017 9:15 pm

Knoyleo wrote:And try explaining to the kids why it's fair for some of them to get to take time out of school, and others not. What kind of message does it send to them?

"Work harder"?

OK, I admit it's somewhat trickier than that. I know not every kid can be a little genius. Probably "tries hard, is nice, has good attendance" is a better threshold than pure grades.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:37 pm

Who won Legs-it?

Maybe women are getting a little tired of always being treated as a joke in politics?

Nice virtue signalling, "Mike"

SJWs form a nice neat line behind "Mike" so you can all wail in turn (don't forget your green anti-Trump dresses)

The clue is in the headline ...LIGHTHEARTED ! Here's my tip of the day. I can't stand Elton John's music so I don't listen to it. If the Daily Mail offends you, don't read it. Unless of course you are one of these people who scours the media looking for something to offend you today.

Can we not accept it as a light hearted joke, or are we all now too PC?

liberal snowflakes in top gear . pathetic . why are these people so easily offended ??? ordinary people 99% of the population could not care less.

Cue mass feminist triggering in 3... 2.. 1.


Two overpaid WOMEN!!!!!

They only care about their appearance and not about politics or their countries...!!

The makeup sturgeon wears is just a JOKE!!!!

Both should be sacked for trying to MODEL!!!

They are supposed to be POLITICIANS!!!!

To be classed as offensive the subject etc has to offend at least one person.

So as we are but 1 of 70 million people everybody at some time will be 'offended' by something.

This used to be called a different opinion...

Now it is called 'offensive'........

I despair sometimes..

P.S click up if you agree with me - click down if you are 'offended, by me..

is this the world we live in now that this is somehow a shameful headline? Are you that sick of apologising for Radicalised murderers you have to instead shriek about the danger of Hate preaching about drawing attention to the legs of 2 of the most prominent world leaders in the world. If you hadn't got outraged about this, I wouldn't even know it exists because I don't read the Daily Mail

Can't people just accept this for what it is, humor, that's why the world is in the mess its in, everything has to be so serious!

Girls shave their legs and wear skirts to look nice, then folks moan when people take notice?

this has really got the PC brigade on overtime....harriet harperson no less on the ball...fancy waking up to that miserable so and so...

Amazing all these butthurts for a picture, grow some balls and stop crying to mummy.

Well with faces like that perhaps it's better to concentrate on the legs...

crass headline but what about equality?
you women are happy to drool over topless men when it suits so grow up
snowflake society let alone generation

As long as they're wearing pantyhose to highlight their legs then I don't see a problem whatsoever.
Bare legs should be made illegal.

Sums up the intelligence of the readers, could be worse I noted some papers had a lead story from a popular soap. Some papers are for the not so intelligent. These are such papers, rags written for and by the generation who can not cope with real life and want House wives of where ever getting rich off being dumber than dumb. And now the BBC stoop to reporting the fact. GROW UP BBC, GET A GRIP. ;)

Female TV journalists can have a very lucrative career by flashing their legs, both here and the United States - and yes, they aren't children, they know exactly what they're doing and the big bucks TV contracts that'll be offered to them. And this happens on all the major UK channels.

Perhaps they should wear burkas next time.

Why don't women have the same dress code as men? No skirts or shorts. No make up etc. If they had the same standards as men, they would not be "objectified". They are objectified by their choice of clothing. If they had wore trousers this debate would never occurred. I will wait for the hate comments!

people need to grow up.. its a laugh..woman love all this fashion stuff, except probobly harriet harperson, and even she dresses up like dogs dinner sometimes..rem what they say "the only thing worse than people talking about you people not talking about you".

Lovely to see the ladies wearing skirts and not those awful trousers.
Skirts and dresses complement the female shape, trousers do not, they are fine sometimes for some tasks, but not all the time.
Men are attracted to women and it is natural to admire them.
They both have nice legs and it does my heart good to see them looking so good.
God bless you both

Typical women - flash their legs/boobs to draw attention away from their faces/policies and then whine about not being taken seriously.

This is not sexism. The two women were nearly half-naked so naturally the media focused on their appearance. This is part of a wider issue of women being able to wear almost anything in the workplace (short skirts, make-up, colourful tops, open-necks, high heels) while men still have to cover everything up and wear a traditional suit. THAT is sexism and THAT is what desperately needs modernising.


"Two extremely unattractive women"

I think this is a little harsh.

Whilst I wouldn't touch Theresa May with yours, Nicola Sturgeon has that something about her - like she'd just love getting it from behind.

Then the women should dress in a manner that would not allow such photographs to be published. Women in their position should know better. They should wear trousers and button up blouses. No plunging necklines or cleavage is acceptable. Sleeveless wear is also unacceptable. They should cover up and then they would be viewed seriously.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Blue Eyes » Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:44 pm

I'm having my own Legs-it argument now on the Guardian live politics blog. I'm responding to Amoux's indifference:

Amoux: Look I don't care for the Daily Mail at all, but I think some people are simply too easily offended these days. Why get in such a tizzy over something so utterly banal? It's trivial, ffs. The list of things you can't say has become longer than the things you can.

Me: It's not banal or trivial to normalize sexism on the front page of one of the top-selling newspapers in the country.

Amoux: If you don't want to read the shite, then don't pick up the rag. The response or lack of one by No10 was the right one. I certainly would not give the DM the time of day.

Me: I don't pick it up. And why is the lack of condemnation by No10 the right thing to do? Because the DM is the Tories' biggest supporter? It's a disgrace that they don't criticize it because it's effectively affirming their backwards attitude towards women.

Amoux: We have freedom of speech in this country, and that includes trivial nonsense that the DM spews out. You waggling your finger saying *tut tut* does not do anything remotely good. In fact all this faux outrage probably increases the DM popularity.

Me: That freedom of speech enables me to criticize, to be fair. What good does your indifferent attitude to it do?

That's it so far. It's been a bit annoying.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:52 pm

Why subject yourself to that kind of thing? Must be like scratching your eyes with bits of glass.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Rightey » Tue Mar 28, 2017 1:06 pm

Errkal wrote:I do t think Brightness should be the decider, if the kid is a banana split no, if they are good then it's cool. They should be up to expected standard sort of thing, but generally it should be behaviour based.

"I'm terribly sorry Mr. and Mrs. Smith, we can't let Timmy take time off from school as he's a banana split. Yes...Yes.. It's true we did let Billy's family go but he's not nearly as big of a banana split as your kid."

Yeah that would work swimmingly.

Pelloki on ghosts wrote:Just start masturbating furiously. That'll make them go away.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Benzin » Tue Mar 28, 2017 1:15 pm

Maybe they should look at all the travel companies/hotels hiking their prices ridiculously when holidays come around instead...

If the same holiday/flight wasn't double/triple the price then fewer people would want to take kids out of school mid term time...

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Squinty » Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:45 pm

The second from last comment :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Tomous » Tue Mar 28, 2017 4:10 pm

Squinty wrote:The second from last comment :lol:

Absolute gold :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:38 pm

Cut coffee cup use by charging a fee

What is this nonsense? I can see a relationship between dead turtles and plastic bags, but this is the kind of bureaucracy I thought we turned we turned our back on when we voted out of the EU. A paper cup will hurt no one. They grow on .. well... trees! The plastic cap is a nonhazardous byproduct of the petroleum industry.

Come on folks, we've got more to worry about then cups!

All those liberal trendies thinking they are oh-so-cool with their fancy coffees, probably think they are quite 'green' too. Should be banned completely, reusable cups only And we could ban plastic bottles of water while we are at it. .

When they came for the smokers, I did nothing as I did not smoke.
When they can for the obese I did nothing as I was thin.
When that came for the drinkers, I did nothing as I did not drink.

When they came for the coffee drinkers, there was no one to protest.

Welcome to the nanny sate.

This as a bit like the plastic bag tax. Completely unnecessary!

Biodegradable cups is the solution, but that doesn't bring in any revenue does it!

I am strongly begging to believe that all this unnecessary draconianionous is about the control of people rather anything else.

Good news, but it would be even better if post-Brexit they just put a huge import tax on coffee.

It's a foul, disgusting drink and British people are supposed to drink tea, the drink of champions.

It might even convince a few Johnny Foreigners to leave as well, so two birds with one stone :)

No it wouldn't.
Going to work I see people risking their lives running in traffic to get a cup of coffee ahead of the needy queue coming off the train.
I think less opportunity to buy a coffee would be brilliant!

This American obsession with staring at your 'phone and carrying a £3.00 cup of hot water scuttling to work; that's £700 - £1000 a year, people!!
It's pathetic!

A great idea and the sooner this is done the better.

There is no doubt the anti-democratic iphone/ipad coffee house feckless young (sub 40 years old) cannot be trusted to dispose of the present cups as they litter our countryside?

No ever having felt the need to 'hang-out' (perhaps I have a life?) in a 'look-at-me' coffee house I have never been challenged by where to dispose of my cup. Sad

The UK is awash with coffee addicts.

They come in all shapes and sizes but will predominantly have awful breath and stained teeth while they spend their days queuing for extraordinary long periods of time for their fix before bulldozing through other walkers, boiling hot drink in a flimsy receptacle first, without a care for whom they walk into.

Coffee is an acceptable high street drug.

Can we also slap £50 Tax on skirts because it offends feminist's?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Hexx » Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:44 pm

I like the idea of "The Nanny State" is "stopping people killing themselves"

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:50 pm

Hexx wrote:I like the idea of "The Nanny State" is "stopping people killing themselves"

I liked that they think making smokers go outside is equivalent to the holocaust.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Errkal » Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:51 pm

Comment 1, Why we voted out of the EU, research done in Cardiff...

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:52 pm

Offends feminist's what?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:57 pm

Preezy wrote:Offends feminist's what?


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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Rightey » Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:00 pm

Yes, coffee, unlike tea is completely foreign. Got to think about those small time British tea leaf farmers. :lol:

Pelloki on ghosts wrote:Just start masturbating furiously. That'll make them go away.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Rex Kramer » Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:44 am

Rightey wrote:Yes, coffee, unlike tea is completely foreign. Got to think about those small time British tea leaf farmers. :lol:

Yorkshire is awash with paddy fields churning out proper Yorkshire tea.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Fri Mar 31, 2017 3:12 pm

Rex Kramer wrote:
Rightey wrote:Yes, coffee, unlike tea is completely foreign. Got to think about those small time British tea leaf farmers. :lol:

Yorkshire is awash with paddy fields churning out proper Yorkshire tea.

Yeah but what will they do when they send all those EU Irish back?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Dowbocop » Sat Apr 01, 2017 11:57 am

Rightey wrote:Yes, coffee, unlike tea is completely foreign. Got to think about those small time British tea leaf farmers. :lol:

I don’t drink tea. I hate it. It’s mud. Moreover, it’s one of the main reasons for the downfall of the British Empire. Be a good girl and make me some coffee.

Not my words, the words of Jimmy B...

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Knoyleo » Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:03 pm

I had to Google that to find out who you meant.

Who the strawberry float calls James Bond, Jimmy B? :dread:

pjbetman wrote:That's the stupidest thing ive ever read on here i think.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Dowbocop » Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:49 pm

Knoyleo wrote:I had to Google that to find out who you meant.

Who the strawberry float calls James Bond, Jimmy B? :dread:

It happens all the time in the books, James Bond is his codename, do your research mate :roll:

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